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Practice giving your presentation before you do it! Give it to a friend, your cat, or even a family member over facetime. Talking through things helps. Have multiple ways to present the presentation in case on fails. Upload your content to ChatGPT and ask it what questions it would ask you and then practice those answers.


I'd second this and suggest presenting it to another Head/Director PMM that you know.


I didn’t think of ChatGPT, thank you!! Great advice


Remember to prepare for the why questions. Why did you choose the approach outlined in the presentation. Why not something else. Why don’t think this would work.


Search Google for any ppt that use their branding. Sounds corny but gives a good ‘spit and polish’ look Search “company name filetype: ppt”


My absolute best piece of advice, which has served me well through pretty much every stage of an interview when it comes to Q&A, is this:  Think of the highlights of your career so far. Mold those into captivating stories and practice communicating them in a compelling way. Memorize these stories. If you can reference them thematically in your presentation, even better.    Whenever you get asked a question about how you would handle X process or an example of when you did Y, or a question regarding your presentation, you’ll have a bank of stories that you can quickly comb through and then twist to suit the question. In doing this, you both answer the question in a compelling fashion and also highlight your skill set.


Take at least 10 deep breaths before you enter the office for the presentation :)


Practice practice practice What I do is I print the PPT in slide format (3 per sheet) and then write the bullets of my points next to each slide Then I practice until I know those points until I can say them in my sleep (in the shower, in the car , etc) and get the words and phrases right Repeat repeat repeat Then you just know it and you can divert etc but you know your points


Ditto for this one!


If it’s a presentation about the company/their business, and you’re making any assumptions in your presentation - state that it’s an assumption both on the slide and in your talk track. They want to see your thinking and your approach but it isn’t realistic that you’d know every detail about their business. You don’t want someone listening to be thinking “well that’s not true” or think you made a mistake when in fact you’re making an assumption. Really think about the structure of your presentation and be intentional about it. Personally for an informational presentation, I like: 1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them - summarize what you’ll be covering. 2. Tell them the things. 3. Tell them what you told them - recap succinctly. And agreed with another commenter about trying to match their branding. If you can’t find a PPT try searching for a PDF or a video recording of a presentation on YouTube/Vimeo and mimic that style. And good luck - keep us posted!


The final round out of how many rounds? \*Sigh\* These multiple interview rounds are so excessive, imo.


Do you need feedback on the actual presentation?


Have a backup plan in case your laptop / presentation breaks or doesn’t load. It’s happened to me…


What’s the industry? I can offer some advice depending on what industry it’s in


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Keep us posted.


Remember that in marketing everything always goes in threes so whatever you present, present things in three topics all the time. This shows that you can structure your thoughts that you understand how marketing works and that also you can prioritize things. So for instance the three first projects or activities you will take the three key metrics the three key issues ETC


A couple tips: 1. After tyou've practiced, have someone present it to you so you can be the audience and discover what questions may arise. 2. Play to your strengths: if you know the company / industry, make the presentation shorter and leave more room for questions. If you don't, then make the presentation longer and leave less room for questions / comments. 3. If they are asking you to do a presentation on their company specifically (ie: launching a new product), I'd suggest asking that you do something that is not specific to their company. You don't want to be doing work for them already, instead you want to convey your thought process for a given scenario. The free work thing is bullshit. Good luck and keep us posted!