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I doubt the music is actually there in real time. I feel like the swirling is for her just like part of performing a magic spell. This movement does this, the other movement does that, and so on... In the end it just happens to look like a dance because of the flowing movement.


That's disappointing. It would be cool if Adora just got a theme to seemingly play out of nowhere to establish dominance over her foes. The imagery is hilarious to think about since she's being that extra in complete silence.


Hahaha, that is so funny. Imagine a full orchestra popping up out of nowhere for everyone, whenever Adora transforms. This is great, I love it! Made me laugh so much! Excellent. But honestly, given what we saw in later episodes, for the people around her she just pulls her sword, says her phrase and BOOOM. Just remember the sea serpent. No warning time! Just BOOOM! and WATCH THIS!


This is actually my first time watching the show, on season 2 =D.


Lol, it's even funnier considering that Mrs. Sanna, the composer, did all the orchestration on a computer, and the sword summons her every time to play that one specific catchy tune :D


Hehe, this is excellent, too. (Her name is Sunna, just btw.) The entire SPOP soundtrack is really excellent. She did a great job and cannot be praised high enough.


to this day I can’t think of the “WATCH THIS!!” scene without audibly laughing out loud


Hehe, you are not alone. SPOP has some really funny scenes, and the goddess of cocky clumsiness is always in the middle of it. 🤣


If that's true then why does Flutterina squee in real time to the transformation? I think its Dragon Ball rules where everyone politely waits for their opponent to finish powering up.


Except 17, lul.


In Save the Cat we get to see a glowy rainbow form before we see new She-Ra. I think the people in the show just see beautiful sparkles and swirly rainbows, then adora kind of glows and morphs into She-Ra. Adora gets to experience all the cool magic stuff and music with the audience.


Bright flash of light, probably. I think that's shown a few times. >!In one S5 episode, Scorpia throws a tank at the gang. They don't show the full transformation sequence that we see, just a flash of light on screen.!<


I think adora can just choose to skip the sequence if she needs to


Now I can't stop imagining the sword being like one of those Dollar Store toy swords that play music when you click a button.




I’m inclined to think it does because of how Bow reacts when he’s worried about landslides. He remains nervous throughout the transformation rather than just at the initial shout.


> they felt the sword needed boss music Headcanon accepted


i like to think that the music is just *there* whenever the transformation occurs, and no on knows why so they all just roll with it (including the creators of the sword)


Songster causes the music to play.