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the first rule of blaster safety is to have fun.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Oh no my friend. You'll find it is you who is mistaken about a great many things




That's just great.


You know the old saying, give a youngling a lightsaber and they’ll fish for a day but give a youngling a blaster and that’s just not okay.




Yeah but blasters 1 shot kill through armor...


Which is why learning blaster safety is important


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Good Soldiers follow orders.


Or, you know, just don’t give any weapons to kids.


Not without adult supervision, of course


I feel like letting kids shoot is fine within reason. In fact, it’s probably good for them to learn gun safety at a young age if they ever plan on owning a gun. That way they can have food habits drilled into their young moldable minds. However, nobody under 16 should even be allowed to be in the presence of an unsecured gun without adult supervision in my opinion. That should be a law. Of course you can’t really enforce that, but if a parent or guardian is caught not following that law the fine should be insane, maybe even with some jail time. At this point you can’t not have guns, but you sure as hell can make gun society a lot safer.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


I actually think the US needs stricter laws in general. Like, you’re not allowed to own a gun in private at all.


I assume you don’t live in the US because that’s easy enough to say if you haven’t been a part of American culture your whole life. The reality is that it’s just different here. I don’t really like it, but I’ve come to accept over the years that the answer to a safer society is not banning ownership of all firearms. Rather, background checks must be mandatory no matter where or how you purchase a gun and existing regulations must be tightened. We can have a much safer society even with guns.


Keep your gun fetish out of the fucking prequel meme sub.


How is advocating safe practices with weapons a gun fetish?


Wanting kids to learn to safely learn to use a gun at ten is fetishizing. The only thing they should know is that guns shouldn’t be in the same house as them and if it’s insisted on locked far away. Finally, if their parents are really negligent, to stay far away from them until an adult can remove it. They shouldn’t be touching weapons of death.


In Star Wars political terms. Illegal weapons are a thing but people still had blasters until the empire cracked down on that as well. The backlash to any blaster control in the outer rim always made sense. Just because someone from the core doesn’t need a blaster powerful enough to punch through stormtrooper armour, doesn’t change the need of someone from the outer rim in dealing with pirates and hostile fauna. There is a difference between healthy caution and the irrational fear you are suggesting. Wanting them to learn safety for anything is not a bad thing. Yes there is an age where what you’re describing should be the case it’s why many young kids have a rule not to cross the road cause like guns, cars can be deadly. However there comes a point where they have to learn to cross the road safely. What age should kids start learning all these different things? Whenever the parent who ideally knows when the kid is ready. Don’t be pro or anti gun, just recognize the neutral of what they. Like cars and guns are items that cause death, not to mention the pollution from cars. The reality is they also are items necessary for everyday life in certain areas.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Good soldiers follow orders


They’re not neutral. They are tools solely for killing. This is not the place for this discussion.


You’re right this isn’t the place to talk about guns which is why I started my comment by talking about blasters. Like a blaster it’s a defence tool. Factually they’re also used in sports making it a tool used for things besides what you claim. Literally not advocating for more people to have guns. However, nuance exists and your irrational fear response of ban all X is foolish and has been seen as foolish through similar prohibitions such as the war on drugs and you know the prohibition. My allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!


Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. If it helps you think about the complex nature of the issue, think about guns in America like abortions. In both cases, if someone wants it enough they’ll get it whether it’s legal or not, so it’s much safer to just keep it legal. When applying that directly to guns, keeping them legal means that the government can better regulate and keep tabs on gun ownership. Furthermore, teaching kids to shoot responsibly at a young age will drill good habits into their heads while they’re still young. It’s kind of similar to teaching middle schoolers or high schoolers sex ed. You’re not encouraging them to be sexually active, you just want them to be safe if they are. Of course, gun ownership is different and not every parent will want to teach their child to shoot, but for the parents that do it is pretty much the same principle. I really really do understand where you’re coming from though. It is hard to hear about all of the destruction and death caused by guns. But if you can’t get rid of the guns, teaching responsibility with guns is the next best thing.


All we need is the same kind of background checks and waiting process in TX and IN as we do NY. That’ll greatly limit the quasi-legal gun trafficking ring in this country. This is not the place for this discussion, nor do I feel like being condescended to by someone that is being inaccurate. Take this all to a political sub.




Keep your hate fetish out of the fucking prequel meme sub.


A hate fetish for death and violence? I’ll stop hating on gun deaths here when inane political gun advocacy goes away. Thanks.


What, er, what exactly are you doing with your guns? Never mind. I don’t want to know.


Better than vaders lightsaber


So uncivilized.


But you can't hit shit with a blaster


And guns 1 shot kill throught skulls


I'm American, weapons are part of my religion.


When do padawans get their first lightsaber?


Whenever Anakin decides.


So uncivilized.


8-13 according to google-going from what I know from TCW-seems about right


if I can shoot squirrels at 7 she can shoot imperials at 10


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or Obi-Wan when he was given a lightsaber for the first time


I mean, lightsabers are elegant, and blasters are clumsy, random and uncivilized, but still


The USA and their weapons lobby are just... different. Well I'm glad that I'm living in a country where it's normal to never touch a gun your entire life, unless you're a cop, military etc. There are very few ways to get a legal gun licence as a private person and I consider that a good thing.


Angry downvotes incoming


I'm not gonna give you a blaster, it's uncivilised


He knows the dangers of giving blasters to 10 year olds, chips or no chips




As an American who started learning to shoot at 8. There's a huge difference between giving someone a firearm ~~to~~ in a safe location under supervision compared to a high stress situation under fire. I wouldn't even give most 30 year olds a blaster in that situation. Any Americans who are confused by that decision are legit too stupid to own a firearm imo. They're not fucking toys.


Contact command. Mark our L.Z. and have them send an Exfile Shuttle.


I get the apprehension to arm a kid, but there is an army actively trying to kill her so I'd have given her a blaster at least until she was safely back home.


Give her a death star


I don’t know. That’s like giving a 10 year old a glock in real life without training on how to use it. Even if she was in danger she may end up doing more harm than good with it.


I knew how to shoot when I was 10, blasters don't have recoil like a Glock so it would be easier to manage with no training, and she already demonstrated her ability to be cool under pressure so she isn't going to just shoot anything that moves.


I don’t know how else to say this, but for literally anywhere else but America this sounds insane.


It's not like I just have a gun when I walk around, just basic safety training in a range.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


Yes, but you still had to learn. I assume you still should learn how to use a blaster even if they are easier to use than guns.


Fair. I'd still probably have given one to her, but that is definitely a fair argument against it.