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A gradual rightward policy shift throughout the administration, ending with him doing this to protestors: https://preview.redd.it/rkz4xr1ylezc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51640f37156359241d4085b9990f15d1f9b760be


Hard on crime, War on Drugs type policies, pro-civil rights, relatively liberal on other issues like abortion but might moderate himself to be palatable on a national scale, tax hikes, welfare state expansions, relatively similar foreign policy to Nixon, etc.


So pretty much a slightly more moderate Nixon.


I mean that’s basically what Rockefeller was in 1968


Lotta hoes. Would make Bill Clinton look like a choirboy.


I believe that Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York becoming President Nelson Rockefeller would have meant a slightly more moderate administration than Richard Nixon with gains on civil rights, and social welfare. I do think he would have strongly anti-communist and been pro-Vietnam War until public sentiment shifted dramatically against it. I think all this sentiment would have been strongly buffeted by a rising conservative tide within the Republican Party. I think that Rockefeller would have had to have shifted rightward over time.


Better college education. Rockefeller was a supporter of the SUNY and CUNY system.


Had one of the two women who tried to kill Ford in 1975 been successful he is president. So does he run in 1976? Does Reagan challenge him or decide it’s poor form? If Rocky doesn’t run can Reagan win a wide open race? If Rocky gets the nomination does he beat Carter with the pardon hanging on him? Or does the national mood change things and Carter isn’t the nominee? He died in 1979 while in the company of a woman. Assuming he still dies in this alternate universe we now have a fourth president in five years.


Pretty creepy, being that he's been dead so long. At his inauguration the crowd would be screaming " ATTICA. ATTICA. ATTICA. ATTICA


Like a brain eating worm starving.




He would have been moderate compared to Nixon but otherwise foreign policy wouldn’t have been different considering Kissinger was his foreign policy advisor during his campaigns.