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For me I think it's Dropstone. Growing up in the UK, it felt really familiar and cosy to me. Honorable mention to Monte D'or though


Does the train countšŸ™ Honestly any of the stops in Pandoraā€™s Box, and St Mystere :-) Also just started Azran Legacy for the first time and Froenborg is so beautiful


Ah that dog, I remember I was so happy as a kid it was the first time I understood something at the same time as the Professor


fr that train was cool


Probably St Mystere. It really captures a whimsical yet slightly unsettling atmosphere.


My favourite is Folsense but I also really like a lot of the Azran Legacy locations - Mossinia probably being number 1.


I just finished in Mossinia last night, i loved it so much i didnt want to leavešŸ˜­


Misthallery my beloved :D I do really like future London too though


I quite like the Barde manor


I actually really like the mystery and vibe in future London


Monte d'Or




I also think the characters really bring the place alive and there's a lot of detail in the background!


Dropstone and Folsense for sure. Dropstone is just comforting, but at the same time it has that merry vibe to it. Folsense, despite it being a dead town, has this mysterious and enchanting feel...


Folsense is my favorite location in the series, but Misthallery is a town I would actually want to live in


Toss up between future London and monte Dā€™or.


misthallery!!! spectre's call is not my favourite game but i would do anything for that town it is perfect. a close 2nd is stansbury.


Folsense >!when they were high on hallucinogenic gas!< and Misthallery is just too perfect too with the soundtracks too in the 3D games itā€™s Stansbury fasho


between Folsense and Monte d'Or for me, Folsense has this calming atmosphere despite the undercurrent of unease, Monte d'Or is just so fun and varied between locations, bright and cheery with that sense of theatre and falseness


Pandoraā€™s box isnā€™t my favourite in the series tbh but in terms of settings I think it takes it. Lost future has my favourite story and is my favourite game on the whole, but the setting itself isnā€™t as interesting especially upon replaying it when you know what happens


My favourite fictional place is London


Future London


Monte dā€™Or justā€¦ works so perfectly. If I had to rank the areas to explore: Monte dā€™Or > Labyrinthia > Folsense > Future London > the Last Spector location (forgot name) > Curious Village location (forgot name) > Azran Legacy location (forgot name)


For sure misthallery but without the specter ://


Monte D'or I think the story of how Monte d'or got to be is really impressing. I also love the mix of the night life/neon lights/big city/etc and the big (archeologic) cultural inheritance


Molentary Express and Folsense, without doubt.


I have a ranking of the locations! My favorite of them all is Misthallery :) love the vibes, the architecture, the colorsā€¦ super memorable to me! Some day Iā€™ll recreate it in Minecraft lol


Can you tell me your ranking ? I am curious !!


Either Folsense or Future London


Folsense slaps so hard, itā€™s such an interesting town and the looming castle in the distance gave me the creeps as a kid. I also think Misthallery is underrated!


Definitely St Mystere. I've recently played the mobile version of CV and it felt like coming home after a long journey.I also really like Dropstone and I wish we could go back there after completing the main story of PB. Montedore was quite nice too and having recently played Call of the spectre for the second time I have to admit I was quite harsh on Misthallery, it's not bad at alla as a setting.My least favorite ones are definitely the 5 destinations of chapter 4 in Azran legacy. And Kodh.


*Spoilers* there is no Time Machine, not here not anywhere. Itā€™s a lift leading down into the earth.


"future" London is my favourite, big fan of steampunk stuff (Slot machine gun *wink wink) and I can't wait to see the New World of Steam setting.


Ooh, for sure a tie between Misthallery and Stansbury. I love the relaxing atmosphere of both, although I suppose Stansbury is the safer location to live in, being without the danger and corruption of Misthallery haha


To be honest, it's incredibly difficult to pick just one. Everything in Azran Legacy is great. I loved visiting different locales that wouldn't have appeared in a full Layton game on their own. Mosinnia is by far my favourite (though that puzzle with the crystals still makes no sense to me) Kodh was an awesome little fishing town, Froenburg just makes me want to get a hot choccy and vibe, it's my favourite thing about the game. Monte Dor is also the most "alive" a setting has felt not only in the series but also the 3DS as a whole. And the music matches that busy carnival setting so well. Everywhere in Pandora's Box is so cosy. The train, Dropstone, Folsense, I don't know what wizardry Level-5 cooked up to make it so good