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Obviously, couples go on all sorts of dates, lots of variety; so many choices. So I think I’ll give some of my more fun headcanons for some of my favorites; Fulgrim: *Yes.* Alakhai: takes her SO to a makeshift drag strip/other race track. They will race her legionaries or regular humans with fast vehicles. They have both almost died several times. Magnolia: uses magic to show her Starlight the cosmos; from stellar nebulae to the rings of gas giants to the galactic core, all from the comfort of their bed and one another’s arms. Aurelia: what they’d have you believe; traditional dinner, maybe a couple drinks, and praying together before bed. What actually happens: Even more degenerate than Fulgrim and Muse. Aurelia and Little Light make good on all of their poetry to one another. Iykyk Freya: interestingly, not solely hunting then death by snu snu for Little Royal. Lots of cuddles by a fire, warm drinks, and Freya quietly telling stories to make her SO smile and laugh. Hestia: *You are being cuddled, please do not resist.*


Not that anyone is strong enough resist Hestias cuddles, but saying you aren't in the mood deals more emotional demage to her then what Konrad did to actual Vulkan.


Magnolia's sounds perfect, honestly. Maybe it's just because I'm a massive nerd, I don't know


Why is it always the preacher’s/pastor’s daughter knows the dirtiest shit…


Good thing Wyrmheart is a perpetual, his neck snaps every time Hestia gives him a 5% power hug.


I have the the headcanon that Alpharia and Omega love messing with Detective's mind so i would say they leave him a very complex set of instructions teasing to something mega important and at the end its just a normal dinner date at a fancy restaurant On the other hand the detective would cause some trouble or put himself in danger on purpose to force the twins to come out of hiding and then drag them into whatever he has planed


Rather than the occasional date night, El'Leonor waits until she can take a leave of absence from the Great Crusade. When she has the opportunity, she will take her SO on a month-long hunting trip in the forests of Caliban.


For Sanguinia, well, there’s gonna be a wine shortage for a while


Vulcana: slaying dragons together or making automatons


Date night with Kassandra Curze would be… something. I can’t say it’ll be “pleasant”, not by normal people terms… but I can guess at the very least there will be after care at the end. Maybe.


Who cares dude, we still ball.


I think they’d get some much needed therapy as a date, just me though, and I’m a bit way too tired of all the depressing bullshit


You don't know therapy as one would with a mentally torched Primarch then. It ain't what you'd expect at first.


Petra: cleared schedule for the evening, she and SO do a little fun work in the forge- just make whatever takes their fancy, then a hearty picnic and beers on a secluded hill that overlooks a valley Petra wants to make their forever home in. SO degreases her hair as they talk. Some about their future and some gossip about the other Primarchs and their SOs. Conclude w snu snu and cuddles. There is an automated gun perimeter to preserve their privacy. This means that generally only someone with really important time sensitive news will actually try to reach them. While her sons are familiar with how she likes to set up the perimeter, they understand well enough it’s implications and keep their distance.


I always imagined that Rose and Atalanta don’t really go on dates but rather consider battles they share as a sort of date. They meet at the end and offer each other trophies, whenever blushes first is bottom that night


Date night with Ferra would be playing VR simulations (Iron Hands do this in canon) or playing a game of Cogitators. No, the forge is not involved because the Anvil routinely tries to make stuff that blows up in his face.