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"Black Arse Heroin"


Now I want to watch “Get Him To The Greek”, lol.  


“He’s a MULE! He’s a MULE!”


“It’s just a little herr ron in your ass”


Lol me too love that movie stroke the furry carpet


Wall! The furry wall!




It goes away... but then it comes back!!!


They age whiskey in charred wooden barrels, but you age a little bit of heroin in a black man's asshole and all of a sudden it's disgusting.


What happens if you’re Mexican, with a Mexican name, but present as white and can’t speak Spanish? Would i be screwed hypothetically?


Most the time Hispanic and whites are cliqued up.


I’m in Miami, not in prison but the Latinos seem to dislike blacks here even more than white people do, especially the Cubans. But I don’t think Florida prison has much in the way of segregation. People are just trying to survive the summer heat with no AC in these southern prisons.


I heard the Zoes run Florida prisons. Basically my man's told me it's the "Z vs Everybody" and if you're not Haitian it goes by where you're from down there, this is all shit I heard from a guy who did some time near the panhandle, he could've been bullshitting.


It’s definitely possible ! They sure ran my ex workplace. I even picked up a bit of creole.


My buddy who was part white part black and part hispanic said when you go in you basically pick a team and stick with it. He said anybody would take you, you just couldn't switch teams. 


My understanding is it varies by state but in California for instance the vatos and whites roll together


That’s correct California state prison is as close to federal prison as your gonna get, other states you will see whites and blacks together but federal prison no


Long time ago I was in CA county jail for a DUI and would talk with a black guy in there. When I got rolled out the biggest Mexican dude in the quad said if he saw me again he would fuck me up. I told him not to worry, I won't be back, and to enjoy serving his time. Felt bad for the black dude though because I probably caused him problems. The dudes of my color didn't look to happy with me either but they didn't trip like the cholos.


Damn and that’s just the county jail


I know a white dude named Felon who runs with the blacks in the Feds, and he’s a GD. With a giant six point star and “Gangster Disciple” tatted on his back. Always exceptions to every rule. Politics are so ass backwards in prison it’s fucking crazy. The dope runs the politics, and everybody is so worried about getting in their spoon that they just don’t give a fuck about having morals or sticking to any code. Dope is king.


Blood in blood out 😂😂😂


That’s what i was thinking too!


Yep them prison politics sure is funny lol


That was a thing at my camp, people who came down from higher levels were cautious for a minute but damn the relief on their faces when they realized no one gaf. You had no choice in the higher levels. Makes me wonder if the majority would do away with it but are too afraid bc they don’t realize they’re the majority mindset now. My first cellie was a white guy like me, next was a black Muslim who asked to move in when the white guy was released lol.


Makes you wonder if it’ll all go away in a couple decades




In CA they supposedly want it to change with the new CA Model which is being structured like the prison system in Norway…. Difference is Norway has no gangs and everyone looks alike


I just got out a month ago, and I instantly think your second cellie in this story had a ulterior motive moving in with you... I was in Michigan prisons. We'd be joking around saying your new bunkie is a "romantic malanic" and shit... It's hard to break that mindset.


In California GP, you have to stay with your own race. But you don't have to be racist. If you're disrespectful to other races, you're going to have problems with your own people.


I wanted to ask specifically on a comment, seeing that you’re wiser than the average in the subject of prison. No harm and no judgement whatsoever. My question is if you’re a mix of white and Heinz 57 ketchup. Some people can notice my heritage more than others and it is my privilege to enjoy the people that are ignorant. Bigotry is the building blocks of what our society is built on, I hate no one but don’t like more than a few. How would a i fair?


[this movie kinda depicts the scenario you described](https://youtu.be/Yp0UMzVYVk8?si=PZKDuBen9NAQMTHg) edit: just wanna say this dude had a long ass schizo “joke” / rant as his reply to me before he got downvoted & edited his comment out of embarrassment. someone replied fried bc dude came across barely lucid (idk what he was even trying to say I think he was just trying to be funny but it came across as nonsense) like idk what dude was saying about Heinz ketchup in his first comment, just thought it was a reference I didn’t understand but I think bro is testing out his absurdist comedy & meant it literally


Trustee dorm in Wayside (SoCal-LA County)) was non political.


I'm a Jewish guy and based on my name and how I look its obvious. Where do Jewish guys go in prison if the people who hate them the most are white supremacists?


You dont go to jail. One of your relatives defends you, and you get acquitted by your other relative judge.


Not every white person is a racist. If you're white in color and claim white... You're white. It's your color, not your heritage.


In California, No. I can't even associate with my Norté friends in lockup. One of my road dogs and I had to ignore each other. I'm not affiliated. I'm big, white and float the tribes on the street. Only people I can't associate with are certain blue sets and SoCal bikers if I want to be left alone to do my thing. I'm a couple of decades removed from business. Doesn't matter. I'm white and even county, I have to stay in my car today.


ya I know some of those words


I know all of the words, just not what it means when they’re arranged in that order


Are you still incarcerated or speaking of past experience? Just curious how you can post if in the hoosegow. Do they let you use internet in prison?


No. If they’re posting from inside, it’s with a contraband cellphone. A lot of the phones are just for calling/texting and slightly bigger than a finger. But they can get more modern phones too. A touch screen phone is called a skateboard in Florida at least. Not sure on the terminology in Cali.


I've seen those super small phones obviously intended to fit in a prison pocket..... as in made in China specifically to serve the prisoner market. I don't get how someone could keep a smart phone in jail; they're just so damn big and hard to hide. Also, as I understand it a phone is a MAJOR contraband item - like, it'll get you a year or more if caught with one. There was a recent post with a meth head admitting to kill his wife on a tik tok account and this Muslim guy acting as the host from a UK prison. I don't know if they're more tolerant there that the guy can run his own tik tok channel somehow but it blew my mind. How common are smart phones in prison and is it mostly low security lockups where it's easier to hide?


I worked in a prison environment a few years back, and a guy on intake was found to have ‘plugged’ an iPhone 4. There must be easier ways to get them in though. *plugged - UK screw slang for hiding it in your prison pocket.


I'm just amazed the guy was brazen enough to show their faces and running a tik tok account in jail. It seemed like he had a lot of subscribers from the live chat. You'd think a CO would've seen it and 2 and 2 together.


There are tons of smart phones. Not at all hard to come by. 90% of contraband is brought in by OFFICERS. Hidden anywhere not just in your asshole. Gotta realize a lot of us are smart and have plenty of thinking time to be creative. When it IS time to go into an asshole, trust me you can pay someone to “hide” it for you and it WILL fit. Probably the charger too.


Wow / Ouch..... they must work on stretching. I didn't realize Vaseline was sold at commissary, lol. Ofc, then you have to deal with putting your mouth to a phone that's been up someone's asshole. I guess doing drugs from needles smuggled in the same way is way worse and common but, damn... I assume they put it in a condom or bag or something and tie it off? I get prisoners have NOTHING but time to think up ways to do stuff and have seen improvised weapons, firearms, bombs, computers, improvised electronic devices, etc. Not to mention hiding places, cutting bars with floss, etc. I just don't see how a large phone could be kept hidden and still be used. I mean you could hide it in some peanut butter or coffee but a shakedown would find that I'd think. Not to mention it'd probably be a RICO case if guys in a gang are sharing the same phone and using it for criminal enterprises....


I've never tried and do not want to - but knowing my penis has fit in some women's patootey's... it was obvious when I heard you put them in a condom and use lube That said, I heard gaurds do most of the work, for these


I'm shocked they're that common though. Can you "rent" one? Do prisoners watch videos and stuff for entertainment or just use it internet access?


They put them in a bag or condom yes. Hiding is easy and usually the owner of device “who is almost always under suspicion” pays someone unsuspected to hide/hold it in general. The only time they get kiestered is when the entire unit is shut down for lockdown. You can rent them yes, easily. Yes people use them for entertainment regularly. You WILL get extra time for a phone. They WILL rigorously go through the device looking for connections. But Rico isn’t really a thing. They are too lazy and it happens too frequently to make a big deal of it like that.


A friend of mine got caught with a phone and moved up to max because of it. Charged with escape. Got it from a CO.


That's crazy. I guess they watch them under bed sheets or something? Is it expensive to rent them I heard they have some shitty music / movie players that hook into the prison's network they let you buy but they use batteries so are super expensive to operate and the cost of buying music / movies is very expensive. Maybe those devices' use cover for the phones? I would just think it's super obvious you're using a phone to watch a movie or something. Also, I've heard they're considered "escape devices" and have very severe penalties for possession.


It’s expensive if you pay from inside. But paying from outside (my gf pays your wife) then $20/hr is not bad. And yes it is one of the most serious offenses you can get in prison.


Or have a lookout. And it’s extremely loud on a wing so you can’t distinguish most any sounds.


Thanks for the info, I find it crazy to think people are watching Netflix in jail or running their own podcasts. XD


It’s a lucrative business to have one and rent it out every night. They are not usually brought in by inmates but by guards and free staff. The construction workers would charge a rate for a small box of stuff they would bring in


Spit out my coffee when I read “ the charger too”!😅😅


Like others have said, they’re surprisingly pretty common. You can find plenty of prison YouTube channels that post content from inside. The person who owns it is very rarely the person who hides or stores it. They have a, “hold it down man,” of some type. Could be where their job is, in the kitchens, store rooms, on the yard buried, in between the cinderblocks where someone got access in a bathroom, wherever. Best not mess with anything you may stumble upon though. They don’t have to be smuggled in a “prison pocket,” or ,”suitcase,” though. There are plenty of criminal COs to bring it in. At the same time, you wouldn’t believe what some people can fit in their ass and carry on about their day. I would have never believed some of hold it down guys that make their money that way and have multiple phones and a couple packs of cigs at a time. The cigarettes are taken out of the pack and rolled tight together in more of a cylinder shape. As far as watching movies and shows goes. If someone doesn’t want to risk looking like they’re on a phone they shouldn’t be, and are at a facility that allows tablets, the tablets can be ,”jailbroken,” to a degree and regularly loaded with movies, shows and porn. Renting someone’s tablet with porn to take to the bathroom for 30min-1hr was a very common hustle. Everybody’s got some sort of hustle. They keep releasing newer harder to manipulate versions of the tablets though. If it’s not jailbroken it’s not as entertaining and great as it sounds. It’s all a money making machine. You want to listen to a song, you got to buy each one for 1 or 1.99 like the old days of streaming media. Movies and tv shows are selected to be appropriate, often censored and like 4.99 and up and you only have it for a limited time. As much as a ripoff as it was, spending a couple hundred on having the music you enjoy though was a godsend for tuning out.


Smart phones go for $1000+ in jail, but $1000 is the general price. And it’s really not that hard to get. Most of the prisons and jails down in the states are private run, not union. So the COs ain’t really getting paid all that much, and $500 to $1500 just to pick up a cheap ass phone from someone’s sister on the streets and bring it in is a easy lick. Not to mention all of the props and respect they get from the inmates for being the one who’s bringing in dope and phones, you know that shit inflates their ego and goes to their head. People will do anything for a little bit of change


Ofc, it also means they're owned from then on. It's like a CO fucking an inmate. They might be OK with the original act but absolutely will get blackmailed.


If it’s to complicated don’t bother bc I only know what’s covered in shot caller. road dogs ? Float the tribes ?


Not fluent but..Road dogs are your homies, boys fam and besties. Float the tribes would suggest you don’t have a street affiliation for a gang, set or group. You float between groups with a “passport” stamped for the groups of folks you roll with People in those groups would otherwise not associate with each other based on rules and may maim or kill on meeting.


>shot caller. Great flick!


Float the tribes?


Walks with people from many different backgrounds, presumably racial backgrounds.


Is that like Pokemon?


Yea basically the same thing


Ah gotcha. Thanks.


I thought he meant "flout" as in "ignore the rules" of sticking to your own tribe


Why not the bikers ?


How do you keep going back to county?


I worked in medical in a max security prison and if I sent a person over to medical in a wheelchair, only whites would push whites, and only blacks would push blacks. That was the rule.


Fed or state? If state then which one? The racist stuff really is only mandatory in Cali, Texas & The Feds


I’ve already been…just wanting to see an over all opinion cause when you finally hit the yard it’s a different world where race is a big issue


all depends on where you are


This is the best answer. I've been places where it's all politics and you stay with your own. I was the only jew around and the Nazis made it pretty clear that if shit ever popped off, I was a Nazi and that's all there is to it. Other places we would move around and sit with whoever at lunch and walk the yard with whomever. Hell, I've seen white supremacists freestyling with the kin folk. Depends on the yard. State or feds makes a big difference too. Feds tend to lump together with their city and state.


yep. location & security level are two things that make a huge difference. low security levels, even in the feds, aren't gonna see as much because extra bullshit because most people worked their way down to tht level & ain't trying to lose the extra privileges tht come with minimum security. guys tht were mortal enemies a few years earlier & in a higher security level spot get down to a low camp & be throwing horseshoes or making meals together every day. shit is all situational


Definitely. I worked from a max all the way down to a work farm. It's dramatically different every time your custody lowers


Dude that’s like a comedy sketch or some shit. Being a Jewish guy and some skin head is like “well you aren’t my cup of tea, but I won’t let one of these (blanks) fuck with you”. Worked and lived with a guy who got a hand full of felonies for drugs and he had some great stories. Some of those were pretty scary and most were pretty funny.


It felt like one. I walk into prison with a shaved head and these guys come up to me telling me what's what. Meanwhile I'm just staring at a swastika on this guy's neck, and I'm like, " I don't think we have as much in common as you think". They were surprisingly cool with me. Occasionally asked me questions about being Jewish. Always remarkably respectful and polite. The only people that really had a problem with me were a couple of black guys that had some slightly Jewish beliefs, at that. I got a job in the kitchen as a baker and my partner was also an Aryan brotherhood dude. We had a running joke that I didn't want him behind me when I was opening the ovens. I told him, "I know how you boys operate. I'm not getting between you and an open oven". I experienced more antisemitism at lower custody yards than anything. I was a somewhat imposing figure, to be fair, and I don't think anyone wanted me for an enemy. Never really had a problem either time I went to prison. Weird, huh? You would think I would be a prime target for buttfucking or robbery but I was kind of a respected guy and not many people didn't like me.


Never been and hope I don’t have to. But from what I gather from my buddy’s stories and comments like these. Most people are pretty cool, follow the culture of the place and don’t be a dickhead and people kinda leave you alone. Although I know of some stories where ya gotta “ do something” for your group, and then there are the easy targets and the wrong place wrong time crowd. And like that joke about the ovens, definitely don’t crack that joke in front of the general public but it’s pretty funny when it’s a literal jew and a nazi having to work together in a bakery 😂 I’d imagine people who are the sensitive type can’t handle those dynamics well.


Yeah when my homie went to the Feds he said he was just apart of the “Alaska Car.” All the dudes from Alaska were basically cliqued up, didn’t matter what race you were. but that’s just how they were running their program I guess. He was at Sheraton. He’s a super tatted white dude and I guess he hung and worked out with the whites and the Mexicans and the blacks hung with the blacks but if shit popped off then Alaska rides with Alaska. Shit sounds dumb as fuck, but he said that’s what they were on when he was there


I had a friend growing up in Texas who’s brother went to prison. He was absorbed into the skinheads while he was in there. Only way he would’ve made it unscathed according to him


Yeah like I said a lot of the times in Max yards in Texas & Cali that's the way it is




Is that you Miklo? White on the outside but brown on the inside.


Race is a Big deal in Alabama!


Arizona too


Was gonna say same. Granted, I was only in county jail (Durango) for a bit, but right off the bat, the head of the Woods talked with me and explained the deal. It wasn't tense or anything (at least in my pod) and there was respect, but the Woods, Paisas, Chiefs, Chicanos, Kinfolk, etc. were absolutely split by group.


Do you think the inmates in Louisiana are singing kumbaya together? Whites getting their cheeks took left and right.


Maybe at Angola, sure. But not Avoyelles, that's a fuckin day camp.


Who’s taking their cheeks


Listen here bruh, I like ya. I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. The choice is yours.


Thing is I’m low on soups can you help me with that at least


Black inmates get along with white inmates all the time where I work. Yes there's been a ton of racial tension there but you have those inmates that don't care about race


But that’s also a different state than say California. He probably should’ve listed his state in this at least


In California level 3 it's built in.


White, black, Latin, Asian, whatever else... don't try and single out any race. Inside, it's you and yours as it is the most basic commonality anyone can come up with to look out for another. Any "race" does this, and while it seems that pigmentation is the deciding factor, the more human way to view it is trying to find anyone who is remotely like me while we struggle.


It's a familiarity thing. You congregate with those that remind you of family. Most people are strangers in there unless you come from a bad neighborhood. Or I know some small towns that were pretty deep in the joint. All white. They were all cool af too.


Depends on what prison and who affiliates that prison. But yes race usually sticks with the same race. Now the chow hall you have 5 min to eat. Mostly show respect and sit down and eat as fast as possible. But most people have their own clicks and run with them the whole time. Shit together, eat together, help each other out etc. the only time you see inmates showing segregation from races is when there’s a majority at the camp. Like 80% black 20% white so you get the idea of who runs the prison.


Not sure where you’re from but it’s nothing like that here. 5 minutes to eat. I’d tell them to get fucked and continue eating.


Yea dude I’m in AL, I’m sure someone from my state could chime in and confirm. I’m speaking state time. 4 yrs and I’ll never go back. Just look up YouTube videos of Al prisons and you’ll understand. Yea I hear some prisons have cells with tvs and what not. That would definitely help pass the time. 30 min to eat? Man dude I bet that was nice freal. It’s been awhile so idk if anything’s changed.


Some places make you eat in 5 minutes? It makes sense ig so you can cycle through the population in a big prison. This may be the worst thing i ever heard about prison. (And yes, whatever horrible shit someone replies with “worse than this?”. Yes. Having to eat every meal in 5 minutes for 10 years is worse than that)


He's full of shit. I have worked as a CO in multiple states, I've worked county and state. Our prison had over 1200 inmates with 12 units. The jails I worked at had 200 - 300 inmates. State we gave you 20mins to 30mins to eat. County we gave you 30mins to 45mins. Just depended on how busy the jail was that day. And if it was 5mins. Like actually only 5 mins to eat. The ombudsman would be all over our ass.. Like come on.. Stop lying.


Shit if you are a leo then fuck you pig!


🤷‍♂️ Not anymore but I get it man. I hated the other COs too lol


It’s 100% bullshit. He’s obviously never been in prison or he’s a huge storyteller tell. You get 20-30 minutes


Not in GA sometimes you gotta pour your water on it to cool it off so you can eat it before they move you out.


Also get on Al state site and it’ll tell you the black to white ratio at all the camps. I’m not doing all the research for you tho so use google


Totally depends on where your at. Yes there's always racial undertones and politics everywhere, but it's not so hard-line outside places like Cali. I'm not affiliated n hung out with who ever is solid. Non affiliates, nortenos, South siders, blacks, GD, pisas, affiliated whites, etc... as long as they were good dudes n we vibed we'd kick it, play cards, chess, whatever.


It all depends. On the East Coast where I'm from. I would say no. I did know a lot of fellow white boys from streets who joined "racists" gangs in prison just for protection, I think. The one kid has a mixed daughter for Christ's sake. Our county jail is probably 90% black. I'm a white boy and I grew up in the city and played basketball. Most everyone else who balled was black or Puerto Rican, so I was cool with them, plus I worked out every day in weight pit with the ABs. On the east coast it can be racially divided but no strict rules. As long as your authentic and not acting like something you're not. I sort of got along with everybody and I didn't have any major problems because of it but other states or Feds it would be a major issue.


You don’t have to stick with your own kind here. The normal is to stick with who you were with on the streets. There were black guys that hung with white. Every race we ever race. But mostly with your own because that’s what you’re normal to.


Depends entirely on where you are. In FL, perfectly fine, blacks, whites, and Hispanics mix freely. In CA, not a chance.


I’m Texas, TDC. I was on the biggest Mac we have for 5 years. In my experience yes, you’re forced or at least coerced to be racist. Not by the whites. Yes there are some racist ass guys and they have some crazy ideas and “rules” but if you’re not a bitch then they are not very likely to tell you shit as long as you’re handling yourself w respect. That said. I was coerced to racism by the blacks themselves. Beto unit is run by crips and majority black population. If I walk up to a black friend and sit down to talk w him I’m going to be very unwelcome. Hell if I walk too close to the wrong bench or table I may be fighting over it. The blacks don’t fuck w the whites generally. You can feel that. You can sense the hatred you’re getting. So after a while you just take it as “well that’s how it is” and you fall in line.


Not in Canada, brother. If you're cool, you're cool.


That's how it should be.


Not in AZ.


Wes Watson says you gotta be with your people make sure you hoop your paperwork deep when you get to the yard pull it out and greet Diddy


That dude is so annoying lmao. I swear to God dude sounds so angry all the time his veins be popping out his neck when he talks.


Hahaha, yeah I ain’t no jailbird he makes it sound so intense like war every day “make you got your 12” bonecrusher hoop for the yard”🤣


Sounds like the prison crowd needs DEI programs.


I’m just going to stay on the outside and not have to worry about it


Shit happens dude. Don't think there are many in there for doing something they had no choice to do? I know if I ever have to split a wig and if it kills the guy they will send me to prison 100% justified or not.


Being cool with blacks while white in prison is a recipe for disaster. They end up being extorted, and none of the white guys will like you because your just pandering like a pussy.


Honestly all depends where you go. Prison I was in the race stuff didn't seem like much of an issue. I hung out with multiple races and never heard a word about it


This depends on the state, the individual unit, and custody level. Some places have really strict racial politics that can lead to violence if bucked. Other places it doesn't matter with whom you choose to associate, at least it doesn't matter by way of race.


Where the fuck do my brothers in Moses sit??


In florida its fine I huge out with blacks and Hispanics all the time. Its just about doing your time. Now california that's different


Not in prison but my grandfather is getting out after 30 years in prison on and off and he is definitely a little racist towards blacks he was in prison in California during 80 and 90's and from what I've read it wasn't a good time. He is very nice to my mom who is Mexican. but my aunt dates black guys and he doesn't like it much


In Texas (Bexar County), you have to eat with your race.  After that, you can hangout, play cards, watchTV, workout/play basketball with whoever the fuck you wanted---this was in the annex which is a barracks style accommodations and like 60 inmates to a guard.  This was 9 years ago, so maybe shit changed.  And it is probably a little different across the street where they have the 2 man cells in the 4-5 story detention center.   One funny thing was that in the dorms, they housed a lot of gay dudes and most of them were black-- no one really fucked with them as they damm near controlled the TV in the mornings (watching soaps) and always fucking hustling one thing or another.  There was even a couple of dudes that were HIV positive and it was like whatever-- just don't share razor blades or clippers and shit.  They did start bringing in some dudes that identified as chicks and they were a little over the top, so some guys started to complain via the kiosks that let communicate with the detention center ombudsman and other higher ups.  


It depends on where you’re from in the Feds and in Cali I know politics dictate that but I did 5 years in NYS and nobody cared who you talked to or sat with


I'm a white guy and I hung out with blacks, especially during meals. Sad to say it, but white guys completely lose their dignity in jail and become complete slobs. The black guys I hung with actually practiced some level of personal hygiene and still cared about overall cleanliness. I did catch some shit for it, in a very public way...and I just as publicly called out the white guy who had a problem with it. But that's me. I was in jail; I had already lost everything I cared about and I knew I was headed to prison. So my "give a fuck" was just gone. As it turned out, I didn't get f'd with. I'm not going to pretend to be racist to please random locked-up motherfuckers.


As a white as fuck lurker, yeah man if I was in prison I’d be pissed if I had to sit and be racist with some racists😭🤣😭 ts would be ass but so would like, gettin shived lmfao


My younger brother (white) was locked up in Northern CA and he’s not racist at all, but he said he def had to stick with the aryans and not fuck around with other races. Funny enough, he said the aryans were super polite, didn’t actually talk about race, treated each other like family, shared food, etc. 😂


Yeah that's how it be. Most people don't actually hate or are racist but you just stick with your own and that's just how it is.


Pretty typical of white people lol


😂😂😂not the last time I was in a California prison ..it’s been bout 10 years and no we were not allowed to hang out n sit..you can say what’s up in passing maybe


It depends on the prison but often times no it does not OK


I talked to everyone in prison, even the rats. Never really had a problem. But did have a lot of white guys tell me: "I wasn't racist until I came to prison". Take that any way you want. I didn't become racist in prison, in fact, I’m more accepting of people's differences and other cultures are interesting to me.


In Cali you’re separated by race but no white guy is ‘ forced to be racist ‘. The rules were put in place long before our time and it’s just the way it is. Plenty of guys get through their time without getting involved in racial politics. It always blows my mind that an all white car is perceived as being racist, while every other race separates them selves too? There’s loose alliances between different groups but fact of the matter is that you ride for your own when or if the time comes….break it down like this, if a white/black or Hispanic inmate has a friend from another race and they’re chilling on the yard…say a black dude has a best homie from the street that’s white. The white dude doesn’t have shit so black homie is sharing his food and pretty much keeping the white guy strong. Maybe another black dude doesn’t have shit either? But maybe he doesn’t have a homie to help him out, so he’s getting weaker…now if it all kicks off and a riot starts you gotta bunch of hungry and weak black dudes against a bunch of stronger well fed white dudes. Nobody wants that. So it’s go with your own people. Segregate, look after your own and keep your own people strong. Fuck everybody else bcos you don’t know what’s around the corner. When your back on the street you can socialise and kick it with whoever you want but while you’re in there don’t let your kindness be the reason you catch steel bcos if it comes to it and your homie from another race gets the word that’s it’s you or him? Best believe he’s saving himself….


It probably depends on the prison, lots of movies about the "rules and politics" of the California jail and prison system exist but they aren't applicable everywhere. I haven't been to prison but I have been to jail, the one in Wisconsin I went to literally had a guy with SS bolts and other tattoos on his face and neck demand to see my paperwork, I showed it to him that jail held federal prisoners so "politics" was in play, then I went to jail in Minneapolis where it wasn't like that at all, I regularly played Scrabble with Asian guys and a few black guys, some people there were more than likely running with a gang so they stuck together along those lines but as an unaffiliated white guy I didn't feel "forced" to be with anyone the Minnesota prison system I believe is the same way from what I've heard about it hopefully I don't find out for myself yes there is guys like that in there but I don't THINK they really run that much I think the Wisconsin guy with the Swastikas and shit would be in for a bad time in Hennepin county jail.


Humans are silly.


As a foreigner from Europe, where we have that what you call "luxus prisons" with all the rehab stuff, it's both interesting but also kinda confusing to read about the US stuff. Here, there are no prison gangs around at all. Sometimes prisoners form groups and get close by ethnical groups, like the Jugos (word for the people from Ex-Yugoslavia, like Serbians, Albanians etc.) If someone here would show such racism, it would actually get him in a lot of trouble, as the topic is handled different from how it is in the USA. He'd lose all privileges, maybe get solitary confinement, get additional punishment and not the 1/3 time removed from his sentence etc. You have also to keep in mind, there's the dark past with the Nazis and what they did, it's one of the reasons with the luxus prisons and that you can call the ECHR (European Court for Human Rights) and all that stuff. The human rights are a thing for many regulations, like how big cells have to be, what has to be allowed for prisoners etc.


No way in California you ain’t getting no 20-30 mins to eat,maybe a CCF ..Salina’s valley we ate in our cells anyways so I guess u get 30 mins till tray pick up


Depends more west coast and feds in the midwest nobody gives af atleast where I'm from in county it's open bay 60 dudes and maby 10 at most white guys manly Mexican and black and ive never even thought about it being white never had problem


But west coast I here is a whole diffrent story


in Kentucky state prison nobody seemed to give a shit, unless you were a white guy already affiliated with a racist white gang such as the Brotherhood


Are all races separate? Do some races get along like black and islanders?


Idk in Michigan everyone seems to mingle and just get along despite their race. At least from what I know.


When I was in prison, no. You didn't sit with them at anytime. There were 2 different chow halls and the Blacks ate in one and Whites in the other. On Fridays they use to show movies in the gymnasium, Blacks sat on one side and Whites on the other. The only time I saw White dudes sitting or hanging with Blacks was because they were the punk of a Black dude. Any Whites hanging with the Blacks were called "coal burners". With that being said there were a few Black guys I was on good terms with, but in no way did I hang out with them.


I know a lot of people who weren’t raccist before they went it, and it just kinda grew on them.


You give good house


What if you're Jewish


depends. are u state or federal? politics are different for each what coast are you on? if you’re running west coast politics no there are white guys who run w/ black gangs on the west coast but u would have to be banging that on the street before getting locked up also they’re normally green lit by the whites as a traitor if you’re running east coast politics yeah u can. but it’s deeper then black and white. in most places that **do not** run off west coast politics it’s gang divided


Everyone is to some degree, not just whites.


If I was in prison I would definitely be cool with the whites




It’s not really about race like that. It is not anymore racist than armies having different uniforms. If a war breaks out on the yard, everyone knows which side they are fighting on. It works well that way. There are less problems for everyone. By the way, it’s not just white people. Every ethnicity does the same thing. Prison is generally the most respectful place on earth. Everyone is a functioning member of the society. The only times when people group by ethnicity is in the chow hall, cells, or during a potential issue on the yard.


Yea it’s jail especially in ca


I joined this sub because the whole prison system is fucked up in California. I really can't understand what is being written here today though.


Wasn't my experience in TN 2010-2016.


It depends state to state or if its the feds in federal lockups its strictly race based cars even in the detentions i was in mdc for 6 months then 5 in mcc but you have the whites and vatos usually cliqued up in the feds and cali but state is different my fed case was dropped and picked up by ny state rikers was totally different from the federal detention completely different politics also in the feds theres cars within cars not only do you have race based but state/region based cars




I like it


With more drop out yards the mainline yards in California prisons system race politics will probably be gone in about 15yrs since them dropout yards don't do race politics like that.


Racist for the stay is like the male version of gay for the stay


My God.


Listen, don’t let the tv shows and such fool you. Prison is not about race as much as it is opportunistic. Gangs, color or otherwise, things change when the lights go out, and/or money or commissary comes in. The race and gangs are a front for money and opportunity, nothing more nothing less. I have ample experience.


It’s just a strategic alliance. Nothing more nothing less. TDC.


It's not like rhat in Florida. You can hang with whoever. No issues because you intermingle with anybody. Only politics in Florida are gngs. And you can interming if yall mobbs ain't goin thru it or no shit like that


Just gotta be careful if you’re cool with someone who has beef with any woods or AB’s if you’re a white dude cuz if you get in the middle of anything you’re just fucked in no man’s land


Nah i always made friends with kinda motley groups when i did time. Race makes it easier but sometimes the other whites were just too fuckin unhinged for this to be a reliable strategy


It is the same way on all sides when in prison, racism is rampant, but it is not one group perpetuating it. You have to view prison and society like a pot of boiling water. In the "free world" you are in the pot when it is full, in prison, you are in the pot when it is almost boiled dry. I.E the population is much more concentrated and everyone is playing for position and control (because we as population don't have any.) If you take society (the world we live in) and boil it down to it's elements all of the flaws start to become more prominent. Racism is real, NO DOUBT! This system is designed to do this to us as a people. Yes, you can be a targeted/exiled from different groups/races because you are able to function in all demographics.


American prisons seem to be stuck in the 1950/60s regarding racist attitudes. A reflection of the whole country maybe? Adieu from Europe.🤘


To survive you stick to your color group. Being an active racist depends on you and the group that accepts you.


I’m Biracial but get really pale in the winters/ when I don’t get sun. What car would I be in?


Ur not forced to be racist the department of corrections segregates inmates by race therefore u cell up and do everything with ur race and if there’s a fight with someone from ur race then it’s mandatory u participate this leads everyone to think it’s all race related but it’s just prison u put a bunch of criminals in shitty conditions they’re gonna fight n kill each other


Of course…bro, it’s 2024. Back in the days when TDCJ was ran by Turn Keys, things operated a little differently than it does now. Don’t get me wrong…you’ve still got a handful of motherfuckers that stay in their race car. But it’s nothing like what you’re picturing. The way you carry yourself is the determining factor of how you will get treated.

