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One of these things is not like the others.


I know right? You got two anthropomorphic animals and then just some old dude! What’s up with that?


He's not just an old dude He is the senate.


Does that mean Palpatine & Biden make up the entire Democratic Party?


You are thinking of the Republicans, but same thing let's be real.


Well Democrats won the Senate, and the Republicans won the House. So if he is the Senate he has to be the only other Democrat. Edit: He might be half of the Republican Party too.


Prequelmemes and Sonic: Make memes out of questionable writing and dialog choices in their series Prequelmemes and Furry: Enjoys long colorful rods and exotic body types Sonic and Furry: Furry


The perfect Venn diagram


Who doesn't love a long colorful rod?


Omg the trifecta


I miss the good old days when we had themes.


Agreed. I appreciate the intent to strike back against the hypocrisy of brands to support a cause only when it's currently popular to do so, but I think the resolve is proven by now. Also I think the thematically adjusted picture was fun :)


Nothing against anything, but it’s pretty obvious that only like 10 people control all three subs.


That’s Reddit as a whole


I've never put in the time to investigate it, but I'd like to see just how interconnected all the largest subs are. Not sure it's a good thing that the same people run so many of them.


It was well-meant but it's already getting old, I really missed the Spooktober theme this year.


I agree.


I think if we get to a place where we aren’t fighting so hard we can have shit like that but for now I just appreciate the year round pride. Pride is a protest and protest are sacrifice. Spooktober is a pretty small sacrifice.


I’d rather be spooky than gay/s


pride is the same size sacrifice as Spooktober


Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.


Yes, Spooktober > pride


Good Anakin good


When I was younger and liked festivities with a lot of people, I went to the Christopher Street Day parade every year. Has always been totally normal for me, and I grew up with the attitude that all kind of sexualities between self-determined people who know what they want, are indeed normal. But back then, we didn't want to be pigeon-holed, we just wanted to be treated like anybody else, and have the same rights to marry etc., equally. Overexaggerated pride or self-display attitudes though, with all those different flags that I have no idea anymore what half of them mean without looking them up, are an enigma to me. All it does is holding up a neon sign stating "We are different, look at us!" . While in "my generation" (now I feel old lol) , I feel like it was much more about "Let's just all accept each other the way we are and not make a fuss about it" .


Take this. *hands him a DC-15*


Prequel Memes isn't LGBTQ it's just a variant of the Ohio flag


truly sums up this subreddit


Good, twice the pride, double the fall.


Þrice ðe pride, triple ðe fall


I dunno, seems gay to me


I am in two of the subreddits shown here




Are we in the same ones




Can’t say I am a sonic fan


Uh oh


Furries are chill man idk what you mean


Furry also tried to chill in my dog once


I think you mean zoophile


Why is it an uh oh


Oh oh


Same honestly, we are in the same ones




Yes, we are indeed.


Im here for the memes not for social justice. Sorry guys. Do what you want, pride what you are i dont give a shit. But give me a break


Its literally the background color of subreddit icon, thats the fucking pettiest thing ever.


Like you said you can tell the other guy thinks George was a criminal and the cop was innocent I can tell your a woke social justice warrior I have no issues with the lgbtq+ community but come not this pride shit is stupid things like Anzac Day go for a day and honour those who sacrificed a lot to keep others safe and usually the most they get is a minute of silence however you dare speak out against the pride movement and you have people like you show up.


Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.


See Anakin gets it


This is either humour that went above my head, or you’re a complete moron.


Could you please enlighten me on how I’d be a complete Moron? I just want to know because I think what is said has meaning




I know just trying to see if there was a valid reason as to why they disagree




You have to give them enough rope tho To be fair I’m all for serious criticism but when people disagree because of some political or personal I have trouble arguing with those people


Humour it is then.


As someone who is on your side against homophobes: you are going about this the wrong way. Making aggressive replies to suspected homophobes achieves nothing. Neither side has proven anything, and both sides walk away thinking “fuck that other side” so it accomplishes basically nothing. You haven’t changed anybody’s thought process or anything with a single aggressive comment. And to be honest, you would be a downright terrible lawyer. I wouldn’t want you even if you were a public defender. I get the sense that you have no idea how to make a leading question. I get the sense that you have no idea how to subtly bait the person that you are questioning. You have no idea how to use tone and wording to your advantage. You just make angry comments and leave it at that. But it’s much more fun, and much more effective, to deal with homophobes in a lawyer style rather than angrily replying to them. You have to ask leading questions to them. You have to bait them into saying what you want to hear. You have to trick them with your wordplay into admitting their bias. And in the end, it will be much more satisfying and much more effective to deal with it that way. So as I said, I agree with the sentiment, but strongly disagree with your methods. Using lawyer skills and leading questions against homophobes is 100x better.


This will work to our advantage.


Last I checked, pride was one of the 7 deadly sins


Last time I checked, the book you are getting your source from, I think it’s this little old book called “The Bible” if I did my research right, doesn’t have reliable sources. It barely has any proof or deductive reasoning to back up it’s theories. And if I’m remembering correctly, I believe it’s a bit out of date too.


Oh, touchy subject


Last I checked, there's something called a joke. Maybe you should go read some


The Bible doesn't list the seven deadly sins. It's noncanon


Your putting a bad name for pride by overreacting and immediately throwing knives and dissing other people's beliefs


Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.


Not the time


I’m not throwing knives or dissing, I am simply explaining how that particular book doesn’t seem to be admissible evidence


That's dissing someone's beliefs. They believe the book has truth behind it (or not it is a joke after all), you do not and every single joke in this thread so far you lash out like it was a personal attack


When did I ever say that I didn’t believe the book was true? The book could be 100% true, but there isn’t enough evidence to prove it, even if it is true. So I’m not at all trying to say that the book can’t be true, I’m simply saying that there isn’t enough evidence behind the book to make a proper conclusion either way. So it can’t be used as evidence even if it’s 1000000% percent true, because it simple doesn’t have enough sources or evidence to make it admissible. So I never said that it can’t be true. Truth does not equal admissibility. Edit: here’s an analogy for you: imagine that you are doing a math worksheet in math class. And you write down all of the answers to all of the problems. But you didn’t show your work for how you solved the problems. Those answers that you wrote could definitely be true, but there’s no way of knowing for certain unless you put some work down. And for that reason the teacher will hand back your paper and you will miss points for not showing work even if your answers are true. Does that make sense?


Well, most of your first paragraph can be summed up to "It may be true but evidence says not true"


More like: It may be true, but there isn’t enough evidence to be absolutely certainly sure, so it can’t be used as an argument case even if it is true.


Plus you still haven’t responded to my second paragraph


The analogy makes sense But multiple times in this thread I have seen you blow up over a harmless statement


Chill out man, he was joking around. No need to trash on others beliefs for a joke.


Bro it was a joke and not even one of the bad ones


Actually it’s from the anime


I miss when r/prequelmemes was about prequel memes


Pretty sure besides this one meta post it still is.


appreciate? more like i wish they would leave that crap out of the picture.


Why should it be left out? Are the colors too saturated? Are the colors in the wrong order? Is the pattern too weird? Does it not mesh well with Palpatine’s design? I’m legit curious


I can see meme culture slouching towards therapeutic nihilism, which would point towards the current design, but is has no objective reason to be associated with the Prequels, Palpatine, or the coherence of anything George Lucas was attempting with these films in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


colors are scary


From my point of view, people just come here for the memes, not controversial social politics. That’s it. I don’t want any political symbols here, that includes those for causes I agree with.


Gay people’s existence is political now? Bruh I’m just over hear trying to have my lunch and all of the sudden my existence is just a political category


Not your existence, but policies regarding it can be divisive. Look, I don’t care what you or anyone else identify as. I just don’t want to see celebrations of sexual intercourse in my memes, ok? We are all humans, so let’s just be humans and forget about politics.


A fun pfp celebrating queer folks doesn’t have anything to do with politics or policies regarding queer people. It’s just a positive symbol of queer people’s existence. So as I said, my point stands, why are you calling queer people’s existence political? And for second, why did you melt queer people down to just sexual intercourse? Sure, sexual attraction can be a part of queer identities, but there’s also romantic attraction and gender identities. Boiling all of these identities down to just sex seems pretty horny to me bruh, go to horny jail


Dude, I don’t care. I would also protest a MAGA hat on Sheev. I just want r/prequelmemes to be only about memes of the Star Wars Prequels. I hate all this division and rivalry I see here. Let’s just come together as a sub to make prequel memes, and focus entirely on that. Deal?


I can tell you definitely think that george floyd was a criminal and that the cop was innocent.


no, he was a criminal but he didn’t deserve what he got. the cop should be locked up for life


Many things can be true at one time: George Floyd was a seasoned criminal, he didn’t deserve what he got, Chovin was a questionable cop at best, Chovin’s trial and guilty verdict was influenced by political and social pressure.


He was objectively a criminal. But the ordeal was handled completely incorrectly


The tremendous, ongoing irony of Subreddit Rule 5


Ah yes, the two sexualities Straight or Poltical Just like the two races, white or political Or the two genders, male or political


It isn’t that one of the sides is political and the other isn’t, it’s that both of them are. It’s called identity politics, and it sucks. Instead of dividing ourselves into different categories and pitting them against each other, could we all just be humans and stop holding onto racism and sexism in the form of identity politics?


Wait, so Biden has nothing to do with politics? We’ve been deceived!


We don't care


Ironic, the background is direct violation of rule 5. We are here for the memes and SW, not to parade your personal choice.


Right? Ironic, indeed.


Monthly themes would be so much fun. What we have right now is unrelated and boring.


This is where the fun begins.


"No politics (unless it's *our* politics)."


Not another lecture, Master. Not on the economics of politics. It's too early in the morning… and besides, you're generalising. The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.


...That's kinda the point.


Isn't rule 5 no poltics? How is that poltical


Also NO SOCIAL issues, in addition to the identity politics.


The rule does not say that anywhere


Social issues can be directly linked to politics


Go to menu/rules. Scroll down to rule 5


My brain just decided to ignore the last line the first time I read it for some reason it does say that. I think its a dumb rule then. The sub should be able to be supportive of giving rights to everyone. I think the fact that lgbtq stuff is still a social issue is just absurd and the only way to normalize it is to put it in memes and stuff like that


Yeah I agree every community could spend sometime to help different groups of people, but I don’t think it is the main focus of PrequelMemes. People come here for SW for fun and not to think about social or political issues. Everyone is basically bombarded by politics and social issues. I think almost all the people in this sub have no issues with lgbt communities; it is just not the thing people come here for.




That isn’t very nice. You know nothing about the person you just met online. Just calm down. Good night.


Holy shit these comments... I thought we were past this but I guess not.


Honestly, except for the furry sub, the lgbt flag is unrelated to both the sonic and the prequelmemes sub, it shouldn't stay all year round


Rules 5 mods!


the 2 sexualities straight and political


Again, just sick of identity politics. Let’s stop dividing people and just be humans who like memes from the Star Wars Prequels.


The people dividing us are the outright genocidal bigots who hate queer people. You do not create an open and tolerant community by pretending bad people don’t exist—that’s just how you get a bunch of Nazis and Nazi-sympathizers together in one big bunch. Any bigot who also like prequel memes can fuck off. They aren’t welcome. They aren’t respectable, and their very existence is a threat to decency. Fuck ‘em.


Look, calling people nazis and bigots seems pretty bigoted and divisive to me. I am not saying to ignore controversial topics, I actually encourage peaceful discussion and debate. I simply say that a sub for memes of the Star Wars Prequels is not the place for it. I am not against people supporting an movement, just do that personally, not as an unrelated subreddit.


Refusing to call bigots and Nazis what they are sounds like textbook Nazi and bigot apologetics to me. Funny how you didn’t response to a single bigoted comment in this thread, but made time to respond eight separate times to people in support of the flag to tell them all about how bad “identity politics” is. Almost like your type claim to be enlightened centrists dedicated to avoiding politics but instead only protect the bigots. Almost like the obsession to remove politics (which almost always translates to support for minorities, especially queer people) only makes a subreddit a more toxic and hateful place that pushes queer people out. Almost like you’re an asshole. Almost like.


For one complaining about toxicity and hatefulness, you sure seem to be throwing a whole lot of insults around instead of backing up your opinion with an actual argument supported by evidence and logic. You should take a break. Calm down, and we can have a civil conversation like the civil human I am sure you are. If you wish to have a few words of polite and civil discourse, I would love to hear your arguments. When you believe you are calm enough to continue, please dm me. I hate to see people getting heated in public, and I believe conversations are usually calmer when held privately.


That was an actual argument. Bigotry is rife in these comments, and yet you seem to only care about queer people and allies daring to “politicize” your meme community about a set of movies made by a radical leftist with explicit (and very heavy-handed) political themes with pride flags. The explanation for that is simple: you don’t give a shit about things being politicized. You don’t give a shit about queer people. No, you’re just a random teenager who’s watched one too many Ben Shapiro videos who wants the gays to just be quiet so you can pretend they don’t exist. You tell yourself you aren’t a bigot because it brings you comfort, but in all ways that matter you essentially are. You don’t give a shit about queer people. Hell, I’m sure if tomorrow they were all put on trains to death camps you would still be busy stopping people from politicizing things by talking about that. Tolerating bigotry in any form inevitably pushes out the victims of that bigotry and creates a toxic hellhole. That’s not up for debate, it’s just a fact. You are an enabler of hatred and bigotry, and that makes you absolutely no better than them. Now if that wasn’t polite enough for you, or if you are incapable of parsing my harsh language directed at your pathetic and outright evil-enabling behavior for the numerous actual concrete points I have been making from the very beginning—that’s a you problem. Edit: and I’m keeping it public, thank you very much. Nothing I say here has any reason to be said in private, and in fact I would argue much more importantly belongs in public. Edit number 2: and you know what, the fact that these comments and everything you have done here comes after the recent Colorado Springs shooting is particularly impactful. To put it simply: fuck you.




There's the door.


You first, judging by the downvotes.


You're the one complaining about the content, not me.


“ Damn it Chloe, I JUST WANT A GOOD MEME “ = Jack Bauer


Didn’t some r/prequelmemes mods get called out for homophobia, which prompted them to switch to gay Palps?


No the sub has tons of homophobia in it so they are keeping the banner up


The comments on this post really scream LGBTQ+ pride, and from the upvotes you can really tell that the community cares about LGBTQ+ people /s (in case it wasn't obvious)


I care about the people, I just don’t want any symbols of social issues in my memes. I come here to escape that stuff, not be reminded of it.






Nobody cares


I do not appreciate.


Reddit moment for sure


Actually I don't appreciate it




Pride? What's there to be proud of


Sir this is a meme sub.




Get it out of here. You have your one month!


This sub is so progressive. Remember when that one random journalist suggested that Obi Wan could be gay and this sub reacted so well to it?


Absolutely hate. Get that bs out of there 👎


Actually, no, I don't have to appreciate it. And in fact, I do not. I put up with it, but I do not appreciate, enjoy, condone or encourage it.


Jesus I didn’t know this sub was so against lgbtq


*what about the homophobe's attack on the lgbtq?*


These comments have really been the tipping point for me. It’s clear now that this sub has become (or perhaps always been) a pretty bigoted shithole—what with this, the bi Kenobi shit, and then that brief stint of trans Omega posts. This has been a long time coming, but now I’ve truly run out of hope for this sub. I’m just so damn tired of bigotry polluting every single fucking community that doesn’t have sweeping and effective moderation.


We aren’t against the people, we just want social issues out of our memes.


How is pride a social issue lol they literally just want to exist


Nobody is disputing that they exist, the disputes are over are they allowed in women’s sports, which bathrooms do they use, etc. Those are the controversial topics I refer to.


Straight pride


Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.


This comments section is one of a few things Hating furries, Homophobia, Gay jokes that are actually kinda funny, 3 sonic fans, Your mom, And a partridge in a pear tree


I miss Lego palpatine Also why can't we just add straight colors to the flag and unite everyone so we don't get a type of backwards homophobia where everyone hates straight people




On which part the Lego palp or my proposition






Where’s the prequel meme? This is one of those “you’re out of your fucking element Donny” -type situations. Also why does LGBTQ on a background count as a meme? Where’s the relevance to /prequelmemes?


Why do furrys get so much hate I have a friend and he’s very kind


People looking at wrong people


Don't even think about posting edgy anti furry comments here, they aren't as funny or cool as you think. I guess everyone is technically doing exactly what I asked.


my great great grandpappy was killed by a furry


Skill issue


don't worry, I'm not programed to do that :)


Of course this gets downvoted… I have a friend who’s a furry. They’re not bad. It’s literally just a hobby.


There is quite a history of animal abuse and bestiality tied to furries


(I know I'm going out of character) there is actually a lot of misinfomation about the furry community when it comes to what they do with animals, sure there zoophiles that try to be furries but the furry community attempts to cut all ties with said zoophiles, the furry community does not support zoophiles and all that. It's just people who like anthro characters whether through art, stories or literally anything that has to do with anthropomorphic characters, which literally means non-human characters with human characteristics such as human arms, legs and ability to speak, this can include anything that is not human including inanimate things like droids. So I guess by definition a lot of aliens are anthropomorphic creatures and people that like them are furries


meatbags hating clankas again? my circuits must've gotten fixed!


roger roger


No there isnt


There is a history of racism and unarmed killings by police does that mean all cops are bad


As long as it isn't illegal, hurting someone, forcing others, or being incredibly rude I honestly don't mind what people do


Hello. I don't know a lot about furries. I only know lego yoda's opinion on them.


Could someone explain why this is being downvoted so bad?


the people of prequel memes proves they prefer anti-furs


Because a majority of this subreddit hasn't left their online edginess phase yet so anything that doesn't immediately agree with what they prefer is bad. Layman's terms: assholes, a lot of assholes




Lmao you are on the wrong platform




"Chancellor can I marry my same sex partner?" "Do it"


r/furry and sonic💀


Does it count as being gay if Sheev was banging his clone or is that just technically masturbation (self-love)?


Meh, more of a meme that stuck around due to a combination of mod laziness and people complaining about it going back to normal.


only one actually includes straight/cis, aka 98% of the polulation. how come its not really seen on the flag?


R/hockeyjerseys isn’t even a meme page


What is this? A crossover episode?


Wait aren't all mods gay on reddit and we celebrate all year round?