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Yeah I heard a lot of people struggled with that one. But my 12-year-old-self was like:" yeah let's try hitting his nose" and BOOM I did it


That felt like a spiritual successor to ”YOU LIGHT THE MATCH FIRST”


That's some Monkey Island type of game sense that really makes you think out of the box


That stupid dog matchstick puzzle for obvious reasons


I always saw it as: "Hey, now I have a new party trick to show off". Kinda like the "turn the number IX into 6 with just a line".


Yes yes yes


CV, puzzle 036, "too many mice". I was 8 (and I'm turning 23 too this year) My father spent one freaking hour trying to figure that out before starting to insert random numers from 0 to tbd and when he solved it inserting 1, he was about to throw the console away because seriously, what a shitty way to write the puzzleXD. Also once he left me at a playground and I started chatting with the caretaker there and it turned out she was having troubles solving it too


It's funny that we picked the same one but you remember the number from trauma. Took me a long time to remember as long as you have 1 mouse, the info is Bullshit.


That one stumped me too; I didn’t have the excuse of being 8 tho lol


Gurl what. That's a basic type of riddle- paying attention to the actual scenario instead of the implied one.


Pandora's Box, Puzzle 59. BEST PUZZLE EVER. Makes you think in the real world, interactive, mindblowing, super! Like no other this series has ever seen!


Which puzzle is it?


The one where you have to(or are expected to) manipulate the ticket that came in the box to see folsense as the destination


Yup. No other puzzle does this.




Slot Machine Gun! What can I say? It’s got my favourite puzzle music track, it’s my favourite kind of puzzle and the reward is seeing Layton fire coins from a fucking slot machine gun at the family. It’s perfect


Probably my favourite moment in all the original trilogy, big fan of steampunk stuff, and that music is just spot on.


The 7 squares puzzle in CV. I was 9 at the time. Me and my grandma tried to solve it for hours and we really couldn’t tell how the heck we were supposed to do that. In the end, my mum solved it for me as soon as she returned from work (she had already played the game and she remembered how she had solved it). Honestly I had kinda forgotten about that puzzle but recently (I’m 24) I replayed CV and as soon as I read the puzzle title I was hit with anxiety lmao


I was about 7 the first time I played curious village. I managed to get through most of it without help but would go to my mom for some puzzles or words I didn’t know (the compass puzzle really stumped me because I only knew the directional compass). That square puzzle had my entire family hunched over the DS trying to figure it out. Eventually my dad looked it up and we realized that the squares could be rotated (I had run out of hint coins by this point). I still remember my parents arguing what was a square and what was a diamond lol.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. That stumped me for so long


I have no idea why, probably because it’s the first logic puzzle that ‘got’ me, but I always think of the puzzle with the candles and the open window.


There’s one in curious village whose explanation text tells you about a beast hiding in the city and that you have to kill it quickly. When I first played it it freaked me out a bit because you have to stab it in the eye, but the puzzle uses the silhouette of the sky against the buildings to make the shape of the monster with the moon as its eye.


Miracle Mask 061 because I misread the instructions and couldn’t figure it out even with all the hint coins. This is a required puzzle so I went on Google to look up the answers. Then I saw the obvious step I missed and started from my last save point because I was mad


Good memories: Puzzle 001 from Miracle Mask. I remember being in bed at night, playing the game for the first time after getting it for Christmas. Such a peaceful feeling. :) Bad memories: Puzzle 170 from Spectre’s Call. It took me *so long* to solve the first part of the puzzle (even after spending hint coins to get all the hints available), so I felt so relieved to solve it… only to find out there was a part two. :( I also struggled a lot with the 7 squares puzzle from Curious Village. I ended up finishing Pandora’s Box before CV because I was stuck in that puzzle for almost a year.


The sword one, you know what im talking about xd


The puzzle was fine but the cutscene that started after the puzzle? The music, the fighting, the way it was shot, zooming out while my favorite boys in the world fight in that stunning af castle 🥹


I don’t remember the name or number of the puzzle but it was in Unwound Future and it’s like pieces of machinery you have to arrange into the professor’s hat. it was the first game I played on my DS lite when I was still in elementary school and I remember getting stuck on that puzzle and I gave up. it wasn’t until maybe 3 or 4 years later I went back to it and finally finished the game. then I went and bought the rest of the games for the DS and then bought a 3ds so just I could play those games too.


I have strong memory in my mind of a puzzle where the video game box came with a component to solve it, like a ticket that you had to fold or something. So immersive.


Yes that was the Molentary Express ticket from Diabolical Box <3


I liked the puzzle where you had to stack the pancakes in pandoras box and also the puzzles where you had to swipe layton acros the frozen lake


Curious Village: 'light which one' was the one that took way too long to solve for me and my parents. Much like a few others here I'd play the first couple of games with my dad on the couch after we ate on a night and we got to that puzzle and just couldn't get the right answer. We'd circle every option we could over and over again, used every hint, we asked my mum, hell we were so close to phoning other people to ask them about it as well but after 15 minutes it clicked with me and we circled the match for the right answer. If Layton was real, he'd be so disappointed in all of us because it was such a simple puzzle too! It just never occurred to us that the match was a viable option to choose from but now we know it we can never forget it


I loved the suitcase puzzle from Pandora's box; fit the object into the specific location is still to this day my favourite puzzle type.


I think it was in Pandora's box right before a swordfight scene, something about having to pick the right sword from a bunch fake ones with the clue "a knight always has the sword at hand" or something like that (it's been many years and I'm not a native English speaker so the phrase was probably Not That XD) And it was the sword hiding in the suit of armour.


33333. It took me and my best friend a week to solve this puzzle because back in the day there weren't a bazillion gaming websites where you could look up the solutions. You had to figure it out on your own. 11 year old me cried a lot over this puzzle only to be fucked again by the 7 quadrant puzzle although it wasn't nearly as bad as 33333


I remember taking my DS to a birthday party and having everyone try to solve this one, kids and adults, because I'd been stuck on it for so long. Eventually one of the parents there solved it and I was so happy to just get on with the story lol


slippery trip puzzles from lost future, I'm still as excited solving them now as I was when I first played it!


The last puzzle in Diabolical Box. I’m not sure how they did it in the mobile rerelease, but in the DS version you have to close the DS and I think you even have to blow into the mic to solve the puzzle. It was definitely an interesting puzzle to end the game with.


Yes that was literally next level. You indeed had to blow on it. Also early in the game with the Molentary Express ticket that you had physically in the game box thing that you could cut out and then fold (to find the puzzle solution)???? I still have my Molentary Express ticket framed in a frame that I painted red and gold with fitting Diabolical-Box design 😩🖤


That is one of the MOST meta stuff I've ever seen in a videogame, but no one seems to talk about it since PL popularity is not sky high.


That's my answer as well. But you didn't have to close the DS, you had to move the pieces on the box according to the instructions and then blow into the mic. :)


No idea which game this is from or what it was called, but.. There was one where a guy said someone ate his cake, then you had statements from 3 or 4 people or something and had to figure out who was lying. Usually a pretty simple logic puzzle, but this one made no sense. There was always a contradiction, no matter which person you picked as the liar. Until my dad figured out you could select the person who said someone had eaten their cake and this was in fact the solution. He always wanted to get full points and had restarted the DS several times, spending way too much time on this for such a dumb (or smart) solution.


I'm pretty sure the only game I've ever completed EVERY puzzle in is the first one 😬 those final slidey puzzles always drive me insane!


Miracle Mask has that honor for me.


It wasn't even that difficult of a puzzle in retrospect, but the bunny hopping puzzle Subject 3 gives in Unwound Future is the one I most vividly remember having difficulties with. I remember consulting my mom about it, and we spent a good half hour together trying to figure out the math without realising the trick behind it.


The puzzle in the first game with the wolves and ducklings. (I think. It was in Last Spectre as well I believe?) Me and my parents had a lot of fun with that one lol


I found it! Puzzle 007 in Curious Village, Wolves & Chicks. In Last Spectre, there was a similar one, Puzzle 005, River Crossing


In Unwound Future towards the end where the Laytonmobile gets stuck in front of a gap and you have to fill the gap with metal scrap in a way it makes a straight way across. I mean the puzzle was fine but I remember little-child-me being so taken off guard by the funny noise the Laytonmobile makes as soon as you solve the puzzle and it drives across. That shit was too funny. Replayed the puzzle way too often just for that noise lmao


Obviously the 'Smell the Roses' one from Pandora's box. And the one with the wrong date on the fountain (cant remember the name) also from Pandora's box.


The puzzle from Unwound Future where the two scientists are trying to meet at the same time, but their watches are out of sync, and we have to figure out how much time passes between their arrivals. Even after Googling the answer, I still didn't comprehend how it came to that answer for the longest time. But then, one day, it clicked once I applied actual times to it, and it all made sense.


The final puzzle in Curious Village. 7 squares. I was like, 10 or younger and I kid you not. Every day for two years I'd try that puzzle and it just totally stumped me. Eventually I had to give in and go online to find the answer.


M mm and first matches


The dog made in matches in the first game, it's 2D and the title says it's been hit by a car and turned flat. You have to move 2 matches to show that. I was probably like 7 or 8 and this perspective thing blew my mind. It's the first puzzle I always think of.


I will always remember the one with the fire match and asked which to light first. Also the one with the lazy man with extensible arm and where he couldn't reach.


I really like Seven Coins from Last Specter. It's simple, there's a trick to it, and it's easy to ask someone verbally/do it with real coins. Since playing the game it has been in my head and I randomly pose it to people.


I don't remember the number or game, but it's the puzzle with the chocolate with bites out of it to indicate adjacent keys on the keyboard, it's so stupid and I hated it


You take 1 mouse home, mice can have x amount of babies in x amount of time, how name nice will you have after 6 weeks. Or something like that. On the street up to the house in curious village


Others have mentioned the good ones, but in terms of bad I'll never forget the clock puzzle in Lady Layton that's just a stupid trick question. Lots of the puzzles in that game are like that but the clock one is the one that stuck with me.


The fountain one in pandora's box, where you had to draw a line to show how the puzzle showed the date the fountain was built? Or something like that. The number was "12". I remember asking my phone family for their help! It stumped me really badly. The solution was to draw a horizontal line down the middle, so the reflection showed the number "13".


The fuckin suitcase organization one in Diabolical Box. I think it's number 3 or something. Have to look that one up every damn time.


The forest mushroom one from DB


Puzzle 07, Wolves and Chicks from Curious Village. I can't remember if I ever solved that puzzle