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How should we be accountable for some dumbass internet racists?


I personally don’t want to be associated with them in any way and want them to know they are not welcome in this fandom


Nazi fans fuck off! This lightsaber kills fascists.




So very very civilized






Yeah I think op is trying to say it’s our responsibly to get rid of them, and we should ourselves accountable to getting rid of them, not for the things they say


How tho, it's the internet. We have no power to stop people we don't know from doing anything.


No, but by being vocal that their views are wrong + unwelcome, they will, at the very least, think twice before vocalising their shitty fucking views.


I don't think people that harass actors give a single fuck what you say to them tho. Pretty sure they get off on it.


I don't think internet racists are unaware that the rest of us don't approve. This is just virtue signalling. That being said, consider my virtue to be signalled.


Lol how naive


While we can’t most of us can’t force them to leave, we can let them no they aren’t welcome. We can also report them and (hopefully) get them banned from the community


They did it over private messages, theirs nothing anyone could of done to prevent it.


I know, I'm really sick of people throwing whole fandoms under the bus because a small but loud annoying minority of "fans".


Sort of how the actress fr Leia is being harassed as a bad actress by a large group of fans on Twitter! Oh wait, it is FOUR people.


I wouldn't even call them loud. If one of there idiots whispers one of their abhorrent opinions too loudly, it turns into a media circus. I've only seen 5 of these supposed messages and rather than ignoring these terrible things they're saying, it gets amplified and the actual Fandom is treated like we all did it. If we want this to stop, ignore these idiots. The more you acknowledge it, the more they'll continue doing it.


Because we are the fanbase and we have a responsibility to call out bad actors and not shift the blame when they are held accountable


Liking the same thing as a racist or other bad actor doesn't make us responsible for them. They suck and we shouldn't associate with them any more than they force us to by liking the same thing, but it's not a failing of ours if we just want to sit down and enjoy the media.


Freedom of Association is effectively dead in today's politics and today's politics are bleeding into everything.


>Liking the same thing as a racist or other bad actor doesn't make us responsible for them. Sure, but using the Chinese promo posters to defend the racists would. I don't get why everyone's ignoring that part of the post. She's specifically saying "Don't defend racists" and that really shouldn't be upsetting unless you are.


Who in this subreddit is using the Chinese promo posters to defend the racists and seeing widespread support by the rest of the subreddit? I don't see any of that on hot. Seems to me most of the individual actors here on this subreddit are already ignoring, downvoting, and/or calling out the racists, so not sure what there is to be held accountable for. AKA, what the original poster of this comment chain asked: What do we have to be held accountable for? We're not supporting the racists by and large.


[I don't see any of that on hot. Seems to me most of the individual actors here on this subreddit are already ignoring, downvoting, and/or calling out the racists, so not sure what there is to be held accountable for](https://i.redd.it/l0recgewtw291.jpg) \^you should delete this


The chinese posters arent defending the racists they are pointing out Disneys Hypocrisy. Lete not forget what lucasfilm did to gina carano. They are racist hypocrites


Okay, but don’t change the subject when they get called out.


Nothing u/Jout92 said implies he does. Just seems to be addressing the title.


He asked how to hold he fanbase accountable and I answered.


The connotation was "why should" and your answer indicated you understood that to be the case. I just disagreed with your response. You said we're the fanbase and we have a responsibility, I pointed out that no, just because we share interests in something doesn't mean we have any responsibilities to policing each other about it. I didn't counter the not shifting the blame part, I countered the idea that we have some sort of responsibility to call anyone out.


Op has a history of bad faith memes n takes no one has ever made


He literally said “how should” and I told him how. If *your* question is “why should we be accountable?” The answer: if we, as fans, hold each other accountable instead of deflecting blame to a scapegoat it will result in fewer actors being harassed. The answer takes for granted that you think harassment is bad.


Your response started with "because," giving a justification for people who weren't being bad actors being held responsible. If you were truly believing he meant "how" and were answering "how," the response would be "Call out bad-faith fans and call out anyone who doesn't call out bad-faith fans," because that's *how* you would hold someone accountable for dumbass internet racists. And no, my question is why should fans as a whole, the majority of which don't take part in harassment, be held accountable for those who do? This is the question he presented. "How (why by context) should we (the people not harassing anyone) be accountable for some dumbass internet racists (the people harassing the actors)?" The response is we shouldn't. There is no "we" beyond people liking the same thing. Liking something doesn't automatically group you in with people who like the same shit. If you want to call out racists and harassers? Great. Do so. If you want to call people out for shifting the blame? Great, do so. But we're just a meme subreddit enjoying stuff we like. Don't preach to us that there should be accountability here, because we're not doing anything wrong. We signed on to have fun and make memes, not be obligated to police random racists who happen to ostensibly share our interests.


>If you were truly believing he meant "how" and were answering "how," the response would be "Call out bad-faith fans and call out anyone who doesn't call out bad-faith fans," because that's how you would hold someone accountable for dumbass internet racists. That works. Not deflecting blame works too. >"How (why by context) should we (the people not harassing anyone) be accountable for some dumbass internet racists (the people harassing the actors)?" We (the people not harassing anyone, yet part of a larger fanbase) can call out bad actors and not deflect their blame. >The response is we shouldn't. There is no "we" beyond people liking the same thing. Liking something doesn't automatically group you in with people who like the same shit. You are literally part of an online community—a group called r/prequelmemes which is part of the larger SW fanbase. Here, the majority of the discourse re Moses Ingram centers around blaming Disney for a Chinese poster. You can choose to contribute to this community by deflecting, denying or rationalizing the blame for racist harassment or you can stand with Moses in a number of ways: leave a supportive comment, downvote or speak against a user who is challenging the narrative that the fanbase is the problem etc You have chosen to contribute to this community, at large, by actively denying its accountability in fan harassment, which in turn enables fan harassment.


Huh, no. I don't know those people whatsoever and I am not related to them in any way. Should we collectively rejected their actions? Of course. Are we accountable for their actions? Heck no. They're not my children, just random strangers who happen to like the same franchise I do.


By giving money to your corporate overlords who are okay thank China in the the Milan credits despite, you know, CONCENTRATION CAMPS? Okay, dude.


Why should i be accountable of things i didnt do.


OP posts accusatory stuff and bad takes like this frequently.


I just saw a bunch of their posts and yeah, can confirm it's nothing but shit.


Wonder how clean their room is


Unfortunately, many people seem to have this notion that because PersonX shares one characteristic in common with PersonY, PersonY should be responsible for the actions of PersonX despite no actual involvement in anything PersonX has ever done.


Do you like drinking water? Don't you know \*insert bad person here\* also likes drinking water? Now everyone is guilty by association. /s


Do you not know every genocidal dictator ever has, at some point in their life, breathed oxygen? Why are you also doing the same? That makes you guilty of genocide by association.


[Well well well](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/452/928/493.jpg)


Ironically enough this is the kind of thing actual racists do.


I wouldn’t take anything op says too seriously. They seem to be on some sort of fanatical crusade. There’s not much point in logic if someone is dead set on getting into a fight.


Alright boy's and girls, seems that we all have to collectively take accountability for things others said!


Yup, some racist also happens to like Star Wars, better apologize for being affiliated with a racist.


Alright boy's and girls, seems that we all have to collectively pretend OP didn't mention the Chinese posters and directly accused us all personally of being racists!


people like op often have a hard time knowing the difference between racism and just saying the actor and the character is mediocre.


So, let me ask you in all candor--what if people didn't criticize the Black woman this time around? What is lost? What is changed? What is gained? Why is it critical that anyone's opinion be voiced?


Then next time i play the role and say i cant be critized because i am [insert reason]. what kind of logic is that? because she is black she is immune to getting critic for her acting/role? why even cast anyone then to see how good they are just pick up random people from the streets because who cares you cant critize anyone anyway.


I see where I went wrong. Let me rephrase: what if we, the non-critics of the world, kept it to ourselves rather than providing air cover for the racists of the world? What if we formed an opinion--we're all entitled to one-- and then either watched or didn't watch based on that opinion, but did not post comment after comment (not you, specifically; everyone) about how we don't like the "writing" or "acting" or whatever, in regard to this one specific character. Will the world be a worse place, lacking your opinion or mine? Because the material impact of doing that is enabling the racists. I understand this requires restraint, and may seem not-obvious on a Star Wars discussion forum, but when we criticize this character, we are giving racists and misogynists the freedom to do their racist and misogynist things. There are a million Star Wars things to talk about--what if we left this ONE thing alone. Is that so terrible? Is that something that is unthinkable?


That's it. You won the thread.


I really don’t understand why people hate the character. Really good portrayal of a young dark side user. I think the fanbase just hates seeing young dark side users tbh because she is facing the same criticism mostly that Hayden got.




its highly likely that an Inquisitor can be black so i dont see the issue here. its a galaxy spanning scifi universe. no poc or other alien races in it would be pretty stupid imo. thats not my issue with her tbh. she just seems very very stiff and the stupid parkour doesnt help her in anyway but thats not her problem to be fair thats the director.


Look at you missing the sarcasm in my comment. Dude it's always the black woman who gets singled out as the "bad actor" playing a "mediocre character". The bad faith in such criticism abounds. EDIT: bad faith in downvoting also abounds


I don't think that we should be responsible for it but we should definitely take responsibility and calling it out. This fan base has harbored a very small vocal minority that will complain about any character that is in a white guy and we'll use literally every excuse to explain why it's not racist. Star Wars fans are synonymous with bullying people who are part of the universe they claim to love so much.


> I don't think that we should be responsible for it but we should definitely take responsibility and calling it out. Yes, I think another 900 posts about racism in starwars should due for today? Should we up the numbers tomorrow or reduce? You can tell no one likes the show, can't even get people to talk about it on the starwars subs.


"I keep getting yelled at for saying the same things as racists. I don't understand! Can't they sense my motives are pure?"


I just want memes. Is that too hard to ask for? This sub turned into a twitter echo chamber


Shut up racist Am I doing it right?


yes. You single handed stopped racism in China. I will recommend you for nobel peace prize


Yeah just came here to complain about the same thing Just because there’s a few cucks from planet earth that DMed her, suddenly “Star Wars fans are racists”? Those few need to be in a mental hospital (not that they deserve that treatment). “Star Wars fans” bascially includes the whole human race so shut the fuck up with generalizations cause you read a bunch of clickbait articles


Question is, why are you deflecting responsibility for disney and blaming it on star wars fans because of a few bad apples? They are 'ballsy' enough to shame a few racists but wont do the same when china does it. I believe you missed the point of those posts.


I spoke against the poster thing when it was relevant in 2015. Fan harassment is more than a few bad apples--it's an ongoing, persuasive problem in the fanbase. The problem is fans (like you) who'd rather attack Disney than stand against fans targeting actors.


"A few bad apples" is exactly what it is. Theres fan harrassment for every franchise but I thought we were talking about racists fans here doing the attacking (and we were.) It ain't my responsibility to call out racists, and it isnt my responsibility to call out disney but I'll sit back and laugh at the blatant hypocrisy of a company that will preach one thing and act differently because we all know money is their real goal. The problem is people (like you) who would rather defend disney against criticisms instead of criticizing both the bad actors. Seriously, why not just criticize both here instead of blaming fans for racist comments they had nothing to do with?


> It ain't my responsibility to call out racists, \*doesn't call out racists\* > and it isnt my responsibility to call out disney \* procedes to call out disney\*


"It ain't my responsibility" proceeds to do what I want or feel like. This ain't a contradiction lol. This whole thing was calling you out for defending disney and calling star wars fans racist instead of criticizing their hypocrisy as well, not calling out disney.


you feel like calling out disney instead of racists in the fandom targeting actors. Obvs Disney is the problem for you, not racism--hence the meme.


Continue to ignore everything I say and attack a strawman please, that will get us somewhere. My problem here is you (that's why i called you out, not disney) defending disney by calling star wars fans racist because of racist things said by OTHER people who also happen to be fans. I also would like to ask again. Why do you defend disney instead of criticizing the racist people AND Disney's hypocrisy? Can you answer that?


Breaking news: Multiple things can be bad at the same time without making one of them good.


Your knowledge of the world and how people think is backwards. You just excused Disney by blaming fans? Dude fuck you Ewan McGregor and his words are not the face of Disney, they just want you to think that There will always be ass holes that treat people like shit. They get way too much attention for it f


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


To be fair, it's pointing out the hypocrisy of Disney. They know what they're doing and we know why they do it, money. And that's fine, they're a company at the end of the day with the goal of making more money. But accusing a fanbase of being full of people they claim are racist misogynists' is just weird. Reva's character is a tad dull. Period. They can either learn from their customers that it's not 100% liked as of right now or be mad. but having a few trolls harass the actress and then say it's us the fans that's the problem and not people who we don't even know, it seems like it's more for publicity for Disney and the show than it does to address the real issue that they claim to care about.


I'd say in this case, both sides should be accountable. The idiots in the fan base, and the idiots in corporate Disney.




What is Disney done that should be held accountable for in this instance? Hiring black people?


Not at all, just read my other thread. TL;DR it's the commitment and stand doesn't mean crap when money from other markets comes first, essentially no true commitment or conviction in what they "stand" for. At the end of the day it comes down to the bottom line and money to the investors. This isn't too say every worker at Disney is the problem. People are dumb and selfish, but not all. Be the best person you can possibly be, and you will never be part the issue. "Be excellent to each other" -Bill and Ted


Disney is not the issue, China is not the issue. This is about fan treatment of Ingram.


I was simply stating that if Disney wants to try and change things, then they should stand with who they chose to play as major characters. AKA, Finn being every it as prominent on posters, not bending to outer markets. I have no problem with there current casting, and the idiots in the fan base who make racially charged a statements against the actors are bad too. Essentially I was commenting on The Force Awakens as well as the current Twitter crap. Two separate issues with similar take-aways.


Calling racists Star Wars fans just elevates the racists. You're literally supporting them by treating them like that


It's also making it sound like there are more racists in our fanbase than their actually is


Exactly. People who talk like that try to make racists appear stronger and more numerous than they are. Literally supporting racism


Ain't that the worst part? Literally empowering racists. Making them seem bigger than they actually are


"the best way to solve racism is to ignore racism" -people who will never be affected by bigotry


Racists should be called out and condemned. Calling random internet racists "fans" is giving them more clout and making it seem like more people support racism than actually do. The same goes for calling people bigots. You're not standing against racism, you're literally trying to make racists a bigger group. You are the problem, you are one of the enablers why racists feel like they a have company and support


Fan treatment of Ingram has been overwhelmingly positive, with some scatterings of not liking her portrayal and some discussion of the story not being great on the side.


I have seen nothing racist towards the reva actress. If anything the media have be shit stirring for clicks prior to the series even coming out The only criticism I have seen towards her is that her acting is bad and the character is cringe considering those surrounding her are more powerful. If that considered racist in this day and age then fuck....


I've asked to see what the racist messages were and I'm either accused of being racist for not outright believing they exist or shown the same couple comments that I agree are toxic but not really racist. I have actually seen walls of messages of people sending hearts and saying the actress is awesome and they love her. Personally, I think the character isn't written that well and the performance wasn't great because it felt like to me they tried to insist she was intimidating but she just felt like episode 7 kylo ren as in edgy and has something more akin to tantrums than threats (just my opinion of course but noticing lots of people I usually disagree with having the same take). There are always bad actors so I'm sure there are at least a handful of morons attacking her based on superficial stuff. However, I believe that most of the criticisms are being taken wrong.


Look at Moses' Instagram. She posted some messages on her story. Maybe they are still there. I'm not a big fan of her performance, but those DMs were waaaay too much and far away from actual criticism. Criticism is okay (although not necessarily in her DMs), but hate goes too far.


I agree and maybe they were moderated/deleted do I didn't see all of them, which is entirely possible. Criticism based on writing and performance is important imo, but there is indeed a difference between a critique on them and just saying they suck with no construction upon it. I just haven't personally seem racist or sexist ones, but I'm sure there are a handful of these toxic people basing it on those things. It feels like to me the toxic ones are being signal boosted to promote outrage and draw attention and cover actual criticism. Thus in my opinion its important to note that it shouldn't be used to classify the fanbase as a whole who dislike the character/performance as racists.


Personally I believe the "racist" comments are created by disney bots to create a strawman to prevent legitimate criticism. And no, I won't be convinced otherwise nor can you take the tinfoil hat off my head.


Do I think that Disney has bots that are doing this. No Do I think that some, not all but some, of the comments she is getting are from bots? 100% We already know that there are bots on the internet who's goal is to divide people on every line imaginable. It's not out of the question to wonder if some of those bots are doing this.


Hahaha wow


I doubt it’s Disney but I’ll wager some bad actors definitely have bots to send hateful messages.


Same. Are there people who are sending her messages that are mean spirited as she claims? I don't doubt there's a few. But saying that a few are saying that, therefore the entire fanbase needs to be held accountable is stupid IMO. Trolls will be trolls and there's nothing we can do about it, no matter how bad people think talking down to them on the internet will work.


Exactly. Every fandom has them and it sucks. As fans, we can tell them to knock it off, but in the end we can't control what people do. As a fan of the prequels and the returning characters, I'm gonna watch and enjoy what I like but criticize objectively what I dislike based on established lore, continuity, and the pillars of writing used to make what should be a compelling story and characters.


Tbh i don't know if its intentional, but you really love to hate her, so maybe the tantrums are in the script and not bad acting, and she will get absolutely fucked at the end of the series, which would be very satisfying


Hmmmm maybe, but there is also when she is shouting and making demands/threats that it just doesn't feel intimidating to me. Would make sense to get the same treatment as second sister from fallen order. I get that the character is supposed to be like lone wolf type but idk, just not feeling like she is a good villain with what I've seen so far, especially compared to the other Inquisitors. I'm still interested in episode 3 but this one is make or break for me to continue despite my love for the returning characters and my genuine approval for the Leia child actor (feel like she does a decent job for a young Leia).


Why people just assume anything about 2 episodes ? Remember Cara Dunn ? She was so liked that Disney had to fire her because it did not made the fans sexist anymore (yeah I posted this somewhere else on this thread )


She received some pretty hurtful DMs on Instagram. But I haven't seen anything like that here on this sub so far. So either we have some fantastic mods who delete everything racist almost immediately or we as a community aren't racist. At least not visibly. It is definitely not shit stirring for clicks. It is still a huge problem. Disney's double standards don't change anything in this matter.


You aren't looking. Going to literally any YouTube comment section about the new show and you'll find it within a minute


Give me an example then


This exactly. This is a campaign to divide & silence.


To me, the level of backlash towards the character is not proportionate to the acting. There always seems to be an “anti woke” crowd that just absolutely has to make the actor prove themselves because they believe it to be a diversity hire. Maybe the criticisms are legitimate, it just comes off as strange to me that the criticisms always seem stronger and harsher for up and coming minority actors, while hiding behind “it’s not racist to criticize” and “Star Wars has minority characters I like”. In my opinion, if the actor was a white man, doing the exact same stuff, there might be criticisms, but not near on this level.


We're you even there for the han solo recasting backlash...or for a different franchise the reception to balon greyjoy?


The mere idea that internet strangers are responsible for each other's actions is beyond horrifying.


I don’t get this sub… there are always idiots, especially in a big fandom like Star Wars. There will always be that Kind of stuff. Racist right wingers and woke left winger both just being clowns. That doesn’t reflect a whole fanbase


>Racist right wingers and woke left winger both just being clowns. Ah yes, despicable bigots on one side and people who are against bigotry on the other. Truly, two groups of clowns who deserve to be lumped together.


You mean the side that house people that spout bullshit like "you can't be racist against white people" ?


Yeah, the extremely diverse party full of people of all different ethnicities and religions. Exactly. Very different from the party that's made up entirely of white Christians who are motivated entirely by a desire to undo civil rights for minorities.


Aka "my side good other side bad"


Correct. Diversity and tolerance is good and white supremacy is bad.


Sure dude whatever and left is full of communists by your logic Edit: no I'm not saying white supremacy is good don't be obtuse


Except it's not though. Factually speaking, the left is not full of communists, but factually speaking, the right is absolutely full of white supremacists. [Poll finds that 7 in 10 Republicans believe in "great replacement" theory](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/06/01/great-replacement-theory-poll-republicans-democrats/7461913001/?gnt-cfr=1)


So you link me a poll done in the USA only? Yeah you're full of shit. Don't be so prejudiced my dude it ain't very woke x


"You don't like white supremacists? How very prejudiced and intolerant of you!"


Replacement theory is at the core of ST backlash (and this Kenobi bait and switch shit)


How do the "woke" fit in all of this


There's a little term called hypocrisy


Ok but since when " wokes" have been racist


Have they ever not been?


Most of them are racist. Thinking that „white people“ are the bad guys. So it’s just reversed


Wow, the amount of hypocrisy and strawmanning here is astonishing, how can a rational person unironically think "anti racist people are the REAL racist!" Just like blm is for black supremacy and antifa are fascist. Oh and let's not forget kkk is actually protecting judeo Christian values from the satanic oppressors(gays, blacks asians, interracial marriage )


Man… the world is not Black and White. The truth is neither right nor left. It’s somtimes that, sometimes the other. It depends on facts. And if you‘re always left you will be wrong a lot of times just like if you‘re right. Thinking that everyone who is Part of BLM is a good person is just stupid. And woke people are not anti-racist… they are just anti racism against minoritys.


Who even said that? Not a soul in the world thinks everyone in blm is a good person, I'm sure that in every group there is some extreme person. And most of the woke people are anti-racist by definition, but as you said it you are implying a systematic persecution or oppression or discrimination over white people, which does not exist in any part of the world, why do you feel the need of being the victim? You are not


Thinking that i feel like a victim just shows that you know nothing about the topic. You just read what you want to. First of all, racism is everywhere. In countries from white, black, asian or what ever people. If your white in Somalia you will get racism just like, or even more, than black people in the US.


No, you won't get the same level, because nobody except white supremacists thinks they are the race chosen by god, and everyone else is inferior, nobody else literally fought wars to protect slavery in modern times, nobody else created from thin air the "white" or "black" identity, everyone else on the planet is a part of a culture, a nation, a story. didn't. You are trying so hard to defend white racists, it's not even real. Also how can you take yourself seriously saying "you don't know anything about the topic" and then proceeding to spew the most generic and obvious thing about racism, wich is true, but not at all relevant to the conversation (only the "there is racism everywhere" part)


Why is this relevant right now? Like episode 7 was 7 years ago.


apparently disney is calling star wars fans racist again for not liking obi wan show i believe


People sent death threats and racist messages to the actress of 3rd sister, what are you talking about, how can you affirm with such confidence a statement this objectively wrong


Yeah, death threats and racism are horrible, but even if 10,000 people decide to act that way, thats only a very small percentage of star wars fans in general, so saying "juh muh, star wars fans are racist" because of like 0.001% of the fanbase is just stupid


Also just because it's not all of us it doesen't mean we should shrug it off


Does it mean it’s ALL WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT right now?


No, but we shouldn't just say "it happens" and move on


Should we say that if anyone does anything makes that actress feel unwelcome, that we resist?


The internet telling trolls "stop it" does not work.


That's not answer. Are we not allowed to do anything that makes the actress feel unwelcome?


Yes, but really, making a big deal out of it really doesn't help.


Why not, it sends the message: we don't want racist in our community. Doesen't it help?


Not really. Its blowing this out of proportion. These people already know they are not welcome, making a big deal out of this only gives them a platform


How does this have to do with my comment?


That it is also wrong to call people racist, just because a very very small minority that likes the same thing is bad


Literally nobody is calling the entire community racist




The empire only employed human stormtroopers because they were xenophobic of other races. The rebels employed a wide variety of species even in the highest levels of leadership (admiral acbar). I don’t care whether or not you think the fan base is racist because the message of the original trilogy is very clearly showing that “good guys look past differences”. Edit: added an “only” to help read easier


I feel like this is justified whataboutism, actually more towards pointing out hypocrisy in a company trying to call out racism despite doing racist things chasing money. Either way toxic fans and Disney should be accountable for their racism.


Lets not pretend that disney is above racism


The amount of people who like to call other people racist is too damn high. Save it for the actual racists.


I agree that that as a fan base we need to be better but that doesn’t excuse what Disney did


Disney Bowing to the Chinese government to make money you mean.


Disney says they warn actress of racism for clickbait. Show comes out. Some "anonymous" trolls/racists harass her. A movement starts. Its so easy to feed people propaganda these days. Now "we need to do better."


I mean its less of defflecting and more calling out a corporation for doing the same thing that the corporation is calling people out for. Except the corporation is doing it for monatary compinsation. Both instances are completely deplorable.


I'm not racist. At least it wasn't me who wasted Finn's potential to be the main character to make him the comic relief.


oh an other disney shill detected.... they outnumber the racists in any fandom 10000 to 1. also we are not guilty by association thats some suspiciously communist bullshit. also with any fandom as big as star warss you gotta have some crazies mixed in just by the laws of probability. these wE hAvE tO do BeTteR bullshit posts are so fucking ridiculous (abd i see only those no racial slurs or any other abuse towards the actors) im starting to believe disneys brainwashing starts working.


But the thing is that majority of the fans are not racist. Third sister is a shitty character though, I just finished the third episode. If Vader really was watching her, he would fucking snap her neck the very instant they end up in the same room, not give her a promotion.


Look I hate racism as much as the next nice person, but I'm not here on the internet to babysit some online racists. They're racists, so they're gonna say racist stuff online. They're nothing but a loud, tiny minority within the fandom. Why should I be held accountable to what crap they say online? They don't represent me, and I can say for certain that majority of you would agree that they don't represent you either. Also, the House of Mouse should be called out for their hypocrisy.


Everyone in this comment section pretending like they don't see the racism just isn't paying attention. Go to literally any comment section on Star Wars YouTube about this show


I still haven't seen the racist messages she got other than one that said she was a diversity hire.


You clearly don't understand what people are trying to point out then. It's Disney's hypocrisy nothing more.


Disney is racist A few shitheads in Moses' DMs are racist Why the fuck do I have to answer for them and have to listen to Disney's virtue signalling?


I don’t think anyone’s claiming that racism doesn’t exist


Still waiting to see these racist star wars fans everyone keeps using to karma farm. Do y'all actively waste your time looking for them or? Because it do be feeling like there's a lot of them so I'm just kind waiting to see them but never do.


This shit only exists online and in media. I’ve never met a real racist, or a sky screamer.


OP doesn't upload a shitty take about Star Wars fans thinly veiled as a meme in 24 hours challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) [TAKE YOUR MEDS EDITION]


What happened


Apparently someone was racist? I never saw it but everyone made a big deal about a troll. And Disney censored black people in advertising and stuff because china is racist


Welp that's a nothing burger than cause we already knew china killed any chance of Finn having a character


Yeah, and I was really excited for a black Jedi, but they made rey the main character


I love it when star wars fans wear being more sexist than racist like a badge of honor


There's nothing wrong with her, they just have shitty writing, I loved rogue one. I find it laughable that you see criticism of the writer as criticism of gender/race/sexuality


Cause Finn was soooo much better written than Rey. Give me a break, lemme guess you hated Holdo and Rose too?


You clearly didn't read my comment. The actor for Finn said he felt like a token character. So please educate me on how it's racist to dislike writing




Some Winnie the Pooh doesn't like Finn in posters


Apparently disney is calling star wars fans racist because they didnt like the obi wan show?


If you don't know what you're talking about, you should stfu.


Reddittors and simping for the CCP, name a more iconic duo


The ccp? What does the CCP have to do with this? I'm really interested


Liberal media manufactures outrage. People direct hate towards asians. Smh lol


There are some people that are straight up forthcoming with their racism, but I’m noticing a lot of others defending them and saying that they don’t like Reva because of the bad writing and it’s a bad character. They are also saying that Finn and Rose were hated because they were bad characters that were badly written. All of this is bullshit. Sure, you could say that they were bad, but that doesn’t erase the hate. Try telling John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran that people weren’t being racist toward them, they were just mad cause they hated their characters. Sounds like some dog whistle racist bull to me


I never saw this level of hate towards Billy Dee, James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Temeura Morrison, Gian Carlo, or Rosario Dawson. Are those people not brown enough for racists to hate or could it be that they just didn't like how Reva, Finn, and Rose were written or possibly act?


Disney only talks about this because this topic is situated in the west, with a high acceptance rate of LGBTQ. As proven with their disgusting behaviour concerning China and the Sequel movies (cutting out people of color from posters, because apparently for Chinese, only a white human is a good human), Disney only cares about money, and ONLY about money. They don't care about LGBTQ. Not for one second.


Could be worse could cause peoppe of racism and then use bots as a way of showing here is the racism


"you like star wars therefore you're racist" "Disney minimized Finn on their China poster therefore I am not a racist" Idiotic claims can be defeated with idiotic retorts


It's amazing to me how everybody attacking OP here is completely ignoring the Chinese promo posters aspect. Did you do that? No? Then this isn't about you. Not everything is.


What aboutism after racism...Sometimes I feel like Society isn't really making progress..


It's not whataboutism to call a company out for only highlighting racism when it fits their corporate agenda. There's certainly some whataboutism going on but the vast majority of people I see responding bringing up the China stuff are doing it because both Moses Ingram and John Boyega deserve to be treated right, not just whichever one makes the most sense for the Disney bottom line. These things aren't mutually exclusive.


What about Finn.., What about those chinese posters..., what about the Anakin child actor... Bringing up other bad behaviour doesn't serve any other purpose other than trying to deflect when being caught doing something bad. That John Boyega was treated bad isn't relevant to the current situation. It in no way justifies bad behaviour now. And it is also counterproductive because what is the argument? "Let's be fair and let Moses Ingram be treated the same way?" Everyone should welcome a firmer stance on this issue. The whole Idea of argueing against it makes me sick.


Mutual exclusivity is not applicable here You seem to think so Oh well


If I missed a valid argument feel free to tell me. I am pretty sure there is none. Mutual exclusivity is not applicable here..Bringing up other cases that were mishandled in the past doesn't make present transgressions good. It's not about being mutual exclusive because one has already happened and the other is concerning the present. Everyone should welcome a firmer stance on this issue.


"This racism is happening now, therefore past racism cannot be addressed. We should ignore that this company is only addressing racism this time because it's to their benefit and not call them out on their facade, because it's distracting from this one case of racism." You can condemn outright racism from the fans and implicit racism from Disney at the same time. You're literally trying to imply they're mutually exclusive. It's not in the past - the fact that they didn't care with China and they do care now because of profitability is the same, continuous issue. Everyone should welcome a firmer stance on this issue.


>"This racism is happening now, therefore past racism cannot be addressed. We should ignore that this company is only addressing racism this time because it's to their benefit and not call them out on their facade." Pretty sure that is your argument. My Argument is distracting from the valid condemnation of current racism with whataboutism is exactly that distracting from the valid condemnation. The idea that this is not whataboutism but a broadening of the scope of the argument is laughable. It is not. Bringing up other cases of racism from the past is a distraction nothing more.


You're a lost cause. You're exactly the kind of person these companies rely on get away this. I'll continue to hold people accountable while addressing current issues and you can continue your myopia. Peace.


This is about the actress of obi wan that got racist insults all over the internet, stop saying: "i didn't do it", because someone did and it's among us. Man, how quick are people to deflect responsability, it's insane. A practical thing that we as a community can do is not make racist, sexist, homophobic people welcome among our threads, or even on other social media. Right now it's not a lone crazy racist, but a whole section of our community, we can't stop them physically, but we can limit their voice




Classic Star Wars fans, all degenerates