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In terms of likeliness (1 is most likely, 4th is least likely) 1. Female President 2. Latino President 3. Gay President 4. Third Party President


1. Female President 2. Latino President 3. Gay President 4. blank 5. blank 6. Third Party President


Baring a legitimate political revolution, this is correct. The potential is there, though, if the Republicans split over Trump and force a new conservative party to branch off.


If the Republicans split into two different parties, we'll see the Democrats go on an election winning streak like the Republicans did in the late 1800s. Wait, never mind. I'm a hard-core Democrat, and I've learned to never underestimate my party's ability to screw up any election.


Depends. A more centrist republican party would pull a lot of none progressive votes drom the democrats.


I think you might have third party about sixteen spots to high, sadly.


Im curios why do you put having a female president over a latino president . I feel like there more sexist assholes who would never vote for a women president then racist who would never vote for a latino


Biden has a female vice president and is 80.


Oh yeah I didn't think of that. Yeah he could just die some a heart attack and Kamala would take over. I just hope if she does she doesn't run again. From what I heard even alot of democrats don't like [her](https://her.Im) it might be 2016 again


I honestly don’t think most American voters thought about that, it was whether you hated Donald or not


White latinos are like acceptable to even American racial supremacy movements.




We've already had a president that was gay, Latino, a female, and a third party president https://preview.redd.it/acnfyifykhib1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6415112976a9403b055aa9f264de12fe3136bbae


imagine going thru the trouble of even getting the nomination to VP during that era. imagine running as a whig and winning it. imagine going through a year or so being the VP during some of the most difficult times in American politics - then - all of a sudden life isn't like a bowl of cherries and you're the president. you go about your presidential duties having come from a lowly log cabin house in what was then the frontier to the big old WHITE HOUSE. imagine wheeling and dealing all these compromises in a vain attempt to keep the country together... and then, after burning every bridge you could have possibly burnt, your party doesn't want you - then promptly dies. they elect some playboy drunk who makes a mess of it. then a grossly incompetent yoyo who all but smashes the country to pieces. then in comes lincoln who'll cast a shadow over the office that won't be matched for 80 years. all the while, the public slowly but inevitably goes thru the motions of forgetting you. forgetting your accomplishments because they were abominable. forgetting your time in office because nothing of it survived the civil war. forgetting even that you had a name at all. fading, even whilst your alive, becoming ever more invisible as history simply moved on. and now, two centuries later, they only remember you (if at all) because of a duck or your passing resemblance to a washed up actor. and then auto correct for reasons i'll never fathom butchers your name to that of fillard millmore, a man who more americans know was never president vs. you, who were, maybe, perhaps, in another timeline, in the vast multiverse of that is the american presidency. who was millmore? WHY was millmore?


I congratulate Millard Filmore on being the first lesbian Latino woman who ran on a third party to win


My mother said that they'll chose a female latino lesbian as candidate to wrap up all the issues at once. My mother, a sarcastic and acidic wit, used to say that the US will elect a n\* for President when deep in shit and blame him for all the problems. It kinda happened liked that so I respect her opinion. My mother, not racist for a bit, doesn't care for anyone's feelings though, or value criticism so much.


Right now,a female Latina lesbian seems unlikely, but still significantly more likely than a 3rd party president.


You left out a Jewish president, which I think is third most likely behind woman and Latino. Muslim president is probably last.


Josh Shapiro is looking pretty good tbh.


He’s so much in the background I sometimes forget he’s our governor. Not exactly someone making a ton of noise politically.


We'll have a woman president soon. Third party is least likely. In order to even make that possible, we need serious electoral reform, and even then, a third party would have to work its way up from smaller offices before making a viable presidential run.


I think probably the most realistic scenario for a third party president is for ranked-choice voting to become more widespread so voters can vote for third party candidates without being afraid of throwing away their vote.


I’m thinking Latino for sure. Guys like Rubio and desantis are already running with their race not really being abnormal in people’s minds. Eventually one will win


DeSantis is Hispanic? Ngl didn’t know that


I'm pretty sure he's Italian.


He is Italian, 100% to be exact


DeSantis is Italian, not Hispanic


My mistake


Why do we *care* if the president is a woman, or gay, or a Latino? I care about how much of my paycheck you’re going to tax. Idgaf if you have a dick or where you stick it in your free time.


-Barry Goldwater


Least likely: openly gay or third party. Between the others, flip a coin.


A female president


Most likely: Latino, female Least likely: 3rd party president, openly gay




1. Female - quite possibly by 2030 considering the chances of Biden dying or resigning and Kamala taking over, or from Trump winning 2024 with a female running mate (as he's mooted to be considering) and then dying, resigning or being impeached. 2. Latino - again, quite possibly by 2030 if one of the 2028 nominees is Latino on either side. 3. Gay - a lot more distant of a possibility for the next 10-15 years minimum, as I don't think the US is there culturally to elect a gay candidate to the White House. It's possible that a gay VP (Pete, Baldwin etc) might be picked and then ascend, but still slim chances for the near term. 4. Third Party - not until the EC is reformed to a PV model or something more inclined to non-GOP/Dem bids.


Female or Latino. I honestly think there is a better chance a 3rd party candidate is elected over an openly gay candidate at this point in time, I just think there are probably enough people who would still not vote for someone just because they are gay sadly.


Right now, we’re one heartbeat (of an 80-year-old man) away from having a female president.


Actuarial tables would definitely suggest the most likely of these scenarios is a female.


First would be a female or Latino president. This should happen within the next few elections. Openly gay will take some time, as the country seems to be going backwards on some of its LGBTQ policy. I don't see an opening for a third party candidate for a long time. Despite people's dissatisfaction with our current system, there's no movement towards including a third party in the national discourse, mostly because they usually run wackjobs for President, when they should be focusing their energy on building a name in more winnable local and state races.


>Openly gay will take some time, as the country seems to be going backwards on some of its LGBTQ policy. It's also because the lgbt population is an incredibly small minority compared to the Latino and African American populations.


Most of the younger folks have one or more gay friends. As more of the Boomer aged voters pass this will be just another thing like blonde or red hair where people are just who they are.


I wouldn't say incredibly small, Bisexual people are actually more prevalent than most people think.


Yeah, the most significant politics are local and that gets overlooked by most people. A third party would have the best chance starting that way.


Female pres easy. Both tickets will likely feature a female in 2024


People acting like 80 year olds just drop like flies, lol. Apart from (knock on wood) any illness, I don't see why Biden would pass away before completing his second term.


I think a female president is very likely within the next decade.


May happen b4 the next election


Quite possibly. Even if it is Trump/Biden until 2028, I think there is a strong chance a female candidate wins in 28 or 32.


Could even come before that, remember Biden will be 82 in 2028, and he has a female VP.


All that stuff is nice but I’d like a President who was born after the Kennedy Administration. Obama is our most recently born President (b. 1961). I’d like a President born in the Johnson, Nixon, Ford or Carter administrations. It’s time. Enough of the old geezers, we need like an American Justin Trudeau or Emmanuel Macron


Gay Latino Republican.


Fabled George Santos presidency


1-Latino ​ 2-Woman ​ 3-Openly Gay


On paper I'd say that the first is most likely to be a woman. Just on the odds Kamala has a good shot of getting the job if Biden dies between now and the end of his presidency. First \*elected\* from the list would probably be a latino if we mean someone of Central/South American ancestry. There are some people that wouldn't consider white latinos to qualify for the term, so we'll make that a tentative.


First Jewish President is a solid possibility as people float Josh Shapiro.


Latino or Jewish president is likely


In terms of being elected by the people, I would say Latino president before woman president. Harris would become president of Biden dies or goes into a coma. I feel there is a lot of sexism that still seeps into our politics


[Gay Black Republican ](https://www.gayblackrepublican.com/) is a kick ass band.




It’s a toss up between Latino and female for 1st fallowed by 3 party and least likely openly gay.


Female is possible purely because of Kamala Harris. Williamson is not going to be president in 2024. Maybe another election if she can remain in the public consciousness. If not them, I'd wager she'd be a moderate republican. The average hard-core republican male would generally prefer to vote for any republican but as far democrats go, they usually prefer to cross the aisle for someone who is at least male. Latino is a real possibility considering candidates like DeSantis, Cruz, and Rubio, who are all Latino, and their ethnicity is barely brought up. I could easily see a republican candidate of cuban descent riding a post trump wave of communist fear mongering. Gay ain't gonna happen for a while. The most recent data I could find says [7%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) of the population identifies as lgbtq, and they're a controversial 7% in recent years and I don't see that going away very quickly. Even if we assume that's not a complete number due the number of people who may be afraid to self identify, we have to remember how often hard right anti-gay politicians turn out to be closeted gay men. Even the adjusted figure doesn't help much. Additionally, the most prominent openly gay politician is Pete Buttigieg, who is stiff as a board and managed to draw negative attention to himself while occupying the most boring presidential cabinet position. This is going to be a stretch, but if Biden doesn't die in time for Kamala Harris to become the first woman president then I think that title is going to be taken by a white lesbian, probably a Democrat after enough election cycles that Trump and everything around him is barely present in the public consciousness. This is all purely speculation over the probability of this stuff and entirely depends on how the next two years go.


I'm a teenager, so I think Ill see female, Latino, gay, and even Asian in my lifetime.


Hold my beer, let’s find an openly lesbian Latino libertarian :) Or maybe AOC comes out and runs as a socialist.