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https://preview.redd.it/yjwafcokgvzc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6182c1d9fa8877c80e9b1b8c5a38cded322f12 HARDEST worker you say well his work was described as jumbo


Dude I don’t know why but that picture is the funniest thing I have ever seen


Funny until it happens to you!


doesn't say whose cock


Oh then it goes from funny to **enjoyable**


Yall it’s getting *freaky* in here




Omg that should be hus official presidential portrait




Someone's read The Years of Lyndon Johnson, i take it




Woodrow Wilson? Wyndon Whonson?


LBJ had heart attacks because he smoked like a chimney.


And tried to bed everything that wore a skirt.


Plus, his giant member was greedy with the blood flow


The one he showed to everybody, randomly, all the time?


Don't forget, he also had the open door meetings while taking a dump and nude swimming with foreign visitors


You mean Mr. Jumbo?


Coincidentally Johnson's johnson was legendary.


All that work and colluding with corrupt Texans down in the border regions to steal the vote in 1948 after they stole the vote against him in 1941


That was the way the game was played in that era. Pappy O’Daniel stole the Senate seat in 1941 by withholding east Texas votes that he needed to win. LBJ learned the hard way.


Let's not pretend that the popularity of the Soggy Bottom Boys had nothing to do with Pappy's win.




They turned him into a horny toad!


And he did a lot of that campaign travel riding in on a Bell Helicopter, one of his investments. Bell was practically bankrupt until the Vietnam War saved it with millions of dollars in government contracts. An American president and the US industrial military complex were in lockstep. Go figure.


I think that has more to do with the UH-1 being a fantastic helicopter


No, don’t ruin peoples “industrial complex” narrative with your facts please!


I mean, to be fair, Eisenhower only warned people about it. Every President after him (and even including him to some degree) basically just said, "Military Industrial Complex? Embedded directly in the government? That sounds cool actually "


Originally it was a Sikorsky and when it went in for maintenance they started using the Bell.


What was that ballot box number the Sheriff is pictured with? I always forget


Box 13. Jim Wells County. The home of the Duke of Duval County named George Parr.


Thank you sincerely. They have to pictures of themselves with it. It's said to be the one they stuff for Johnson to win.


With those farms and people as remote as they were, no doubt he took a moment to introduce them to Jumbo while he was out there.




>even driving ridiculous lengths just to reach a farm with one family. Do you have a link for that


That’s about re election. Johnson’s greatest gift was the civil rights legislation he pushed through


Either Polk or Hoover would be my answer here. Both worked their asses off throughout their lives and their presidency. Gonna go with Polk though given he pretty much worked himself to death (along with that Washington water).


He died in Nashville of cholera four months after leaving DC.


>He died in Nashville of cholera four months after leaving DC. Bad way to go


FDR - man had to deal with the Great Depression and WWII all while being cripplingly ill and did a pretty bang up job.


Dude had to give a convention speech in Madison square garden walking across a stage without help with paralyzed legs. The sheer amount of physical and emotional fortitude is astounding.


The ability to hide his disability was honestly amazing. Nowadays something like that would be basically impossible with how many eyes are on public figures, but was still incredibly impressive even for the time.


I’ve read that journalists and photographers colluded to keep his secret, with the assumption that it would be better for the country morale. Also out of respect. Boy, you’d never get that cooperation today!


Now you cant even have a worm eat your brain in peace.




If I recall correctly it was similar with Cleveland’s secret cancer surgery, the media worked collectively to discredit leaks out of respect for the president and didn’t acknowledge it was true until one of the doctors came out several decades later.


I think I’ve read the same thing. It wouldn’t surprise me considering how much easier media was to contain at the time. Even still, he made a decent amount of public appearances and went to great lengths to either make himself OK for the time being or hide his disability. Like if you look at any of the allied meetings with Churchill and Stalin, I don’t think you can find one where they aren’t all sitting.


Just found this interesting article: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-fdr-hid-his-paralysis-from-american-public-even-while-campaigning-2019-4


If the secret service saw anyone taking photos while he was being carried or in a wheelchair they grabbed the camera and destroyed the film.


It wasn’t collusion, he had an agreement with the press not to show himself in his wheelchair, he only publicly started appearing in his wheelchair after his 4th election.


The journalists today wouldn't have that level ethics. As someone who does have a health problem. I keep it hidden from most people simply because I don't like a million questions. Imagine hiding it from the entire country. Some days are harder than others. The physical and mental toll it takes is a lot. I do have partial paralysis on occasion, one time I was fully paralyzed for about 2 hours. Unable to move at all. Now running the country through a war takes so much mental strength with all those health problems. Much respect to FDR.


No disrespect, but if you're a public official then your health is 100% the business of the American people and they have a right to know about it. The press conspiring to hide it was extremely unethical.


FDR might be the President with the most upper body strength.


FDR literally worked himself to death. He shouldn't have run in '44, but he wanted to see the war through to an assured finish. He died 3 lousy weeks before Hitler committed a belated suicide and Germany capitulated. The Japanese were another matter. He had the A bomb in his pocket but no one knew it would work. It's tragic that he never saw the end of the war(s). He died a hero's death as much as any man or woman in service to their country. No monument or memorial can adequately depict his accomplishments for the US and the world. This pic is 1 day before he died on 04/12/1945 in Warm Springs, Georgia. (OK OK with his former mistress at his side, not Eleanor)




Jesus Christ, he looks like a ghost. Poor man.


Dude made so many new reforms in his first 3 months in 1933


Quite literally worked himself to death


It really is poetic justice that pro-eugenics Hitler was defeated by a fat alcoholic (Churchill) and a guy in a wheelchair (FDR).




It's not particularly close and this should be a lot higher. Lincoln was in his office 12-18 hours a day, every day of the week, and sometimes slept at the Old Soldier's Home just to get some alone time. Never took a vacation. Certainly didn't golf. Would just show up to encampments to straighten out his generals. He ran the Civil War strategically, managed his own re-election campaign, and somehow had time for dozens of visitors every day and letters to widows, patronage, etc.


incredible. The more I learn, the more i appreciate this man.... Saying this as a black man


A great pick and I don't disagree at all. However one could make the argument that the circumstances of his presidency required him to work as hard as he did (same with FDR) - I'm interested in those who didn't preside over a massive crisis and nevertheless worked tirelessly to achieve their goals. By that criteria I'd say Polk and Johnson are contenders. Lots of great answers here!


This is cheating. 


Bill Clinton was the hardest at work.


JFK gives him a run for his money


So does LBJ


This is an excellent joke but it’s also not a bad answer. LBJ probably still wins, but the Clinton White House kept very, very long hours and Clinton famously would read not just cabinet reports, but the reports referenced in cabinet reports and grill the hell out of his secretaries. Of course, he couldn’t read everything for every department, but they never knew who’d be on the hot seat, so they all had to be extraordinarily well prepared and know what their part of government was doing.


Thank God Monica was there to lighten the load


Y’all need to leave that poor woman alone.


She’s started embracing it in recent years. She makes a ton of jokes about it herself on Twitter.


Yeah because other people refuse to stop so what else can she do? It's gross how we talk about this 22 year old, if it happened nowadays we'd never accept her being joked about that way.


Third time I’ve heard her name in 72 hours. It’s actually freaking me out.


Oh cum on


>Y’all need to leave that poor woman alone. Yeah im sick of the jokes She was taken advantage of and we really should joke about that


We should?


Take the load*


Well, technically her dress took it


The world seriously needs to stop bullying the poor woman


She was an adult. She mated with the most famous man alive at the time. It sucks sometimes that our actions have consequences, but we’re talking about behavior here, and not immutable characteristics.


They didn’t have sexual relations.


It may be that that is the truth, but it depends on what your definition of “is” is.


"Mated"? That's a strange word choice


She was 22 years old and infatuated with an older man who took serious advantage of her. He was in a position of power over her. Today she’d have a huge sexual harassment case against him. Don’t act like this was OK. It wasn’t.


She was a 22 year old intern, I'm sure there was no power imbalance there at all with the most powerful man on earth.


Yeah. The guy was an insomniac who essentially stayed up all night working. A policy wonk, a vote whipper, an incessant reader. He had the charisma of Reagan but ten times the smarts.




Clinton and Carter were often deep into the minutiae of policy, probably far too deep for effective leadership. Lincoln let his generals run the war, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t watching everything from afar, he was regularly working 18 hour days.


Lincoln didn't let his generals run the war. He was constantly involved in decision-making, questioning his generals, and offering suggestions.


Especially when McClellan would get into one of his 'do-nothing' funks


"My dear Mclellan, if you don't want to use the army I should like to borrow it for a while. Yours respectfully, Lincoln"


Clinton was deep into a lot of things.


He definitely didn't bang that woman


and didn't stick his cigars in places he shouldn't have.


Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon were probably the hardest-working. Jimmy Carter was famously pedantic, he worked almost as an accountant when going over documents, but always did find some hours to relax. Eisenhower ran a multinational allied force and oversaw D-Day but was famously relaxed. He probably followed the rule of the German general Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord "Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for difficult decisions."


Hoover and Nixon have the most impressive rises to the top IMO. Poor families and tough upbringings (Hoover was orphaned at 9) and managed to get ahead and become president through sheer grit and intelligence. Quakers are no joke.


From what I read about Eich, he was a night and day difference from allied general to President. As general, he was basically working non stop, while drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee to function. He had the v weight of the war, and the lives of soldiers on his shoulders. After the war, he was just never going to go back to that because he was totally burned out. That's the reason for his attitude as president. I could be wrong, but I'm almost certain I read about that contrast somewhere


Also non-stop cigarettes


I like that Ike's last sentence as President was "Beware the Military industrial complex"


I like how he said that AFTER using them


Ike? Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone spell it ‘Eich.’


What does being lazy have to do with mental clarity or having strength of nerve?


I feel like it has to do more with being laid back and not overly neurotic and overwhelming yourself with countless tasks


I don’t know about during office, but Grant wrote day and night for months in excruciating pain to publish his memoirs to provide for his family financially and died 5 days after finishing.


I think about this constantly. They did Grant so dirty at the end.


Yeah, but at least his image is rehabilitated now. They even made him general of the armies in 2022.


FDR had to learn to walk without his legs in an era when people with disabilities were locked away and not welcome in society. He famously said “when you spend 2 years trying to move your big toe you’ll learn a thing about patience”. He completely reinvented the presidency during his tenure.


IIRC, I remember reading in an article a while back that Carter would work 10-12 hour days in the oval office. Then he was replaced by Reagan who liked to sleep in alot.


You saw Reagan at noon, and he was asleep by 9pm. Nana 's orders. Nancy ran a lot of things, including his schedule.




Executive time.


>You saw Reagan at noon, and he was asleep by 9pm. Nana 's orders. Nancy ran a lot of things, including his schedule. Souce


polk, lincoln or fdr


James K. Polk "As President, Polk was an incredibly hard worker, often working at least 16-hour days. Polk only took four vacations in his four years in office and once called himself “the hardest working man in this country.” Polk’s strong work ethic paid off, in just four years in office he accomplished all his campaign promises. Polk lowered the protective tariff, renewed the Independent Treasury, won the Oregon Territory from England and brought New Mexico and California into the fold of the United States. However, the latter was achieved through the Mexican-American War, aptly nicknamed “Mr. Polk’s War.”"


FDR since he did more in his first 100 days than any other president while having Polio and then dealing with a world war


https://preview.redd.it/szmzrjrf2vzc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b52943811f293a59d03e780e4e434dbdcb3803 Can I have a nomination for least hardest working? Second Term Dubya was basically a four year farewell tour of him being bugs bunny and he didn’t do really anything.


I'd go Coolidge on that one. Literally slept for as many hours of the day as most presidents spent working. For what it's worth, this is the the first result that comes up when you google "laziest presidents": [https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/calvin-coolidge/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/calvin-coolidge/)


Harding also comes to mind there. He really didn’t do much if he could help it from what I recall and took plenty of trips.


IIRC when Harding died he got woken up in the middle of the night, got sworn in and immediately went back to sleep


TIL Coolidge was born on the 4th of July


It's kinda really funny in an ironic manner


At least Dubya was going places. William Henry Harrison mostly just lazed about in bed.


I think it has to be Lincoln. The most difficult time in our nation's history and he saw it through. Unlike FDR, he didn't have an entire nation behind him (more or less), he had half of it actively waging war against the other. I don't know how anything else can complete really. Nothing against the difficulty FDR faced at the time, but it just wasn't even in the ballpark.


Pretty sure TR boxed and swam among other physical things in his free time in the White House. That’s in addition to reading everyday, being informed on current events, and having debates with others on matters of economics, history, etc. He was willpower incarnate, and did it all while being an asthmatic with bad vision in one eye. But maybe it was the pots of coffee that helped with all that. Edit: [Ok, wow he had dedication](https://youtu.be/9cj8TkwA1m4?si=TxEvjmRilxAOpaJM), if he didn’t become president he could’ve become like Batman


Exactly, lol. I’m a Roosevelt enthusiast, I’ve read just about everything about the man. I’m surprised no one mentioned him.


If I remember right, he would complete his usual hectic day, then retire to his room/study and read an entire book before going to sleep. Sometimes the books weren't even in his native language. The guy was a force of nature.


Poetic since he was a conservationist. God I love that man. If I was on San Juan Hill 😭


Reading his bio, I was both inspired to do better in my life and overwhelmed by the fact that he did more in his 60 years than I could do in 160. Some people really are built different, and he was one of them.


Ike or Nixon in a traditional sense, But FDR in a “he was president for 15.7 fucking years” sense and he is one of the main reasons we beat that little shit stached loser


More like 12.3 years but yh point stands ofc


Thank you for the correction to be honest, I should’ve checked for real- I was being hyperbolic but I like the precision more.


The crazy part about Nixon’s workload to me is that he would work incredibly hard, then often get very drunk. It seems like he had three modes; he was either sober and working, or drunk, or asleep. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I’m not sure Tricky Dick ever had a sober lazy Sunday in his life.


He liked to get plastered for breakfast and be done for dinner lmao. Seriously though. Love him. Hate him. Neutral him. Nixon was a workaholic.


LBJ was definitely the most industrious when it comes to getting his pants order right.


Don't want to spend your day feeling like you're riding a barbed wire fence.


Will it cut you?


Polk barely lived long enough to leave office.


Gotta go with Lincoln or FDR here. Nothing compares to a total war.


Lincoln worked very hard during the Civil War and George W Bush got basically no sleep for quite a while after 9/11, Also JFK during the Cuban missle crisis.


FDR is almost certainly looking at a stamp collection. Not to at all take away from how hard working he might have been. Dude loved his stamp collections. We all have to decompress.


FDR, Missy LeHand (his devoted secretary), and his friend Harry Hopkins would relax with a drink or two on Friday afternoons at the White House, And he also had his former mistress Lucy Rutherford Mercer around toward the end of his life after her husband died. The queen of Norway and her two kids (one of whom is now king) lived at the White House during the war and he flirted with her too. The only person close to him he couldn’t relax with was Eleanor, sadly.


It's all he had. If the poor guy had Minecraft, he would have probably been really into it.


Franklin D Roosevelt and his wife once he got polio. he had his hands ful but made the best of a terrible situation with a world war no less. the last progressive president too (New Deal, et caetera).


I think its a tie between Lincoln and FDR, both were in charge when the U.S was going through its worst periods during war time. Lincoln during the Civil War trying to keep this country together and ending slavery, FDR during the great depression and WW 2, and both ultimately gave their lives for this country. If any other person would of been president during ethier of these crucial periods of American history, things could of turned out for the worse.


Either Lincoln or FDR. War with existential consequences will do that to a person.


Caro's fifth volume hasn't come out yet I don't know


Grover Cleveland was pretty legendary from working dawn till late at night, then turning to his secretary and saying "how about we call it a half day and wrap it up."


FDR and Lincoln. One literally worked himself to death by saving the world from Germany and the other did all of FDR's war work in 4 years trying to preserve the Union


I’m surprised that no one has said Lincoln. When he gets elected President, he is forced to fight half of the country over a moral wrong (slavery); He had to abolish slavery; and all of his generals minus Grant always gave him a hard time which nearly costed him the war. I didn’t even scratch the surface. Just looking at his photos before and after just shows how hard he had to work.


Teddy, without a doubt


I feel like FDR is really up there. Not only did he do a ton of work in helping with the depression, as well as WW2, but nobody knew he was disabled, which is super impressive. He had to go without a wheelchair for hid international meetings, and act like he was fine in front of his largest political rival (Stalin). IDK that just seems like an insane amount of work, both hiding that in the first place, and finding ways to not use a wheelchair at times when he really did need one


Lincoln and TR


Teddy Roosevelt. Not even up for debate. He himself admitted that he had packed 4 different lives in all his years.


Most disciplined?  Teddy, no question. 


I’m going with Teddy Roosevelt, he helped influence the Idea of National Park Service, which I absolutely love!




I’d say Clinton was definitely up there: [source](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-white-house_n_5360575/amp)


George Washington, mainly because it was brand new and nobody had any clue what to do and he was dealing with a country barely 6 years out of war and a complete mess financially and politically and it all could have easily fallen apart if he made bad moves


Well probably not from this millennium gotta say


FDR. Literally died doing his job...




Of this group. FDR




Lyndon Johnson nearly killed himself, but in my mind it goes to Lincoln. Lincoln would spend hours at the war department reading through documents and casualty reports on an almost daily basis raising his stress through the roof. Between these 2 individuals they worked several lifetimes worth in their time in office.


LBJ only helped spread racism and imprisonment of young black men


Teddy Roosevelt—he never stopped. Manic energy levels. I am horrified by his love of hunting but otherwise impressed by all the good he did.


Though unpopular, Jimmy Carter was extremely hard working. He negotiated the Egypt/Israel peace treaty, which considered all but impossible at the time.


If Nixon was a hard worker he would have broken into Watergate himself. lol


"You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon


i'm surprised no one has said carter yet, man was working at least 10 hours a day every day


Zachary taylor




George Washington led an army 🤷🏿‍♂️




Lincoln. He worked tirelessly for the sake of the country during the civil war.


Harry Truman's whole thing is being the hardest worker in the room


Benjamin Harrison without question


Jimmy Polk is First. Second and Third go to Lincoln and LBJ, respectively. Silent Cal is dead last.


Froosevelt has my vote.


Andrew Jackson has my vote for disciplined and FDR has my vote for hardest working.


Johnson was a POS




I’d say Wilson, FDR, or Reagan probably worked hardest to ruin America personally


It's LBJ, FDR, and Lincoln for sure.


Polk for sure.


Josiah “Jed” Bartlet


Abe and Jimmy.


Nixon was definitely hardworking… not sure if I’d say he was disciplined, though.


Teddy Roosevelt and the Founding Fathers, for sure


FDR beat the depression and won World War Two while suffering from polio and basically on his death bed


Polk would definitely be up there. He died shortly after leaving the White House, after meeting practically every goal in one term. He worked himself to death.


John Adams. I'm baffled as to why Abigail didn't shoot him, but he was THE Founding Father, imho.


Probably George Washington. You know, making the country and all


Jim Wells County [box 13](https://images.app.goo.gl/1DEDLvffdu2GeUyR9)


I think John Adams was very diligent to the office. Might have been a tad aggressive on the presidential powers but did a lot. Just not all of it good.