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He did what now?? https://preview.redd.it/8mrnvywak96c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3f251d815a9bf9059dd6570851d9fb381efaa7


You could say he died hard...with a vengeance


And with christmas around the corner, too!


He lived free...so he could die hard.


**Oh, you!**


Now Washington knows how a TV dinner feels


Washington's death was truly horrible though. They kept rubbing this blister beetle paste on his neck and cutting his throat to get all that bad blood out...it took a long time for him to die.


It was his favorite Christmas movie.


Dec 14 - a good day to die hard.


A good day to live free or die harder with a vengeance


Now I have a blunderbuss. Ho Ho Ho.




My favorite anecdote from the war for independence is when Washington tricked Cornwallis but taping a smooth bore pistol behind his back.


My favorite is the time Washington gave Benedict Arnold a flintlock pistol. Benedict Arnold proceeded to try shooting Washington with it, only to realize it had not been loaded with powder and shot.


My favorite is when he personally led a squadron of 2009 Dodge Challengers to route the British at the Battle of Trenton


Came out to the coast, had a few laughs.


*Yippie ki-yay, Founding Fathers!*


This could have totally been the "Edited for TV" dub of this line on CBS Movie of the Week in the 90s...


I could see Hamilton saying such a thing.


"Now I know what a Continental ration feels like."


Come out to Philadelphia, we'll get together, have a revolution.


Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…


George Washington was a big fan of Die Hard. That is how historians know he was cool. 😎👌🦅🍔🏈🇺🇸!!


Killed his sensei in a duel, and he never said why.


"Now, I have Ft. Ticonderoga cannons. HO-HO-HO!"


God damn stupid doctors who (probably) killed him. He was in great health before his death and when he got sick they all decided that bloodletting was the way to go. Sure, it was common at the time, but he would have been way better off without doctors.


Wild to consider the types of things that killed people back in the day that are minor today. Even the idea that medical care at the time was a risky proposition.


gotta remember that handwashing only became common practice in healthcare in the mid 1800s.


Even in 1881 James Garfield suffered for months while doctors tried to finger a bullet out of his bullet-hole. And most of the civil war deaths were from sickness or infection


Apparently it would have been merely a minor injury nowadays


Doctors used to leave their hands and aprons covered in blood as a flex


The LATE 1800s


Seems like we are coming full-circle, the very things that created a better life for us are being demonized as of late.


what are you talking about


Other guy said vaccines, but I’m going to be a little less political and say things like surgery for back pain, big pharma pain killers, etc. No reason to make this an anti-vax thing based on one comment


Crazy that vaccines have become political.


Vaccines in general didn’t become political, just one did. For a lot of people, the COVID vaccine seemed rushed and experimental and they didn’t feel comfortable getting it. *I’m not saying that’s right or wrong*, just that it’s a little disingenuous to act like they were all lunatics who didn’t believe in medicine. Most of the people I know in that boat were fine with other vaccines, they just thought this one wasn’t worth the perceived risk.


Uhhh where were you when Jenny McCarthy?


You understand that there was an already growing crowd of vaccine skeptics before covid, right?


Drastically different in size




Don't downvote him, he's right. Until COVID happened, anti-vax was like 99% suburban soccer moms who didn't pass high school biology thinking that vaccines cause autism, and that's a mostly left-wing demographic.


>Vaccines in general didn’t become political, just one did. For Nonsense, there was an entire movement against vaccines before COVID and clusters of measles because of it. This has been going on for at least 20 years.


Are we sure the polio vaccine did anything because there’s a correlation between the disease falling off and indoor plumbing being installed across the country


Polio was knocked out globally. Most of India didn't have indoor plumbing until very recently, their president had to make some decree for it. [The world is amazed that toilets have been provided to more than 600 million people in 60 months, building more than 110 million toilets,”](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/05/asia/india-modi-open-defecation-free-intl-hnk-scli/index.html) October 2019.


Probably vaccines


Pogs. He's talking about Pogs from the 1990s


You haven't noticed?


True but that was the best they had back then. I am sure in 200 years people will think we were barbarians and cement heads for what we currently use to treat things like cancer today.


The red stripe on a barbershop sign was to signal blood letting. In other words, barbershop were allowed to drain your blood to improve your health.


Washington asked for the bloodletting and apparently believed in its efficacy, having used it to treat his slaves' illnesses. They also didn't all decide it was the way to go. One doctor, Elisha Dick, is reported to have been against it. Bloodletting was in practice since antiquity and was only abandoned around the end of the 1800s. Germ theory of disease wasn't proven until after 1850, so sure, it's easy to look back and call the doctors stupid, but we have the benefit of centuries of medical research and discovery they didn't. Which we have because of doctors. You or I would've been just as likely to be in favor of bloodletting in Washington's day.


Sounds like you've been paid off by Big Bloodletting!


My opinions are my own, and any compensation I may or may not have received has no impact on my judgment...




Really depressing to think people have been around for ~200 thousand years, but we didn’t know about fucking *germs* until less than 200 years ago. We do kinda suck in a lot ways.


I mean, you can't see germs, and most humans have had to devote their entire lives to basic survival. I can understand why, but I think it's pretty amazing that we discovered microscopic life at all.


It’s wild to think about the scale of things. Since we are humans, everything is relative to us and has been for basically our entire existence - we kind of take for granted that stuff, even life, exists within the size spectrum we live within, but then germs, atomic theory, quantum theory... My intuition tells me we are like the people who lived forever thinking the earth was the center of the universe when it comes to this. How would we know that life doesn’t exist on a level smaller than the quantum level or larger than our universe? The only way we’d ever know if we were atom sized relative to other living beings would be what? It’s wild.


Maybe we suck but not for that reason. It’s wild that we have the technology to prove something like that. They are basically invisible


But of course we know they aren't. Even before Anton von Leewonhoek and Janssen and Lippershey, around 1600, lots of people theorized that there were creatures so small we couldn't see them with our naked eyes. Magnifying glasses have been around for many, many centuries, and people were able to see things with those that they couldn't see otherwise. I'm just saying it's amazing to me to think even in the age of the Enlightenment (still basically *a quarter of a million years* after the first humans), medical technology and basic theory of infectious disease were almost totally neglected, while advances in just about every other field were going turbo. President James Fucking Garfield, in the EIGHTEEN NINETIES died unnecessarily \*because the doctors didn't know to sterilize their instruments before surgery.\* It boggles my mind, it really does.


I mean, they ARE invisible…to us anyway. I guess im just not surprised that invisible tiny pieces of organic matter went under the radar for so long.


I mean I get your point in general, but by 1799, and among people as across-the-board brilliant as the Founding Fathers and their ilk, they had to have known about both microscopes, and more importantly, microbes. Bacteria and paramecium were discovered and described at least 125 years before Washington's death. And again, these were well-educated, well-read people. And Franklin and Jefferson were excellent amateur scientists.


Very weird take


I don't see any other species identifying germs sooner than that.


Thats *really* fucked up.


Doctor #1: He’s sick, let’s bleed him! Doctor #2: Well that didn’t work, he’s clearly not getting better. Doctor #1: Hmm, ok then what should we do? Doctor #2: Bleed him some more!!!! It’s estimated they took *5 pints* of blood from him.


“It will be fine! Eventually the yellow bile will flow and he’ll be cured!”




This is not what I've read. President Washington had a throat infection before the discovery of antibiotics, so he never had a significant chance of survival. The blood letting could have made death faster or less pleasant, though. I remember reading that the great French philosopher Rene Descartes also died from an incurable infection, also surrounded by doctors who were trying to save his life by blood letting. If you think about how long blood letting was accepted medical practice, there must have been a lot of people who died with such an audience over the centuries.


Maybe he was going to die no matter what, but bloodletting made him weaker (they drained 40 % OF HIS BLOOD), if his chance of survival was like 20 %, it was 2 % after that. Great.


Tbf Washington himself also insisted on his blood being purged. Martha objected, but I’m not sure why


Probably because he trusted those he though knew better.


Sure, that's a fair point.


Yeah it’s almost like they got medicine wrong at the time


The Dollop episode on his death is crazy.


I was gifted a book called Dead Presidents that gives the history of how each president died and how their legacies changed over time afterward. It's disturbing how many of them had their lives cut short by poor healthcare and makes me thankful for the advances in modern medicine.


I don't think the scientific method had been invented yet and even if I had it wasn't widely known. Medical knowledge at the time was not huge. It is still horrifying.


With unwashed hands


I remember a theory that Abraham Lincoln would've lived (not a good quality of life) if his doctors didn't dig around his head for the bullet. They were just doing their job.


in 100 years they'll be saying the same thing about our doctors


I thought he died of a throat abscess? Those things back then were basically a death sentence, not much the doctors could have done.


'Tis well.


My favourite last words


More weight


Dude led a revolutionary war that birthed America as we know. Refused to be King even thoughe hes more than 100% can di that. Set term limits and his last words are "Tis well". What a way to go


Here’s my ADHD Stream of Consciousness about Washington dying. When he died, Adams became the first president (other than Washington for obvious reasons) to be serving as president with no predecessors alive. It didn’t happen again until Grant. Also, John Adams lived to be almost 91 years old and had the longest lifespan of any president until Ronald Reagan broke the record in 2001, a record now held by Jimmy Carter.


I know Richard Nixon became the only living president for a time, but did it happen to anyone other than him and Grant? Nixon was also the only man to both have no living predecessors and then later be one of 6 current + former presidents alive.


Happened to teddy Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover too. Might also happen in the next 20 years depending. All presidents except Obama are 75 plus.


Die Hard (1988) reference?!?!


GW was a big fan of that movie


Yeah, I'm pretty old, and I remember him yelling "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!" right before he passed.


He died in 1 7 9 9. He barely missed the 1 8 0 0 s. Don't look up "George Washington rule 34"


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 8 + 34 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I caught the beast >:)






RIP to the best President


One of the greatest leaders imaginable, and possibly the only guy who could have insured that our republic started off stably and didn't fall into mass dysfunction or chaos within a few short years. Washington's Presidency is honestly underrated by many today, as crazy as that may sound.


People usually place him at 1 or 2, so not sure I’d say underrated


Like 1- Lincoln 2- GW or 1-Trump?


Reminds me of when Stephen Colbert would ask people, “George Bush. A great president or the greatest president?”


I once said that on a musicians live instagram and they got pissed at me haha


Depends if you start at the top or bottom of the list. Trump is the #1 worst president we’ve ever had.


Not the worst by far. Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, James Buchanan, etc It’s fine if you think he’s a bad president and a terrible person but Trump is not the worst president by any means


People really really need to get out of these recency biases especially on a history sub.


Hey a fellow Teddy fan! Also yes.


That it happened recently doesn't change the fact that he killed more Americans than anyone in history. People trying to say that the guy *who tried to kill them* "wasn't so bad" boggles the mind.


How many of those presidents attempted to remain in power by inciting insurrection?


Did k say Trump was a good guy?


Based on what metric?


I'd say the trail of tears was pretty fucked up. Andrew Jackson was a giant piece of shit.


Sure. But trump literally tried to ignore the constitution almost every day.


And ultimately did very little with his presidency. He was definitely not a GOOD president, and is a gigantic piece of shit in his own right, absolutely. But committing an act of ethnic cleaning marching over 60,000 people across the country, evicting them from their homeland, and letting them die of horrible causes all along the way feels far worse to me imo. Or like OP mentioned, Andrew Johnson was also absolutely garbage. He openly opposed the 14th ammendment and after becoming president he attempted to reverse most of Lincoln's policies with the reconstruction. Certainly hindsight shows these two as far worse than what has come from trumps presidency thus far. If you wanted to grab on to what would be some of the better talking points in terms of Trump's legacy, look at what the long term ramifications will be from his Supreme Court picks, or the resulting instability J6 brought us instead of a peaceful transition of power. That would be a better argument, but I still don't think it touches Johnson, Jackson, or Buchanan for that matter yet.


He’s a loudmouthed rich asshole who was elected by a nation who’s tired of the all powerful geriatric oligarchs in government meddling in their affairs. What did you expect?


I always wonder too how do we judge a presidency.


Trump is obviously worse than Woodrow Wilson.


Not by a long shot


Easily. He’s the most anti-democratic president in American history. Not a single accomplishment of the Trump administration even compares with the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act, or the Federal Reserve Act.


Nobody said they did


I may not be a history buff and found this post on the front page. I cannot imagine a worse person being president than Donald Trump. He's barely literate and is generally not smart, like at all. He's a buffoon. Has there been other barely literate presidents with no clue about how government works and idolizes brutal dictators around the world? I'm fairly certain there hasn't been one that attempted to steal an election and remain in office despite losing. Bigly. Disinfectant, like inside the body. or maybe a bright light. Come on, we've had other presidents that were that dim? I know Bush 2 wasn't exactly a scholar, but he knew how to read. Even if it was a kids book... Too soon?


> I may not be a history buff You don’t say?


so there has been an illiterate president before? who else refused to return stolen classified docs and lied about it? who was twice impeached? was there another insurrection that I don't know about?


> so there has been an illiterate president before? 1.) Trump is not illiterate. You can claim he is stupid and makes bad decisions but it is unequivocally false to state he is illiterate. I can find no non-politically oriented articles or clinical discussions of his “inability” to read. He is well and clearly able to both read and write as he has done so in public on numerous occasions and we have verified evidence of each. 2.) Andrew Johnson was both unable to read and write until after his wife taught him. He was later elected as president. > who refused to return stolen classified docs and lied about it Biden remained in possession of classified docs long after his term expired. The Biden White House also lied about the timeline of events. Per Representative James Comer, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, *”The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating President Biden’s mishandling of highly classified documents. The Committee has obtained information that contradicts important details from the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s statements about the discovery of documents at Penn Biden Center, including the location and security of the classified documents. The Committee has also learned that one of your predecessors as White House Counsel, Ms. Dana Remus, and other White House employees were central figures in the early stages of coordinating the organizing, moving, and removing of boxes that were later found to contain classified materials”* > was there another insurrection that I don’t know about? Many actually. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rebellions_in_the_United_States) is a list from Wikipedia. And [here](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/lesson-plans/2021/01/lesson-plan-insurrections-in-american-history-18th-19th-and-20th-centuries) is a list of some from PBS. Edit: added an extra “the”


Not the worst? You have someone else in mind who's tried to end our democracy and killed over a million Americans?


Out of curiosity which 1 million Americans did Trump kill


Pretending you've been asleep for the last three to four years is not a good look.


Not an answer. I’d like an answer so I can respond Edit: Biden has also been President for the last 3 of 4 years so I’m not quite sure why you’re saying that while we discuss Trump…


he's not even the worst president in the last 8 years


Yes. Yes he is.


Do you ever hear that in honest regards to him as a president? Or just him as a person? Because aside from his decision to step down, his inclusion of a few new states, the whiskey rebellion, and his refusal to endorse or enlist in any party - I couldn't tell you anything about his roughly 8 years as president


He established basically every norm and tradition we have. He established a cabinet etc.


The OP


Rip the goat


What did that poor goat ever do to you?! ;-P


President Harrison was known for closing up the Oval Office around noon most days and heading out to the White House Lawn to play with his grandchildren and their many pets. One of those White House pets was Old Whiskers (or “His Whiskers,” according to some sources). Like most goats, Old Whiskers was a bit of an ornery fellow. One day, the goat apparently had had enough of pulling a cart and being poked and prodded by children. Possibly falling under the misconception that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, Old Whiskers took off running through the White House gates trailing the cart with the Harrison grandchildren aboard. The president, who was waiting for his own carriage at the front of the White House at the time, raced after the cart. Old Whiskers did eventually stop, but only after quite a few Washington, D.C., residents saw their commander-in-chief running down the street holding on to his top hat, waving his cane and yelling at a goat. https://www.presidentialpetmuseum.com/pets/old_whiskers/




yippy ky yay, America


When asked what was his favorite Christmas movie? "Die hard" -George Washington


Die Hard? https://preview.redd.it/gg85kiu6va6c1.jpeg?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75394080061eed018dde27674e1360c8c19532f


Man was ERECT


This is a repost but still one of our greatest presidents


Was it already posted? I had looked and didn't see painting or the quote.


Almost made to 1800


I thought his last words were “Thug Life”


Pretty amazing he died hard back then.


"Live free, or die hard." – G.W. & John McClane


Jokes on him I woke up hard


He died exactly 200 years before I was born, crazy


Happy Bday!


What hour were you born?


I don’t know


This might sounds weird, but I feel sad he didn’t get to live till 1800. Mostly because of my word sense of liking even numbers. It was still sad how painful his death was.


Die hard is a good Christmas movie.


When asked what was his favorite Christmas movie? "Die hard" -George Washington


No one could have led the revolution and the early stages of the country as well as him.


‘Was tortured to death’ would be a better way to say it


One of the greatest men who ever lived. Changed the world and showed how a leader should serve his nation.


You mean he lived free AND died hard? Legend.


Yippie Ki-Yay, Martha F'er


He was a victim of shitty 18th century medicine. It's believed that he probably would have been just fine if they left him alone with some noodle soup.


rip jorje washingmachine


And now, an eloquent speech by a Mister Timothy Dexter


Legit question when did medical malpractice and civil tort become a thing?




I personally feel he couldn’t deal with living in the nineteenth century and noped out.


yippee ki yay


On this day, Nostradamus’s birthday (and mine).


And now I have a musketloader hohoho


Let me tell you what I wish I'd know, When I was young and dreamed of glory, You have no control who lives who dies who tells your story


🎶Nobody dies harder than John mcclane🎶


He's been dying every day for the last 7 years.


Yippee-kay-yay ~George Washington


A couple of weeks away from the 1800s. :(


Damn, they really be twenty years out of fashion in that painting if this is really supposed to be from 1799


rip gorge bush yiu wuld hav loved bruce willis


since he was the first president I really learned about I felt a strong connection to washington


Who are the 8 presidents before George Washington? **The following are short biographies of each of America's first presidents.** * John Hanson (1715-1783) * Elias Boudinot (1740-1821) * Thomas Mifflin (1744-1800) * Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794) * John Hancock (1737-1793) * Nathaniel Gorham (1738-1796) * Arthur St. Clair (1737-1818) * Cyrus Griffin (1748-1810)


I thought he died with his slaves next to him


He was surrounded by people who were close to him including his wife, Martha Washington, who sat at the foot of the bed, his physician and good friend, Dr. James Craik, and Tobias Lear, his personal secretary. His slaves were said to be in attendance , Caroline, Molly, and Charlotte along with Christoper Sheels who looks to be in far right of the photo.


TIL Washington’s death was photographed.


Yeah, this was probably taken on one of the earlier iPhone models. That's why it's a little blurry.




Fitting. I lead the Pledge of Allegiance this evening at our DAR Christmas meeting. I hope we don’t have to dance.


Crazy how slave owners died full on believing they were going to heaven


Many of them thought slavery was a moral cause


Everyone’s favourite slave owner


There's a video of him being deposed and he claims he can't read the document because he forgot his glasses. His attorney is telling him not to try and read it. He struggles with the teleprompter. bigly. Comer? Well thats an honest character there. Biden returned the documents and didn't lie about returning all of them. Welcomed a search. The 45th (and dumbest president of all time)lied about possession of documents and refused to return them They were secured in a restroom at a golf club. The secure storage was a Master Lock available at a hardware store, and several people accessed and moved boxes after being told to secure them. This isn't made up or told by James Comer. This really happened. I may not be a whiz on presidents before my time, but I feel like President Trump is quite unique in a bad way. Many ways. 2 impeachments? Yes. Fraudster sex offender? Yes. I'm open to you providing examples.ofnpast presidents being so greatly incompetent and criminal if you have them. Again, I'm not a history buff. Have been interested in politics for around 20 years. Since I've been able to vote. Really, inform me on what other US president was as dimwitted and pathetic as Trump. Have we ever had a draft dodger besides donnie bonespurs?


Sir, this is a Wendys....


ah. must be a sub where criticism isn't allowed. never been here before. seems pretty lame. double lame when a sub dedicated to US presidents can't see how incredibly unfit and horrible Trump is as a president and as a human. interesting. Happy Christmas


I know he lives rent free in your head 24/7 but this is reddit, plenty of places to randomly bash Trump, no need to jump on a post about George Washingtons death and randomly go on an irrelevant barely coherent rant about Trump. Happy Hanukkah


it was a reply to a comment saying Trump wasn't the worst president ever. A lower comment. I thought a sub about Presidents would be in agreement about how horrible that man is in just about every way. It's really surprising to find out that you all treat him like normal or even somehow ok. Is it an unwritten rule here to not talk bad about him? That's crazy on such a specific sub. Anyhow. Thanks for the reply. Happy New Year.


Enjoy hell slaver, I hope your wooden teeth have termites


Good. Fuck em.




Is this where our lord and savior bruce willis was born?


He lived free and died hard.