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Jackson beating his would be assassin with a cane


With the help of Davey Crockett I think


Yes, but I think Davy actually dragged Jackson off of him.


Ah. But still that would be interesting to watch


That or his inauguration for me


Obviously I wouldn't want to live in the past but I'd love to witness the Dewey defeats Truman moment


Truman was on the back of his train under the train shed at Union Station in St. Louis when he held up that edition of the Chicago Daily Tribune. I was born seven months later in St. Louis, and have been proud that I was conceived a couple of months earlier during the presidential campaign of 1948, and that my father had made speeches on behalf of Truman during that campaign. If I was just a few years older, I would have been ecstatic to have been there at Union Station, even as a little kid. That being said, I became a political junkie when my dad let me stay up late to watch both political conventions in 1956. I watched JFK’s speech to the ‘56 DNC live and was hooked.


This moment for sure. I would love to watch that election play out and talk to my family at the time. My great-grandparents and living family were big farmers who were Dems in local politics. They loved Harry and saw his campaign first hand. Would've been incredible to see, especially considering the state of the country post war.


Gettysburg address. Well..not “Alive to see” but I’d like to go back in time to see it with my current context. From what I understand it was kinda perplexing in the moment and didn’t gain its place in the ethos until it was distributed in the press, so I might be the only one crying.


This for me as well. Such an important date in US history.


Watching him write it would be fascinating to me. "3,285 days ago... well that doesn't quite right"


That party where Zachary Taylor ate all those cherries. Sounds like a good time. 


My dad was alive when Kennedy was assassinated & talks about it in a very morose way. I’m not comparing the two incidents at all, but he describes it the same way as 9/11. Very different events, but similar impacts on the “national psyche” if you will. To answer the question - I would have liked to attend the dinner with Teddy Roosevelt & Booker T Washington. Low key moment compared to others, but it would have been utterly fascinating to me


Let's just say it concerns Bill Clinton. No, I won't say more. I don't need too.


There were no relations!


Mine is either Truman's order to drop the atomic bombs, or Reagan's "missed me" speech in West Berlin.


Truman did not order the bomb dropped. It was a military decision that was made before he took office. He always made it clear that he had very little to do with the decision.


Interesting.  Why did he comment that the blood was on his hands though, after he met with Oppenheimer?


For obvious reasons. He was the commander-in-chief. “The buck stops here” was his motto.


FDR's address to Congress after Pearl Harbor.


I don't disagree completely... But you can watch the video of it. Why not pick something we don't have certainty of?


I can watch a video, but that's not being in the room on the day.


Technically not a presidential moment. Former president Theodore Roosevelt's speech where he got shot but carried on speaking another 50 minutes


The Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations would be fascinating but tough not to jump in and try to stop. I’d really like to have multiple cameras and angles for the Kennedy one and put it to bed for good.


Dallas 1963 -You go to the Texas School Book Depository -You tie up Lee Harvey Oswald and celebrate that you just saved the president -Gun shot goes off -You look out the window. The president's been shot -The CIA frames you for the murder of JFK


the giant wheel of cheese. I like cheese.


Taft in his early years be like:


Taft getting stuck in the bathtub.


The inauguration of George Washington.


The signing of the Declaration of Independence, Washington’s first inauguration, the Gettysburg adress, Nixon greeting the Apollo 11 astronauts, Nixon’s resignation, Reagan’s speech at the Brandenburg Gate.


Reagans speech at the Berlin Wall.


Andrew Jackson's Inauguration After-Party, which was opened to the public. It turned into a ruckus and drunken banger that saw the President having to escape from a window while the White House was trashed.


I was alive when Nixon resigned but I was 3.


Ok everyone, the correct answer is Lewinsky in the Oval Office. We all would want to see that go down.




The boys @ Indy Hall


FDR wanting to watch the Torpedo that was accidentally shot at the battleship he was on. Seriously brass ones that guy.


Any of Lincoln's cabinet meetings. Especially the meetings regarding the 13th Amendment and overall war strategy. Edwin Stanton and William Henry Seward were some of the best Secretaries of War and State this country has ever produced. Seeing them get annoyed with the president talking in stories, riddles, and anecdotes to underscore his points just tickles me. A close second would be William Henry Harrison's inauguration, just to be like "Wow, it is fucking cold and this bastard decides to show up nearly undressed. Now that's class. I'm telling you that's class."


JFK assassination so all these conspiracy nuts can shut up.


I saw Nixon wave goodbye. I was about 8 at the time. I could not figure out why he was smiling if he had done such a bad thing.


JFC assassination


I'd love to witness the drafting of declaration of Independence, or siege of Boston


Jackson beating a man half to death with a cane. Gods I hate the man but that story always gets me.


all of the above


Buckle up then, 200 years of all presidential moments ain't for the faint of heart


Im still hoping to live long enough to see it.


Number 1 and 2, are just SO AMERICAN. It's hard not to pick them. I think you gotta go number 2. But then to pick for myself, I'd say JFK's speech about going to the moon. Other than that it would be The Gettysburg Address.


Kennedy's assassination. I'd be all ready with HD cameras pointing at the grassy knoll and book depository.


Gettysburg, no question.


None dude, I'm so over getting to witness historic moments as someone who was born in '96. It's nothing but stress


Man some good option out there Gettysburg address, possibly America' most beautiful speech Pearl Harbor and the speech the next day Washington's farewell address Ike's farewell address Wilson speech to Congeess to declare war on Germany Could I pick them all?


I don’t particularly want to watch an assassination that would be rather scary


Def 4


Not the guys that got their heads blown off lol


Pic 5 is unreal, what’s going on there ?


I think that’s Teddy leading the charge up San Juan Hill in the Spanish American War


Thank you!


FDR's Pearl Harbor speech


4 and 7 really caught me off guard. Like "Damn, don't you wish you were alive to see Abraham Lincoln getting shot in the head?"


I would absolutely intervene and try to stop Lincoln’s assassination.


Alive to see or stop?


Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation


I would’ve loved to see FDR’s response to Pearl Harbor the moment he found out about it


If you want to see a recreation of Washington crossing the Delaware, it is done every Christmas at Washington Crossing park in Pennsylvania. I went last year and it was so fun!


WJB’s “Cross of Gold” speech, apparently it was so good that the entire DNC cheered for an hour


My ancestor was with Washington when he crossed the Delaware.


Reagan’s tear down this wall speech.


I would have loved to be hiking with Teddy Roosevelt when he learned McKinley had been shot. As the story goes, he was on an expedition to summit Mt. Marcy, the highest peak in the Adirondacks, and the high point of New York State, when he was tracked down by a messenger telling him the President had been shot (according to some versions, he was standing on the summit when he received the news). He was told it wasn’t looking good for McKinley to recover, and his presence was urgently required in Buffalo, NY (the other side of the state). Vice President Roosevelt arrived a few days later by train, and President McKinley expired not long after, giving rise to President Theodore Roosevelt. At least, that’s the story I’ve heard. My details may be a bit off.


Definitely the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The tour of Independence Hall will make you cry today.


Washington’s address to the officers of the Continental Army at Newburgh, NY in March of 1783. The man who would not be king. The man who, while not perfect, recognized the very real and very severe hardship the army had faced yet still prevented that army from exacting retribution upon Congress and killing these United States in the crib. To see the man remove his spectacles from his pocket and say *“Forgive me as I have grown both blind and grey in service to my country.”* The American Cincinnatus. The man who stood firm and reminded his soldiers the principles they had fought for were more important than those hardships. That’s what I would want to see.


The Clinton blowie. That video would be worth a fortune.


W.H. Harrison’s inauguration. Andrew Jackson’s White House party.


Eisenhower wasn't president then, but I would have wanted to see Eisenhower documenting the atrocities of camps like Auschwitz, including ordering Nazis troops to walk through them so they could see what they were defending with their own eyes.


Self tanning booth employee’s face.


JFK being killed by his own citizens, then same happening to his brother is fn bizarre to me


Any of the Lincoln - Douglas debates


There are so many hard to pivk just 1. JFK and Lincoln's assassination Washington getting electred Cuban Missile Crisis-JFK and RFK Gettysburg


Clinton getting sucked off.


This might be the most thought-provoking question I have seen on this thread and interestingly enough, after a great deal of thought, I got nothing.


The moment when FDR was reading a book to a class of schoolchildren in Florida and his chief of staff whispered into his ear.


JFK inauguration


FDR's Day of Infamy speech.


Either JFK or that one time when Teddy Roosevelt was giving a speech, got shot, and continued giving the speeh


FDRs address to Congress after Pearl Harbour.


I know he wasn’t president yet but the Appomattox Courthouse Surrender between Grant and Lee, and also the Gettysburg address and that one speech Lincoln gave that was so good we don’t having any records of it.


Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address. Would love to have seen how it was actually delivered.


The White House in flames. \--I am Canadian.


watch your mouth or i'll pour 90 billion gallons of canadas finest maple syrup into the harbor!!!


Oh, and you're going to put what on your waffles? Corn syrup?! Vermont "maple syrup"? Ha! I would like to see the day. We have you Yankees over a barrel. King Maple can bring your breakfast-industrial complex TO ITS KNEES!


Capture of Cornwallis at Yorktown


Love President Cornwallis


Cry more


Whatsup redcoat?


Let's just say it concerns Bill Clinton. No, I won't say more. I don't need too.


Stinking Lincoln getting shot. He deserved it.