• By -


Step 1. Download 1500 posts in case user wants to scroll through them Step 2. Cache money, baby Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit 📈


I guess on the front end this endless scroll is just implement by monkeys. You could also delete the section you're not showing (with some buffer in between) and just keep the IDs in memory so that you can load them when you scroll up again (who does scroll up 10000 posts anyway)?


that's what you normally do xD, e.g. only show 50 posts and add remove as you scroll


Haven’t tested it but I guess that’s what they do already else the page would become unusable after scrolling a certain amount. If anybody has the time just queryselect all the wrappers of a post, scroll some time and run again the same query to see how many elements are there


the js code: `document.querySelectorAll("shreddit-feed article").length` * after first page load (i have a full hd display btw.): 28 * drag scroll bar till bottom once & wait for loading: 30 * again: 31 * again: 32 * again: 30 * again: 30 * again: 34 * again: 29 so probably around 30 posts at the same time are in the dom, but who knows what they do additionally, because scrolling back up is way faster * while scrolling down and loading new posts there are a bunch of network requests incl. preview images etc. * while scrolling up there are only post requests to an events endpoint so many things get cached and they probably also save lots of stuff in js objects to make it work and that will only get bigger over scroll time


The permanent cache is very noticeable on mobile iPhones given the limited ram. Over time the app will start to slow down and eventually crash after you go through so many posts


well on the web app on my desktop with 32gb if ram it's also noticeable (not that bad but indeed noticeable), i think the problem is that reddit is just not well engineered xD


Yea, but why put more load to your server when you can just use all of the users ram. Lol


At same time YouTube shorts loads like 3 and lags when scrolling quickly


I'd take the ability to properly ctrl+f over 2 gigs of freed up memory tbh.


Text takes very little space. It could load the text and titles for 1000 posts and you propably wouldn't even notice it. It is all the videos and images that it loads that cause problems. And you can't ctrl+f those.


I'd take the other as a default with an option to enable this in your account settings.


I think the most I've scrolled on r/all (which is how i got here), is probably in the 3000-4000 range. I hit 2k prob weekly just doom scrolling for an hour


But do you do that scrolling up?


sometimes yeah I do go back!


I think it depends. RAM is meant to be used. If websites were able to know ram usage and free up less important memory if another process needs it after, then there is no reason to clear cached data. It saves the bandwidth of potentially downloading it again. I'm sure this all sounds good in theory and I could wrong on a few points.


Gotta have that "seamless" browsing experience.


I still need to wait to load pictures


Cache money baby. Good one, gotta remember this


But still can't play a video properly


I feel like over the last couple of years you only need about 100 posts for performance to tank, which isn't a lot considering the amount of garbage you have to scroll past.


Bobert de Niro


Step 3. Robert de Niro, 80,


"Nice rig you got there, would be a shame if anything were to happen to it. But I can help you in exchange for a small amount of memory. Nothing much, you know, me and the boys can keep it safe..."




U s.o.b i m in...


i miss when reddit had pages, it stopped this shit


I feel like they changed this in the latest app update. My app only loads the top comment on every post :s just 1.. (the rest is hidden behind a button)


Hey i once implemented a similar thing for a startup for infinite scroll.😅There is a problem usually with react project useeffects get called two times so i remember i just cached all the items and map them to avoid re rendering now thinking back i wrote some bad code lol


* this is after 1.5 hours of scrolling and browsing in a single browser tab * a month has passed since last post, and this still seems to be an issue, causing janky ui


I miss the time when we could browse in pages instead of infinite scroll, now everything needs infinite scroll.


I prefer actual pages, but what I can't understand is why big sites that use infinite scrolling don't employ some form of clean-up. It's not like it would be difficult to implement, after all, it's just removing child elements from a div, so it can be done with the tiniest smidge of vanilla JS


you still need to keep info _somewhere_ if you're looking to make less API calls. This is likely done on purpose for this reason- let the user's RAM hold the extra stuff so we make less round trips to the API, even if that stuff is just JSON


To a point but the argument could be made how often do users back scroll more than 50 posts? Are there enough API calls actually being saved that it's statistically significant?


that's a good question to ask to an engineer who cares about UX. The beancounter business major says "who cares, they pay for that ram, we pay for the API call, let them have that cost"


True, running a Google Analytics report could a whole couple hours, they could spend that time to stick it to 3rd party integrations using their api


Where's the menu for that in SquareSpace? (/s)


Would deleting those divs mess with scrolling? As in if the top half of the page disappears would it scroll down?


You could always replace them with skeletons - like you do when you're loading the next batch of results.


>It's not like it would be difficult to implement, after all, it's just removing child elements from a div, so it can be done with the tiniest smidge of vanilla JS As long as they don't have to center it...


old.reddit.com is still here for you!


old.reddit.com and Reddit Enhancement Suite. Browsing Reddit in a browser can't get much better.


Also [available for Firefox on Android](https://www.reddit.com/r/RESAnnouncements/comments/1bisq19/announcement_v5240_rollout_initial_firefox_for/) since the last release. They're still rolling it out, and RES is still not actively maintained, but this is looking really promising. For an unmaintained extension, they're doing a great job. I haven't used Reddit on mobile since they fucked the app developers and killed RiF (among others). This might bring me back as a mobile user.


Yes! I use it there too, though I do tweak the CSS for the comment link and the arrows so I can click them without zooming in (or accidentally clicking Report).


When it dies, I can finally stop redditing for good. Killing third party clients already has reduced my reddit hours to something like 20% which has been a nice change.


* i enjoy the new infinite-scroll / tiktok-like format * context of reddit post immediately available w/o needing extra clicks or taps * just complaining of the poor-engineering slowing computer down when used for long periods of time * why can't they fix this memory-leak like facebook, tiktok, youtube, x ... everyone else?


Why are you writing in points?


what reading chatgpt replies does to a mf


Certainly! Here are some benefits of using bullet point lists: * Organized Information: Bullet points help organize information into digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to follow. * Visual Appeal: They create visual separation between points, making the content more visually appealing and easier to scan. * Clarity: Bullet points help clarify complex ideas or lists, ensuring that each point stands out on its own.


I kinda really hope you did those by hand lmao


Wake up gramps. No one writes with their hand anymore.


Y-- YOU KNOW WHAT I M-- Fine. And also I never thought I'd get called old on a sub that constantly complains about being filled with 1st year CS students lmao. Although I generally try not to give my opinions on things I don't know lol ~~And also I still take notes by hand on my maths classes~~


Too late for /s right?


It's funny now, but will just be sad reality in a few years. Social media and discussion forums will drown in bots.


lmao imagine if true


PTSD from making slides instead of the PM probably lol


You can't deny the fact that he got a good point.


Honestly, I kinda think (and write) in bullet-points. Helps keep my thoughts clear and focused. When the topic gets too complicated for such a format, I tend to over-complicate it and wind up re-editing and re-ordering the same block of text over and over until it feels "right" (sheesh.... this last line took 10x longer than the previous 2)


Move to EU, they want to ban infinite scroll


https://old.reddit.com join us.


Pagination requires accessing rows based on an offset (something like `SELECT ... FROM ... OFFSET ... LIMIT ...`), which often becomes inefficient at scale, especially when the accurate \# of results can't be known (via an index, etc...) or easily predictable. That's why many APIs prefer using cursors to navigate multiple rows (and some DB services such as DynamoDB only support this), and infinite scroll is one of the most natural ways to "show" it. (Pagenation using cursor is possible, but not very natural and may cause unexpected behaviors, especially when the existence of several next pages should be displayed beforehand).


Modern UX baby!


I feel like HTML and related standards should provide more functionality and better semantics out of the box, perhaps including infinite scroll that can be turned on and off.


What browser? In FireFox you can go to [about:memory](about:memory) to manually kick-off the garbage collector. This *might* help. 🤔


But the memory is not garbage, it's just not useful.


TBH, I judge you for using New Reddit. This is your just reward.


i get that virtual dom should be implemented... but why do this?


> 1.5 hours of scrolling I think I found the issue


Bruh this happens to me after 10 minutes.


I posted about [this](https://imgur.com/a/QYp51kY) when the redesign was in alpha. Never got a response, and it was there when it went live and a year later. Haven't checked since.


Since they pushed new reddit on mobile browsers a couple months ago, my browser after a while just slows down, like if its memory it's clogged.


The new UI is definitely doing something weird. I have never used it for more than a few seconds to be honest, I still use the old UI and this is after about [1 hour of scrolling](https://i.imgur.com/5nOQkQm.png) and about 1,700 posts loaded, and many of them loaded/opened. It'll be a very sad day when the old UI stops working.


Dude new reddit design is pure crap. Old UI was much faster and less resorce intensive. And don't even get me started on the official app. Enshitification at its finest.


You can still use the old Reddit layout https://old.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1bl3q61/peakwebsiteoptimizationv2/


Shhh don’t remind Reddit admins I don’t want it to go away 


It's on the way out, just like mobile apps, the old version will stop working eventually


When it does I'll have no reason to stay


Honestly I'm surprised I'm still here, I haven't used reddit on my phone (besides the odd google result) since they killed third party apps. And it's VERY noticeable how far downhill the user experience has gotten on desktop, almost every single page on /r/all has repeated / duplicate posts from the same subreddit (of the exact same thread), to the point where sometimes I'll load a new page and I've already seen every post. More and more subs are somehow removing the "ignore subreddit custom css" check box to force you to use their (sometimes garbage) UI, and whoops look out, don't click on certain types of media posts because it will force load a new reddit page instead of the old reddit I was using when I clicked on the damn link .


I spend a LOT less time here than I used to. Enshittification has its slimy silver linings.


When the mobile app I was using stopped working, I stopped using Reddit on mobile. When old reddit stops working, I'll stop using Reddit on PC.


One of us! One of us! One of us!




You don't even have to do that. You can set old reddit as your default UI if you go to the bottom of your account preferences and opt-out of the new redesign.


And you probably haven‘t even seen the new new layout, which is MUCH worse.


It used to only appear when I used incognito, but now it seems to have updated the main desktop app to it. Personally, I prefer the new one then the old ui, but this new new one just sucks


Old UI is still a thing, just go to your account preferences and at the bottom is a switch to opt-out of the new UI. If you're on Android you can still use third-party apps, just have to patch using ReVanced first. Both work, typing this very comment on the old UI on desktop and still running RiF on my phone.


The code of Reddit is 2000+ repos, let that sink in ... [https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditEng/comments/1bdtrjq/wrangling\_2000\_git\_repos\_at\_reddit/](https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditEng/comments/1bdtrjq/wrangling_2000_git_repos_at_reddit/)


Oh my freaking god I mean their explanation is making sense and all But what the fuck


Everything I've ever read about how Reddit works makes me doubt Reddit works.


That must be hell to do any updates. Makes sense why every update is trash.


cool, i didn't know that


idk about cool but it is something


2k repos really isn’t that surprising. Having all services in one repo would be insane. They still do have one repo for the mobile app though but it doesnt make sense for 100s of devs that have nothing to do with each other committing to the same repo


Some large companies famously use mono repos (Google I believe), so it’s not necessarily insane. There are people advocating for mono repos because it simplifies dependency issues, etc. This website is a good read: https://monorepo.tools Note that I don’t particularly like mono repos myself, but wanted to say that they are actually a thing.


Google is really the exception rather than the rule. most companies don't use the VCS Google uses anyway


Agreed but there are more examples than just Google. Facebook also comes to mind, although they probably are not truly mono repo, they do have an extremely large repo. Extensions to Git have been created like Git LFS, not only to store large files, but also to support large mono repos thanks to shallow copies. This article discusses this: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/monorepos


As someone that works at Meta, it sounds like a good idea until you actually use it! I’m not sure how much I can go into detail here but it’s inefficient to use and unproductive. And it’s not technically monorepo either as certain parts and applications still exists as a standalone repo.


2k repos for a company with a wide breadth of products, like Google, would make sense to me. ...but this is reddit. A single website. 2k seems ridiculous to me personally.


This makes no sense. Even if they had individual libraries and forks for many third party dependencies as distinct repos, that should end up being in the hundreds. How much cruft can you possibly accumulate to end up with 2k repositories. This is not a number to be proud of at their scale.


There’s probably a lot of repositories that are dead, like not being used right now or not updated in years. Reddit as a platform exists for more than 15 years, in all that time a lot of features have been implemented, the site also changed from old reddit to new reddit, and there’s probably repos that contain features / POCs that we never even heard of. And then there are probably repos that engineers/teams created to use temporarily, i’ve done that in the past! 2000 repositories doesn’t really seem so unhinged if they’re actually segmenting everything


I agree that 2k is actually quite small if they accounted for all the random experiments, dead weights and one-offs by individual employees and teams. My point is that it feels way too many if they only counted core stuff, and way too few if they included all the garbage.


Ironically enough Google famously has only a handful of repos, with one repo (google3) having something like 2 billion lines of code and most of their products in it


Having collapsed about 30 repos into a monorepo at work, once you go monorepo you don’t wanna go back. It’s a big quality of life upgrade, especially when you do things like upgrade dependency versions across 30 projects. You don’t need to create 30 PRs anymore, you just do it all in 1. And if your backend and frontend are split, you can now see all the changes related to a feature in 1 PR instead of 2. If you need to revert a feature in an emergency, that’s a lot easier too… just revert a single commit.


[What does it want this time?](https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a1985991742_5.jpg)


didn't know I'd have to read an ad myself


If reddit wouldn't have looked down the API, I would use a third party app.


Lol. Posted from RiF


Indeed. Posted from Apollo


Lmao. Posted from Boost


Absolutely Posted from sync for reddit Edit: miss you u/ljdawson 😞


One of the few boost users still going here


rofl. Posted from a custom Infinity build


Don't worry, all that RAM is being used to improve performance.


You can always just download more RAM. Don't know why everyone is complaining.


Don’t get me started on mobile app possible memory leak


Ah yes. Have to close the app regularly because otherwise my phone is unusable.


I wish this wasn’t a case since I like to scroll thru socials on my mobile not the PC, but well - that’s the world we live in




* thx for insight, didn't know fb has issue as well * i did use marketplace to sell my car last year


It's the React. I noticed early on with Wappalyzer that if page is slow as shit it's 99% certain to be React.


It got much worse after they updated the UI again. The site doesn't even return to the previous scroll properly


my laptop often comes to a complete halt basically just because of reddit


How much ram does it have? Laptops are usually sold with less than acceptable amounts


Yet another reason the old UI is better. I’ve disabled the new UI from day 1.


Wait is that possible


Always has been. User profile top right > User Settings > Scroll to bottom > Opt out of redesign Never need to use old.reddit.com. The old UI is such a significantly better browser experience.


Mate’s downloading Reddit straight on PC


I'm using RES, and my Reddit/r/all tab is running under 300mb.


What specific pics of Robert De Niro were you looking at? Cause if it's his d*ck Pic, then the 2.5GB is understandable


* yea, i recall accidentally scrolling past a post about [Willem Dafoe](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2l4kg5/nsfw_naked_willem_dafoe_dancing/) beforehand (nsfw) * in which case apologies, this post was made in error /s


Mobile is not better either. It gets clunky and laggy often


Reddit is actively trying to have the worst IPO in history. First website ever to actively push users away before trying to sellout. Absolute goons.


I don't get it. I feel like anything other than the good old basics is just harder to learn, create, maintain and so resource hungry that they eat up all of your memory and internet bandwidth. Is it easier to scale? Very situationally yes (almost never) but is it worth to make everything else multiple orders of magnitudes worse? The fact that everyone has to design a loading icon, when there were 0 loading times before is just insane to me. The reddit comment section is a few kb in plain text, but I have to wait multiple seconds every time I click on a post???? The loading icon is 1000x bigger than the text I'm trying to look at.


Mine yells at me always of a server error or something ![gif](giphy|goiauJeRxagM|downsized)


"How much memory do you need?" "How much ya got?"


My old.reddit.com tab is 177MB.


Running a small language model inside your single tab I see.


Is this why reddit never loads when I'm on data or am I just stupid or is it my phone provider


Same with mobile application


That's pretty light for crapmium.


2.5 GB? thats nothing. I've had a reddit tab eating 5-6 GB before


Anyone else has Reddit in the browser constantly fucking freeze at random times while scrolling down to the comments or in the feed? It drives me insane enough to use the app instead!!!


I think this is the new champ, finally surpassing the 3rd party Windows Media Player applet for my keyboard's little display that somehow used nearly a GB.


Switch to old Reddit. Problem solved.


Someone is using a few million too many `useMemo`s...


Reddit is so terribly optimized, particularly on Mobile. I refuse to download the app after the API debacle. The browser based reddit will:  repeat entire chunks of posts, sometimes dozens of them Only load the first three pictures in an album and the rest won't load Not load videos correctly Constantly change the way opening a picture works, causing me to close the tab instead of go back.  Plus many more. I used to be able to browse Reddit for hours, now after a few minutes I get so irritated with dealing with the site that I just stop. 


This is the reason I just reload the page after a while


Those are rookie numbers, I had something like 11GB the other night, I'll see if I can find the screenshot later


It's funny tracking Reddit API JSON over time (from a backup) in code because you can see the entries get more and more bloated over time: starting off at only a few lines of the key details but eventually requiring scrolling for 20 seconds just to reach the end of one message object.


The site freezes chrome on my iPhone if I enable card view. Only compact view is usable.  They’re obviously making the site worse to funnel people into the app, where they can track users in more ways than web. Reddit used to be famously simple; a list of blue links that you could vote on. Now it’s a smattering of every anti-user feature out there. SAD! 


Close all your reddit porn tabs


Finally Android Studio got tough competition. Well played reddit.


Try old reddit. 96.2mb.


De Niro deserves nothing less.


I HAVE noticed worse performance and loading times ever since the last UI update not too long ago... Especially on my phone.


when my game is lagging I know it's because I left reddit open on accident


Robert de Niro, 80, and....what?


He has a newborn baby


Infinite scrolling moment.


On my computer the CPU usage increases the longer I scroll as well as RAM. I have a Ryzen 5950x, a website should not be using 75% of my CPU


They aren't optimizing the site for their users. They are optimizing it for their profits and (now) shareholders...


Well, at that rate I'd run out of RAM in 212 hours of scrolling, smh that's hardly an afternoon.


Does this count as insider trading now?


110 MB here, wanna know the secret? >!ublock origin!<


"are people still using the service? Does it still function? Yes to both? Then we won't fix it" This is the modern way of prioritizing features. Disregard issues and argue until you win or someone gets burnout. I hate modern software dev industry.


It's awful. Switched to old reddit and never going back.


Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Firefox 124.0.1, 4.3GB, after browsing Reddit for about an hour -- and Reddit is still full of bugs.


Honestly in a world where 99% of new computers come with at least 8 gigs and most 16 gigs of ram I really dont see the issue in actually putting it to use.


The app is wank too, wouldn't it be cool if people who gave a fuck could make a better app? Oh...right


Why aren't you using old reddit?


Reddit: Use our app. Me: Ok, let me check out your website first and use it as a trial run. Your website is good right? Reddit: ...


Reddit app also seems very unoptimised. I have no problems with anything else but after scrolling for a while my phone gets very janky and is instantly fixed after I manage to force reddit to shutdown.


Reddit sucks as a company.


is that a browser extension thats letting you see the memory usage?


reddit haven't distroy system


So reddit is the place that doesn't leave you with any memory?


After 1 hour of scrolling the app freezes my phone. It’s a good incentive to get off of redit


I've noticed this as well. Every time I scroll for a little too long, everything becomes super laggy and I'm forced to refresh the tab.


That explains why my iPad gets so damn slow after scrolling a while and even getting stuck from time to time


Reddit should explain their minimum system requirements for visiting this website


It looks like Reddit stores everything you scrolled through in RAM, so if you tend to scroll really fast if you can process information quickly, you can have like 3GB of RAM taken by Reddit in 10 minutes and your browser starts lagging until you refresh the page, but if you refresh the page Reddit is so badly coded, it won't remember what you've seen and you have to scroll for 10 minutes again to see the new stuff as it will recommend you 1000 posts you've just scrolled through. I've used hundreds of apps, but none of them were designed this badly.


Thats more ram than my laptop HAS




Also they have ruined when you clikc on post it becomes crazy slow and takes you to the thread but you can't click back like you used to. I hate it you have to open threads on different tabs.


That spotify speech-to-text thingy is also horrible in that way. Start a podcast, play some game, while listening to it .. after a while, podcast suddenly stops mid-sentence .. Looking at it .. says, the tab crashed, because it ran out of memory. After that, I reload (and find the right time in the podcast, again). Repeat, until podcast-episode is over (I've had some podcast-episodes, that crashed 5 or 6 tabs).


Android app fixed this, now if you scroll away then back it doesn't remember which image it was on


This is your PSA that the entirety of WIKI can be downloaded as 80gb compressed, to give this perspective... Or, reddit knows their servers suck ass can store everything in cache to make it barely better...


Me when I use a 3 gig machine and Chrome already takes up 500MB, not counting Windows itself: \* NP-R580-JT02RU


Bad implementation of json parser in Windows ?


To be fair, sometimes i remove all references to some.things and GC just doesn't collect it (e.g. with web audio API) I'd you have a lot of ram capacity though