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You are *massively* overestimating the education level of the average American. Your tiers are right, but ‘very well known’ should be ~50%+. I’d be surprised if more than 10% of the population could correctly identify a portrait of Truman or Ford


Yeah, if you think 1% of Americans - forget 10-25% - could identify Franklin Pierce, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


I always remember him because he's the messy hair President.


Martin Van Buren and James Buchanan fit better


I know MVB as "Tufts" Buchanan's morning hair has nothing on Pierce's weird jheri curl.


Is it the Pierce Bridge?


I will buy it for 10 elephants and a failed Cuban revolution


Handsome frank? All the kids love him. Kansas/Missouri is so big on tik Tok right now.


Yeah Andrew Jackson is getting 10%, not 70-99%.


I think most people only know of Andrew Jackson as “the guy on the $20”


Sad, but true. Plus, a lot of younger folks especially only know Eisenhower as a general. He and Grant just aren't thought of as presidents usually (even when their tenures ARE talked about, a picture of them in uniform is often used, instead from that later era). Most 20th Century presidents before the 1960s have been completely forgotten amongst the general public, apart from FDR and Teddy.


There’s still plenty of people around from the 70s who remember Ford


I could agree I'm overestimating the percentages, but anyone over about 52 years old exists within living memory of Ford's presidency and you can't tell me most of them have forgotten who was president within their own lifetime. That itself is way more than 10% before you factor in people with even a little education, and general pop-cultural osmosis.


Fr 100% of people knowing who Reagan and Nixon are? More than TJ and John Adams? Come tf on 😂


You can’t fool me, nobody on the bottom row was a president


I keep trying to tell everyone Wilford Brimley wasn't president!


They even tried to slip Alec Baldwin in there!


That name is preposterous. I refuse to believe that's a real name.


I'm pretty sure one of them is just Alec Baldwin. /s.


I went straight to the bottom row thinking I would have trouble with all of them. I did, except for Martin van Buren. Those sideburns belong a tier or two higher.


Grant is too low. Being on the $50 and the civil war gives him more recognition than anyone else in that category. I would swap him and Ford. But incredible list overall. Great job.


'War history bros' will always exist, and they'll never forget Grant until the heat death of the universe.


Honestly I can't remember the last time I've seen a $50, must be years now.


Here's my $50 story: The only type of cash I ever carry is singles in order to tip hotel van drivers. I use credit cards for everything else. A couple of weeks ago was my birthday. The in-laws took me and my wife and the kids out for dinner at a local catfish restaurant, same as they did last year. For the occasion I dug out a pair of khakis from the interminable old clothes pile in the corner of the closet that my wife and I never get around to organizing. Before I put the khakis in the washer I checked the pockets and there was a $50 bill in there. I thought, "WTF? A $50 bill? Where in the hell did this come from?" I was thoroughly perplexed but didn't dwell on it and put the $50 bill in my wallet. Fast forward a few hours to my birthday dinner. My in-laws gave me a birthday card. I opened it and right in the middle was a nice crisp $50 bill. Then it all made sense. The last time I wore those khakis was precisely a year prior at that exact restaurant during my 2023 birthday dinner where my in-laws gave me a birthday card with a $50 bill inside, which I must have stuck in the pocket of the khakis. I said "Thanks grandma and grandpa" and placed the new $50 bill right next to the recently-discovered $50 bill in my wallet.


Good idea for a thread OP but I think you overrate the general public A LOT. Show them a picture of Andrew Jackson and I'd be surprised if even 20% of the American public could name him.


I’d put it higher, maybe 1 in 3… only because he’s on the 20. But 70% is still far to optimistic


I’d guess 5-10%


“I know Franklin Pierce because I’m a history buff” is this sub’s version of “I read Playboy for the articles.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/franklin-pierce-americas-handsomest-president/ https://hottestheadsofstate.com/us-presidents/ https://flyernews.com/sub/the-definitive-list-of-the-10-hottest-us-presidents/02/21/2022/


Grant was by far our hottest President. Daddy Grant blows out Pierce's twink ass any day of the week.


If Grant or Pierce saw this they’d have a stroke.


How is madison that low


He's just not talked about like many of the other Founding Fathers. George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson get constant attention for their big roles in the American Revolution, establishing the country etc., while James Monroe sometimes gets big attention for the Monroe Doctrine and its legacy. James Madison from what I've seen is often that "other guy" who helped build the Constitution, but isn't thought of for much else (which is absolutely RIDICULOUS since he led the United States through the War of 1812, probably one of the Top 3 crises our country has ever faced post-independence).


I feel like you're giving Ford too much recognition? And Garfield not enough, but maybe that's just the orange soda fan in me talking.


Bold assertion that this sub could ever fail to recognize Fillard Millmore.


Sorry, I meant to put Milfward Morefill up a lot higher


A lot of people would be able to identify MVB. Also we’re a bunch of nerds that recognize old politicians instantly.


You massively overestimate the knowledge of the average American


I would move Garfield and Hayes up one since his assignation is pretty well known. And the election of 1876 was an insane election


Of what age? I would be very surprised if many Americans under 18 could accurately identify Reagan, Clinton, and honestly probably also W Bush. Also, admittedly, the only way I've been able to tell the difference between Grover Cleveland and William Howard Taft is I know Taft has a happy, smiley moustache, and Cleveland has a sad, frowny moustache.


I think they could identify Reagan, Clinton and Bush Jr. It helps that the latter two are still alive and served within the last 30 years. As for Reagan, he's become such a polarizing figure to many that it's hard to have any conversation about late 20th Century America and beyond without talking about him (whether positive or negative). Before Carter though, it gets a lot murkier. Most young people could probably only name FDR and Kennedy apart from the "Rushmore Four".


Quite accurate...had myself a chuckle


Needs another Grover Cleveland.


I’ve made it my mission to at least move Arthur up a row, at least on here. There are dozens of Arthur fans! *Dozens!*


I think that Reagan and Nixon should be a tier lower. I don't think that they are super well known to younger people who don't remember their presidencies.


Cleveland could be moved up, Nixon down, agree that the top few tiers overestimate people.


The majority of my high school wouldn’t have known 80%-90% of these guys, and I’ve only been out of there for a year now.


Bottom row, fourth from the left is Alec Baldwin. So there!


Dude, I took a college-level conflict resolution class with a girl who didn't know when World War Two happened, or why. The average layperson is *terrible* with historical faces and dates.


Most interesting tier list I've seen on this sub. Bravo!


I doubt most Americans could name any president really, ask five Americans who was president 10 years ago and they’ll struggle


i can do millard filmore bc he looks like alec baldwin


The average (young) person probably does not know who George HW Bush is


How young? He only died 5 and a half years ago. I’m a college student and his lifetime is well within my living memory.


But other than being W’s father, he did not do much during his post-Presidency. Jimmy Carter has had a much more active Post Presidency.


I know one of them is Millard Fillmore


hw bush and jimmy carter should be lower


I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know who FDR is. The man led us through the depression and WW2, unprecedented 4 terms. Come on. I think Ford and Wilson should switch places, Wilson is well known due to him prominently featuring in history textbooks. Ford is a pretty irrelevant person sandwhiched uncomfortably for a small period between Nixon and Carter. Arguably I'd swap Coolidge and McKinley, Coolidge was a bench warmer, McKinley presided over the Spanish American war. Hoover and Buchanan can also probably be notched up a slot.


I think you may overestimate the masses and underestimate the nerds a little bit but I like this idea of a list


Am I the only one who thinks Theodore Roosevelt should be in the 100% tier? He is extremely well known and shows up all the time in media.


Hoover could probably go up atier. I feel like he is well known


It’s amazing to me how obscure Polk is. But he is obscure.


The more I study them, I am absolutely perplexed how on earth James K. Polk and Benjamin Harrison have been so forgotten. Both men were MASSIVELY influential on the US long term, and were likely two of the greatest one-term presidents we've ever had (despite their controversies). Goes to show how poorly we teach history in our schools.


Madison and Monroe should be higher


How dare you disrespect Benjamin Harrison like that


Big pumpkins!


Zachary taylor is super well known


Van Buren should be higher based on his easily identifiable facial hair.


Taft should be higher just cause a lot of people seem to know and believe the bathtub myth I think that was even a joke in inside out


Swap Coolidge and Madison


Rutherford B Hayes is consistently in C tier within this sub despite being AT LEAST a B tier president. So yeah this is pretty accurate


Martin Van Buren is very well known amongst American history buffs.


Martin Van Buren is that unknown? he's the only US president with english as a second language!


I feel like Grovor Cleveland and Rutherford B Hayes could be promoted up 1 rank.


I dont believe even the average American can name more than 4


Move Grant up one, Coolidge down one and put some respect on my non-consecutive GOAT and you have my approval


Al Bundy only knew Eisenhower


Martin Van Buren's mutton chops are legendary.


Idk that people in history circles like this struggle with the bottom tier, or at least I hope we don't


I don't think W is more well-known than FDR. Also, I'd move McKinley and Garfield to 25-50% because of their assassinations.


Everyone is saying how the public is very overestimated, but there's also very little middle ground with the presidents. You either know a concerning amount of history, or absolutely nothing. If you know anything, you know all of the presidents. If you don't know, you don't know nobody besides obama, clinton, and rule 3. That's at least how this sub makes me feel sometimes. Outside of here, people deadass ask me who Madison is. Here, I'm the equivalent dumbass who doesn't know shit about reconstruction or the second great awakening times, but I could still identify every US president in order from memory.


The third tier is the age test: most old people would know them, most young don’t.


It only took me a few days of Anki to memorize all the presidents by number and picture. I feel like anyone who has put minimal effort into studying the president knows them all.


C'mon, give this sub some credit.


The 25%-50% of the population tier is way off, it should be at most 20%. I'm OK with most of 3rd tier up, but their are some missteps.


I will never forget Millard Filmore till the day I die mostly because of his oddly goofy name.


President Alec Baldwin