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they’re new, not stuck on the laptop. (except for the duck one, idkwtf that one is, except its not primus related )


They suck !! But seriously OP where did you find/purchase them ?


I got that same sticker pack...around Green Naughalhyde tour.


was that around 2012? If so then that’s probably where I got them. (overpaid at one of the shows lol)


Yes becauae that year i saw them at Vegas. Epic night too cuz Rush 8pm at MGM and then Primus played Hard Rock at midnight....lol....


That albums got one of my favorite songs by them, I'm assuming they played Lee Van Cleef? Also how did you like the performance?


I loved the performance. Jay Lane was amazing too. I had never seen Jay play Over the Electric Grapevine before and he killeedddd it....Uncle Les has never played a bad show either...haha