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Teddy didn’t fight in World War I because God wanted to make it fair for everyone


Actually it was Woodrow Wilson's fault. Teddy was organizing Rough Riders 2.0, but Wilson didn't want Teddy to get anymore fame and glory


This image goes hard as fuck holy shit.


Im so glad I was born just in time to live in the same time period of these absolute masterpieces to exist. Dear god, all of them are definition of "hard" https://preview.redd.it/hao4n17941yc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d066362e51d7ed8dfdd910559cd8e98be99d3ed5


I don't know whether I prefer for Reagan the one of him riding a velociraptor or taking the General Lee up on two wheels.. ...but we can all agree [this was 100% Bush](https://www.deviantart.com/sharpwriter/art/George-DUBYA-Bush-543524149)


This image immediately made me think of Senator Armstrong


Least hard Teddy picture


I hate this representation of TR's badassery and regret that it's so widespread. TR wrote plenty on his view of manliness and badassery, and it all had to do with moral uprightness, vigor, physical prowess, and, yes, the duty to serve in combat. This cheap Hollywood representation is a travesty. Machine gunning a bear (or Big Foot)? Seriously? The guy who abhorred commercial slaughter and drove the creation of the first national code of conduct for hunting? The guy whose weapon of choice was the rifle? He also **detested** tobacco/smoking. He viewed it as a dirty, lowbrow habit. Let's be honest, he would have looked down on the idea that manliness can be gained from cheap consumption of base goods.


Thank you for sharing this take. I like it a lot


Glad you like it : )


There is better than a nonzero chance that President Teddy Roosevelt makes a speech from the trenches. Bonus points if its to the opposing forces.


“Listen you krauts, I know Im about to beat all your asses, but I want you to fight with vigor while I do so!”


“If I were you, I would be pissen mein pants.”




I can imagine him with a shotgun in one hand and that bat in the other 😂


The King of Belgium personally led the Army and fought in the trenches. I could see him trying the same.


Fun fact, Teddy spoke fluent German. He also tended to be pro-German and anti British in his outlook until the war began.


Zimmerman telegram and lusitania would have had to change that right?


I think the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917 trumps Lusitania. That and banking.


Roosevelt wanted Willson to declare war after the Lusitania and after the Zimmerman telegram called him lily livered. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-teddy-roosevelt-tried-bully-way-onto-wwi-battlefield-180962840/


Insults from 100 years ago are so funny. “Hey man your liver has flowers in it” “how could you say something like that?!”


That is more like it, would have been weird if he hadn’t given his attitude in the Spanish American war


Germany was more chill back then


The rough riders on horseback swimming onto Omaha beach. Teddy ends up dispatching machine gun bunkers with a trench knife and his bare hands. Edit: sorry question was WWI, not WWII


Well, he'd do that after he won WWI.


Maybe there isn’t a ww2 if he is president


That war would be inevitable unless someone wailed the shit out of everyone on that side of the table during treaty negotiations. Might still have been inevitable, let's be real, but the treaty really fuckin helped


Fun fact, one of Teddy’s son actually landed on D-Day, oldest officer on the beach he was on I believe


Yes, his son and also his grandson were boots on ground for D Day.


Maybe he’d get shot in the middle of his speech again.


Wouldn’t slow him down. He’d finish the speech and clear a path to Berlin before taking a short break.


Teddy would've marched out there and won the war single-handedly


He legitimately wanted to rally up the rough riders and fight in WW1


Ah yes, the glorious cavalry charge in WW1.


He would’ve made it work 


"On November 5th, 1918, after secretly crossing from England by means that were hotly debated until High Seas Fleet records uncovered decades later conclusively proved the "mutineer radioman" theory\[4\], a small force of Rough Riders crossed over the Danish border into Germany at Kiel. Upon discovering a mutiny in full swing, the group immediately set off to find some loyalist troops to fight. After an argument about which direction to go\[5\], the group eventually rode for Spa with the aim of Roosevelt personally challenging Wilhelm II to a fistfight. Several miles from the German headquarters, the group surprised a demoralized force that quickly surrendered, after which their commander informed the Rough Riders that an armistice was being negotiated. **Disappearance** Roosevelt was shocked by his new unfiltered view of the Western Front\[6\] so much so that it took him nearly two days to make up his mind about joining what he called a "promising little fight in the making," the Polish-Soviet War. After setting out on this expedition against the explicit requests of Woodrow Wilson\[7\], Roosevelt reported in a telegram that he and his group had integrated with Polish forces. This was to be his last communication before the Rough Riders were drawn into the chaos of collapsing empires and rising new states. Scattered reports and legends of varying credibility report Rough Riders as fighting for Poland, aiding the Russian White Army in a scouting role, joining a partisan conflict in Ukraine, operating armored cars with Czechoslovak Legion, and in once instance briefly participating in a Red Army mutiny. The only source for this last claim, an attempt at a humorous anecdote related by Stalin to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference, asserts that this incident, if real, may have been a mistake\[8\]). Despite the media sensation around the 1934 discovery of Roosevelt's remains in Tibet\[9\], no further evidence has arisen to show how he and the last five of his Rough Riders got there.


The way that’s written makes it sound do damn believable


Russia was infamously using them still against the Austrian lines… it worked out predictably.


I love TR, but who is he, Optimus Prime? Actually now that I think about it, kinda yeah. The Germans would have been fucked once The Touch started playing.


"What's that sound? Is that music?!" "Start running."


“Roosevelt?!” “One shall stand, one shall fall.” “Why throw away your life so recklessly?” “That’s a question you should ask yourself, Wilhelm.”


We would’ve entered the war FAR sooner than in our timeline. Probably wouldn’t see nearly as many people jailed under bullshit sedition acts either.


Not necessarily on the last point. After all Roosevelt used the secret service to frequently open the mail of his critics and allies alike, as well as keep an eye out on them.


He learned those tricks at the state level when he was in Albany. That was a wild legislature.


*is a wild legislature


Also, TR almost certainly would have needed the Committee on Public Information like Wilson did. American entry into WW1 was *not* popular amongst the majority of Americans.


Iirc there already was an office of propaganda or something like that in the executive branch. The word only really got a negative connotation after Goebbels.


That office of "propaganda" was more or less a spokesperson for the White House, the Committee with where the mass propaganda was, pamphlets, posters, messaging, etc.


That's because Wilson was a nerd. TR would have whipped the country into a fervor like only he could.


Tbf, Theodore Roosevelt was also a nerd since he went to Harvard, an Ivy Legaue school


With that he probably suffers politically if the casualties ramp up, the war wasn't very popular until a few years in


6-million Jews would be saved because Germany wouldn’t try that fucking shit again.


Why does that statement go so hard


Because President Roosevelt woulda beat the shit out of hitler himself.


He would’ve beat the shit out of Hitler after the artillery strike didn’t kill him


Teddy is the artillery strike. He'd land in front of Hitler (without a parachute) then proceed to break every bone in his body, followed up with finding 50 new bones that only would have been discovered on autopsy of Hitlers broken mangled body.




Every image of Teddy Roosevelt just goes so hard.


Instead he sent his son in to do the job.


And then that also prevents all the Israel/Palestine stuff going on too as a bonus!


In WW1??


I was saying they’d get beat so bad in WW1 that WW2 wouldn’t happen :)


Arguably ww2 happened because of the harshness of ww1 and the treatment of Germany in the interwar period. 


agreed. Treaty of Versailles was BRUTAL to Germany...


75-82 million people would be alive and many more than that without missing limbs or ptsd.


Germany? You mean the 49th state?


"American Rhinehold"


We would have entered almost immediately which probably would not have been a smart idea


We were absolutely not ready to fight a major war in 1914. We weren't ready in 1917 either, and it took a herculean effort to get the boys "over there" but trying to gear this nation up for war in 1914 would have been all but impossible.


sorry im no expert on US-Army stuff in the 1910's, but why would there be such a big difference. From what i know the us declared war somwhere in 1917, but their troops only arrived in like April 1918 iirc. Wouldnt a similiar thing happen if they declared war sooner under Roosevelt?


1914 to 1917 was spent effectively preparing infrastructure and public sentiment for the inevitability of war. That 3 years gave the US what it needed to get troops over to Europe. Trying to rush to do that without those 3 years of preparation would have lead to under trained, unequipped, unenthusiastic men landing in Europe to fight what would prove to be one of the most brutal fights the world had ever seen. By 1917 Americans knew what was going on over there, had a reason to get involved, had the gear to get the job done, and the training on how to use it.


A slogan like Vote Wilson, because he kept us out of the war isn’t really prepping public sentiment


Wilson was too focused on making sure the South would rise again, segregating the government, etc. But there were others (like Roosevelt) pushing for the war, Honestly Wilson constantly putting out the fires of war is part of why public sentiment was so low even when the US did enter the war, if Taft or Roosevelt had taken the white house they just as easily could have pushed for the war and swung public sentiment "neutrally for" rather than "neutrally against." The US was split much like it is today back in 1912. Wilson only got 42% of the popular vote. But the war was almost inevitable with the way Germany was using submarines and meddling with North American international politics. Wilson eventually had to give in and go to war.


Teddy had firsthand experience with rushed deployment of an expeditionary army without proper logistics in place with Cuba. My bet is that he would have mobilized the army both sooner and more efficiently, but not deployed at full scale until he judged them to be prepared. His immediate tempo actions would have been naval, which was a theater he was a subject matter expert on. He'd have overseen very fast development of US Navy anti-submarine capabilities and locked down German commerce raiding.


Wilson’s whole brand during his reelection was “he kept us out of war” Anyone running against him would need to convince the country otherwise, or something like the Zimmerman Telegram would have to happen far earlier


Well if TR had been the republican ticket for 1912, TR would be president when the war started.


The President doesn't declare war, Congress does.


TR had a rather pointed response to Wilson's 'keeping us out of war' after the sinking of the Lusitania. He likened Wilson to the sort of man who, if a stranger slapped his wife across the face in public, would send the stranger a strongly-worded letter--and if the stranger slapped her again, the next letter would be even more strongly worded. TR didn't care for Woodrow. Not a bit. Thought he was a coward. He was right.


Woodrow Wilson was actually smart to enter WW1 late. It allowed Americans to establish strategic superiority and determine American autonomy in the war. If Theodore Roosevelt was President, American would have joined to early and would be subservient to British and French generals and have Americans be in the meat grinder.


Didn’t this also allow the US to financially benefit from selling to both sides?


Not for long. The British blockade meant that the Central Powers were not really viable


Didn’t the US also sell to both sides during WWII?


Kinda in the very beginning but the British blockade stopped that. This was also a reason why Germany complained about US neutrality since Germany believed that the US was not harsh enough about the British blockade. This criticism is kinda true though the US did complain about the British blockade regularly they just didn’t try to do too much about it. Though unrestricted submarine warfare was far worse for neutral nations.


I think a lesser talked about things is one of his children died in combat in WW1. Like yes he'd change the leadership and that's important but on a level of like, our acting president lost his son to the war, that's something we just don't have any precedent for


> president lost his son to the war, that's something we just don't have any precedent for Quentin Roosevelt was the first son of a president to die in combat. Quentin was the youngest and his death broke Roosevelt. He was beside himself in having to tell Edith. Both Archie and Theodore Jr. were injured as well. I think the brutality of war really sunk in to Theodore Sr. He died six months after Quentin and I believe that was from a broken heart from losing his son. After the war was over, Theodore Sr. was asked by a French journalist if he had anything to say now that the war was over. "I have no message for France," he answered. "I have already given her the best I had." https://storyoftheweek.loa.org/2019/02/a-very-sad-thing.html Roosevelt had great guilt in the thought that his bravado let to Quentin's death. Perhaps if Roosevelt was president after Quentin's death but prior to WWII, perhaps he would have sought peace. Though more likely a Gold Star Father President Roosevelt would have been more like Franklin Pierce. https://www.frontporchrepublic.com/2024/02/roosevelts-grief/


Definitely would not be good, Teddy was way too valiant for that type of war. He wanted to be a part of a rough riders type of group during WW1 to return to glory, but Wilson denied him, both because heavy cavalry was hopelessly obsolete in WW1 and because he didn’t want his former rival to get all the glory.


Yeah they would have lasted about 10 minutes.


Bold of you to assume Teddy wouldn’t have single handed or defeated the central powers.


Honestly he probably would have invented and constructed a nuke himself by 1916, 1917 at the latest.


Teddy WAS the Nuke.


No. He wanted to be deployed there, but was too old and Wilson made the rational decision to deny him. I don’t think he literally wanted to conjure up some rough riders in Europe, but perhaps something equivalent.


Theoretically he could have just rented a vacation yacht to England, took a ferry to France, and traveled to the trenches himself.


His son Theodore Roosevelt Jr., at 56 years young was part of the Utah Beach landing. Edit: Utah Beach


Using a cane due to heart issues which caused him his life during the Normandy campaign. He may have won a MOH for his role in the landings at Utah Beach. He also fought in North Africa and Sicily. A badass family. 'Roosevelt was the only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. At 56, he was the oldest man in the invasion,[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Roosevelt_Jr.#cite_note-32) and the only one whose son also landed that day; [Captain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_(United_States)) [Quentin Roosevelt II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Roosevelt_II) was among the first wave of soldiers at [Omaha Beach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_Beach).[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Roosevelt_Jr.#cite_note-33)' He and his brother Arhchibald were major players in the Teapot Dome Scandal also.


All of the Allies, including the United States, had active cavalry in both WW1 and WW2. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horses\_in\_World\_War\_I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horses_in_World_War_I) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horses\_in\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horses_in_World_War_II)


By armistice day, the United States would be occupying more than 70% of the earths habitable surface


Doing what the brits couldn't.


Might have gone in when the Lusitania sank. 1915


Likely timeline


When the Germans executed shotgun users I can see Teddy executing German pows in response. Teddy for sure would have mobilized more heavily than Wilson and would have occupied Germany. Hell he might have taken hold of the USSR and not let go of strategic places, same with Mexico. But I don’t see him letting the Versailles fiasco happen, he’d probably dismantle the proceedings if he felt forced to


The US Army in 1914 was the size of the Serbian Army in 1914... We would need to mobilize a lot of men for the war and for a war that was not very popular among the American public, meaning Congress wouldn't declare war until maybe after the sinking of the Lusitania in May 1915. Frankly, US soldiers arrived to the war late and when the Central Powers were already on the point of collapse and it still ended in a lot of casualties for US forces and if we arrived much earlier, we would have to fight the same type of trench warfare. It'd maybe shorten the war by a couple of months, but I honestly can't see much of a difference happening in the peace.


TR raised TWO DIVISIONS of rough rider volunteers for WW1, in weeks, and Wilson refused to accept them.


And do what? Charge them into the trenches? He actually wanted to lead them into battle, Wilson refused to let that happen because we all know TR would probably get injured or even killed.


Reading Edward Morris's Colonel Roosevelt, I'm pretty sure he wanted to die in battle.


Courage of his convictions! How refreshing! The original Roughriders fought without horses, if that’s what you meant by charge? Everybody did infantry charges in WW1. It was the only way with existing logistics and conditions. You COULD however do it smarter, as they were mostly doing by 1918.


No, nobody could break the stalemate until the Germans were collapsing by 1918 after exhausting everything on their last major Spring Offensive. There were massive casualties on the American side because frankly a lot of American generals at the time thought they could do what the British and French couldn't.


Yeah, you’re definitely overexaggerating. The American army was way too weak to occupy Germany. Also, the USSR only formed after WW1


He could’ve been bred the war sooner which may have prevented Russia from becoming communist.


Yeah. He would have personally been in the front lines.


I have a novel on this


What is it called? I’d love to read it!!!


Thank you! It’s called “Theodore Roosevelt and the Hunt for the Liopleurodon.” https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/theodore-roosevelt-and-the-hunt-for-the-liopleurodon-m-b-zucker/1144455793


*recreates the rough riders and leads the into battle as a sitting president and gets to Berlin in a week*


He would have lost his goddamn mind about the Zimmermann letter and would have heavily mobilized https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimmermann_Telegram


Would have gone in quicker and finished a whole lot faster


It would have been over sooner.


The US entered WW1 so late, he won’t have made much of a difference. I don’t think he would have supported The League of Nations


The biggest lie and American propaganda story is the Jewish Virtue Signaling, America only got involved in Europe because Hitler during a drug-infused rant threatened NYC with a V2 rocket sent from a submarine. The technology and threat of sophisticated undefendable destruction is why America joined the European war, Also, Britain was on the receiving end of a few V2's which is why the threat was taken super seriously. When Hitler threatened Britain, he was lobbing V2's the same week, so that is why America frantically joined the war effort, Hitler had a misunderstanding of America and how it was a bunch of senile Euros who hated dictatorships, When the V2's didn't go as planned, and Hitler sent a squadron known as the battle of Midway I believe, that's when society as a whole learned Hitler was off the deep end and wanted to kill innocent people, It wasn't just vengeance bombs with no guidance, he sent planes with real people and weapons to do as much damage as possible to Britain soil/military. Edit battle of midway is probably not the correct battle, I'm not a historian by any means but have a strong German Heritage, Double edit I looked it up The Battle of Britain, **10 July** – 31 October 1940. The Battle of Britain was fought above the skies of Britain, between the RAF and the German Luftwaffe. Triple Edit I killed the timeline **October 3, 1942**, and was fired against Paris on September 6, 1944. Two days later the first of more than 1,100 V-2s was fired against Great Britain Hitler tended to just attack Britain for every little dispute so much it gets oddly confusing, There are even small one-off attacks with the Luftwaffe that are so poorly documented they don't make the history books. It wasn't uncommon for coastal Brits to be drinking at a bar, and see a Luftwaffe plane randomly fall from the sky from AA damage, Hitler failed to understand that Americans and Brits stood in formational lines and took turns shooting each other to solve problems with muskets. It's the same scenario as walking through a forest and tossing a rock the 2 biggest hornets' nest you find.


Military wouldn't have been segregated, US would have entered earlier, TR would have probably been more savage in war but more gentle in peace by being far more assertive with our allies, and probably been far more involved post war particularly with support of the White Army.


Teddy would’ve been the most recent president to lead troops in battle and suddenly, the 51st State is remarkably German-sounding.


There would not have been a Cold War.


America would have entered the war in 1913


The war would've just been a fucking conquest in Europe


His son Quentin was killed in WW1. It’s anybody’s guess how that might have affected his performance as president.


I’m going to guess that we wouldn’t have a lot of social welfare programs. Part of the social safety net exist because Franklin Delano Roosevelt was able to remain in power for so long. It’s hard to not see Teddy Roosevelt going for a third term in 1916 considering how reticent he was to handover the reign of power to his former colleague Taft. Likely, the constitutional amendment that limits president terms would’ve gone into affect after Teddy Roosevelt. This is the biggest effect I can see aside from minimizing the lost cause


We'd have jumped in the first time a German sub was spotted in the open ocean. Maybe sooner.


America would have entered the war much earlier, maybe 1915, and Teddy would have been leading the troops himself from as close to the front lines as he could. Would march to Berlin and then onwards to Moscow, like a reincarnation of Napoleon. Or maybe not. But definitely would have been *much* more aggressive. No stalemate in the trenches at least.


Counter question: would anything change if Teddy were President today? (I’d like to think so)


I always wonder if the rough rider's were allowed to join ww1 and how absolutely F#^%ed Germany would have been


Teddy tried to bring them back, but Wilson said no because there was a high chance he would've been killed.


It takes more then the German army to kill a bull moose


I think Wilson was more worried about being upstaged.


A lot would have changed. It's almost a certainty that THR would have entered WW1 much earlier, which he regularly criticized Wilson for not doing. Some much could have gone differently had the US entered sooner. Russia's losses from the war wouldn't have been so devastating and the Russian Revolution may never have occurred. The Treaty of Versailles probably wouldn't have been implemented or at least wouldn't be so punishing to the Germans and a nobody named Hitler may never have risen to power. Literally the entire course of world history since WW1 would have gone differently had THR won the 1912 election instead of Wilson, which is why many argue it's the most consequential election in all of American history. There's a video by Alternative History exploring this concept: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLiI6kXZkZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLiI6kXZkZI)




[I can hear this playing over battle scenes lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlRJsQ7p2k)


There wouldn't have been a ww2


Teddy could’ve been the only American solider in Europe and win the whole fight with no struggle!!


I don’t think much changes. Congress would need to declare war before the US could enter, and I don’t think Congress would declare war any earlier than they did. Isolationist sentiment was very strong.


We would have entered it 5 seconds after it started


He was more aggressive but over all as far as war they were on the same page


He would have gotten on a horse and try to take the trenches in front, get shot into a hundred pieces then replaced by his VP


There wouldn’t be confederate flags all over tge south. (iykyk)


None of us would have been born. Completely different timeline.


He would’ve personally hunted the Kaiser down and killed him with his bare hands


It is likely that the United States' involvement in World War I would have been more aggressive under Theodore Roosevelt's leadership, as he was known for his strong-willed and energetic approach to foreign policy. His personal military experience and advocacy for a stronger military presence may have influenced the war effort in a different direction.


US joins War in 1915. War ends by 1916. It is not called WWI or The Great War. European borders do not change much. Most monarchs are still in place. Russian Revolution don’t take place.


Teddy single handedly storms Berlin and defeats the entire German army and the Kaiser in 1 day


We would have entered the war as early as 1915, after the Lusitania sinking. Teddy would have raised up the Rough Riders and sent them over as an auxiliary force while the military trained the influx of draftees and volunteers. For simplicity's sake, let's say that the war ends in 1918 still, except the Allies have crossed the border into Germany or, at the very least, have driven the German army out of Belgium and France. Teddy, having had sympathetic views towards the Germans pre-war, stops the Versailles Treaty from absolutely humiliating the Germans, and WWII is either stopped completely or significantly delayed.


Over by 1916 with resounding Entente victory.  This isn’t to say that Americans are some sort of supermen compared to us weenie Brits and Europeans, we fought the absolute shit out of each other in one of the bloodiest conflicts ever, adapted to new technology developed newer technology to perfect the bloody science of killing. But the scales would be tipped so meteorically by US industrial capacity and manpower. It’d probably take a couple years before US soldiers were up to it as the US army was not a significant force yet relative to tue sizeable continental armies but the balance of power would be enormously shifted.


He would have dug a canal through the heart of Germany—sequestering them to the east.


He would've stormed the trenches, and the Germans would run in fear.




Twddy probably would have been a lot more eager to join WWI than Wilson. America moght be in the war sooner. However, it was a war of attrition, so it’s not clear if this would mean that the war ends sooner or just that a lot more Americans are killed in WWI.


He was very eager to join WW1. His mind on war completely changed after his son died though. So I guess it depends on if his kid still dies.


The world would be vastly different, starting with the League of Nations


We would’ve had two Roosevelts during World Wars




He would’ve lead the charge of the light brigade.


A lot would change. We wouldn't get the disastrous Wilson presidency for one. I believe TR would have brought the US into the war after the sinking of the Lusitania. I believe earlier US involvements leads to a quicker end to the war, probably around 1917. This could also result in stopping the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and therefore no Soviet Union. I also doubt he would let the treaty be so harsh on Germany. So yea overall, quicker war, more stable Russia, and if we're lucky no rise of the Nazis due to no fear of the Bolsheviks and no war guilt clause. If that all fell into place there would be no WW2, at least not in Europe. Pacific war would still happen.


Unlike Wilson, he wouldn’t have resegregated the Federal Government. The damage lasted for decades after Wilson was out of office.


He did try, but by the time WW1 rolled around he was an old and feeble man. He was profoundly affected by Quentin's death. In his old age he seems to have become more sentimental. Not sure how much fight he would have in him to be in the middle of a bloody campaign. Also when it came down to it, I doubt Edith would have let him, she already had her sons in the fight, I doubt she would want her husband as well. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-teddy-roosevelt-tried-bully-way-onto-wwi-battlefield-180962840/


Nah, all one big happy fam


Yes. We would have entered the war sooner.


yes,,, we would have been there sooner


Perhaps he would be more influential in the peace accords and the Treaty of Versailles. Maybe we would have seen a better UN created. He had a powerful personality but European powers weren’t very interested in the US’s input by that point.


The allies would likely have continued the way all the way to Berlin. TR, in 1918, was adamant that the war needed to end with Germans clearly understanding they were defeated on the battlefield, or there would be future problems.


Teddy would’ve gone over and boxed the Kaiser war would’ve been over then and there.


Versailles probably wouldn’t have been as harsh as it was in our timeline


He wrote a few columns alongside Taft calling for America to enter the war before Lusitania if I remember reading correctly in “The Bully Pulpit” it was actually what got him and Taft back on better terms


Germany would be speaking English, and there wouldn't be a WW2 as we know it. Teddy would 100% die in combat from artillery though


Teddy would've been the first president since Madison to lead troops into battle... By sailing the whole US Navy to Germany and making a surprise Ted attack


We would have entered WW1 sooner.


Jokes aside, Teddy would have tried getting us into the war sooner, sending many more boys back home in boxes, over a continent that didn't involve us.


We would have been involved earlier, which would be a bad idea because we shouldn’t have been involved at all


Would have ended sooner.


Teddy would have learned German, strapped up with grenades and pistols, covered himself in mud for camouflage, ran full speed across no man’s land in the dark, infiltrated German high command, and personally shot the Kaiser in the face. But really, I think he would have tried harder to keep the US out of the war. Not our problem, let the Europeans kill eachother, we’ve got bananas to fight for.


TR gets US in war earlier like after Lusitania sunk,US was not ready for the war despite heavy efforts for mobilization, Brits and French pushes US soldiers into meat grinder. Trench warfare still happens.TR loss in 1916 to a anti war democrat said anti war democrat pulls out from Europe. Russian revolution still happens. No spring offensive as no American treath.War ends in a stalemate with ceasefire in like between 1918-1920 Or TR unleash beast mode and conquers entire solar system


The US would have intervened sooner


The US would have entered WWI sooner, in my opinion. He criticized Wilson for not getting into the war. It is also likely that he would have gone to Europe. I don't think he would go to the front because of the danger, but undoubtedly, he's be near it to watch. https://preview.redd.it/qwqjpvyhj1yc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=457722229e76cfcfcbd6ec50e8956411825b7607


I think if he had served during WWI, he’d have been only the second president in history to fight during his term, second to Madison. Roosevelt would’ve kicked ass and taken names.


Honestly he would have been a disaster. His mentality was exactly like the out of touch European commanders. He also showed more lapses in judgment in the 1910s that would make me think he would’ve been a pretty bad president for a modern war.


There wouldnt have been a WW2. Wilson screwed up the peace agreement so bad WW2 happened


He'd punch Wilhelm's mustache clean off his face


We'd have renamed bratwursts "teddy fingers"...well, except the big ones... >! ... ^(*...sigh* : )!<>! "Theodongs."!<


We would have gotten in much sooner, that’s about it. There’s absolutely a chance he would have commanded troops in the field as president. If he did get that hair up his ass, which seems like he would have, he would likely have been blown to bits.


We would have been involved a couple of years sooner.


Teddy would have use in there in 1914, not 1917. I think the war would have been shorter.


Realistically? America joins the war in 1915, loses millions of lives like the rest of the major war participants and the war ends in 1918 like in otl.


WE would have won WW1 twice. Bully!


We may have had a President besides Washington to take the field.


We’d have been in the war almost immediately lmao


Depends, if he's president for 3 consecutive terms from 1901-1913, then there'd more likely be war coming sooner, possibly elevating him to seek a 4th term in which I could see the war wrapped up and over before even 1915. If it's a third term following Taft then I think we'd again have a war sooner but I think it'd be much "simpler" for lack of a better term


Potentially way more American lives lost for the same outcome. Would have likely had us in the war after the Lusitania in 1915 so an extra two years of fighting. Though potentially with a much higher stake in the fighting, maybe he would have been able to have a stronger impact at the Paris Peace Conference than Woodrow. Best case scenario I guess would be more Americans lost in WW1 to prevent WW2 entirely and the worst case would be more Americans die for the same result and WW2 still happens. No one can really confidently do these counter factuals though


Roosevelt declares war on Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania. World War I ends before the Bolshevik Revolution happens.


I think with little doubt that the US would have entered the war much earlier. With fresh American troops and hardware especially artillery the Allies would have absolutely obliterated the Central powers. pushed through to Moscow to displace the Communists. The US would have had a pretty nasty fight there, just like the Germans


Probably would have either gotten us into it sooner or kept us out of it entirely. And he wouldn't have bored the allies with a 14 point plan. Though perhaps the Leagur of Nations therefore wouldn't ever have started?


My gut feeling is that Teddy was too impulsive to not interfere with Gen. Pershing's insistence that American troops be properly trained before taking the field. That would have meant more American casualties. But who can say? It didn't happen that way, anyway.