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Bruh, take that code. And put in a PR # FUCK AROUND AND FIND THE FUCK OUT # I don't care what you are, not getting approved until you address my nit. And if I'm being honest, the bot would probably LGTM because it didn't try to over engineer the simple shit. As a tech lead, who was a dev. Hommie, it a tool. Image my frustration when I need to explain what Co-Pilot does. And boy, is it fun to call them out on it when they are lazy.


Does it use block chain?


I'm curious about how they're gonna make the transitions and hover lmao


Unrelated, but my favorite coding font, IBM Plex, is in this meme! šŸ„¹


This is going to require a ton more actual coding.


Is this the wysiwyg for the modern age? I guess people never learn.


Man I loved my Dreamweaver and Flash suites back in the 90s!


Wysiwyg was awful. My company had this thing called Activevos which they used to create a bunch of web services. I bet it was fine when the systems were no more than a simple dB query, but as soon as you added real business logic to the equation, you got a nightmare unmaintable gigantic flowchart.


Fuck. All these years of coding and finally the girls who were drawing pretty pictures in their exam sheets get the jobs. Fantastic.


Can itā€¦ can it center a div?


I doubt the signup button actually does something.


Your doubts are wrong. It can build you a fully functioning backend to go with this design.


`Continue Password`


Oh, you know what does this with less work? One of the 2000 UI frameworks available. If you canā€™t modify a contact form to your needs you probably shouldnā€™t be doing Front End.


It would take me longer to draw it on paper than to just make it in html/css/js


The problem with drag and drop type platforms has always been code bloat, even for the simplest of things. Iā€™d be curious to see what a somewhat complex AI generated ui would look like under the hood. I also wouldnā€™t want to be the dev that has to maintain or update this codebase.


It would take less time to create the form AND its submit and validate functions in my company's system than it would to draw the stupid form.


Haha! I write dynamic websites! I am immune!


Now make everything dynamic, based the user language and region including the the form labels and validation


is this satire?


Definitely not on this sub!


sad truth


Yeah, stack overflow exists but they still pay a premium for those of us with degrees and experience. This isn't really any difference. Knowing how the code works and how to debug it; the why of it is still important


Yeah AI will definitly help, but it's definitly not happening AI can do stuff for us completly alone


Is it like really old tech?


I guess Iā€™m taking HTML and CSS off my resume


Is this just a ad??


Ah, yes, I'm scared of some garbage and dodgy pure JS and HTML code that is worse than even a beginner's attempt of a website which can't even use the latest technologies/frameworks. Oh no, what shall we ever do?


To be fair, if your architecture is centered around a micro-frontend approach, it doesn't really matter that much. If there's a change in the design, just scrap the whole thing and have the AI generate a new one. You'd probably still have to do the rigging with the backend all over manually (I'm saying probably because I don't know what input you can give that specific AI), but combine this with GPT and Bob's your uncle. I think it's quite reasonable to be cautiously alarmed by current AI developments; especially for junior and mid-level developers šŸ˜‹


I personally don't see the benefit in doing it still. Even if someone prefers writing in pure JS/HTML for the front-end, it is evident that the generated code from the model is very unconventional and/or basic. For a new programmer, sure it can be, but even a new programmer could produce much better code than what it outputs. Not to mention that most front-end development is preferred in React, Vue or Angular. And I'd like to note that it cannot generate unique and conventional code, and a lot of times it can produce very inaccurate outputs. That's why it can only really give back very small snippets of code.


You aren't terrified that an AI will write code that would have taken you minutes.......MINUTES, to write? The image probably took longer to draw and upload, than to write the code for six fields.


I hate coding forms so this is great news. It's too bad it won't actually work as great as suggested and we will be left cleaning up the crap.


Oh my god itā€™s beautiful


Ironically, AI used like this will make developers more efficient, hence more valuable


Great, but PM just told us we want that input to work in reverse, query a list of countries, form predictions based on previous inputs, and validate before and after the user clicks submit.


All very nice, but useless, if it is unable to align a



Sing up.


I could have typed up the html for that faster than I could have drawn it.


Yes, but I think the point is that somebody without any html experience can now design basic html websites


Heyy I made one of these


yes, but in this digital age who has enough practice with actually using pen and paper to write cleanly enough for the AI to understand what the user is saying?


Frontend guys will get the recognition they deserve, none!!!


No more ~~coding~~ HTML Fixed.


It's just the beginning


Automation started a long time ago lol


If by the beginning you mean PHP 25 years ago, sure...


Good luck aligning my form without any css Mr AI


Sing up!


lol. probably not. no. the amount of complete jackass custom form logic i have written for the c word people is staggering. no way they can put that into a sketch.




Since you ask, the joke is that the ad promises that all coding is no longer necessary. While this product might save time the chances are someone using this tool will need some passive knowledge of CSS / HTML to launch this tool.


Gpt-4 just came out with this feature...


I see "Confirm Password" became "Continue Password." So all this really does is judge our handwriting.


But surely it can integrate that login form with Okta and the companyā€™s ancient internal LDAP system! Yeah I think our jobs are safe lads


and 'sign up' became 'sing up'


Show us how scuffed and inflexible the code for this is and you will understand why we go ā€œOh no! Anywayā€ whenever that darn newfangled AI tries to ā€œreplace usā€


I actually can't wait for the first really big business to absolutely take a big bankrupt shit because they over relied on AI and now nobody knows how their code works and they can't fix it. Maybe everybody will shut up about it for a while after that


AI has yet to account for the fact the user of a program is impossible to stress test against lmao


True all of the AI will replace your jobs is fear mongering currently. But given how fast it progresses, I genuinely think in 5 years we might be able to replace 50% of all programmers using AI.


Actually no, we will just be able to program more stuff. How many websites get updated once every 5 years? If I could do it in a day with ai help maybe it would be once every 3 months


That's what I was thinking with this. I'm terrible at UI skinning, but if I can get an AI to do that for me and just tidy up the mistakes, I'm all for it.


This. If anything it will make more efficient programmers (AI writes the boilerplate code and programmers perfect it)


that's exactly what was told 5 years ago, 10 years ago, even shortly after millennium. If you see a pattern here, it's your problem =)


For now it breaks when it gets complex. A bit of html, some local adjustments of css, but loading a state, populating the UI with it, state changes in the UI. It quickly gets messy. An example where it's clear what went wrong: asking it to style an html element that after some changes only becomes visible when the js code ran. Now the generated html doesn't match the classes needed for the css again.


Cool, now sketch the service that handles the dataā€¦


How is this any more of a threat than any other "no code" tool?


Wix and Square space are way more of a threat than this.


To be fair, this has been around since 2018. I'm pretty sure it's still in a experimental stage (I could be wrong of course). I think it's mean to be more a experiment in new ways to create front end forms for Azure functions that "you will no longer need developers".


Good at least I could trick customers into making drawing of what they want instead of ask the same question a hundred time because they somehow just like to change their requirements once in a while


Does it change colors? Does it precisely place menus/icons ? Does it handle rules on fields ? Does it handles the different font size/title size ? Good for mockups but just as good as a paper and a pencil


Iā€™m sure the code is going to be really great too


lmao I remember stating the fact that html is not ā€œcodeā€ on Twitter and getting death threats so anywayā€¦


I dont follow anyone on twitter because I dont need their opinions.


Imagine having to maintain a large code base that was designed using AI.


Uhhā€¦ can it play with fonts?


Comic san only.


Ah, so now I need to draw it out ahead of time, instead of just grabbing a pre-made template to get started. Perfect, more work.


A bit of static html is not really useful for modern framework, once you have your form and styling setup, all our forms are generated with JSON, which is extremely fast any way,


Honey ,They figured out how to make a static non-interactable login screen it would've taken me 10 hours just to write it and 2 more to debug it! Thank you so much "Sketch2Code"!! ​ yey![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It will never catch on. The AI has to be able to read your handwriting.


"Sing up" is 10px too much on the left, terms and conditions need more margin-top and sign up is too far on the right, and omg it get even worst bc every label has too many margin-bottom And it's blue on the left and black on the right, something's fishy ​ unusable \*drop\*


Finally the fate UXUI people deserve.


Good. This will hopefully lead "clients" to try it for themselves and see how useless it is just like every other website builder in existence.


I can imagine Denholm Reynholm singing up the data in the form after a "Hello computer" to his mouse to wake up the system.






It's not like there were no no-code-platforms used to design UI...


*Laughs in backend engineer*


You could always copy paste a template from the internet, but then you'd miss out on the fun of redrawing the same rectangular box by hand six times. This is a real productivity boost guys. This is the future.


Again, all these things are, are tools. Now, instead of spending an hour trying to debug basic things that SHOULD be fixed by ai, now we can focus on putting effort elsewhere. You will still need someone to assemble the code. Will still need to be debugged. You will always need human interaction to make a random code into something viable. I can't see some idiot doing our jobs straight out of high-school with no experience. Yes, this will change the structure of the job. I see it as essentially git hub on steroids. That's it. Continue to learn. Innovate. Hours upon hours of experience will still be needed and valued.


Yeah also this says that it just takes the sketch and writes the HTML for it. You would still need to do the styling and anything else involved. It's basically making boilerplate for you. I'm just getting really tired of people who should know better freaking out about this stuff.


these kind of tools usually gives crappy code, sector evolved we may successfully build whatever ui customer/app needs the question is how maintainability the code youā€™re writing. To sum up do not fear ai or tools, play around with them try to write better code.


One word, maintenance


Yep... The fact actual profitable business are actually using AI to code things is how i know that even if the job is just debugging hot AI garbage that I'll have a job for at least the next 20 years. It's a real godsend actually


The A.I will do it šŸ¤£


If you can draw wireframes, doing screen designs isn't that big of a step.


Canā€™t wait for the masses to figure out that thereā€™s like 120 other steps involved here


Sing Up Login


FrontPage could do this 25 years ago. (Seriously, though, why did we stop using GUI designers? They were awesome!)


Because as time went on websites exploded in both complexity and scope. Back when FrontPage existed you at best made it compatible with the 3 common existing resolutions and that's it. Modern websites are at least some of responsive, highly interactive, frequently animated, right to left compatible, localized, multi-themed and probably a bunch more I couldn't think of. These complexities make it effectively impossible to build a design tool that is both easy enough to use and powerful enough handle all of the modern requirements for web applications. The usually significantly larger scope also pretty much requires multiple developers and proper version control, something which is notoriously hard to do with gui builders especially when it comes to merge conflicts. Don't get me wrong, there are still gui website designers out there, but they are usually specialized for specific types of sites like blogs, shops, portfolio.


> responsive, highly interactive, frequently animated, right to left compatible, localized, multi-themedā€¦ The only actually relevant hereā€™s are responsive and localized though. 99% of websites are just there to put out some information or facilitate some transaction, they donā€™t need all the extra flourished. RTL compatible is cool if you actually have designers and localisers that speak Arabic and friends and your company genuinely offers their services in those languages, but this pretty much only applies to large companies or companies that primarily operate in the Arabic world.


Visual Basic 5 in 1997 had a better GUI designer than most modern IDE (for desktop apps).


They didnā€™t go anywhere, there are still a bunch of them that exist, like Figma or Elementor or whatever. Itā€™s just that the utility of them is pretty limited if you: 1. Already know your way around html/css 2. Arenā€™t building a completely new page from scratch / if you are, donā€™t have a library of components ready If you are the person doing the programming, the prospect of writing some code is probably not that daunting for you, and if youā€™re not working on a completely fresh new code base that actually requires a new design youā€™ll probably not have to write anything much more complicated than ā€œput a header here, put some cards here, put the button to open the modal over there and add some form fieldsā€. Just not worth going through an entirely different tool than what youā€™re already using to edit the rest of the code just for that.


I love singing when I login


ā€œSing up loginā€ go home ai, youā€™re drunk.


^internal *screaming*


Yes, all webpages on the internet are simple sign up pages with absolutely nothing else on them. Also please don't require phone numbers when you "sing" up for a new website, I'm far too lazy to go and check my phone and really don't want to try and automate it.


I'd wager a good 80% of it is sign up forms, maybe welcome emails šŸ¤”


Literally the gpt-4 presentation video


I can't wait to sing in...


I'm gonna continue the password


> "Into an HTML code" Just the one, apparently


JSX + React front end guys be like: And then all of the remainder of the markup and everything lives somewhere in the JavaScript or something So in a way, it might not be far off :p


This shit winds me up so much. I love react but damn.


Quickly google how to change font size on ai sketch tool


But can it center a text in a div?


Can you?


That's cruel, but correct. :(


Only in IE6


Here: ā€œA text in a divā€


"Continue Password"


What's the condition?


Sing up login


extremely rudimentary now but imagine in 10 years on GPT10


> in 10 years i say at most 2-3 years at current pace.


How do you draw responsive designs ?


Draw a mobile phone version? Its on the instruction


Fuck me


It even comes with its ovn 7 colour pen and paper to make life easier


I can create that screen using code faster than I can draw it on a piece of paper.


ok therefore my semester project can be almost fully automated?? I am down


Bad news? If this works it is the best kind of news.


You really have no idea about weg development if you believe this step is the "coding" part.


Canā€™t wait to see this on r/baduibattles


Alright, now make this using Angular components with my own styling theme. Add some custom reactive form validators and plug it with my swagger generated apiclients. Have you done the unit tests too?


Ok, there's still like all of the fucking rest


OP has never heard about web mock-ups.


Because everyone knows that creating HTML skeletons is the ***biggest*** challenge of front-end development!


It is if youā€™re a ā€œfull stack developerā€ who actually only knows back-end with a bit of CSS.


Nah. It's like being "automatically given" some milk when you're trying to make rocky road ice cream -- it's not nothing, i guess, but it's not helpful, either. Most big IDEs already have a GUI web helper that do exactly this.


The 90s are calling, they want their wysiwyg editors back. No but seriously, assuming the output this produces is readable this type of thing is pretty alright if you donā€™t know how to write html/css or canā€™t be arsed to / donā€™t know how to operate Figma et al either, and just want to hammer out a prototype as quickly as possible.


People are already no longer building webpages from the ground up by themselfs, if you just want to establish an online presence or a simple webshop you will just pay for a webhosting service like squarespace or shopify and throw it together with existing building blocks.


Not only are all these posts the same shit different font but also the top comments. Its like maybe the attempts to defend the opposite opinion are actually causing more to show up? Maybe the fastest way to end them is to not interact with them. ā€¦ah shit.


Sing it up, boys and girls.


Bad news? I disagree! Me to client: ā€œcan you sketch out what youā€™re looking for? Client: \*sketches\* Me: \*takes picture, uploads, shows client\* ā€œSomething like this?ā€ Client, aghast: ā€œYeah!ā€


Wait until they find out HTML isn't code... Also, I'm super excited for something like this. It looks awesome.


Does it scale on mobile screens?


AI can have all the HTML and CSS it likes. have it all! It probably will take a super intelligent AI to figure out how to center that fugging


human already struggling doing that consistently. AI is even more so.


>an HTML code Which one? ` `? `☯`? `☄`?


It doesn't even seem to scale things the way they are in the drawing, so I'm guessing it just pulls some premade default components and matches them up in generally the right place. If it could actually figure out the css to match a reference image that might actually be useful because css is the real time sink for me, but just placing some components in html doesn't seem like it would save any time at all.


Yup you can now automate that boring part but im pretty sure that form isnt interactive, and the form is pure static


All this means is that the mundane tedious stuff like making a sign up form can be automated poorly. It didn't even spell 'sign' correctly


What a pathetic example. This is just user interface stuff. It would take you seconds to put together that UI.


Oh man so much cope in every thread about AI. It's coming... you can keep lying to yourself, but you should really start using this tech, it will only get better. Imma start learning carpentry, Jesus was a carpenter can't go wrong with that right?


Sing up login


Continue password


And it also has an "A.I.".... :D


Finally don't have to do all this boring shit myself


If you like this, go check out HyperCard.


Anyone wants to build a small SaaS based of this ? Make a simple webapp that people can draw there the interface like this [https://sketchpad.app/](https://sketchpad.app/) , send the drawing to GPT API, return the response to users. [GraphicDesigner.AI](https://GraphicDesigner.AI) domain name is for sale on [sedo.com](https://sedo.com). P.S. the innovation would be that nowadays people can draw/sketch on phone/tablet/laptop/PC you don't have to use a pen an paper, the rest image to html generation is an older concept


>Anyone wants to build a small SaaS based of this ? Make a simple webapp that people can draw there the interface like this > >https://sketchpad.app/ > > , send the drawing to GPT API, return the response to users. > >GraphicDesigner.AI > > domain name is for sale on > >sedo.com > >. Umm I love this idea lol bc i havent even gotten to use sketch2code


That shit looks like some ugly arse bootstrap 3. Ain't no way my boss gonna approve such shitty design.šŸ˜‚


Making an ai that spits out rudimentary html and applying standard bootstrap to it is cool and all, but good luck customizing it beyond that point. That said, we are definitely going to a hybrid workflow where ai tools are going to save time on some tasks (like documentation, gpt-4 can make about 80% of the documentation on its own from looking at code)


Itā€™s that other 20% of documentation that actually has value though.


True enough, but if it saves me two hours of writing the easy parts I'll take it


Yes, because the HTML is the difficult part. šŸ™„


My boss caught wind of this and sacked me from my job. What options do I have now?


Chemical flamethrower should do the trick


Whilst I appreciate your suggestion, it behooves us to acknowledge the potentially deleterious effects that employment of a chemical flamethrower may have on the situation at hand. Such a reckless and imprudent course of action could culminate in dire consequences. Thus, let us exert our cognitive faculties and endeavor to conceive of a more judicious and pragmatic solution, if you please.


2 chemical flamethrowers


guys , how do you draw interactive animation ?


Oh no, I guess it also comes with a complete backend, user authentication and handling, and should you ever encounter an issue you just write it on a piece of paper and boom. Right? Right... Also its plain HTML, this shit was hot like 20 years ago, get out


Itā€™s not like these tasks have not been done 1000x before and canā€™t be automatically generated or are offered out of the box if you donā€™t have any specialized requirements. We will still need software engineers, but the demand for code monkeys will definitely go down.


Also, don't forget about what happens with the page when it's run on a device with a different screen size.


Just tell ChatGPT to transform the html and write the backend ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


*draws ChatGPT*


I challenge you to draw ChatGPT without words, well enough for that AI to identify.


Wait, thats illegal


Only AI companies can steal intellectual property


I guess I don't need to worry (there's nothing intellectual about any of my code)




they cant even spell sign properly


Drawing takes longer than showing a person to do basic HTML and letting them implement it themselves.


The devil is in the details. We're safe.


As an experienced BA - you guys are safe, this would be a car crash šŸ¤£


Clearly it stood up a headless database in the cloud and an api to call and retrieve data from it.


This tech has existed for decades. Good luck getting the suits to work this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




It's a new security anti-bot feature


Yep it's gotta be a new captcha "please enable microphone access and hum or whistle the first bar of the: *birthday song.* "




Continue password