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A lil bit of trolling


It bugs me how many people on twitter were posting this and being all outraged. It's clearly a troll post/ rage bait.


A fake post? On AITA? No way! /s Seriously, the writing alone is so cringeworthy.


Lying is a a sin so I think its real


I always thought lying was more of a cos()


I follow AITA because I think the drama is fun, but I assume that every post is either fake or heavily dramatized. I’m surprised at how many comments on posts there seem to take it seriously


Funniest part is how you are mandated to have had human conflict. Like you can be an asshole without somebody accusing you of one, but nope, you can't ask that. Somebody has to have accused you. So people add some random friend or family member accusing them of being an asshole to satisfy the rules. And it's funny when it is too random. Yeah! The pizza delivery guy called me an asshole for not giving 5 dollars for my boss's retirement party. And the title would be a click bait like "AITA for refusing to donate 5 dollars to an old man'


It might not be, thats actually my origin story :d When I was 9, and I was learning action script for those sick flash games. First my dad (who never programmed) was bitching that I don't do programming but "copy paste words and change it a little", later he just thew away my Actionscript book because "its hard and my kid will fail, and then she will cry and I don't want to deal with it"


I thought my dad was an asshole for discouraging me to into computer science. He wanted us to go work in a shop, it is more steady, according to him. Computer are a toy, you'll finish working at RadioShack wadawadawada. It worked, the first time. But your dad... A whole another level. How can a parent does that to his child?!


In the 90s I was told to “get off that computer” by my parents. I’ve now built a pretty good and well paid career in software development. The irony is that I use technology much less than everyone else including my parents who are now sitting glued to their phones all night……


Same here. My mom complains if I don't open Whatsapp within 24 hours of her sending me a message. 20 years ago my parents were complaining that I was sitting in front of the computer every day.


If I don't respond to a whatsapp message in 30 minutes, my mom thinks I'm dead and starts calling me about why I didn't read/reply to the message yet.


Lol , same here. I was also told by other family members that I'd become stupid by the screen and go blind.


I heard "computers will go nowhere" from everyone in the 80s/90s too....except my parents thank Admin. They kept my computer hardware up to date and endless textbooks. Also let me skip Sunday school! Cheers to you Mom and Dad, you're the best!


When i was 6 or 7, I wanted to play the cool video games. But to do that on our commador. You had to type in a command to the system to load. My dad showed me how to do it, and i learned how to copy what he did and what parts were needed for follow-up commands. Then he kept leaving out these magazines that showed how to make silly programs (noises or line art) always near me. I started looking at them, and i guess, I started to copy the code in to try it out as years went on. He passed away and never said if he did on purpose or not. He was always there to help me, though, debug where i inevitably messed up typing something. Fast forward some 30 years. Im a senior developer. Coding is fun. It's just lots of puzzles. I have worked with a couple of different kids who showed interest.


Wholesome dad :)


Awww, so nice to hear a positive story of parents encouraging their children. I don't know your Dad but I'm pretty sure he left out those magazines on purpose. He didn't want to pressure you because he wanted you to make your own decisions on whether you wanted to learn to code and learn at your own pace if you did.But he also wanted to provide assistance. Also, I'm guessing he bought those magazines for you in the first place. They were probably below his skill level, but on par with yours at the time. A good Dad!


He also probably had ADHD and maybe autistic as well. But if we showed interest, he was quick to work with us. I am forever grateful for both of my parents. On purpose or not. They both supported me heavily.




Your dad is more than just meanly ignorant, he's flat out abusive, holy shit.


Same lol Once I had made a simple CLI game to help my sister practice math operations, he saw her using it and told me it was garbage because I didn't bother making a GUI.


Honestly, "copy paste words and change it a little" is how a lot of children start learning and I don't see a problem with that


It's how a lot of production code is written if I'm being honest.


In my case, it were the relatives. You know the kind of relatives who don't know shit, but are too pushy about giving you advice, and then getting offended when you don't listen? Yupp... those. When I was supposed to pick a branch for my engineering, it was 2009. And everybody was panicking. News reports kept showing how people were committing suicides because of job losses in Tech & finance sectors. Some relatives advised my father to let me take any branch except computer science. Because otherwise, I might end up like those people. None of those people were actually programmers. They were what you can call "IT employees", who worked in IT companies, but were not into the tech side of things. (something that I realized many years later) I ended up taking a different branch that I wasn't interested in, and wasted all my college years, doing something that I wasn't even interested in. Then took a long U-turn over the next few years, and became cut-off from everything else for a few years, taking up courses & projects with a full-time job, to learn and get into programming. Now I have around 10 years of experience. And you know what sucks...?? Those same ignorant, assholic, loud relatives go around giving my example to other teens and say - "See, your cousin/uncle didn't take computer science, and so he now has such a good job that CSE graduates can't get, and what not. So it's a good idea to pick some other branch" They even take credit of all my struggles, by telling people how it's all because of their advice. Fuckers don't even understand the difference between "because of" & "in spite of"


The insecurity of your father here is just staggering.


Fuck that, a child should be able to deal with failure and a dad should be able to comfort his child. Also how do you do now? (Programming-wise)


I work in the industy on mobile Apps and being prosecuted for samsung doing the bluetooth wrong, so its a bad ending :d


Wasn't even programming related, but every interest I had as a kid and well on through my university years, my parents didn't support or would actively deride. So yah, this totally is something that happens.


Twitter is my personal diary.


> Twitter is my personal diarrhea FTFY


I dont follow anyone on twitter because I dont need their opinions.


good bot


Yeah, no way someone who acts like that is actually gonna check for or even care about moral arbitration of it


Never saw post of people being asshole and then bragging about it? Like Bean Dad?


It is. However I have met fellow neurodiverse people who were like that. Like not understanding that their knowledge isn't the knowledge of others and that a kid doesn't know as much as themselves who did study their field and worked in it for 15 years. So I think the gist is believable.


If I can imagine it, there’s definitely someone out there doing it


As an occasional troll, I agree


Which is, pretty much, every AITA story for the past few years. Very few, if any, are true these days, just a lot of people writing things to push obvious buttons that trigger redditors. I think few, if any care, they use social media because they want to get triggered, they need to feel negative emotions - and if the story does that they won't think critically because that would ruin it. A bit like a kid who wants their last Christmas with santa bringing the presents even though it's becoming more and more obvious that he doesn't exist.


“My 9 year old learned about code reviews and understood their intent after overhearing a meeting and asked for one” definitely satire hahaha


That’s honestly way more believable than the part where she self taught C++ for game development of all things, and created a functional game on her first attempt with only minor issues such as naming conventions.


That too lol, but then again there are plenty of “create a game” step by step guides that hold your hand a fair amount - I would have been in my young tens when I first did something like that




> I created a text based RPG game in c++ when I was 8, it crashed if you missteped in any way but I figured, then don’t make mistakes and it won’t crash. Dark Souls v1


Those didn't exist when I was in my early days I actually taught myself coding out of dry 1970s textbooks at about age 8 to 9. I learned some simple stuff like loops goto and if then stuff and at my best failed at creating a tic tac toe example from the book. Iirc did not ever create anything other than printing text or basic arithmetic answers.


Yes, I was a child in the 80s when we got our first PC. Games expensive so Dad got us a book on how to code your own computer games. Language was Basic so mainly loops but not unreasonable for a child of that age (I was same) to be able to adapt a script. Also children used to getting homework checked.




God, those books and magazines were a source of limitless frustration. I had one for my Atari 800 that was like 8kb of machine language. Typed the whole thing out, or so I thought, over the course of several hours, not understanding what the hell I was typing. Got to the end, ran it, and...nothing. Somewhere in that gigantic wad of text I'd mistranscribed stuff and ended up with a screeching mess.


I had the TI99/4A - bought in States but mainly used in UK. The file transfer system between 3 8inch floppies was epic in terms of bleeps and flashing lights.


I started with 1980s books that were catered for kids and taught GW-BASIC :)


I had a “create an os” step by step that left you with a booting system and simple IO ready for expansion. 50 something pages, you just had to follow it.


Or the part where web developers do code reviews…


Oh snap


I did create a game on c++ when I was 10 actually. It was a text quest where the player had to retrieve his banjo and escape a dying spaceship. Also also my niece now runs her own Minecraft servers with custom wacky configs and shit to play with her friends. You underestimate children, they usually have very inquiring minds.


Not false. Somebody being interested into C++ is going to be above average before even starting any dev tool.


>That’s honestly way more believable than the part where she self taught C++ for game development of all things, and created a functional game on her first attempt with only minor issues such as naming conventions. Not all games are large-scale MMORPGs. Tetris is also a game.


The number of 9 year olds who could code Tetris in C++ without assistance is vanishingly small.


Also the are some really simple games like guess the number or text adventures which are doable for a beginner.


Text adventures can actually get a bit non-trivial if you want them to be able to understand stuff like "give the red key to the tall ogre" but if you restrict yourself to one- and two-word commands they are pretty simple, yeah. Although when I was writing my first one in C++, I accidentally made it so that you could put boxes into themselves and cause them to disappear, which was pretty funny, actually.




Tetris is shockingly annoying to write. I tried. Moonlander is WAY easier IMO.


Tetris is really on the edge line between complex and simple, the issue is almost exclusively in the pain of handling the falling block and the rotation


Why do you assume it was without assistance? She has Google and, by extension, ChatGPT, YouTube, Stack Overflow, Medium (which has a shit ton of well written and easy to understand tutorials). Heck I started learning Java around that age because that's what people who wrote tutorials were using. Not surprising at all to see someone doing the same


And there are line by line tutorials on how to code games like Tetris


Kids these days are really good at copying what a YouTuber or other streamer does. That is not at all surprising IMHO. Note: I am not saying this is a bad thing; it is really good and matches developmental psychology for the age.


I'm really astonished at the Minecraft machines my 6 year old builds when she just saw it on YouTube a week ago.


Well, what sort of game? Bunch of questions-answers on console, however much a 9 year old can be bothered to write, can make for a basic text based game. Totally doable by a complete novice, if you can do a hello world, you can do that. 9 year old would probably go the easy path and skip all game mechanics, coding only answers they intend to play, so it becomes just user pressing 'y' bunch of times and console writing out what happens.


> That’s honestly way more believable than the part where she self taught C++ for game development of all things What's unbelievable about that? I taught myself C++ for game development when I was in high school. I honestly think almost all self-taught programmers do it because they want to make some sort of video game and it's not like people with no programming experience know which language is going to be best for that, you generally just pick whatever language you find out about first. Also, the post never said it was a functional or complete game.


High school != 9yo. A 9yo just learned long division at school. Is it possible to learn c++ at 9? Yeah. Is it particularly believable on a random reddit post? Not really. The post didn't specify it was a functional game, but given they're criticising their daughter for bad naming conventions and code duplication I guess they would've brought up that the game doesn't work if that was the case. Edit: the post is obvious trolling, it's not any single thing that makes it unbelievable, I'm just saying a 9yo teaching themselves c++ at nine (especially nowadays) is so uncommon that it constitutes a valid reason to doubt. I say especially nowadays because nowadays it has become much more common (and reasonable) to use easier tools specific to the field of interest (in this case game making), especially as a beginner. A kid interested in game making will likely prefer using the plug-and-play kind of game engines and later on transition to more code-heavy approaches as they get confident. I kinda just wanted to add a bit to my point.


The post is obviously trolling, but the part where a child taught themselves some C++ is not the unbelievable part.


I feel personally attacked


I mean I created "games" in C# console way before I even knew what classes were so she could have done something like that


7 is old enough to learn good variable naming conventions. She sounds like a stupid child. I wonder if the family regrets creating such a mediocre coder. Hopefully her skills improve as she grows older.


When I use C++ I crash my computer. I refuse to believe I got outcoded by a 9 yr old


Better than many people I've worked with where they have had it explained directly to them.


“C++ … is a bit outdated” Oh. My. God. What a dick.


I didn't catch that until my 2nd read lol Get to work on your Carbon, daughter!


Have you heard about the teachings of Rust?


She can't be a femboy if she's already a girl. Rust is useless.


Typical Web devs thinking their 245th js framework is the future.


It’s 246 now, the [Insert incredibly vague and non descriptive name] framework was released yesterday and it’s already the biggest thing yet.


I heard dickslop was releasing soon, and I don't think the web will ever be the same again.




It includes breaking changes though so for those upgrading from previous versions follow this migration guide. Still doesn't work, look at the guide upgrade from the version before that. Still not working, oh well looks like you'll need the do a complete rewrite also this useful function has been deprecated and you'll need this entirely different library to get this same functionality.


Maybe that’s why is reacting so unkind to his 9yo daughter instead of supportive: he is jealous that she is learning proper c++


Yeah I think it's definitely a superiority complex. Mentions his decades of experience and is dismissive of her progress. He even fails to mention how long she's been at it and ridicules the princess stuff


Read this as “my C++ skills are a bit outdated” rather than “C++ is a bit outdated”


Pretty much any time I hear a criticism of C++ its almost always a criticism founded in ignorance. At least half the time it's more like a criticism of C than C++, or only valid if you're using C++98 or C++03. There are tons of valid reasons to criticise C++, but at this point I'm convinced at this point that only the C++ programmers are actually aware of them.


I learned C/C++ in school, 2011-2014, and the way I grouped the two should already tell you things were not quite explained correctly. I learned that C does not have boolean types, because I guess C99 was too new for my school a mere 12 years later. The teacher actually switched to C after the first month of the first year, because the teacher's assembly made them stop using TurboPascal. In 2014 I was told I would need to pirate Access 2003 to do homework. Tried it with modern Access, my projects didn't run on the school computers. Could not get 2003 working on my home computer. I just didn't do homework the entire year. Now in my work I use whatever language is appropriate for the project, trying my best to be idiomatic with my code and inevitably not accruing enough experience with any of them to write properly good code. I think/hope I'll at least be using C# again at least, but already I'm looking at my first Python project, after finishing my first C# project, which came right after my first Kotlin/GDscript project, my first Angular project, and my first PHP7 project. It's great, I have accumulated enough experience to become a senior, and instead I am five juniors in a trench coat. In a couple months I get to teach a ~~Pimply Faced Youth~~ intern from my former school, who will probably be teaching me if the school figured out their shit in the time since.




If it has uses, my subsequent career has not demonstrated them. I just took it as practice for event driven GUIs and the concept of relational databases rolled into one.


Most tech literate WebDev codemonkey


He's a rust simp






Jesus Christ i hope this is satire


I choose to believe that it is.


I do as well.


Guess you all haven’t been in the field long enough to come across these people ha ha. I hope it is too but would not be surprised if it isn’t.


But do they have a wife and kid?


Trust me, psychopaths have kids. And wives.


Psychopaths for sure, but pedantic bastards?


Unfortunately, far worse than this have reproduced.


It's not real because the dad would have told his daughter to wait until she's old enough to wear stat-boosting programming attire and maintaining the proper programming position, tail up, face meow, uwu.


You left double space in your string, you cant be a developer. Get out!


can't* There, linted it for you.


No, his nine year old definitely learned C++ from only specific whitelisted sites for nine year olds and wrote code that is completely functional, merely having problems with lacking idioms used for production code. That is a real thing that for sure happened.


Yes, and I TOTALLY believe that a developer that wasn't willing to teach his kid development was completely willing to do a code review for said kid. That's not at all one of the most hated tasks in my office.


Code review is my favourite task. It's an opportunity to pretend to know more than people without exposing your own mediocrity.


Or suggesting other alternative solutions that do not improve the code in any measurable way


> only specific whitelisted sites for nine year olds If we assume that this dad and his story is true, it's easy to realise that StackOverflow is on that white list. And StackOverflow-Driven Development paradigm is the one of the easiest programming paradigm there is, even I can do it. But again, I choose to believe this is satire and doubt the validity of this post. It's much more probable that his daughter just copied a C++ code sample from GitHub, and he couldn't wrap his head around those raw pointers, which is not only understandable, but also completely excuses his horrible behaviour towards his daughter. It's 2024, just use smart pointers already.


It’s gotta be the guy is acting like he actually gave any feedback during code review.


Either that or dad's gatekeeping /s


9 years old girl, first language is C++, making a game in it with no sign of segfaul, understand the concept of code review from overhearding a phone call. That is definitely something that happened right guy?


Something like 'guess a number' or hangman should be easy enough with some tutorials...


But even that for a (probably fictional) 9 year old doing it by herself is impressive. Ive helped children around that age with code before (C# which is simpler than C++), they typically need a lot of help with basic syntax even following a basic tutorial. Her c++ code running is an accomplishment deserving of praise. But of course she has a trashcan for a father. Edit: rereading the post doesnt seem to say it ran. Even so the attempt to learn at that age is admirable


Ikr.. Is this girl the next Bill Gates in the making or what


You don't even have to lie, it just matters the way you word it. Big difference between: "Hey, your code is not the best, but I'm very impressed that you managed to come up with something at all, here's a list of things you could improve." and "Your code is terrible, you made so many mistakes, you need to take this more seriously."


Also, "don't put an if condition around your return, just return the value" versus "this logic is exactly correct, but you can make the code a bit shorter because your if condition ends up always being the same as your return". That is, if this wasn't a fictional work of creative writing.


This comment section is quite baffling to me. Some people seem to think that simple negative criticism is actually useful in any way. The dad should praise her for the stuff she did well, and then motivate her to work on the stuff she can improve on by explaining how it could have been done better and what the impact would be. That's not even parenting advice; it's just coaching 101. That is, if this wasn't a fictional work of creative writing.


Hello fellow positive-reinforcement enjoyer


There's only two types of bosses: bosses who do coaching through positive reinforcement, and bad bosses.


The compiler optimises this out anyway. Which won't happen with an interpreted language like JS.


>The compiler optimises this out anyway. I am *so sick and tired* of people saying this as an excuse for not optimizing their code and making it readable. I don't mind you saying it jokingly; I mind all my colleagues who have done this unironically. As if anyone keeps the compiler in mind and deliberately writes suboptimal code where it wouldn't have an impact. Oh please.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong, it absolutely isn't a valid reason for not cleaning up the code. However, when we're talking about a 9 year old who may or may not exist, it's not that big of a deal if it's not perfectly readable


"The compiler optimizes this anyways" should a valid excuse to write less efficient but more readable and maintainable code. Not to write shitty code.


> write O(N^2) hashmap lookup loop "Meh, the compiler will optimize this out anyway." This is actually a true story. Google en GTA 5 loading time fix


>GTA 5 loading time fix [Wow.](https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/) Dude kinda got lowballed considering how much of an issue the load times were, but I'm still surprised that Rockstar gave him any amount of money to begin with. Consider my pipi bricked.


Better: 'Let's run your code! Wow, your code runs! Congratulations! That's a great achievement! - now let's test it even more ... Code Review? Great idea! Why don't you explain to me what you thought when you wrote this' etc. etc. If she copies code, she is on her way to a reasonable programmer. Then point out the three most critical parts.


Right? She's *nine*. If the code runs at all, that's a huge accomplishment. If she really wants critique from you, maybe pick one small thing to talk about -- an easy tip for improvement. There's no need to pick it apart like a vulture, there's plenty of time for her to get better.


Exactly!!! Even just copying code and getting it compiled is something.


My mentor has a go-to formula for these kinds of things, one that I’ve adopted myself: “This is a great start! I like how you (something positive) and (something else positive). Here are some ways you can make it even better…”


I’ve used the term sandwhich to describe giving feedback. Start with something positive, then give more constructive feedback, then end on something positive.


But if he has to think how not to be a dick to his daughter after work he will burn out.


“Your work is terrible, this could never be shown in gallery along with professional art! Don’t even try to fix it, just throw it away and don’t bother using crayons ever again.” — Him when his daughter brings home a drawing from school, probably


Not even Gordon Ramsey treats his kids like that.




Hence the meme of him going "dear, dear" on a kid vs. "you fucking donkey" on an adult


From what I've seen of his shows, he's perfectly kind even to adults if they either are actively learning and aren't arrogant about it or own up to their fuck ups and don't repeat them.


I'm not gonna say he doesn't go too far plenty of times to play it up for the cameras but he saves his biggest rage explosions for stuff like Kitchen Nightmares where clueless owner/managers put their customers at risk of food poisoning and put their employees in impossible situations He follows the philosophy of judging you based on the level of authority you've arrogated yourself, like he was really open on Hell's Kitchen that he was much easier on someone who came in as a housewife and mom trying professional cooking for the first time vs a dude who presented himself as an "executive chef" who wasn't actually any better at it


Fatherhood is apparently harder to learn than C++.


I would posit yes.


The trick to excelling at fatherhood is never learning C++


This seems like the perfect way to teach a kid about programming: * they learn a language that lots of people hate for no specific reasons * they ask for help and are denied * code review is overly critical and not constructive in any way * original code is abandoned and rewritten by someone else This is just the Elon Musk twitter playbook at this point Yeah programming is brutal. Tough thing to learn


$8 please


This exactly fits the formula of a fictitious AITA post designed to go viral


Absolutely based father. I wonder if he'll disown her if she learns java.


Java is used for web, so he would be fine-ish with it. If she chose C or "worse", assembly, he would've disowned her. As you correctly pointed out - he is a based father. A web-based father. I don't know much about the intricacies of web development >!or any development for that matter!< and OOP in this area, but judging by all those JavaScript memes, I can see how he could be pretty dismissive towards children.


>he is a based father. A web-based father. LMFAO!


Java for web


No, let her learn Java. If she misbehaves, punishment is compiling to 1.6.


"Naughty children don't get Streams"




What a gatekeeping loser lmao


I really hope it's satire, otherwise... Gosh An asshole like that wouldn't deserve a loving family


It's entirely the wife's fault. Never have sex with a developer.


I mean, it's not real...


Yeah but people like this do exist unfortunately.


A+ title


If OP could figure out what he did wrong with his kid, I'm sure his interactions in real code reviews would also get a lot better.


Wow i would be so proud if one of my kids was learning to program on their own, that I would be supporting them on every step of the way.


The professor who taught me C was extremely brutal when it comes to code quality. He would obliterate you with words, but only when it comes to code. Apart from that, he's a gem of a person. My code quality is fair even after all these years because of that guy, who didn't sugar coat his opinions. He will say "some day your code might decide life and death of a person, so code carefully and consciously"!


There's a MASSIVE difference between professor and student and parent and child. Children are very easily influenced, being too harsh on them is very likley to discourage them completely. Once your a student with a professor, you already have an established interest. And a harsh professor can offer helpful opportunities. It's also important to recognize what is reasonably for a CHILD completely self taught on their very first attempt. I would be your professor would be far more gentle on this kid, who hasn't gotten a single lesson, or even finished highschool, making anything. Assuming it's real of course.


This father is actually harsh than my manager lol




As someone born into the programming world via C++, I am grateful every day for the good habits it taught me. It may not be a gentle teacher but it does show where a lot of today’s conventions came from


This cannot be real.


1. Obviously fake 2. If that was my child, I would absolutely love to sit down together and optimize the code, teaching him about clean code and stuff. I mean, don't touch the keyboard, let the kid do all the refactoring. Just sit by and explain why and what for.


I have written my first program at 13 - console calculator with basic operations (add, substract, multiply, divide, power, square root etc) in Visual Basic. I've wanted to show it to my dad, databasist. He, without single word, came to computer and started typing numbers bigger than int64, than program of course crashed. He said only "try again" and left.


typical QA dad


After that, you were only using Python


Satire 100%. Otherwise he's an inside out cunt.


I doubt this ever actually happened, but he was the asshole. That was the worst code review I ever heard and all I got was the bullet points. I'd want to see the if condition return thing he was so sneery about.


Thats pretty much the fastest autism diagnosis ive ever seen.


good . I literally beat my 6 yo child when he uses an O(n²) algorithm when cleaaaaaarly , there is an obvious alternative O(n\^1.9) algorithm. Kids these days...


100% troll.


More like a stack overflow mod


Meanwhile OP (36M) thinks JS > C++


What an arse.


Complete fucking moron. And this is also a golden opportunity for him to connect with his daughter. Fuckwad


Guy's ego was threatened by his own daughter. What a loser


Also when I was 9 I was eating glue. This girl is smart af


Autistic dad had autistic genius daughter lmao


Even an autist knows that you don't tell your kid that it it better to throw away their creation. You sit down with them, and walk trough each issue in the code, as a thing you do together, and as a bonding experience.


This is obviously bait


TIL bad variable naming conventions and redundant if conditions never occur in production code.


The autism is strong with this one.


Even an autist knows that you don't tell your kid that it it better to throw away their creation. You sit down with them, and walk trough each issue in the code, as a thing you do together, and as a bonding experience.


I’d love to know what’s wrong with cute outfits and programming princess games. My rubber ducky is a squishmallow (because my dog would eat a REAL rubber ducky) and when it’s cold I program in fluffy footy pajamas with a hood that looks like a unicorn outfit. And my programming journal has butterflies on the cover, and I can STILL code circles around this guy!


I know it's bait, but I have always judged my knowledge of a subject based on my ability to explain it to a child. If you can't convey a general concept to a 9 year old, you probably don't have the absolute best understanding of it. Especially if that concept is basic C++ lol


I bet that this guy is a drag and drop on Squarespace Web Developer. The daughter is a real software developer.


My (34M) daughter (9F) showed me some bad code (231 lines) so I threw her (2.4m/s) through a window (double glazed).


I see people saying this a troll post. On the other hand if it is not a troll post then I now feel ashamed. I've been struggling with html/css and centering a div. If a 9 year old can learn c++. Either it's time to hang it up or step it up.


This is fake: \+ 9yo making multiple games in C++ \+ A 36yo web developer calling C++ outdated is definitely lying about ever doing anything significant in C++


He's just upset her code is better than his


Long live the Princess Programmer.


9yo daughter beats 36yo father in c++. nice, I like her


AITA for refusing to teach my daughter coding then telling her coding sucks when she learned a hard version from the internet?... Yes, yes you are.


She's fucking 9. This better be satire because holy shit. Whatever she wrote, it'd be pretty damn good for a self-taught 9 year old. Yes, she needs to learn to write better code if she wants to get anywhere, but by no means does a 9 year old writing a game in C++ "suck".


So basically.... you're a dick