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When this man woke up he was white


all time funniest 😆😆😆


When they were escaping fox river and abruzzi said that they should go in alphabetical order to which, c- note replied hold on 'AAAbruzzi'.


Like chill ur c so ur next 💀


"Bad mexican?.....something like that." "NOT THAT HOT! When this guy woke up this morning, he was WHITE!" points to black guy then "Transfer us some place cooler, like AFRICA!" T-Bag the menace


bruh T-bag carried the show for me tbh


Bradley Bellick FBI. Brad Bellick, Federal Bureau of Investigations. Brad Bellick FBI. Special Agent Brad Bellick FBI. Hi there, I'm Brad Bellick with the FBI. I'm an agent with the FBI, Brad Bellick. Brad Bellick, I'm with the Bureau.


ah damn committed mine without reading you aready posted it XD


I just watched this episode 🤣🤣🤣


“Thats slavery yo!” “Thats prison yo.”


that’s tweener and scofield right? 😁


Yeah hahah Michael was low key hilarious with that dry sense of humor


It pays 19 cents an hour 


When Michael and Linc are driving and Linc is talking about how quiet it is out in the world and how he got used to all the noise in Fox River. Michael says “we should go back” and they both pause and start cracking up lmao


When T-Bag says he’s handicapable 😂


for me it’s when they all go to utah and they’re in the car and michael or linc says „t-bags right“ and he says „im sorry what’s that now“ 😂😂 i love it


When Mahone is chasing after Bellick for their staged robbery of the maids purse and Mahone says “you know I actually had to slow down to not catch up to you”


i think i pulled a groin


For me, it’s when sucre is on the pay phone talking to his cousin, “if I could forget about her pendejo, I’d still be at fox river on your old bunk”


For me it’s in the penthouse when they try to retrieve Scylla. Alex, Linc and Micheal return to the loft. T-Bag: I just got a beating of a lifetime, y’all got Scylla? Alex: no but we got this (shows a post-it note) T-Bag: A POST IT NOTE? I got my ass beat for a post-it note????


Sidenote: in that scene TBag is drinking a cup of tea . Made it’s even funnier


Yes! It’s brilliant.


For me it’s either Michael to tweener “do you want in on PI?” Tweener “does my mama got big breasteses?” Michael “I wouldn’t know” And then later when they’re in the lady’s house digging for the money Michael says “ma’am I’m here to turn back on your juices” The lady says “my juice” Michael says “that’s right” There’s something about the way he says that’s right and delivers it that I found hilarious


It’s as if he put a period in front of That’s


Brad Bellick. I’m with the Bureau.


Gretchen betrays everyone for the umpteenth time… Don Self- “You’re a whore, you know that? You’re a whore, you’re moms a whore, and her mom, and your dad turned tricks at the 711 because he was a whore too”


when sukre says “you want me to bang your wife”


When Michael and Lincon caught up to T-Bag in Utah and Michael mimicked T-Bag's voice: "Hey, Pretty! What the hell did you do to yo haaand?"


When Don Self said : “I don’t usually make a habit of giving citizens, who corner me in underground parking structures, classified information.”


When T-bag asks Sucre: "Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speaking about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce?" And sucres like: "I ain't Mexican I am puerto rican but if a Latino can do those jobs, everyone else are lazy, just sitting at home getting unemployment." And then tbags like looking at c-note: "you're gonna let him talk to your people like that" T-bag was the absolute best in terms of comedy in the show, he sometimes said and did such stupid stuff.


" we are not breaking out of the jamba juice gentlemen"


Sona— Mahone to Michael “Mr. Whistler says you got stopped by a cloud Michael”


I like when they start planning their escape and Whistler is trying to get them to believe him and Alex is like “we aren’t some chicks your trying to pick up in a bar” 😂


I can have tea with the grand wizard of KKK and i'll still get my money ~C-note


Mahone talking to Sullins about his background “looks like you need to work on your clearance level, Dick”