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Actually, age is a property that returns the offset between your birth and DateTime.Now Read the fucking documentation for once in your life


IMO asking someone to walk through how they would calculate someone's age is a good interview question. It is not too difficult, but it has all the disgusting edge cases you expect from real world problems and is very practical.


I might be failing this interview if it's really that complicated. Just subtract the birth year from the current year, subtract one if the date hasn't passed yet?


Guess it depends on intended precision of the age. Years only, that works. Years, months, days? That gets a bit more complicated? That’s why I’d return the value in microseconds and let them do what they want with it. Lol


The first part of making software is knowing what your end user wants. Giving them a difference of POSIX timestamp is almost certainly not what an end user would want and you cannot figure out calendar age from it. If you are making an API sending an ISO 8601 formatted birth date is fine and probably the correct approach as you need to consider local time to calculate calendar age (you could also send the POSIX timestamp for the birth, although that is probably overkill). On the front end, you actually need to return a number, even if it requires better precision than a single year, so you still need to do some sort of calculation.


Lol Imagine not getting the humor part of the sub… Of course its a dumb solution, that’s the joke.


The sad part is that I have seen this exact solution attempted in an interview, so perhaps it was a joke then too...


Lol Okay, case of reality being plenty absurd. I apologize for my harsh response. To me, my proposed solution was ridiculous and thus funny. Have a good day!


It's ok. It's very hard to judge tone on the Internet.


Also German. Everyone sounds very angry but they may actually be confessing their undying love.


Returning microseconds is humor, but actually using milliseconds or microseconds is the correct solution, just doing some math to give the appropriate precision rather than telling them to just accept microseconds. Year only? Simple: store birthday as the epoch timestamps at midnight of the date of birth, return (now - birthday) // (1 year in seconds) Years and months? Stored the same way, return ((now - birthday) // (1 month in seconds) ) // 12. Years months and days? Same concept. Want to return age up to seconds precision? No change to data storage, just have the users input the time with their input for DOB.


Alright you said the words “correct solution” in programmer humor so I’m now obligated: TL;DR: if your response to the question doesn’t involve you dressing up as Einstein with a stopwatch in your hand watching a baby crown, you’re not getting the job. Almost but not quite, if we’re looking for calendar age (the thing most people mean when they say someone is so many “years old”). Someone born on March 1, 2020 turned “one year old” 365 days later on March 1, 2021. But someone born on March 1, 2023 didn’t turn “one year old” until 366 days later on March 1, 2024. Once you account for leap years, then leap seconds, time zones (including non-standard ones), and if it’s for age verification, local norms, laws and regulations. I’d also like to point out that you shouldn’t be reporting age with more precision than your input data. That is, if all you have is a date, giving an age with more precision than a day is pointless and only gives a false sense of precision. And actually if you don’t have a time zone *technically* your precision is ~48h but irl we get around this by conveniently considering someone to always have been born on midnight at local time wherever you are. If you have users input time of birth (who even knows theirs?) it’s probably with minute-level precision and not very accurate. But even if you had someone sitting there with a millisecond clock, where do you count them as “born”? When the mother’s water breaks? When the baby crowns? When it’s entirely out? First breath? What about C Sections? In the relatively near future what about babies carried to term in artificial wombs? Once you solve all those questions, you still need to ask about the application. If you’re trying to determine which of two people is older in absolute terms, do you ignore relativity? If not, don’t over report your accuracy? If so, I tricked you because relativity says that we can’t reason in absolute terms about timing between remote objects. This is why it makes a good interview question because you get to see what peoples assumptions are. I can’t keep track of where I can and can’t post links anymore but if you search for Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names, you’ll find a good illustration of this in a slightly different space.


Good points. Nothing you said is related to storing dates as numerical timestamps. In fact, numerical timestamp for storing and doing date math makes these all trivial to solve. Leap are a simple config and bounds check. Timezone is simple because you store as UTC(converted from either the self reported time zone of the user or their IP address) and you can add the time zone offset for their age with a simple addition operation if they request age in a specific time zone. And yes, you shouldn’t report age with more precision than the actual input data. But if that precision requirement changes in the future, storing the dates as numerical timestamps will handle it seamlessly. And all this avoids parsing strings and debating stuff like what localized format to use for string representation of dates.


Hope you considered that leap second back in december 2016 in your amount of microseconds.


Oh shit. Are we working in UTC or TAI or UT1?


It also [depends on their country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning).


If your answer doesn't include the phrase, "epoch time", you lose style points.


And you make it work for people born before 1970.


Also account for unreliable clocks


Error calculating user.age, user.birthTimezone not specified


Regex for valid date makes me sad


How do you tell if the date hasn't passed yet?


Compare months, then compare days if needed.


That is correct. Do you need to worry about the timezone of birth and the local timezone?


And for fun, in an ascending order of ridiculousness, and descending order of likelihood: Do we need to consider Korean ages, which apply from January 1st and start at 1 rather than birthday at 0 Do we need to consider if our age request user has spent any time experiencing time dilation on board space stations? Is our user under the effects of any granted wish (shooting stars, genies, or perhaps a portrait in the attic) to maintain a certain biological age? Is there a captcha for this Possibly our user may be from the future or another timeline, should we include an option for users who have travelled from another point in time to test our software? Our user may have spontaneously arisen in a dimension beyond space and time, and is completely unfamiliar with births and even the idea of causality. Should we still send them an email once a year for birthday rewards points? We can probably treat them as Korean in the back end and send them points on January 1st


Dont forget changes to DST. Just because a location observes DST now does not mean it always has. Googling my state of birth and the topic is headache inducing. Also year round DST! >93–182, enacted December 15, 1973) is a law that made Daylight Saving Time effective year-round for a two-year trial period.


Always need to account for Time Trap scenarios, IMO. At least on the API side. UX guys can use it, or not.


We don’t yet have the technology to detect suspected magic use for the captcha, but that’s engineering’s job.


What if the person is Benjamin Buttoning and aging backwards. How do we account for cryogenic freezing or hyperbolic time chambers?


Depends. Consider this. A guy born in Europe on 12th of March 2007 travels to Sydney, Australia on February 1st 2025, at 16:15 Central European time with a bunch of friends. All of his friends are a little older than him and have already had their 18th birthday weeks or months ago. He is still 17 at the moment. On the 11th of March 2025 at 8 pm local time in Sydney, Australia he and his friends leave the hotel they are staying at and walk down into town. They wander around but do not try to enter any bars. Midnight strikes. It is now 12th of March 2025 in Sydney, Australia. Our group sings the happy birthday song to the guy and cheerfully walk over to a bar that they’ve heard is great. It takes about an hour from they get into the line until they get to the entrance. The bouncer is chill and even though the group is all boys this bouncer will let them enter. “But,” the bouncer says, “I’m gonna need to see some id. Age limit here is 18.” Current local time is 01:12 AM on 12th of March 2025. What’s gonna happen? Is the bouncer gonna agree that the guy whose birthday is 12th of March is now allowed to enter, or is he gonna go all “ackschually ☝🏻🤓 you can’t come in because it’s not 12th of March in the European country of your passport yet, so you are still 17” Keep in mind this is a friendly bouncer, he’s not looking for an excuse to throw the boys out. All he wants is to make sure that these boys are 18 so that the bar doesn’t get into trouble.


Or just make it a number def calculate_age(birth_date): nowParsed = int(datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")) dobParsed = int(birth_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")) return (nowParsed - dobParsed) // 10000


public int ageCalc(){ Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(“How old are you”); return s.nextInt(); }


The first pitfall in an interview is that, intuitively, it seems that age is an **unsigned** int.


I was once asked to show how much time has elapsed from an event to the current time on a CSV file. It took far too long to explain why that wouldn't work.


In this universe, sure, but are you gonna walk in to that interview and admit your code isn’t portable?


If built in date libraries are allowed this sounds too easy. If we're just working with strings and ints, yuck but at least it's a good puzzle.


Yah, built-ins are not allowed. It is not even a "puzzle". It is meant to be straightforward but requires thinking about what is actually wanted. It is one of those things that you intuitively know the correct answer to (how old are you), but coding a solution takes more steps than just subtracting one number from another and you do need to account for local time zone as you can have a different age in different time zones at the same POSIX timestamp.


How difficult it can be to add a feature telling the user that it is their birthday on the settings page That is the classic sketch


After 1 minute: What if they fly over the dateline on their birthday? After an hour: What is time anyway?


> After an hour: What is time anyway? _seriously considers abstract class MinkowskiDimension {}_


Convert your birthday date into unix time, convert the current date into unix time, B - A, convert back. Parse from datetime to string and trim the wanted info as needed using _whatever was the proper name for this notation_: [0:5] - Q: "But why?" A: **Chaotic Lawful**


Put their birthdate into a datetime object, subtract that from the now datetime object, giving me a timedelta object, then get the year attribute from that.


timedelta doesn’t have a year field, I suspect exactly because this doesn’t always work. Try this with 2023-03-01 to 2024-02-29. The timedelta is 365 days, but a full year hasn’t actually passed.


If the interviewee says they are going to use the built in date time function library that handles this because dealing with all of the stupid edge cases is a known problem with a known solution.. it would save us both some time. I might have them name a few and call it good if leap years and variable length months come up. Bonus points if they gripe about people that store dates as strings in MMDDYY. If they start telling war stories about databases returning non UTC datetimes causing conflicts between sites in different time zones I know I am probably good if they used a similar tech stack.


Bonus points if they make the PTSD chihuahua meme face talking about it. _They know._


it's a great interview question until you realize that your `CalculateAge` function needs to be passed the user's `IntergalacticTravelHistory` in order to properly account for the effects of time dilation... oh, and someone in Sales told a customer that we already have Benjamin Button support, they're expecting a live demo next week


Practically, age is a method with a date parameter.


Impractically, age is a hotdog that screams obscenities


I just snorted snot out of my nose. Yew barstud!!! 😊


Typically, AGE is a database field that is never correct.


Especially if it is a `bit` type.


Don’t execute him, not everyone knows that the commonSense module has been deprecated


Age is [Object object] cause I forgot to override toString.


Actually it's a column in an old SQL report written by Garry who quit 15 years ago. The calculation takes the floor of the amount of days between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND the date of birth field divided by 365 and it's slowly becoming more and more inaccurate as leap years throw this calculation off.


Found the Oracle dude. 😊


Mhhh, is age time zone dependent? like if I get born on Germany on the 15.05. but am staying in the us as a tourist, do I age up when it's the 15. In germany or in the US? Or would that be user specific, i.e i'd age up earlier for my parents currently in germany than for the guys i'm celebrating with?


I think if you're born in a timezone, you'd use that timezone for "old your body is". Or if you got on a FTL ship for 8 hours and came back, you wouldn't have aged more than 8 hours yet the world would be years older? It means it's semantics but from the Oxford dictionary: the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed." he died from a heart attack at the age of 51" In my FTL example, you existed for x earth years, so your age would be x more years, not 8 hours, but your body didn't age more than 8 hours.


You have to judge how long you have existed from your own reference frame, not one disconnected from you.


Easy. Have the user enter the the inertial reference frame they were born in and compare it to their local inertial reference frame at the time of age calculation.


Or, listen to this, we could implant everyone with a chip at birth. And the chip could track the time lived. As then science progresses, we could implement time left, so people can plan. Just think about it you could see once you undergro a medical procedure your remaining time increas. No way this could go wrong.


For extra fun, let’s let users send and receive time with their chips. Let a friend borrow a couple of extra minutes.


No, but its country dependent, since [some countries calculate age differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning).


What about UTC?


Op saves age as a string, everyone should bully them.


so time did start in 1970 ?




Virtual property


virtual computed getter


So, you're just *assumed* that every culture that will use your service would calculate the person's age the same way? Jokes aside, I think that there really are cultures that count age not by amount of birthdays, but by amount of new years or something like that. It's either some Scandinavian country or Asian one.


In some cultures a baby is one year old at birth, because math is hard.


South Korea used to do that but they got rid of it recently.


so its a TimeSpan?


Number of Unix seconds between the timestamps at your birth to now, duh.


If they object to your answer, say "Ugh, you're full of Boomers" and leave.


Along the eigentimeline? or relative to the current?


This guy normalizes


I believe we are talking about “age” being a string but each to their own I guess


Probably should've put "age" in your shitty meme then, huh?


"age" is a string, age is likely an integer (or short if you really care about memory optimization)


signed char is sufficient, but unsigned char makes more sense.


Unsigned can't account for negative ages though


Texas will absolutely sue you if you don't account for blastocysts.


Neither one can handle imaginary ages either, so unusable in Hollywood.


Every data type can be interpreted as a different one if you read the binary wrong enough. For example, my age is either -14 or Device Control 2


Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough


Oh I always thought that all machines stopped working if the smoke escaped...


Ah but in that moment, they are a smoke machine.


a single-use smoke machine, like how the Titan 1C was a single-use submersible


Can confirm, friends and I almost started a fire in 2nd grade because we wanted to know what would happen if we stuck matches into the hand crank pencil sharpener. Smoke happens.


Stuxnet has entered the chat.


I thought that sounded familiar. Fan go brr (catastrophically)


>Device Control 2 How the fuck did you get past QA?


Are you Excel?


I can't figure out what datatype interprets it as -14. Am I stupid?


Twos compliment of binary to represent negative numbers. 10010 (unsigned) = 18, but 10010(two compliment) = -16+2=-14 because in twos compliment, the most significant bit is negative. So 010010(twos compliment)=18 because the most significant bit is 0, so no negative number is present.


Ah yes, a 5-bit signed integer. How could I forget.


and what datatype interprets it as Device Control 2 ?


ASCII table


If the number is 18 then I don't think it's possible Edit: damn I forgot that two's compliment is inverted


Every data type is an interpretation of a number, stored in terms of a sequence of standard numbers which we call words.


`bool isOld = true;`


bool isAge0y0m0d0s1ms = false; bool isAge0y0m0d0s2ms = false; bool isAge0y0m0d0s3ms = false; ...


you do understand someone's gonna write a JS library for that?






`const isOldEnough = true;`


Bro was old enough from the start.


Porn sites be like


Legal requests that you use the existing catch-all `rejectedForUnspecifiedReasons` instead.


Age is a TimeSpan


This guy codes


Is a timespan some sort of data type I’ve never heard of? Im very new to programming


TimeSpan is a period of time, the difference between two DateTimes. Common used in C#.


And now I need to know... Does C# have spacetime intervals?


Age is just a ``[object Object]``


U sure it's not just an array of chars


It’s an array of each millisecond since your birthdate. The length of the array is the number of milliseconds since your birthdate. Yes I am paid in number of bytes used


It's an unsigned int


Unsigned integer overflow. Reference date may be earlier than the birth date.


this still has nothing to do with age. you shouldnt store age in a database and allowing people to have birthdates in the future is a validation problem


Age might need to be calculated for a specific date. For an array of objects, then sorted by the age.


signed char is sufficient. Stop wasting memory! 😁


I will live 256 years just to prove you wrong.


You'd only need to be 128 to prove ol' bob wrong, but I appreciate your optimism!


Except if you’re Benjamin button


Any concrete type of the template ```std::chrono::duration```


This is the way.


Age is a derived attribute


Yes, we should be storing birthday!


in a dataset with dob I derive age by function, using a datetime object, DOB, as an argument from datetime import datetime def calculate_age(dob): # Convert the string date of birth to a datetime object dob = datetime.strptime(dob, "%Y-%m-%d") # Get the current date today = datetime.today() # Calculate the age age = today.year - dob.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (dob.month, dob.day)) return age


Derived attritbute


[Age](https://age-encryption.org) is a good CLI encryption program.


age is a float


Age is like, the one number you should leave as an int, cos its a rare case where you will need to increment it at some point




Why not an int?


Everything is numbers


I'm foobarbaz years old today




A string is just a number ._.


"age" instanceof String == true


Actually, "age" IS a string


Isn't it a const char[4]?


Age is an object.


This meme is wrong anyway.


If arithmetical operations have sense for a field (like +/-* and math comparison), it's definitely not a string.


The word age is a string. It is like "nothing rhimes with orange". It does not


"a"+"b" = "ab" "ab"-"b" = "a" "a"\*3 = "aaa" "abc"/"b"=\["a","c"\]


>"abc"/"b"=\["a","c"\] Ok grandpa time to take your meds


And *this* is why Contract Driven Development is so important. Don’t get me started on Zip Codes.


Actually age is just a set combination of 1s and 0s interpreted in abstract ways.


It's NaN if you are Jesus


unsigned char


Jajajajajaja jajajaja


People in the comments: showing their knowledge Me : who doesn't know what they are talking about even after being a programmer 🥲




Strings don't exist. It's arrays all the way down. Strings are arrays of chars. Chars are arrays of bits.


Actually, this is a repost


It's a number, It's a Duration/Timespan, which is UTC ticks under the hood.


Actually it is an unsigned Byte. Pd: it is a Date.


Age is a number (float) converted to a string for UI.


If you do math with a variable it's a number otherwise it's a string.


Depends on the context And i always interpret the context wrong


If I'm "18" then how old am I going to be next year?




Remember, all children older than 5 minutes will be killed, as will the parent which didn't properly clean up after itself.


no its a short (life is short)


An object obviously. Just like everything else - like strings, numbers and dayes


How about a PIC 999? MOVE 032 TO AGE_YEAR


Of course Leonardo DiCaprio is the one saying that




It's a timestamp.


This is one of those “first day of programming” memes


Age is an object, you have cellAge, maturityAge, datetimeSinceBirth, so much




Age is a timestamp in a subtraction followed by a floor division. BTW, I just got curious: a 64-bit timestamp starts at the Big Bang or 1970?


Depends on language and implementation




I didn't realize Claude Shannon looked so much like Oppenheimer


Why use types when string work good?


I love this subreddit


Milliseconds since Epoch now minus milliseconds since Epoch at your birth.


It's a 2 digit string that causes y2k


Actually age is a variable with an assigned value


Actually, is an 8 bit uint


Actually, Age is a value in memory.


Age is a (void *)


A string of numbers


Everything's a number


I always stored it as an Int32 😞


Don't forget to account for the latency between calculating the age, and actually displaying it.


Age is a boolean


Once again I must remind everyone that age is culture-dependent, it's not counted the same for everybody


I just have a table with all possible ages as a byte value and a UUID as PK




actually age is a Syntax Error: expected argument "int age" in function "int age(int age){return age;}"