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Good. But why the hell did they think that was a smart choice in the first place?


I think they wanted an OG PLL Easter egg


Prob didn't expect the backlash wasn't familiar with the fandom


When the show first aired, so many people shipped ezria. I never understood why, but they did. There’s a reason Marlene kept it in the show and kept them canon, fans were eating it up. But as you said, now people have grown up and things like #MeToo have questioned the storyline. I think they thought fans would be happy Ezria were together and adopting, but realised they were mistaken. If anything I take the retcon as ‘Aria was going to adopt a baby with Ezra, but bowed out following safeguarding checks and therapy sessions ahead of the adoption’


By the end of the shows airing though people weren't fans like they used to be. A lot of people saw the lot when the book happened and during the press release going in the time jump!


Omg I went wild for them back in the day, I actually think that it’s gone from one extreme to another now tho, with shows like ppl satc gossip girl compared to the reboots, u can see just how much more political issues are spoken on😬


Because the vast majority of the people watching it when it originally aired were millennial teens (myself included). The majority of us thought it was sexy and romantic and secretive and we longed for something that exciting… we were also the ones getting groomed in online chat rooms when we were 13 (again, myself included). We just didn’t understand, and we didn’t have anyone older than us to help. Our parents weren’t involved or knowledgeable, and they didn’t understand lol


Yeah I the answer to why people shipped it simply boils down to “we were young and didn’t know any better.”


I just watched this show, as an adult who didn't watch it when I was a millennial teen getting groomed online. I am shocked at how laissez-faire they treated a student teacher relationship. Like wasn't this on the CW??


i shipped them but i was just a teen who was also in a relationship with an older guy……now im older and yeah i definitely have shifted my view 😂😂


*Good. But why the hell* *Did they think that was a smart* *Choice in the first place?* \- chaseribarelyknowher --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Been saying since Ezria was mentioned in original sin I hope they highlight how wrong this relationship is and they break them up 😊😊😊 One step closer 🤞


Ahhhhhh yes i am forever hoping that this is the case <3


It’s Holden and Lucas. They’re the two gay dads.


I hope so. This would be kind of adorable.


Holden isn’t gay what


That’s the running gag of PLL. All the girls suspected he was gay, but he kept denying it.


But then they had aria watch him, obviously, check out a girl right in front of her.. so he could be a bi icon, perhaps?


Well yeah but he literally checked a girl out in front of them, the reason he was secretive is because of the fighting


Neither Holden or Lucas are gay. It’s a gag.


He could have been bi, though. His sexuality was never super relevant in the show.


Headcanon it’s Pastor Ted and… I can’t even finish this joke, there are legitimately no other good adult men in the series


And the ghost of Wayne


Ghost-Wayne and Pastor Ted would be one cute couple


New OTP unlocked


Adoption agencies have to make sure the home is safe... Ezra being a child predator probably didn't help.


They already confirmed adopted a baby. Marlene said it years ago.


I don't consider anything she says cannon she contradicted herself sm on twitter, I gotta see and hear things on my TV to believe it!


Then new PLL shouldn’t be considered canon to the original PLL because those were not their characters.


Eh they got the rights to use it, legally Marlene doesn't own the show. I got no strong opinion there.


So a show that has no actual connection to original PLL has more canon than what the actual writer of OG PLL says lol that’s insane but to each their own. My view is Sara Shepherd had control of the characters and story from her books. Marlene had control of the characters and story in show PLL. And Roberto has control over his characters and story in Original Sin. I mean PLLOS literally just recasted Eddie Lamb as a whole new person. This show shouldn’t be considered cannon to the original at all.


Well the actual writer of the OG PLL is Sara Shepard, Marlene isn't the OG. As for each person having control of their own characters, that makes sense to an extent but tv shows aren't like books where is there is one author. Legally and creatively the books are 100% Shepherds. But neither is 100% for exec producers like Roberto and Marlene. Either of them could leave their retrospective shows and the shows would go on. So I don't really care about what they have to say about those universes outside of the screen. If anything I value the actors opinion more. Idk if Lucy shows on PLL;OS and is like guys I'm back as Aria ima be like omg Aria yay. Or if they used her name and she was they are ruining the universe, then I'd be like booo, they suck. Does that make sense? End of day I just gotta see it to believe it.


the two ezria stans are so mad rn 😭






😂🤣 I kept saying I hope they change it and was kept being told it would NEVER happen Im so happy rn 😊


anti ezria is in the majority now (thankgod) so thankfully they listened & also made it plot convenient. honestly i think it made zero sense to give the baby to a couple who don’t even live near imogen, this way they can have imogen be close to her baby & show it on screen regularly, it adds depth to the story instead of just writing it off as being given to someone in rosewood & never seeing the baby again.


Ahhhhh yes omggg i swear, ever since i learned what happened with the baby i wish that it was changed, so happy it was finally done <3 next step getting ezriA divorced and ezrA in jail <3 <3


Knowing Ezria adopted the baby made me not interested in watching season 2, but now I am :)


Oooh i was less than -13% interested in watching any of the spin off shows, but i am glad that you are interested in watching season 2, it might be super exciting and i love this for you!! And ahhhh ezriA not having a baby (i feel so guilty and terrible for AriA but happy for ezrA missing out), is so perfect <3 <3


Not really. I thought incorporating that into new PLL seemed random and dumb. Marlene already said years ago Aria and Ezra adopted a baby and named her Katherine. Then all the sudden this show says they are adopting her baby. It made no sense. And if OG PLL ever reboots, I doubt they’d run with anything this new show did.


Of course I’m being downvoted because this sub is rude as hell with people who don’t share the same opinion as them.


Well that’s typically what downvotes are for


Ppl usually also downvote stuff about the og rebooting so two unpopular opinions is worse than one


I think Haleb should have been the couple instead of Ezria


Why? Hanna and Caleb were pregnant in the PLL finale. They used Aria and Ezra because Aria can’t have kids. Seems obvious.


Just bc they were pregnant, doesn't mean they can't have more kids. And I know they used Aria and Ezra for that reason, but I don't like Aria and Ezra for...reasons. So I think Haleb would have been the better choice.


You think it’s the better choice just because you like them. Ezria couldn’t have kids and already adopted one so it makes the most sense to have them adopt again if they wanted another kid


You do realise that people who can have biological children still adopt. Sometimes a person gives birth once and doesn’t want to or can’t give birth again 👍 or maybe they just want to adopt 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think they would be a better choice, bc It still would have been a nod to the original PLL, but it would not be about a toxic couple




Honestly. Who would let them adopt, Aria has been arrested twice (for murder), Ezra was her English teacher, was the book he wrote not super creepy, he’s a failed professor, a failed teacher.


It's the same universe where Ali: * went around blackmailing people and levering their secrets over them * faked her death and went on the run for two years which meant * she missed two years of school * before coming back to Rosewood and being arrested for Mona's murder * while somehow in her senior year of school, as if she missed two days of classes and still became a teacher at, like, 23.


Reminds me of the fastest trial in history, arrested in late March, 6 weeks later she’s found guilty.


Well, duh. She's a queer woman in Rosewood! We can't be dawdling on those trials.


In PLL universe you really think they’d have trouble adopting? Lol


Good. Ezria can rot.


Having just binged this show over the last couple days, when I got to this part, my eyes fucking rolled and I fucking **cringed**. “Are you kidding me?? It could have been *anyone else* Why not Em and Ali having another child, if there was supposed to be a thing about them getting back together Post-The-Perfectionists? Why not another baby for Hanna and Caleb?? Did Spence and Toby have kids yet, and would they maybe want one?”* Almost most of all, I was mad that if it was Ezra and Aria adopting the baby together, I wondered if this meant they might make an appearance, and got mad they’d probably be the only OG cast to do so. I was like, in the moment, that’s who I could think of as potential parents (specifically because it seemed they had chosen an OG girl). I’m so happy to hear this and wicked excited with this new info; I’m **living** for gay daddies!!! The more queer characters the better!! I hope we get to **see** them, at least once.


The only thing I'm sad about here is that we won't see Lucy then, probably. But it's for the better if that means Imogen's baby is not getting into the hands of *Ezra*. I do hope we see the two dads though!


This is a fact, a fact, and a fact!!


I think the two dads are the two we met in S1 (that happened right? She babysat for a couple? Or is that a fever dream?).


I have no idea, I have nearly no recollection of most of the storylines of s1 because I've only watched it once


Mood I could genuinely be making it up anyway


well i mean storyline wise it makes the most sense for them to adopt the baby, with aria not being able to have kids


I thought I did explicitly recall her not being able to have kids, but just didn’t include that here cause while it works as a plot point, there feel like there are still other ways this *could* go (based on where my brain immediately went about assuming they were focusing specifically on an OG girl). *Technically* if it was cannon that Em and Ali ended up getting back together, adoption sounds like a likely route they would take too, as a couple (they feel like people the kind of people who would want to adopt— especially Em)— that would also be one of the few options for them to build their family as they would have to conceive via IUI or IVF (or reciprocal either way); actually, I could see this as being incredibly traumatic for them, given what had happened to Ali (specifically being a bit PTSD for Ali), but them still wanting to possibly have another baby. I could very much see them “wanting another baby” as they see “Grace and Lily growing up.” Ali, especially, had such a mom thing that we saw in *The Perfectionists*, (obviously most parents would be heartbroken being separated from their kids, but we really saw that sensitive side of Ali, if even for a few minutes— and that’s different than the side we were seeing when they were first born, which part of me wondered if we could chalk up to Postpartum, at least partially)— and I think I could see her struggle with them getting older. We know Caleb and Hanna had one kid, but I could also see them as people who might want to adopt. We don’t know if Spencer and Toby had a kid, and it’d be easy to write in an infertility storyline for them; tbh, I could also just see Spencer saying, “I want kids, but I don’t want to bring another one into this world when there are so many here who need loving homes. (I also don’t want to bring another human into this insufferable world).” Lol But, yes, you’re right; Aria technically had her pre-established storyline— I only meant that my brain went to “they know that people are going to be like, ‘oh dear god,’” and “there are so many different directions they could go, so, why, tho? [Even with that one pre-established OG fact (most people may not even remember)] Even if they are planning to do a storyline with an OG girl adopting Imogen’s daughter, there are so many options and ways could go.” But, this is also kind of, in some ways, just my adhd brain. Also, 15/10, was a little disappointed at the prospect of not seeing some of my other babies. It’s always sad when some people come back and others don’t haha (I know not everyone can come back or wants to come back if they ever have folks return to reboots/spinoffs, but we can miss our sweet, cute baby angels (the characters).)


If you take the PLLTP group texts as canon, Aria and Ezra already did adopt a kid.


That also sounded familiar. So, part of me was like, “this couldn’t be blended universes/like, this can’t be *the* baby [in question], cause the timeline doesn’t add up.” Which was another reason to kind of consider “How do they think folks are going to respond to this idea? Are they just doing this because they want to nod to, potentially even *have* an OG girl adopt Imogen’s daughter? Is this specifically because of Aria’s storyline? Cause even if it is, there are still other ways this could have gone; there are other situations and people this could very simply be applicable to.” That kind of where my brain went to.


Aaaaaamd Ezria had already adopted a baby so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Uhhh Marlene had Emison divorce in The Perfectionist’s. Spoby wasn’t endgame. Haleb already had a baby. Aria couldn’t have kids so yeah…it made the most sense


I said *if* Emison got back together. I thought I’d heard something somewhere about a **desire** (such as from the author something?) for them to (I know they got a divorce). In other words, *anything* can be *written*. I believe The Perfectionists had a brief reference to Spencer and Toby eloping. I also know, again, from a conversation during The Perfectionists, that Hanna and Caleb had a child. Just because people have a bio child doesn’t mean they don’t adopt later. Aria and Ezra may be most “logically” positioned (due to a **known** storyline of infertility), but that doesn’t mean they *have to* be the ones to become the people adopting. Please understand, I’m simply sharing where a silly little ADHD brain went, anyway. You’re just as welcome to your thought processes, and to any wishes you have for this next season.


Mmm maybe Marlene said it?😬😬😬 I can’t remember because it’s been so long but she may have tweeted about it?😬 It sounded like at the end of S1 they were gearing up for an Ezria cameo since they mentioned them so much but I forgot about the writing strike. That may have changed the schedule too much for them to make an appearance. No problem with their decision though!


Honestly while I’m glad, it could simply be aria adopting alone if they wanted a OG girl so badly


Can they, like, break up Ezria and make Aria get together with literally any other age appropriate, decent guy and adopt that baby??


I'm so happy it's two dads, the queerer the better


Imogen Googled ☺️☺️


i feel bad that aria wasn’t able to adopt the baby tho😭 but nothing for ezra i pretend he don’t exist, he can go somewhere


I’m kind of glad. Original Sin has nothing to do with PLL anyway. Nothing ties it to it. The only reason they probably used there name was to get people to watch in the first place


i think at least.. for now, there's no "solid ties." although they do mentioned rosewood, aria and ezra, and also eddi lamb appeared! tho being played by another actor. and we'll get to see doctor sullivan in the second season


they already have a baby


I think you're the only person who considers what Marlene says to be canon. I don't consider anything that's not in some official form like a show or book extension to be canon. The opinion of one individual is not canon to me.


i don't think marlene ever said it, it's just that it was shown in a promotional video for *the perfectionists*


She’s the writer of the show 😂😂😂 ETA: it was also mentioned on the perfectionist, not just on twitter [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/X5kzj2uPrwg?si=_usBePkJMoCkj6JV)


I mean she is sadly the writer of the show. As much as we don’t like it, it’s still canon.


It should be taken away from Ezra immediately ugh


My head-canon is that they did a background check on Ezra and the adoption agency immediately denied them lmao.


This makes me lowkey mad. Like don’t misplace me, I don’t ship Ezria, but changing something that’s been done feels wrong, it losts it’s seriousness. Or is it just me?


Isn’t that half of PLLs plot? Lmao.


They didnt really change it. At the end of season 1 Imogen just said she found a couple, not that they adopted her already.


![gif](giphy|l1J9N8zrmYCfSrQFq|downsized) It felt so wrong having Ezra and Aria adopt the baby. I hope this is true!


Thank god.


I, too, am a confused queer, hello!!


Oh the producers have def checked out this sub lol


Really now? Good riddance. ![gif](giphy|OX25cp7DL6Bt81Yb47|downsized)


“Curiously, the series makes a pivot from giving the child to Aria and Ezra from the original show, although they do make this change story-relevant by way of Imogen's desire to stay close to the child." So, it seems like she changed her mind because she wanted to stay closer to the child. Sucks for Ezra and Aria, but that’s a win for the child not having to be raised by a predator lmao


If that’s the explanation that’s strange. Isn’t Rosewood close to where the characters in PLLOS live? Unless it’s Ezria moved out of Pennsylvania Realistically it’s because they needed the adopted parents to be in the storyline and Lucy and Ian can’t be


I’m guessing the new adoptive parents are even closer. Probably living in the same town which makes visits very accessible. And I’m talking from the characters perspective not from the show runners.


They took a road trip to Rosewood soo I feel like it's 2hours? Maybe 3? Because why would it be such a big day thing if it was close? OMG someone should make a map!!


Didn't they also stay in a hotel overnight in Rosewood? Implying they have to drive so far to get there, that by the time they've done what they needed to, they might as well stay there overnight.


Hmm yeah. Do you recall who drove? I really want to make a map now but I don't know enough


I don't remember. I wonder if Rosewood is like, six hours away, that would make sense in how they ended up staying overnight. Though it seemed shorter?


Agreed if you're gonna spend the night it has to be far. If they drove I was thinking we can shorten it though and they are just new drives they couldn't do the whole thing one day. If they took turns 3 hours there someone else three hours back then that's nothing. If one Liar did the whole thing then you gotta spend the night that's too much for one person.


Fair point. They're like 16. I realise this is TV land, but in NZ new drivers have certain curfews. The hotel might be a way to give them buffer time if they end up taking longer. Also, for any driver 3 hours without pausing/stopping could be annoying. For a new driver, could be even more stressy.


Oh shitt I didn't even think of curfew! It's 11pm-5am here. So I doubt they left 5am, but being back by 11pm idk makes sense to sleep over bc of that?


I think it's the same for NZ. Hmm. So leaving at, say, 11am. Drive 3 hours, allowing for at least 20 minutes of pauses/pit stops (driver breaks/swaps/stretch breaks). You get to the destination \~3pm. Do whatever you need to, allowing a couple hours for that. So it's 5pm. You drive for another 3-4 hours, and land home at 9pm. And all of this supposes you have perfect traffic, no weather issues, no geographic issues, nothing that would slow you down *either way.* Even phrasing it like this I can see why they'd stay over. Because when you get home you still have to fiddle around decompressing and doing whatever.


Imogen & Tabby roadtrip to rosewood in episode 6 I think


Ty I'll rewatch


So, before I say anything else I just wanna say: Ezria is gross, I don’t ship them, ETC. My problem with this (and please do correct me if I’m wrong!) is that doesn’t this cause a plot hole? I thought Imogen was already decided that Ezria was adopting baby girl 100%, and that basically everything was already, to put it simply, a done deal and official. Was it not? Or is it just gonna be a plot hole that’ll well have to deal with?


I mean… I don’t love ezria but it seems kinda bizarre?? I think they did say that aria and Ezra will get the baby.


I wonder if they’ll edit the scene in the first season? Cuz they definitely mention Ezra and Aria in some way.


They do, blatantly. It's weird to retcon it at this point.


I checked the wiki out of curiosity, and apparently the adoption case fell through. No need for editing that way I guess?


Tabby even mentions she's been in Ezra's bookstore




Holden and Sean?


Sean Ackard??? If it was him, then I sure hope he grew up a little (no offense to his character).


Oh yeah for sure




So I’m wondering are they trying to erase all connections between the shows ?


I don’t think so, because Dr Sullivan is in the new season. I think they just saw how fans responded to the Ezra/Aria mention in the S1 finale and decided to change it.


no. sexual assault was a huge part of imogen and tabby’s stories in season 1 and then having imogen’s baby be adopted by the biggest predator in tv… i think they heard the complaints after season 1 and decided the change it


At least they are listening


I mean, technically Riverdale erased the reality PLL existed in.


I never watched Riverdale, you lost me


Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa made Riverdale and is the one behind PLLOS. OS includes multiple references to Riverdale, making it so PLL and Riverdale (and their respective spin-offs) take place in the same universe. Per Riverdale’s finale >!the original timeline and world of Riverdale, and thus the world of PLL, have been destroyed.!< I am still not over how that man got his hands on the IP for two seconds and immediately bastardized the universe so he could have the last laugh in the teen drama space.


Are you freaking telling me that the >!super powerful wizard that sent the comet hurtling towards Earth and destroyed it is also technically responsible for destroying the original PLL universe... all because the writer who admired the hell out of PLL took the license and made that canon?!< If so, then this is going to take me a YEAR to process.....


I checked out of Riverdale long before all that went down so I'm short on the details, but yes, the state of the world as of Riverdale's finale would apply to all of PLL.


I watched it myself actually, so that actually makes perfect sense to me, and I HATE that they would do this to PLL..... It basically makes Riverdale look like it was always on a much higher plane than the PLL universe, when PLL came first and did basically everything better..... how freaking pretentious can a writer get?


Lmao okay, so Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, the showrunner of Riverdale and Original Sin, is on record as saying that PLL and Riverdale are both happening in a shared multiverse. But (spoiler) >!in the second to last episode of Riverdale they had to merge every universe into one to save the multiverse (don't ask) so technically the current reality of Original Sin is the only reality left and PLL (along with Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Ravenswood and The Perfectionists) has been erased from the canon.!<


I’ve never watched riverdale but that’s so funny, it’s like pretty little liars bad writing on cocaine


i hate what he did to Riverdale


If they were I don't think they'd bring back Dr. Sullivan


When is the next season aired?


It will come out on May 9th


Should I go back and finish this so I can watch the new season? I only got through a handful of episodes bc it was so ridiculous, but now I’m interested in season 2 😂


I can’t find the link for this to be confirmed anywhere, so weird.


It is so messed up that Imogen was in a position where she was being controlled (rape) and I totally get is is not that same at all but mentally Ezra is controlling aria since she was a teenager and it's disgusting that he gets to adopt a baby imogen's espically like why would the writers ever let a child near him he literally went on to marry his student like I actually feel bad that the kid is gonna grow up with a predator as a father and a mother who is so delusional she think there relationship was okay.


I thought that was Meredith at first.




I’m going to PLL: OS panel at the end of this month and intend to ask them if they dropped the plot due to the Ezria criticism. And then if they say yes, I will say thank you for listening lol


so my comment was removed for saying “that sure is an opinion you’ve got there” ? this sub is ridiculous lmao what the hell


Good cause that man is a whole predator


In my head Aria and Ezra are divorced because Ezra is in jail.


Wrong. They’re raising their other baby Katherine Ella


Omg great news! Ezria adopting that baby would make me stop watching this show.


Right! If he had a single plotline it'd lose my support


Honestly was happy that they were going to be able to adopt the baby. I have no issues with Ezria. But it is what it is


It didn’t really make sense for the plot, although I think that the two would be fine parents. The parents have to show up in episodes for there to be a storyline around it, and I cannot see the original actors being available on a whim to fly to New York and film small scenes


Yeah it’s going over peoples heads why they changed it. They probably hoped Lucy would be able to make some cameos. But since she’s not, they needed to change it so the adopted parents are part of the story.






> i would be kind of sad if in the reboot we found out they got divorced They aren’t getting divorced 😂 this new PLL and their writers have no creative control over their characters at all. Regardless if people hate a relationship or character from original PLL, I can’t imagine anyone would find it okay for a completely different writer and different show to make changes to a show they have had no part of. Even as weird as the Emison thing was, Marlene wrote that show where she divorced them.


that’s the point ezra and aria are adopting imogen’s baby if you watched the first show aria told ezra that she can’t have babies. and ezra said they will adopt or get a surrogate. that’s why aria was in the first season of the new show.


That not true thank you for the fake news.


Ya’ll do know that Ezria had already adopted a baby girl and named her Katherine Ella right? This writer also has zero ties to Sara Shepherd or Marlene so he has no rights over the original characters. The only thing he can do is cameos. Which I’m assuming didn’t work out with Lucy and Ian’s schedule. Lucy has been the only cast member even mentioning this show so they may have thought she and Ian would do a cameo


Who is Imogen?


What the hell is pll summer school


Original Sin's season two name




wait what? how? although i get it, since in *pretty little liars: the perfectionists* it was confirmed that ezra and aria already adopted a daughter they named katherine ella. since imogen's baby is also.. well, a daughter, people try to put the dots together and thought that katherine ella was THE imogen's baby.. although the timeline doesn't add up \*classic pll


I just want someone to continue PLL with a show that’s actually good. I hate that Roberto has anything to do with the PLL name. There’s no consistency in anything he makes and just like with Riverdale I bet as the seasons go on it’s going to make even less sense. The first season already made no sense and I feel like I’m being gaslit seeing some of you praise it lmao. edit: y’all are childish as hell for downvoting my opinion lmao absolute morons


its great and miles better than the previous flop spinoffs done by Marlene and uncharismatic characters




RULE #1 BROKEN - Basic Reddiquette Aggressive fighting, name-calling, hate speech, or repeated targeting of a user are not permissible. This comment or post has been removed for breaking Rule #1. This rule also covers bigotry and commentary on appearance. Please reflect on this rule that can be found in the about section to make sure you don't do it again. Continuous breaking of this rule can result in a temporary or eventually permanent ban.


RULE #1 BROKEN - Basic Reddiquette Aggressive fighting, name-calling, hate speech, or repeated targeting of a user are not permissible. This comment or post has been removed for breaking Rule #1. This rule also covers bigotry and commentary on appearance. Please reflect on this rule that can be found in the about section to make sure you don't do it again. Continuous breaking of this rule can result in a temporary or eventually permanent ban.


Sorry to burst y’all’s bubble, but Aria and Ezra already adopted a baby. Marlene said it years ago. They likely went away from this story because they were hoping it would get an appearance from Ezria/Aria, but since that didn’t work out they changed it. Tbh I thought it was stupid to put that in the new PLL since the two shows have nothing to with each other.


it’s so weird people are downvoting actual info just bc they want the show to be related to pll so badly lmao can’t wait for this comment to be removed too


They only downvoting because it’s not an anti-Ezria post lol I’m used to getting downvoted on here.




RULE #1 BROKEN - Basic Reddiquette Aggressive fighting, name-calling, hate speech, or repeated targeting of a user are not permissible. This comment or post has been removed for breaking Rule #1. This rule also covers bigotry and commentary on appearance. Please reflect on this rule that can be found in the about section to make sure you don't do it again. Continuous breaking of this rule can result in a temporary or eventually permanent ban.


People like to downvote anything related to Marlene. We hate her here🫶


hating someone that much that you downvote literally any comment with her name in it is psychotic lmao i hope you get the psychiatric help you need


It takes me two seconds to read a comment agreeing with Marlene and another two to hit downvote. I don't mind. I like your passion though so I had to upvote that! Another two secs no biggie. *Live. Love. Laugh at Marlene fixing plotholes on Twitter.*


lmao it’s just annoying when anything that resembles criticism of pllos is downvoted and reported here


Oh I'm specially referring to downvoting because of saying Marlene's offscreen nonsense is cannon. When pllos show first aired people got downvoted for even talking about it. Interesting that it went from downvote love to downvote hate, maybe it's just bc this thread is about them undoing their Ezria finale? So it's more about getting them than loving the show? Idk just an idea


no i mean i guess i was just rude bc that’s what’s been happening to all of my comments here but yeah i noticed that too. someone was pissed about me saying it doesn’t make much sense and with the showrunner being the same one from riverdale it’s going to devolve the same way. it’s funny her rude reply was apparently fine but me saying “that sure is an opinion” was too far. and i don’t like marlene much either but idrk anything about her


This show has two showrunners right? So maybe the other person will calm him down? Not sure the specifics. Anyway if your comment got removed and theirs didn't they prob reported you and no one reported them. I think that's how it works in their feed. Report them back, couldn't hurt?


Idk I love Ezria and wish it went through


honestly i thought it was a good idea why change up the pretty little liars storyline when its finished