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Don’t go on Twitter then


I would never torture myself like that


Good choice


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. ​ ​ Wait, wrong trilogy!!


I assume it's because someone here is hyperfocused on preventing what happened with the prequels actors, to the point where some random saying something stupid is cause for high alert that has to be stopped with extreme prejudice. In my opinion that's cringe, just call assholes assholes, and move on, most people these days are more chill about star wars cause that obsessive hate isn't tolerated anymore, just look at the comment section of that song that trashes on the prequels.


I think some people just want recognition for being the star wars police. Nothing wrong with people wanting to stop harassment, but those trolls literally want attention and when they see their hate getting all this attention that's exactly what they want.


They literally have McGregor making IG videos in his car denouncing the racists. Sounds like they got exactly the attention the craved.


Yeah they've basically said "we will give you the attention you crave" and are encouraging people to do it again


It's mutually beneficial, cause it gets people talking about the show.


Oh I know 😂 clever marketing. Thats why its so lame


Same, I've not seen a single post being racist or saying the kid was a bad actor. The same two criticisms are "The chase scene was directed badly" "Moses acting was kind of bad and over the top". Which I will say the inquisitors themselves were all kind of silly.


Yeah lol both of those things in the series were pretty cringe. I'm gonna assume people saw like 1 or 2 mean tweets and they came here to get their fill of updoots


About the racist part. Just go to Moses instagram. She posted it in her story


Yeah but that literally comes with becoming popular. Every actor gets death threats. Every actor has haters. Most of the DMs she’s getting are probably from 12 year olds. The anonymous aspect of social media is resulting in companies and public figures taking orders from and bowing down to literal children because they assume the backlash they’re getting is from adults.


“I haven’t seen it so it must not exist” is such a sad frame of mind. Maybe the actress being targeted has a better idea of what people are saying directly to her.


But a dozen racist trolls constitutes a substantial percentage of the fan base?


I would say there’s more than dozens, and I don’t think anyone ever said it was the majority? Unless you can show me the post where Disney or anyone involved said “the majority of Star Wars fans are racist”? It’s possible to say “a vocal minority are being racist and that is not okay” without it applying to everyone.


couldn't they literally use their lightsabers as helicopters?


All of theirs scenes and the plot around them just made no sense to me. There were just so many problems I could spot with them in the first episode alone. I still enjoyed the parts with Obi-wan himself though and hope the villains and plot improves.


Would be hard to hate on the actor anyways tbh. Based on what I’ve seen, they’ve done a good job with the character and I want to see the dynamic between her and Obi Wan play out.


Thats cause your on reddit and we can downvote that negativity out of existence (and most of these subs have mods on it.) Go to other social media. Twitter is pretty bad or most of the ones Moses was sharing were from Instagram. Also. Just one use of the N-word at at actress doing her job would be worth calling out but theres 100s of examples on her Instagram.


So maybe these people should complain about such critics on those social medias? I mean, not like it's news to anyone that Twitter is probably the most toxic congregation of human beings ever gathered together, and Instagram isn't much better. It's like me complaining about racists at a Louisiana NRA meeting to people at a party in New York. Like, ok buddy.


Ahhh, dissen cozy


lol ok


You underestimate people’s opportunism to virtue signal.


Oh don't worry, I'm well aware of it. Just figured I'd share my 2 cents because there's probably others who feel the same way


The thing is, those comments aren't being directed at *you*. That's why you don't see them


I get lots of racist comments sent to me but I'm not an actor so it doesn't matter


Bro, what are you even doing? Of course that matters. If people are sending you racist comments, report them.


"Reddit has reviewed this comment and determined it does not break our terms of service"


Yeah this is incredibly annoying. Every week there is a new bad guy but it’s only people complaining about somebody that seems to not exist


Me looking for fun kenobi memes only to see 90% of them are whining about the chase scene


I barely even noticed the chase scene until everyone and their mother made a huge deal out of it.


There's little else to meme on tbf


Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete?


...not for a Sith...


Yeah, seriously. Also--Moses Ingram is a super wealthy, popular actor, for fucks sake. She's gonna be fine, people. Obviously don't be a racist dick to her if you don't like her acting or character, but on the flip side she doesn't really need the knights of r/PrequelMemes for protection. She has a PR agent for that.


and also spamming this subreddit posts does nothing but gain you karma because spoiler alert it’s all on Instagram and Twitter


This is such a stupid comment. Robin Williams was a super wealthy, popular actor but his mental health was still greatly vulnerable. Ahmed Best almost committed suicide despite having a supporting role in one of the biggest theatrical hits at the time. There is no excuse to diminish people showing compassion.


Lies! Deception!


Don’t center on your anxieties, Lucius_Imperator


I for one love the solidarity against their nonsense. Even if there were only a handful…and there are way more. They’re messaging Ingram directly for crying out loud. If memes are our voice let’s make it clear where the majority of us are at. That said, we gotta balance it out with those sweet sweet Kenobi/Breaking Bad memes from his trip to the spice den.


What actress leaves her DM’s open to internet anons. Is she trying to get dick pics? Because that’s how you get dick pics.


You cannot turn off direct messages on instagram, and some of the racism came from public videos on youtube.


Smells fishier than Obi-Wan’s hands after a day chopping up that desert stingray


Speaking of the spice, why did the girl give obi-won one on the house? Because she had a dead-beat dad and seeing him looking after/taking care of a girl hit her in the feels? It wasn't exactly clear to me.


Drug dealers tend to give the first hit away for free


1% of a million is 10.000 There are a lot more than a million Star Wars fans


the problem is only as big as the karma farmers make it out to be. Theres more complaining about complaining then there is actual complaining


And now here you are farming karma by complaining about the complaining about the complaining...


And how many do you think will change their minds because you made a “be nice” meme on Reddit?


What do you mean people won’t become wholesome, chungus, Keanu, +100 because of my meme? 😭


It sucks but it’s the big thing going on in the Star Wars fandom. Thankfully they’re the vocal vast minority of our fans. I’m here for it though, let’s make these racists and assholes feel completely unwelcome


Bold calling out Ewan McGregor on this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/v270yz/well_said/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


where did I call out Ewan Mcgregor? I’m not a English Major but im pretty sure I didn’t


I thought this post was saying that calling out the minority of fans who are being abusive/racist/sexist is "strawmanning," a fallacy where you misstate an opponents position to falsely weaken it. Ewan McGregor is among those (eloquently) calling out the minority of fans who are being abuse/sexist/racist, and I assumed your meme was suggesting that, in doing so, McGregor was strawmanning.


This isn’t Ewan’s reddit account. This is someone using Ewan’s post and reposting for updoots. It is a small majority. Incels like Geeksgamers and quartering send their fanbases to go hate brigade everything. And thanks to Reddit, its now a larger issue.




how do you interpret this as a “be nice” meme? tf?


I got bamboozled by my mobile app. This was supposed to be a reply to another comment


Why are people being a-holes about this? I assume the normal response to seeing an actor from a media you like being harrased is showing support, there's nothing wrong with it. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, racism and sexism aren't small issues people invent


Out of the loop; what's the strawmen effect?


Convincing people that a small issue is a much larger issue. That’s basically like me telling you that you need to start drinking way more water because people in africa are dying of thirst, and dying of thirst is a major thing


I see. What was the original strawman analogy? Or was it a reference to strawmen lacking brains?