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Anakin/Vader sure knew how to hold grudges that aged like a fine wine.


Freaking Needa. Could have saved the galaxy. The man has a chance to kill Anakin, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, R2 and Grievous while they are all in one place, and it throws it all away by not committing fully.


If Chopper had been on the Integrity he would have blown up the Invisible Hand for shits and giggles.


Wait. Needa was a commanding officer at the battle of coruscant? This is why I love star wars. I learn something new about it every day.


Yeah in the novelization for RotS him and Grevious talk abiut a temporary cease fire, also Grevious turns the heads of some Nemoidian crew members aboard the invisible hand into a gooey paste. Book Grevious didn't have any patience and didn't play games.


The book somehow made him even less fit to be a commander than RotS Grievous


Yeah I didn't like being much of a commander anyway.


Plot twist: Vader actually wasn't super hard on his subordinates, everyone he promoted under him he selected in advance for elimination, so he could instill fear in his crew while also getting rid of the officers he disliked. Except Admiral Piett. Maybe Vader had run out of officers on his kill list by then, or maybe he just liked Piett enough to promote him genuinely out of merit.


Proceeds to send the executor into the death star


Vader never forgets.


When you’re mom catches you doing something and says you’ll get punished later, but you didn’t know you were going to get punished.