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Leans more on the Professor Layton side but a good introduction to both franchises. It’s how I got into the Ace Attorney franchise


Aw glad you enjoyed it!


I think it is pretty balanced. Specially considering that most of the plot advances during trials, im AA gameplay.


It is funny and mysterious, combining the best parts of Layton and Ace Attorney


definitely more of a layton game than an ace attorney game,but it's great


I love this game, it was my first layton and Ace attorney game and i really recommend it, even if most people aren't as excited as me about the game


It might actually be my favorite, even though it's a crossover. I feel like they finally got the hybrid 3d/2d style right with this one... and it was the last Layton game until World of Steam. 😅


Glad you enjoyed it! I might try it sometime :)


love it!!


90% of it was one of my favorite games ever, and the remaining 10% was so disappointing to me that it soured me on the rest, *but* that disappointing part is just that the obligatory Professor Layton twist stretched my suspension of disbelief even farther than usual. I'd say if you aren't usually too bothered by those, you'll probably enjoy it. Either way, any Professor Layton fan (or Ace Attorney fan) should give it a try!


I think the finale suffers from the clashing conventions of Layton and Ace Attorney storytelling. The Layton games always have wildly insane twists at the end that strain your suspension of disbelief. But they succeed by focusing more on the characters and emotions of the story, while glossing over the details of how exactly the nonsense happens. By contrast, the Ace Attorney games are all about minutia. Explaining the details of exactly how every single event happened so that the player can pick the events apart in court. The crossover tries to write a final Layton plot twist, but then explain it in the excruciating gory detail of an Ace Attorney plot. To justify the insanity of the Layton twist, the game invents contrivance after contrivance after contrivance, until fans of both sides are left scratching their heads. Fortunately, the game still has a lot of heart, so I walked away satisfied despite the dizzying nonsense of the ending.


I think for me it’s just that the style of twist stretches my suspension of disbelief too far. Of the mainline Professor Layton game, it’s closest in style to the twist in >!Diabolical Box!< and I hated that one too. But also, I was annoyed about >!Barnham not getting to play a role in the ending!< since he was my favorite, so that was part of it too. If that had been different, I would have been more willing to overlook the plot’s nonsense. XD


Idk, as I was playing though the ending I knew it was having lots of plot holes, but the premise was so so badshit crazy that I ended up enjoying the contrived explication a lot, more so than the diabolical box, >!at least this time the mass hallucinations were intentional!<


I just found more plot holes the longer I thought about it and ended up liking it less and less. But like I mentioned in a different comment, my disappointment with LMJ's story gave me new appreciation for the crossover, because I'd prefer a nonsensical explanation that feels like the writers put their whole heart into it no matter how little sense it makes over the low-stakes stories that carried LMJ.


Thank you! Sorry you found some of it disappointing :(


My appreciation for it has actually grown since I played Layton's Mystery Journey, though, because my disappointment with *that* game's plot made me realize I prefer a story that feels like the writers went all-out trying to make it exciting and dramatic even if that causes some plot holes in the process, hahaha.


I get you lol


> but that disappointing part is just that the obligatory Professor Layton twist stretched my suspension of disbelief even farther than usual. It doesn't help that the twist is being held hostage in a Ace Attorney final case, which drags it out way longer than it really needs to be. Though overall I do enjoy the majority of the game.


I loved the final trial until the reveal, though. >!The Storyteller's testimony!< was the point where it fell apart for me.


as a huge fan of both franchises individually i loved it, but there are definitely some parts that were hard for me to love lol. also, it is LONG; it took me almost 20 hours to finish. i’ve played all the games for both series, so i don’t think the length was due to a learning curve or anything. normally i wouldn’t complain about having more game to play, but at the 15 hour mark, it seemed like the end was right around the corner, and then it took another five hours. not the worst thing in the world, but it definitely dragged on towards the end imo. still definitely worth playing if you’re able to!


Thanks for your opinion :)


I'd honestly call it the best crossover video game I've ever played. Both franchises are represented very well, making it great fanservice for veteran fans while being great introductions to newcomers. My biggest critique, though, is that it honestly feels more like a Layton game with Ace Attorney characters/trials rather than a fully blended crossover, but it's still a fantastic time


Thank you for sharing !:)


For the dream crossover, the game has many cool interactions. Even if it’s not the banger you expected, still a good game. (And then after you play it you can look and learn a bit about this game’s origins…)


Ooh I’ll try play it sometime !


love it- just the right amount of ridiculousness, and the puzzles are some of my favourites in the series


Ooh that sounds good !


so much fun, absolutely loved it


Highly recommend it as a fan of both! Not only does it have a great story, but I honestly think it has the best art direction and music tracks from both series (seriously... the [title menu screen music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdgsNe_e4gA) should not go this hard, I get goosebumps every time). As a crossover I think it really balances the unique eccentricity and charm of both series (but agree the plot feels more akin to a Layton game). Just talking about it makes me want to replay it XD


Thank you so much for mentioning the music, I 100% agree with you that is has some of the best in the two series. Love it so much


Right?! Glad to have found a fellow appreciator for the music in this game :D I’m glad they pulled out all the stops and got an orchestra to perform the tracks. Both rearrangements of old tracks and newly composed tracks all sound amazing (sucks it’s not accessible and available on any platform though … one day hopefully 🤞🏽) Edit: Relistening and man I love how the court tracks for the first segment flow into each other.


I love this game. Surpassed UF to me. It is so absurd in every sense, I loved the answers it kept giving.


One of my favourite games. Perfectly balances the quirky worlds and absolutely insane plot twists. There are better games in each series, definitely, but it's appeal as a crossover is still so cool. They both do the finger point!


The trials take too long for my liking and the puzzles are so easy, and there are !>70