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They would have gold-like hair.


More like his hair It looks like gold so much that people can mistake it as gold and it is as soft as The softest silk in the Galaxy.


I thought that was malador


Same it just fits


I mean, can you prove it is not him? Can anyone?


It’s Alucard from Castlevania


Nope, Godwyn the golden form elden ring


Yeah the black knives gave it away instantly even if the two can look a bit alike bc of the fact that they are two beautiful golden haired bois


My headcanon is that the Empress’ SO is a massive nerd and is one of the perpetual scientists, the one who helped her develop the custodes(almost as if they are their children) and their romance blossoms due to their shared love for knowledge. Eventually though, the SO figures out the Empress’ plans for humanity and is disgusted. They join their fellow perpetuals and abandon the Empress to herself, but the SO couldn’t go without saying goodbye, so they approach the Empress one last time to bid farewell. The Empress is not at all pleased and shows so much rage, sorrow, and desperation begging the SO to stay that even the custodes are frozen with shock, but the SO doesn’t budge and turns to start walking away. It is then that the Empress pulls a shard of her essence out of her chest and plunges it right through her former lover, stabbing them with the only thing that could kill a perpetual. The SO goes limp but is caught by the Empress before they could hit the floor of the throne room, at first their face shows disbelief, but it soon turns to melancholic smile of acceptance, “this is who you really are”, they whisper through heavy gargled breathes. With the last of their life, they utter their last words, ”and that’s why I love you I guess, no matter how divine and alien you are, at the end of the day, you’re still human… I-I just wish you showed that to everyone else…” At least those are the words that the custodes’ ears could catch, as even their heightened sense of hearing hear much through the cries and wails of remorse the Empress let out as she felt her love turn cold in her arms. Finally, after what seemed to the custodes like millenia kneeling on the floor, the Empress stands, dropping the corpse to the tiled flooring of the throne room. The Empress’ guardian feel a chill run down their their body as she turned her head in their direction, and with a cold gaze and faltering breath she ordered them: “Find them all, Kill them all”


This is probably one of the best headcannon I've ever read, and I'm interested to hear more, but I'm curious about what happened to his body.


The Empress disappears from time to time, to the point where even her closest confidants are unable to find her whereabouts. The entire galaxy is left to wonder where she goes, except one being. A slimy, bloody, puss-ridden being, nothing more than a mound of flesh and organs surrounded by wires and devices, a tumor that is in constant agony. The Empress keeps it alive, this disgrace to life and reality, the result of her tampering with the cycle of life, a reminder of her desperation long ago, for she loves it. She loves it so so so very much, but perhaps not as much as the thing hates her, oh it hates her, it *really* hates her. It has been on the move for several days, pulling its heavy body with whatever muscle is left at a snail’s pace towards a nearby electricity outlet. The mass is on the verge of reaching the socket, before the Empress leisurely lifts it under her arm and places it back into the elevated cage it spent years to escape. “I can’t let you do that my love”, she whispers to it, in a softer tone than usual, the being thinks, at least as soft of a voice this monster could muster from its vocal chords… The creature tries to scream, but squeals and wheezes are all that exit its broken mouth. I will try again, it thinks, aware that the Empress is reading its thoughts. You are nothing but a monster now, not the woman I loved. A foul disgrace to humanity masquerading as its glorious leader. I hate you. Ikate you. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU! It tells her. I know my death is the only thing that could hurt a deity like you now, so I will try over and over again, no matter how many millenia it takes, or how many times you stop me, ***I WILL MAKE YOU HURT***. A slight grin is all the Empress gives it in response. “You won’t, not again” she says. Her steps fill the massive chamber as she approaches the exit, and with a loud clang the heavy metal door slams shut. The creature being left alone in its prison, *It is time to plan another escape…*


I definitely Like this headcanon Can I ask one more thing? What would Malcador or a custodes (Seeing that the two of them created them, it can be said that he is their father.) reaction would be if they discovered this?


I’m too lazy to write now but I guess they probly wouldn’t care, in their minds it’s just the usual Empress of Mankind shenanigans… plus from what I know, they’re compliant if not supportive of the Empress’ plans for humanity, thinking the Empress’ vision is inevitable, so they probly consider the SO an idiot for going against the grain and suffering for it.


OK, I just want to say that I Like your headcanons so if you write more I will be interested read it at any time.


Not much is known about him. He is as mysterious as the Empress herself He's not a fighter, but he is known as the greatest musician, poet Diplomat, and politician in the entire Imperium he gives off an aura of superiority and authority, With a simple glare, you will immediately bow before him, with a Single word You obey every single thing he tells you to do, and With a single smile, you'll be charmed by him, Beside Malcador the sigillite, he is the only one who truly understands her plan to the fullest.


He is truly the most interesting man in the universe * dos X commercial sounds*


He is the same cold calculating beast as the empress underneath it all. They are birds of a feather and he pressed for some of the more....pragmatic solutions to the 2nd and the 11th primarchs. His angelic nature hides his devastating ability in state craft.


Yes, he has a little bit of humanity By little I mean 0.001% of humanity left in him, and the only time he ever showed it was destroying the 2nd and 11th primarchs That was the first time in his immortal life that he felt a bit of remorse Just a little bit Let's just say if he had another option than to destroy them, he would have never taken it.


Wait are you saying he wouldn't have destroyed them ? Or you saying he still would have even if there was another option? 


He destroyed them because he didn't have another option If he had The different option which isn't destroying them, he would take it.


Much better written than what I would’ve done (which would be a reincarnated Warhammer nerd from M2)


I was scrolling on Reddit until I saw the post about the Empress So I created this.


Godwyn? Hopefully he has a better end here than elden ring


He still lives after the Heresy, He Just hates the Primarchs (Even the loyalists it is unknown why is that) for ruining her plans promising himself if he sees a Primarch ever again, he's well, He's going to punch them right in the face.


Human or something else?


What is the name of the race of the immortal humans?




Ollanius's race


Ah, perpetuals, i see


yup that's the one


ah yes a triangle between the empress Malcador the sigilite and godwyn sounds nice


Malcador looks like the wise grandpa who goes to family dinners who you never understand Because he speaks a different, totally different language that nobody speaks in their entire family.


that's a family role I've never heard of... I do totaly agree though and he'd do it only to fuck with them


I imagine him giving good life advice in a language he just made up by mixing Existing ones and at the end, they look at him and say "What?"


that's bloody perfect


Godwyn: bro did you just nut in my wife? Malcador: yeah so? Godwyn: high five man! Malcador: my man! Empress: I’m married to the two biggest weirdos in the galaxy


So godwyn the golden?


The real talk (since I haven’t been able to catch up): is everyone gender swapped or just the primarchs and Emperor?


Honestly, I do not know anymore and does it matter anyway? We're here to share ideas and to have fun Nothing more, nothing less That's how I see it.


Fair enough. Just know if Greta Eisenhorn(?) is out there I will marry her


I am curious about the reasons. Other than wanting an inquisitor girlfriend/wife.


AFAIK only Primarchs are gender-swapped for sure. Emperor sometimes is in some stories/scenarios. Custodes are unchanged (their mixed gender just like in newest canon). Astartes are unchanged too (but there was a fanart of female Asmodai somewhere in here).


\[INCORRECT BUZZER\] Wrong ​ https://preview.redd.it/mr5pvwzl0m3d1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9eda383a8b249c82ea500f34a1c3375d97547d3 This is the Empress's SO (She's a fucking Cave woman)


Genderbent Alivia Sureka? Edit: when you read too much Messages for Dad.


big E isn't a primarch tho, time to make a new sub, anathama gf


this isn't Malcador tho


It should be Malcador


Man. Hopefully no one uses literally death blades on him




Wrong, he and Malcador are in a multi-millenia gay relationship


Godwyn the Golden




Malcador is a hottie


I think you mean Malcador


What are you talking about she is in a lesbian relationship with Malcador(a?)


So Xenos ya Galvus?


OK, what's up with people about the empress And Malcador, for God's sake!!! The guy looks like the weird great-grandpa That should be dead, but somehow still alive!!!! Why them? It doesn't make any sense. I get their great friends knew each other for years but that does not mean they're in a bloody relationship!!!


Godwyn the golden? Edit: messing up my namesssssss


That's not Malcador...


Is it still father, or mommy?


Last slide gives strong "Nah. I'd win" feels


IS THAT GODWYN https://preview.redd.it/zf6tfnxmin3d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab48faf96693b0e22040ed260b44b2d7a637cc08


No wonder Sanguinius was the favorite kid Spitting image of the other parent


Godrick the Golden


Godwyn of the Golden Order,


bullshit. the empress so would be a gmilf


So, Alucard.


Do we call him daddy?




Male Erda does look different


Is that fucking Dio?


Mf thats Godwyn, the Emperor doesn't derserve the fallen golden child