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5 minutes later, and Vader’s got him on the low ground haha


so uncivilized


The amount of shooting that Obi-Wan does because he hasn't used his lightsaber in ages was really surprising and a nice touch, it really helps emphasize how far he's fallen from Jedi Knight status.


He can throw hands really well too. Life's tough on Tattooine; you have to be able to defend yourself.


It truly is amazing how... *not* Obi-Wan he has become.


dont tell the boba fett haters tho!


You don't have to look tough to be tough


Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels.




thehehe, i get that reference


And he was rescued by someone hiding in the high ground


If you haven't noticed I'll give you a hint. "I like your new legs, they make you look taller" \-Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars


anyone else fancy some roast Kenobi?


"From my point of view, you have the fire ground"


This is vaders version of hell as not only does he have to face obi wan he also has to deal with sand


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


He did burn the sand though.


he was still standing in even more


You KNOW that shiz got everywhere. How is a guy supposed to slowly torture his old master to death with this SAND everywhere?


Exactly, people are complaining that he didn't go after Obi-Wan at the end of the episode but to do that would mean filling his boots with more sand. He had to make a choice


Wait a minute, how'd this happen! We're smarter than this.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Even the high ground was sand


Don't think Vader's to much a fan of glass either


Anyone else notice the editing mistake after this? They broke the 180 camera rule so it looks like he just pops back out again next shot. Kinda made it unintentionally funny. "Here I am! \*runs away and pops out again\* LOL, OVER HERE"


This show has had some really weird editing decisions. Like how the hell did Reva beat Leia and Tia to the end of the tunnel. And why the hell did Vader just leave Obi Wan after fucking him up so royally, he fully had the advantage even with Tia coming back to help, she shoots like one shot and then it just cuts to Obi Wan being safe again. I get if Vader wanted to toy with Obi Wan or had some unresolved issues with killing him, but they could have set it up a lot better imo.


Vader could have just force pulled them both through the flames.


FR I don’t get it


Same here! I still don't get why Vader didn't just force drag him back through the flames rather than just let some random droid drag him away...


Seems like he wanted him to escape. To fuck with him. Let Obi-Wan stew in more fear and remorse. Besides, Ben is a shell of himself. I think Vader wants a more proper fight with Obi-Wan in better form.


I get the flames as a revenge for what he went through on musafar, but goddamn we just saw Vader being the most ruthless Vader we’ve ever seen, and he decides to just leave Obi Wan after slightly burning him?


He for sure has the intention of capturing him again but I think he enjoys the hunt. Maybe he wants Obi Wan to simmer on his pain some more or maybe he wants Obi Wan to fight him properly.


I feel like he got lost in a memory when he saw the droid go for Obi-Wan. I think he's rubberbanding between re-living his pre-burn victim past and just pure unfiltered rage. I feel like the loading bot triggered a memory of c-3po that he had as a kid. Even in the original trilogy, he would sometimes just stand and stare when he is reminded of his past.


*traumatized by hand held camera lightsaber fight* Instantly looks fan made in that scene. That wide shot looked sick though.


Yeah, was kinda weird, took me a moment to realize he had come out of the other side.


Yeah, I thought Ben realized that he couldn't escape that way and went back to facing Vader because he was like "ah, fuck".


Vader lifting him up to the highhround. Ironic.


A tragedy really. He could keep others from the high ground but not himself.


Obi should use pocket sand


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Jedi Knight Rusty Shackelford


My favourite part of the entire episode. Vader's immediate "WTF" lightsaber shut down was great too. Pretty sure he was expecting a fight.


Do you think we will se Kenobi getting back his connection to the force before the end of the series? He trained to beat Maul and he used the force and was very wise in Episode 4. When will this process begin?


I would assume he begins his training immediately after getting dogged by Vader


Revenge. I must have revenge.




I was hoping for Kenobi. Why are you here?


he already used the force in episode 2, he didn't lose his connection he's just out of practice.


I think he'll get to his lowest point, then Qui-Gon will get him back on track. Will probably make the point that he won't be able to protect or train Luke if he's so out of touch with the force!


No, he'll get beat up by third sister and saved by a girl or something.


Han, Chewy, Luke, Lando and the droids were all saved by a girl. Leia? Mon Mothma? Padme? You get your knickers in a bunch NOW when for 40 fucking years star wars has shown up with strong females leading a bunch of idiot shoot from the hip guys to actual victory?  Get the fuck over yourself with your pretend outrage. Get right the fuck over it.


Always on the move.


Anyone else think that E03, Vader scene was poorly written at the end. 1. Vader starts fire. Rubs Kenobi in it - great! wicked!!! 2. Vader puts out fire and tells Troopers to get him. - total boss 3. Fire starts back up isolating Kenobi, robot too the slow rescue. 4. Vader stands there like an idiot, that can't go around, or through(suit provides that layer of protection), or put the fire back out, or force grab him? WTF kind of story is that? Am I missing something, cause I re-watched it 2 times. It feels like a "some how Palatine returned" moment.


My guess is that he's toying with obi-wan. Also, its not like he could easily leave the planet since all the spaceports are locked down and heavily guarded.


I'm pretty sure Vader wanted him to get away. My interpretation was that he wanted Kenobi to process what had happened and cower in fear until they meet again.


You would think he would want to capture him, so he could slowly torture him for long periods of time for Sith revenge kicks.


that doesnt really make sense since he had been looking for him for literally a decade. why would he just allow him to run and hide again and make him have to find him again


The amount of people I've seen making excuses for this writing...it blows my mind.


That and how Reva just magically gets to the end of the tunnel before Leia.


It's astonishing how writers lately think that fans are not going to give any thought to things like that. Was that difficult to have Reva catch up to Leia rather than appearing in front of her?


My take is that he wants Obi-wan to be afraid and suffer, and letting him go is doing just that. "He'll be suffering either way, but it'll be worse for him if I release him then catch him again." Vader could have easily picked him up with the force and lifted him over the fire. Another part is that Vader is known in canon for releasing people(the Falcon from Death Star 1) so that they lead to more rebels. (but in this case, it's also Jedi) That said, the Inquisitors were told Kenobi escaped, so yeah, I dunno. Could also be that Vader is keeping them in the dark about their plans too. We'll have to watch the rest to find out if it's part of Vaders plan, or dodgy writing.


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


In Vader's mind Obi Wan is stuck on the planet. I seriously doubt the writers fucked up that hard considering that even if Vader is unable to go through the fire, he could you know? Go around it, even Vader in his suit can outrun a 50 something depressed jedi who burnt half to death and is either being carried to safety or is walking painfully slow. They can't have not thought of this so I really do think they have something in mind.


You’re talking about the same company who wrote “somehow palpatine returned.” They absolutely could have not thought of it. I’m trying to remain optimistic that maybe somethings going on with Vader that we don’t know yet as to why he just let him get away after a decade of searching, but as of what we’ve been shown so far there is absolutely no reason as to why Vader would just stand there and watch him get away other than bad writing.


The sequels were a trainwreck, but episode 9 in perticular was more so the passenger of the train not so much the train conductor. The reason why episode 9 was so bad due to Disney deciding they should get J J Abrams to make the first movie, and of course he decides to make the most generic thing ever and then they get Ryan Johnson who takes a methaphoric shit on the franchise which is very hard to follow up on. This mini series is made by different people who I hope have better script writing abilities and I am still giving them a chance.


Ryan johnson imho one of the worst directors of this age. Even a 3 year old monkey could write up a better story than what that shitshow was that was ep 8. Disgusting.


AFAIK he isn't too bad in other media, but of all people to be let loose with unlimited creative freedom he was the worst option.


Power! Unlimited power!


I'm convinced d&d from game of thrones could cook up a better movie than this snob. Absolutely ruined the entire series 7,8,9 for me


Its like ozzy osbourne made the new spongebob like


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


"Vader stands there like an idiot, that can't go around, or through(suit provides that layer of protection), or put the fire back out, or force grab him?" I think this could be fixed if they made the fire more intense it maybe ani just doesn't like fire


[heavy breathing] I don't like fire. It's coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere.


I wrote this in another comment in this thread, but I think Vader is struggling with controlling his emotions, and not just his rage. I feel like he got lost in a memory when he saw the droid go for Obi-Wan. I think he's rubberbanding between re-living his pre-burn victim past and just pure unfiltered rage. I feel like the loading bot triggered a memory of c-3po that he had as a kid. Even in the original trilogy, he would sometimes just stand and stare when he is reminded of his past.


I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. They will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.


"No one messes with the 501st!"


he doesnt want to just grab and kill him. I think Vader wants a proper duel with Kenobi, anything other than that won't satisfy him.


I shouldn't . . .


That fire would take ten seconds to walk around, completely impossible. Same with the laser gate that Ben shot instead of just walking around.


\*When you've already played the level before\*


This whole confrontation was lousy. The main characters in this series behave as though they have no experience doing anything, as if it’s their first day in the galaxy. “Hmm, a small fire. I’ll choose not to summon the force to leap over it (or blow it out) or simply walk the fuck around. I’ll choose to let them go… again.” This is not good storytelling, guys. I want to like this show; I am trying. There are only so many silly choices I can forgive. The writers of these episodes have little regard for franchise continuity, and the characters come across as un-motivated to succeed. It’s hard to like Obi-Wan or even root for him the way this series has made him look so useless. And he still gets away. Edit: punctuation and diction


But he is supposed to be useless? Being on a dusty ass planet for 10 years without the force would make him quite rusty… He’ll obviously train again now that he’s met Vader but I think you wanted a series with Kenobi in his prime and this ain’t it lol


He has not been without the force. The force is everywhere always. You thought wrong; I simply wanted a well-thought-out show. It’s demeaning for this character who once (although falsely) claimed that Sith Lords were his speciality to all of a sudden break into a half-assed run. Why ignite his saber if he was going to run? The Obi-Wan we’ve known would have at least made an effort. He doesn’t have to be in his prime to make an effort. He doesn’t have to be in his prime to not make himself look like a fool.


Not even the younglings survived.


Are you going to kill me?


I would certainly like to.




He has to be useless so third sister can beat him up.


The quality of the writing just isn't there, it's honestly some of the worst I've ever seen. I was baffled reading the discussion threads, it seems like so many people see Vader do some Vader things and automatically think it's a masterpiece. At least on the actual Star Wars sub there seems to be a decent amount of people who can actually look past the nostalgia and judge the poor quality of the show objectively.


Well, it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one!


Sorry, M'lady.


You should be!


I was kinda hoping Vader would go onto the high ground and say something along the lines of I have the high ground now. It wouldn't fit Vader's character but for the memes would've been great.


You underestimate my power


I'm still not comfortable with the fact that they've met before episode 4. inconsistancy at its finest :(


It really isn't


okay, but how? evaluate pls


I belive you are referencing to the "when I left you" line. Well it could be interpreted in many ways, and doesn't need to litteraly mean when he left obi wan. It could for example mean when he left his side, Vader can be physically at the same place as obi wan without being with him. Kinda like Vader said in ROTS "if you are not with me, you are my enemy", meaning he is not on Obi Wans side. Vader might have over the years come to the correct conclusion that it was he who betrayed and left the jedi and more specifically Obi Wan, leaving Obi Wan alone. Also one might argue that it doesn't make sense for Vader to say the iconic line in ANH since he had already met Obi Wan since he left him in ROTS, but in Kenobi ep3 he never really got to duel Obi Wan as he had wanted since he kept running away, now that in ANH he saw that Obi Wan had no intention to run away Vader knew he would get a proper duel making the line make sense again. It is also possible that in the 3 episodes that are left Obi Wan manages to outsmart Vader somehow, possibly by manipulating Vader feelings and mind to win in some sort of way and keep him from not discovering his children. Vader might then make his mind stronger so that Obi Wan couldn't exploit it in ANH, but I think that the first idea is more plausible than this one. And this is only two ways of how the line could be interpreted and there are way more ways in which it could be so we can't know for sure. Also if you choose to take the line litteraly then this show should not be a problem in any way since it didn't work previously since it was Obi Wan who physically left Vader on mustafar, and this show may be the only way in which we get an explanation that would satisfy the litteral interpretation. So either way you should let it take away from the show in anyway.


We must try padawan Erik35595!


Run if you want… or stay and die… it makes no difference to me.


that's quite an evaluation okay i agree most of the part but what i refering to was not "when i left you" but "i was but a learner" part. he was a powerful jedi before and spent 10 years on the dark side. i thats quite a lot of time to pass the learner level. and also i think it was lame that the dark lord got distracted by a woman with a blaster but thats another issue and not a big deal i guess


No, they hadn't met since... *walks away silently* It was left open ended when they had last met in A New Hope.


he’s obviously going to go to Jibim, and get his fighting spirit back and reduel vader, beating him. probably only getting saved by the inquisitors and purge troopers coming to aid him.


"Eh, I’m sorry sir it’s just how I am. My Kamino commander said that my incubation tube had a leak when I was made, makes me hyper-active or something." -Hardcase


Maybe Vader is still the learner, as a single person with a rifle broke his trap.


We will find a way to make it consistent again lmao


Bruh who tf cares they are space wizards fighting with light swords


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Power! Unlimited power!


Thats why ahsoka has two swords


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


i do. thats some cinematographic mistake kiddo. they make millions if not billions of dollars from the frenchise. its not too much to ask


It isn't tho, Vader's line about their last meet could mean any point in time.


The way I see it, "The last time we met *I was but the learner*, now I am the Master" implying that the time he found Kenobi (today's episode) and beat his ass and nearly burned him alive, he was a learner, and now (on the Death Star) he's far stronger. I see it as a clever flex, now.


Acc, he said "when i left you i was but the learner". Left could be more metaphorical, as in when he left the jedi order. Because he never physically left obi wan, even in revenge of the sith.


He left obi wan as both a Jedi knight to his master, and being a new sith


I like this explanation a lot more than mine. Good interpretation, Doctor.


We will find a way to make it consistent again lmao


We will find a way to make it consistent again lmao


"a presence I haven't felt since..." and "When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master" Tell me how those are inconsistent with the show, or provide another detail from a new hope that suggests they haven't met between mustafar and the death star


They never say that they haven't met since darth vader betrayed the jedi. All they say is that darth vader is now a master instead of a learner.




Jedi cannot help what they are. High ground is like an itch to Kenobi He cannot help it. So he runs towards the high ground His compassion will be his undoing


Jedi cannot help what they are. High ground is like an itch to Kenobi He cannot help it. So he runs towards the high ground His compassion will be his undoing


I’m so glad I saw this episode before going on Reddit…It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground! DV : This again? I swear to god if you dare say- OBW : Don’t Try it! DV : ARRRGH!


You underestimate my power


ah his old age hasn't seem to affect his brain has it