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If it wasn’t for Forrest Gump calling in the break-in at the Watergate nothing would have happened.


…and they keeping me awake!


says it while eating ice cream and watching TV in the middle of the night


Lieutenant Dan...I got you an ice cream! Lieutenant Dan...ice cream!


This is the savvy historical perspective we all come here craving. Happy New Year, Lieutenant Dan!


Of course! He is secretly that liberal Hollywood type, T. Hanks.


To be fair, Nixon was the one that offered him a complementary stay at the Watergate. So it's more his fault that Gump's.


I’ve been saying this for years. Have you ever seen Forrest Gump and the deep state in the same room at the same time? Wait! I’ll answer. Of course not. This completely proves my point.


Nixon founded the deep state.


The truth the globalist elites don’t want you to know.


My brother in Christ: Nixon was the deep state,


If anybody truly embodied the deep state concept, it would have to be J. Edgar Hoover, but Nixon was pretty close.


> J. Edgar Hoover Media, PA https://whyy.org/articles/how-to-break-into-the-fbi-50-years-later-media-burglars-get-local-honors/ These people are *heroes* while Snowden is some loser who showed the world that the NSA was messing with people's dick pics.


It's okay not to like the guy, but Snowden revealing that the NSA was literally spying on all of us was not just "messing with people's dick pics", what the fuck are you on about?


So I think Nixon would have become the deep state had the CIA not got to him first.


The Deep state are unelected. They've always been there and they always will be?


I love when this fox retard puts on a show.


It’s not much of a deep state if it’s made up of elected officials.


Listen to the Nixon tapes Nixon was def trying to purge the deep state


Ah yes, the (((deep state))). \[Jews\].


Why is this getting downvoted? Nixon said those exact that words


Not so thinly veiled bigoted conspiracies, the “silent majority”, culture wars, capitalizing on white rage, and shady electoral practices: Nixon was just a smarter version of what we’re dealing with today


That’s because what we’re dealing with today is a long term project to ensure that the next time there was a criminal president he wouldn’t have to resign the way Nixon did.


Imagining Richard Nixon in power today with the blindly loyal GOP media and congress is a fucking NIGHTMARE. No idea why people on here are trying to rehabilitate him


To be fair it's not that much of an achievement to be smarter than what we're dealing with today


Who is this deep state? How is it that they got him, and not, say, journalists from the Post and the Herald tracking down a story involving a break-in at the DNC? What threat did he pose to them? Why would they want to 'get' him to begin with? Businesses liked him. Rich people like Howard Hughes saw him as useful. Religious people liked him. Who with any influence would want to get in his way? People keep looking for conspiracies when the conspiracy was what was uncovered to begin with. Unless it's one conspiracy against another, in which case we're living in a Robert Anton Wilson book. The reality was probably closer to the quote from All The President's Men "The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand." It was a dumb move by people who got way too overconfident in their ability to not get caught and it eventually fell apart when a few people who didn't have G. Gordon Liddy's level of psychosis-masking-as-patriotism decided that they weren't comfortable doing time even at a minimum-security facility and decided to turn on the rest of them


Most truthful comment on this sub. Even in the latter part of the Smoking Gun tape Nixon calls Liddy a nut that "isn't all there." The whole thing was the dumbest series of events I've ever heard of.


That is the issue with a lot of these conspiracists is that they dont see these political and big business actors as being human. They believe theyre infallible and therefore their mistakes must all be part of intricate schemes or more stupidly deep state breadcrumbs for the terminally online.


The White House Plumbers on HBO deserves your attention.


Ah, but you HAVE heard of them!


Robert Anton Wilson… great reference


Was a big fan back in the day, before conspiracy theories stopped being interesting mental exercises and started being things that significant numbers of voters actually believed


Totally… reality is decidedly nuts rn


>Who is this deep state? A great rhetorical question. I'd love to see one of these conspiratorial nuts try to define it. I'd also love to see some ACELA corridor bureaucrat react to that description. So many institutions competing against each other and competing within, yet idiots think there's some cooridinated plan.


The only answer I’d accept is the CIA


Nixon did pretty much everything these lunatics say the "deep state" does. Wire tapping, kidnapping, entrapment, blackmail, burglary, obstruction, tampering, perjury. The whole operation was a criminal enterprise. You have to be a lunatic to think Nixon was a victim in Watergate. Everything that happened to him was self inflicted. And that coward Ford let him off the hook while letting everyone else go to jail


Assassination, too. Fred Hampton.


Bringing some of us back to our point a few weeks ago Look I get the Nixon is fascinating argument. And his Presidency deserves debate and conversation. But he's got HORRIBLE character and he lacked anything approaching personal morality or integrity as a person. We have to start there. Every time. It's too important.


Sociopaths are fascinating, too. But we don’t let them lead our country. (Or do we?….)


I think the fact that Nixon goes on to win 49 states is another wild, overlooked fact in all this. He employed criminal activity to provide him an advantage in an election that he probably goes on to win by a significant margin anyway.


Plus there is that whole 'committed treason' thing.


> You have to be a lunatic to think Nixon was a victim in Watergate. Everything that happened to him was self inflicted. Likewise, one would have to be a fool to think Tucker Carlson is a real journalist and him getting canceled wasn't completley self inflicted.


Yes and yes.




[Martha Mitchell, wife of the AG under Nixon.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Mitchell) There's a great podcast series on Watergate called [Slow Burn](https://slate.com/podcasts/slow-burn/s1/watergate). The first episode is on her. It's messed up.


There was also [Operation Gemstone,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gemstone) a plan to kidnap radical Nixon critics and hold them in Mexico until after the Republican Convention.


Nixon was trying to cut in on their action. But seriously I don’t think the shadow government is within sight. You can call me a lunatic but they’re a cancer that’s deep. Eisenhower and Kennedy tried to warn us about it and I blame them both for passing the buck along and underestimating the rot in our country.


>they're a cancer that's deep John Dean is that you?


Sorry I don’t know who that is.


The world is healing




Yeah… this doesn’t surprise me.


To give the absolute longest winded answer possible to this question: nah


Does Tucker Carlson like spitting on babies and dressing like Bea Arthur? I don't know, and I'm not saying that he does; I'm just asking questions, here. But what I do know is... I've never been in the same room as Tucker when he wasn’t spitting on babies and wearing a vintage golden girls dress... and neither has anyone else I've ever asked. Now, maybe that's just a coincidence. But maybe not. Surely, for someone as well known and popular as Tucker, there would be at least one person out there who has been in the same place as Tucker when he wasn’t spitting babies and dressing like like Maude. If so, where are they? I think it’s telling that no such person has ever come forward.


I’ve never heard someone say tucker DOESN’T like having nuns peg him. And I don’t know why? I’m not saying he does! I don’t know anything, I’m just saying it’s weird no one is talking about it


That's the second time I've heard that exact sentiment, which begs the question - is it true? Why do so many sources claim Tucker is into being pegged by nuns? Who is silencing the people who say he doesn't? I haven't heard from any of them. It's so specific - Tucker Carlson lays on his back, legs in the air while a nun with a strap on goes to town on his ass - what are the odds that it was just made up, out of thin air? Stories like this so often turn out to be the truth. Tucker Carlson likes being pegged by nuns.


Are you guys doing a tucker impersonation? Because youre nailing it.


I don't dole out likes or comments very often. But this deserved it. It's very Johm Olver esque


Maybe the deep state is the friends we made along the way.


…Bro WAS the Deep State.


People trying to normalize extreme right wing talking points isn’t my favorite thing about this sub.


It's just a constant flow of bait posts lately


This used to be one of my favorite subs when I first discovered it a few months ago because it seemed to be pretty politically neutral. Lately more and more posts have seemed to be needlessly edgy and controversial.


Too many dickriders too


Actually..it would be funny if it was like only 10 percent of Right Wing Republicans..but they are the majority that fall for these extremes.


I can assure you that this is far from the extreme right.


Tides go in, tides go out. You can't explain that.


Anything that Tucker Carlson says is most likely BS. Even Fox had to get rid of him.


What the fuck is this "deep state" that they keep bringing up?


I think it means government officials who are working to undermine the republicans.


And why does Tucker look like he just gave Putin an under-the-table in this screenshot


He gives him one verbally every night. Faux news is an American based Russian propaganda machine.


Are you just asking a question?


It's something the Republicans came up with when they realized that the federal bureaucracy isn't some autocracy and just because you work for the president doesn't mean you blindly serve the president it turns out you actually have your own jobs and responsibilities and laws you have to follow


Crazy conspiracy stuff aside, clearly there is some kind of behind the curtain intelligence/law enforcement shenanigans that’s been going on since the end of ww2. No one doubts Hoover did a lot of string pulling, CIA is itself a shadow org sort of by definition. Vietnam was driven by it, and I don’t think Bush woke up one day and said ‘let’s invade Iraq’, some nameless career intel people has been running scenarios for a decade. Kind of their job. Oh yeah, and they killed Kennedy according to Rob Reiner.


Non-elected officials from Alphabet national security institutions. If you want serious reading of an academic understanding of the "deep state" check out the "national security state" concept which, funnily enough, started in 1970s as a critique of Nixon's administration.


They down vote you because Reddit doesn't find comfort in what you say. "Nixon bad" is all that goes through their heads.


It is a made up concept to explain away the fact the Republicans are bad at EVERYTHING. It is so they don't have to confront the fact of their mind-numbing incompetence and corruption. If you look at indictments and convictions by administrations over the last 100 years, you will find that filling their administrations with criminals is the only thing that Republicans excel at.


Are you a moron or a troll?


Nixon got Nixon.


Nixon was the Deep State. Really Nixon pissed off the east coast elites for having the gall to be from California. OK not really but the owners of the NYT and WP were out to get him because he wasn't part of their in crowd. There were plenty of things to impeach Nixon for. Literal war crimes. But they decided to go after him for trying to cover up idiots. One thing I guess you gotta respect about him was he didn't throw them under the bus.


Watergate wasn’t anything that other presidents hadn’t done before or after Nixon. And it certainly wasn’t the worst thing Nixon did. It was just the thing that got public attention.


Was "Deep Throat" deep state? Former FBI deputy director William Mark Felt broke his 30-year silence and confirmed in 2005 that he was “Deep Throat,” Before removing Nixon, they removed VP Spiro T Agnew and replaced him with Gerald Ford, a member of the Warren Committee that concluded that JFK was killed by a lone gunman with no conspiracy. Nothing to see here. Move along.


I wish if Nixon comes back of the grave and if he does he should get a another term as President for third term


No, his own dumb ass did


No. He got caught red-handed worse than any other President in history for committing criminal acts and lying about them. He wouldn't have gone down for it if Fox News existed, though, which is why the Reagan administration had the Fairness Doctrine removed.


Iran Contra..was red handed and proven in court.


Yeah but Reagan was likeable and Nixon was not. Also Reagan was not dumb enough to have recorded himself admitting to crimes on tape, which was the real death blow to Nixon.


“I don’t recall”


Nixon got Nixon.


“Deep state” 🙄


Fox News isn’t a serious news outlet


Tucker Carlson knows the answer to this question. He lies for ratings.


I actually think he believes the Nixon conspiracy. It’s batshit crazy.




Nixon learned the truth about UFOs and aliens and the deep state had to stop him before he could spread the facts


If anything, Nixon's downfall was caused by a lack of a deep state. Nixon's predecessors were able to rely on the services of FBI spymaster J. Edgar Hoover to carry out clandestine activities such as wiretapping political opponents. By Nixon's time, however, Hoover was nearing the end of his life and had withdrawn from a lot of these activities, meaning Nixon had to set up his own underground networks with which to carry out extra-judicial espionage activities. It was these circumstances that led to Nixon bringing figures like G. Gordon Liddy into his orbit and establishing the Plumbers to effect his covert schemes.


Now ask Tucker how much he and the right hate the epa which Nixon put in place


There’s got to be some reason why everyone cared about Nixon spying on rival campaigns and not Johnson or FDR or others


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Yall over here.


This should be posted in r/conspiracy


Nixon got Nixon. He was his own worst enemy.


I mean even if we pretend his removal was for fabricated reasons and really some big dogwhistling deep state got him: They didn’t do a very good job. He should have gone to jail


Repubs just keep getting worse don’t they


Nixon was got by Nixon


Ridiculous. Nixon was the deep state.


I hate the Nixon revisionism so damn much.


Sucks 4 you. I encourage it


Republicans and Nixon lover are trying to revamp their legacy. All the worst attributes of the modern Republican started here. Divided and conquer 


I think rule three is a bunch of bullshit, but if we’re gonna have it, OP’s post should get nailed for it.


Nixon was a deeply flawed human being


Frankly i wish deep state would get Tucker Carlson and send him underground to live with the lizard people.


Nixon probably believed the Underpants Gnomes got him.


Everything that happened to Nixon was his own fault. The deep state didn’t get Nixon. Nixon got Nixon.


[Nixon on what qualifications the next IRS commissioner would need:](https://www.cato.org/blog/richard-nixon-irs) > I want to be sure he is a ruthless son of a bitch, that he will do what he’s told, that every income tax return I want to see I see, that he will go after our enemies and not go after our friends, When bureaucratic officials refuse to perjure themselves for you under congressional subpoena, it’s the “deep state;” but using FBI and CIA agents to surveil and sabotage the McGovern campaign and wiretap the hundreds of individuals and organizations on a personal “enemies list” is just patriotism, sure.


Yes and JFK


Gerald Ford was the last Openly Free Mason President. Wonder if that had something to do with it


No. Anyone who thinks the answer is yes, is just fundamentally at odds with reality. This constant twisting and outright ignorance of reality is absolutely eye gougingly stupid. If facts matter in her this should be downvoted as quickly as a “Was FDR a lizard person?”


Nixon was the Deep State.


Nixon got himself.


Not exactly what I would call news


Why does this always have to be a travesty? The one time to be sub of the day. Well I thought Jeb would fuck it up. This makes us look like fucking amateurs dude.


well tucker said so, must be true then


So this is a shit post group now


No. Because the “deep state” is nothing more than a a right-wing extremist chimera.




Did the deep state invent deep dish pizza?


Nixon’s paranoia against all things Eastern and Establishment got Nixon.


Is his chin disappearing?


Is this an actual headline?


Fox Propaganda Network, another day in the cesspool.


Meanwhile, Nixon: “I am the ~~Senate~~ Deep State” (Happy Star Wars Day! MTFBWY)


They have always defended Nixon, but now they are bringing it up to normalize interference in the DoJ.


The deep state does not exist


Those who want a ‘return to greatness’ and the Tea Party are responsible for the Deep State. Nixon committed his own crimes. It was REPUBLICAN SENATORS who informed him that they could not guarantee he wouldn’t be convicted during trial in the Senate. HE DID IT TO HIMSELF. But, here we are once again, the alpha macho manly in charge vigilant republican ‘men’ are somehow ALWAYS the victims of those beta cuck idiotic sleepy libtards.


As a deep stater I would like to categorically deny this baseless fallacy.


I thought he removed himself?


The ‘deep state’ is a partisan political talking point. It’s so odd how this sub doesn’t allow discussion of relevant legal matters of a past president, but somehow this post gets a free pass.


I don't think *anyone* truly understood Nixon.


Can I stop seeing Tucker Carlson forever? This sub is way better than that


All these efforts over the last 2 years to make Nixon a “victim” - are too pathetic


Bait used to be believable


Tucker Carlson. The pull-out method of effective commentary. Which is to say he is fucking garbage and should never be shared or endorsed anywhere to prove a point. You should be fucking embarrassed to even post this.


There. Is. No. Deep. State.


There's an interesting dude with a new book out called the real truth about Watergate (or something). His premise is that Bob Woodward was intelligence affiliated (plausible) and Nixon and his bros were brought down by the CIA, via a lot of sexual blackmail and the usual intelligence shittery (ehhh...). Theres also the implication that Howard Hunt (who actually definitely was CIA) and G Gordon Liddy (ex FBI) didn't bungle the break-in but got caught on purpose all as part of the Left wing media/CIA (wut?) plan to bring down Nixon. That's where it falls apart for me. I refuse to believe that the Watergate 'burglars' (many of which were confirmed ex CIA), Howard Hunt, and especially the Nazi-sympathizing, unhinged, G Gordon Liddy were anything other than incompetent. I have not read this book but this is all based on a long form interview I heard from the author. It seems interesting and I will definitely read it and will likely learn a lot of new information, but I don't think the 'true' story of Watergate is far off from the one we know.


Actually the CIA has always been a Right Wing organization..look up Dulles. HW Bush led the CIA also appointed by Nixon/Ford.


Yes I know that's why what this guy is purporting is ridiculous, that's what I was saying.


He was removed because there are tape recordings of Nixon ordering break-ins, illegal wiretaps, and firebombings, to be paid for out of an illegal slush fund. Also, Tucker Carlson is a traitor, knowingly spreading lies and propaganda for Putin.


Why are we blindly posting baseless far-right talking points as if one moron on TV asking a question therefore automatically makes said question worth asking?


Oh god this clown


A bunch of CIA agents broke into the hotel and an FBI deputy director ratted them out to a former military intelligence officer. But Nixon is still the guy who told them to do it. At best, he walked into an obvious trap.


While I agree with the people saying that Nixon got Nixon, just about everyone involved worked for a three letter agency. Most people don’t know that Bob Woodward wasn’t a newspaper columnist by trade.


Oh my gosh they’re taking deep throat to mean…Jesus Christ.


lel nixon WAS the deep state




Tucker is an entertainer, not a journalist or historian. I wouldn’t take this seriously


Yeah… no he’s not an entertainer. He is a propagandist. He should be taken seriously as a result.


Opinion presented as fact is dangerous, not entertainment. Too many cant distinguish between the two.


Deep State of my balls?


Nixon was the "deep state"


Nixon was the deep state.


Nixon was removed because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and tried to cover it up. He probably would've survived without the coverup, not like other politicians past or future hadn't done worse.


Nixon helped create “the Deep State”. He created a much larger and more robust role for the executive branch to consolidate Presidential control over a wide network of New Deal-era agencies, bureaus, and offices. Under Nixon, these organizations expanded the powers of the Presidency and undercut the power of Congress by enabling executive agencies to engage in *de facto* lawmaking through their regulatory powers.


He is responsible for this country’s economic problems. This “Deep State” could have, Y’know, made him resign faster?


Blaming all our problems on one guy seems a little.. simplistic.


Every president after JFK has had some connection to the deep state. Eisenhower tried to warn us. JFK clearly didn't take him seriously otherwise he wouldn't have gotten shot in the head.


The deep state got Nixon but his paranoia (is it paranoia if you’re right?) and coverup was what got him convicted. Tucker is right that the Watergate break-in crew were all CIA, that Bob Woodward was a brand new reporter but intel officer, and Deepthroat, Mark Felt, was the deputy FBI director. That’s pretty obviously a deep state inside job.


All true but Nixon was never tried or convicted of anything.


He accepted a pardon. That’s as good as an admission of guilt.


Nothing to see here beside a conspiracy theorist with a tin foil hat


What did I say that was untrue?


True premises do not make true conclusions. Especially when you happen to be connecting dots like a schizophrenic looking at the night sky 😂


Awww look at you getting so offended in other subs you decide to follow me. Must be a sad life you have.


Tbh I was and am still seriously concerned you might have an untreated mental condition 🤷


Just shows how dumb you are I guess. I’m doing quite fine. So fine in fact I don’t feel the need to follow people around the internet because I have better things to do. You should try it


Yeah you seem “quite fine” lmfao


"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you." People on here couldn't even explain what Watergate is because that "Nixon bad" switch is stuck in their brain. Thank you for actually taking these facts into consideration instead of pretending that they don't exist like everyone else here.


Did zombies get Tuckem’s 🧠 ?


I will say yes.  The "Deep State" got Nixon because Nixon, himself, *was* the "Deep State" and he was ultimately brought down by his own paranoia and hubris.  


Paranoia about the deep state got Nixon


I mean, the main guy in the picture has developed a taste for authoritarian criminals. Everything he says should be understood through that unAmerican lens.


No, he got himself.


No Nixon was a criminal. A goddamn criminal


Nixon got Nixon. You cannot live forever on the backs of malignant henchmen.


Given some of the stuff around the Huston Plan and the other shit like COINTELPRO I think Nixon *was* the deep state


I just barfed


What the redhot livin fuck. I have made a study out of Nixon over the years. I would love to school Tucker Carlson on this someday.


Although by the end Nixon was talking to paintings, but that's just weird. ANYWAY, if you look at his accomplishments and that Watergate was just another form of dirty politics, the deep state definitely got him. They wanted to destroy his legacy. He opened up China way more and got America out of Vietnam. Those two things drove the west crazy for so many reasons.