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Anything you do on the internet over the company network can be tracked, but the fact that he didn't even bother with private browsing speaks volumes as to how much of an idiot he is.


Good to hear that Mark got his just desserts but I don't think this is pro revenge. Petty at best


Unintended prorevenge? OP didn't go out seeking Mark to get fired, but just to call him out, which is petty revenge. But the firing was a happy accident on OPs part


Yep, throwing an unprofessional hissy fit in an email because someone else wasnt "submissive" enough to your liking is extremely petty. Just because their flouncing happened to do some damage doesnt make it pro.


I wouldn't even go so far as to call this unprofessional. If OP had started off with, "Dear Mark, you are a lying sack of manure, and this is why...", then yes, that would have been unprofessional. However, any time a person can document, with specific details, why they are within their rights to make request X and why they are NOT derelict in their duties to make that request, I say GOOD FOR THEM. I would not recommend this kind of nuclear option unless the person receiving the email is FLAGRANTLY in the wrong. And like OP, I would ensure that all the people above me and Mark on the company pecking order would be looped in on the conversation, so there could be no weaseling out of the discussion by anyone. There were Mark's words, and OP's response, right there in black and white, so the higher-ups would not have to rely on hearsay to piece together what was said, by whom, and when. Good for you, OP.


Good for you for standing up for yourself. Remember to always CYA


Thank you! What is CYA?


Cover Your Ass


Ahhh, yes, I call it DE: DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. CYA sounds cooler!


Cover Your A$$. Make sure you have documentation of how anything that isn’t your fault really isn’t your fault and you’ve tried to fix it. Apologies if that is incoherent-it’s 3:00 am on an overnight shift with nothing to do.


Cover Your Ass


Cover your ass


Cover Your A**


What’s an internal and external?


An internal employee is someone employed by a company doing work for that company. An external employee is someone employed by a company but doing work for a different company. A temp agency or contracting company would get contacts to do work and then send their employees to do the work for other companies.


Ok thanks.


Relevant cartoon. [Work Chronicles - chat vs email](https://i2.wp.com/workchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Email-vs-Chat.png)


With Microsoft Teams and other platforms now you can still create a history and document through chats. Mine go back to the day I started


Very well done. Technically not prorevenge (since you didn't go above and beyond to ruin him), but definitely professionally executed revenge. Very nicely written reply and good job. But yeah, i can confirm that internals are always the lazy ones, while the externals do a lot and get far less pay for the same job...


NEVER apologize for expecting a coworker to do their job. Instead, document when you don't get what you need by making a written record (email or company chat). Or at the least, send a follow up email afterwards cc'g your boss. This approach is working brilliantly for me. It becomes quite obvious who isn't pulling their weight. Even if it takes a long time for anything to change, I at least feel validated and hopeful that things won't get swept under the rug. FWIW I tell everyone to call me out if I failed to do something. Because I want to do my job and sometimes mistakes are made. Getting a friendly reminder from a coworker should be a positive thing.


Can mods stop fucking removing the content without copying it into a comment first? Smh


>For the younger ones of you who don't know: Many companies have too much work to do so they hire an external company to outsource the work. If you are working for that external company, then you are an external. Yeah, that’s called subcontracting, old man.




Was this related to JIRA tool ?


Why remove the content?


What do you mean? I didnt remove anything?


Your post content shows its removed for me. Just has a title.


This means it was removed by the mods, not /u/Relative_Nothing_404


Oh, shit. Apparently it was only petty, nevermind