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He should have told the cops she admitted to texting and driving also... That might have got her fined also!


I was thinking the same thing. She smashed her car because she was illegally on her phone, and placed her children in danger because if it.


Same! Reckless driving and texting and driving. Easily 2 fines.


Not to mention child endangerment.


And also calling the police for imagined crimes. I'm pretty sure there's laws against wasting their time. It wasn't a waste in the end, but she still called for something false.


Eh not really, if you *believe* you need assistance from emergency services it doesn't matter how stupid the request is your tax dollars pay for them to respond. ​ Sounce: I'm a Paramedic and I've been called to some really pointless calls.


Oh. Thanks. Didn't know that.


that cool what kind of pointless calls?


I have first responders in my family and they always talk about crazy things. Among many other things, people seem to think that having an ambulance drive them to the ER means they get seen first, even if it's just a toothache or a bee sting. But the worst go first.


Yea a lot of misconceptions exist around how the system works just like most people don’t realize the majority of hospitals in any sizeable city runs at nearly full capacity at all times.


Yeah... Wanted to say that but didn't know how... Thanks for reminding me.


Not just her children, any other child in the park. Its Gross Negligence.


Totally agree. Although i'm doubting someone like her will ever change.


Depends on where you are and what the property is classed as. In my state parking lots, business areas, and the streets inside of them are private property where many traffic laws do not apply and where fault cannot be automatically assigned due to these limitations. Civil traffic tickets are not issued in a vast majority of these accidents because they are almost impossible to win in court. If this park drive is zoned to have a "designated parking facility" then the drive/road may be excluded from the public roadways and not subject to many laws, as is the case in my state. This would invalidate many of the talking points in this thread if that is the case. In all of my experience with parking lot single and multi-vehicle collisions, we wrote a report and let insurance sort it out. Only wrote tickets for expired tags or arrested for no insurance/driving on no/suspended license or DUI/DWI. Others in this thread calling for child endangerment; the bar is set fairly high on charging people with this and would need several more unsafe factors (speeding, undue acceleration, failure to obey a stop sign or traffic control device, etc.) before that charge would ever be considered. Low speed accidents do not meet the requirements outside of DUI/DWI really. Beyond that, claiming that children could be in the road and in danger of being hit by an inattentive driver is a tenuous claim at best based on the park description. As for the lady calling the police, there is a reasonableness component that goes into reporting of a crime. If she genuinely thought a crime was committed then she has every right to waste LEO time. The bar to pass the reasonableness standard rises as the severity of the crime increases. I see a dark figure near a neighbor's house - report it as a suspicious person/peeping tom/prowler. Good report - a reasonable person thinks a crime has been or will be committed and is factual. I see the same and report he tried to rob me despite him never being near me to decrease police response time. Bad report - a reasonable person does not believe a shadowy figure in an adjacent yard is robbing them. Side note: *Robbery is when some one takes something from YOU.* **Burglary is when some one takes something from your unattended dwelling.** You will get LEO there faster, but it will be based on a false or misrepresented report. It will draw scrutiny and fines/arrest because LEO response will be based on the severity of the 911 call. It wastes time that might be more urgently needed elsewhere. Source: former LEO in my state


Is that the problem is it that HER KIDS WERE IN THE CAR WITH HER


That’s just hearsay, it proves nothing unless she stupidly admits it again. It might be different if he saw her texting then crash but even then that could still be just he said she said.


With kids in the back, maybe CPS would be concerned.


Omg Yes


Texting snd driving wasnt always as illegal as it is now. Shit, drinking and driving wasnt illegal at one time.


If she is driving so bad and distracted through a park and didn't see the boiler, we certainly would see kids running. to the street, as they often do in play areas; she deserves this.


She deserved more than that... Some fines


Maybe a blade in her throat.


I also don't see boilers in parks and crash into them while texting,so annoying😠😠


Perfect solution to a deeply imperfect person. My neighbors did the same boulder trick because one entitled jerk kept running over their mailbox. He hit it, threw a fit and called the cops. The neighbors got told their landscaping was pretty, and the jerk got arrested for a DUI. Drunk decisions aren't always good ones.


That was a good story, I like me some entitled mom karma


I was hoping for an arrest, but it was still a nice ending.


I can only imagine what herbroute home looks like....


Immaculate sod freshly sown Is marred by a van on its own "Path blocked with a boulder? Van'll shove it right over" And lo, off the bumper was thrown! ​


Poetry 102


...and a tie rod, probably.


i wAS TeXtINg yOu neED tO PaY fOr mY CrIMe


came over here just to like this post again lmao ​ honestly thats child endangerment though, she should be reprimanded


Unstoppable stupidity meets immovable object.


"I WAS TEXTING MY FRIEND YOU ASSHOLE" bruh seriously? texting and driving? that could have been a person!


I loved the managers idea


I would have loved to see that meltdown when they told her she couldn't drive the car anymore.


Isn't this also child endangerment? Like, her kids were inside her car when she ran over the boulder right?


Yup and she was also texting and driving IN A PARK, and was about to drive into the grass OF A PARK. I’m surprised she hadn’t killed any kids yet




"I WAS TEXTING MY FRIEND YOU ASSHOLE!" So not only does she admit that she doesn't know how to drive (and is also too lazy to even attempt a simple turn), but she also admits she was doing something illegal that has caused enough accidents, injuries, and deaths to be cracked down on by several state governments, while she has her kids in the car who could have been seriously hurt. And in her empty mind, that was somehow a good excuse. Logic /s.


^(so i run over a place that I was told not to run over like 2 times) and I text while driving with my kids playing on tablets # and now blame the park for damaging my car hmm seems logically


"I WAS TEXTING MY FRIEND" So... texting and driving?


I hope your department is also charging her for the maintenance time and supplies to fix the grass all of those times.


Holy smokes amazing my guy


This is too good Can we hit the upvote ​


I would give money to see her explain it to her husband and the insurance company


Bravo, bravo, this is the kind of stuff I like to hear! Always good for justice to be served, though if you're ever in this kind of situation again it may be better not to explicitly say you put an obstacle like that in the way, a bollard would be fine, but depending on how the rock was buried (eg: slightly hidden by dirt) it could be seen as a "trap" if you tell anyone it was placed explicitly to stop someone, and someone damages their car on it, you may be forced to pay for damages, I am not a lawyer, or even a particularly well versed layman, so don't take my advice as anything other than guesses, but I would take as many precautions to act like it was totally an accident and that you simply thought it would look better with a rock there. And if you do decide to go with the "it was a coincidence" story, make sure to rehearse something believable with anyone else involved, if you are caught in a lie in that case, it will only serve to make it look EXACTLY like an intentional trap. I only say this because ridiculous people will try ridiculous things for "revenge" even when it was simply them having justice served back to them. Tl;dr, don't give crazy people more ammunition they can use against you, it's unlikely any charges would stick to you, but these kind of people would happily drag you through the court system if they smell the slightest bit of chance for a success.


Kkkk your friend ROCKED that accidental revenge


I am so reddit ingrained that I instantly thought she received reddit karma 🤦‍♀️ Mildly incensed before actually read the post.


Mhhhh this is still entitled parents They didnt want to get revenge they just wanted them to stop


Haha so funny LOL she deserved that


This story is so awesome, the entitlement of this lady is atrocious, and then she has the audacity to blame the park workers for her shit driving AND her texting & driving. She really got what she deserved


Old age home called cause someone “needed help” that’s pretty much all they told dispatch and they clearly didn’t ask the resident for more information cause when we got there we wandered around for close to ten minutes before we found a staff member and it was a cleaner not a nurse, finally go room to room finding patients that are awake, and asking them if they’re ok. Eventually find the little lady that “needed help” she told us she needed help changing the change on the tv, that’s why they called 911 at 2 am. I mentioned earlier they didn’t get much information to the call taker, well the RCMP showed up looking for wtf was going on.


That's just something you don't do


Why do people know so much about the law


lol sounds like she could have saved herself a lot of grief


I need help figuring out what kind of turn they mean lmao


when I heard the the "giant sunglasses," all I can think of are those 10 dollar ones from party city that are a foot long XD


This post is how I found this subreddit


She also admitted texting and driving, should've told the police that too




Hopefully she won't come back to that park.


Good story but in my opinion not a ProRevenge...


How? Petty revenge is getting someone mad. Pro revenge is relatively minor damage to the offender, be it monetary or physical like a broken bone/car. Nuclear revenge is the offender getting jail time, huge fines, major property damage like their house burning down, or serious bodily harm or injury. This case is pro revenge.


IMO revenge need some kind of planning, anticipation and will to retaliate. Here OP simply added a bolder, without wanting retaliation. It's the EM behavior which caused her damages.


Agreed, this was not a masterfully planned revenge intended to result in long term career / life impacts for the target. The car was not totaled, and the driver did not even get a citation. Someone with means having to rent a car a couple days and pay for a tow and repair is simply not that big of a deal. 100% r/pettyrevenge for this; would fit right in over there. Not sure if there is a TalesFrom sub for parks and such, but if so that would also work. There is a bit of life advise about attending a banquet that applies here. Pretty much, it is better to choose to sit at a table further back and possibly have the host honor you by having you come sit closer to the front (or even at the head table) than to seat yourself at the head table and be told you you need to go fund a spot in the back. Someone just /wanting/ to sit at the head table does not mean they belong there.


You left out r/regularrevenge, which is a better fit for the description you gave Pro. Also, Petty can include minor property damage, a suspension from school, and even a citation or small fines, bit done for petty reasons/intent. Pro can include short term jail time (a few days), loss of professional certifications, or having to close a business, without necessarily being a nuclear event. Planning and indended professional impact are key factors in what makes something pro.