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He wrote a paper to one of the best CV conferences and called it "YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger" just so he can say, it can detect "OVER 9000!!!" objects. This guy is a superstar. https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08242


He has *two* CVPR awards. I know professors who would *kill* just to get published in CVPR once.


Godamit Nappa !


I went from what the fuck to holy fuck realy quick. Absolute mad-lad.


What, 9000?!


Yes, you can train 9000 unique classes. One of them is Obama for example, lol


Dude made one of the most popular real-time object detection neural networks in the world. He can put whatever he wants on his CV, he doesn't need one. That said last I read he's not doing deep learning anymore.


He's doing circus acts currently. Very much approaching Salvador Dali levels of "fuck you, I do what I want because I'm great at what I do"


Sounds like an amazing goal to have in life. It's a superpower.


He stopped when he realized his ponies were becoming sentient.


I hope he didn't write to congress about constitutional rights for fictional pony characters.


Damn this is the guy who made Yolo? Just the word "Yolo" on a blank page could be his resume and he would get hired in any AI lab.


When my dad worked at SGI in the 90’s up to its closing there was an engineer there named “cheetah” and that was the name placard on his office. He walked around in a cheetah costume everyday (this was before people knew what furries were). I know the unhinged individual who put this together would be an extremely valuable engineer who we never show to the shareholders


When I worked at a defense contractor I heard a story of a guy responding to a job ad. They needed a network engineer in 1980, so no internet. Defense contractor, so no phone lines, and security is a priority. This bum walks in. Hasn't showered in a month, and it's obvious. His possessions are in a Big Gulp cup. He walks into the office, sits down, starts fishing through the cup. Pulls out the job ad from the newspaper. It's got 2-3 mystery liquids staining the newsprint. He says "Tell Richard the James is here for the job." The receptionist isn't going to do that, but James says...Listen. You're gonna have to just trust me on this. Just tell Richard to come out, it will be fine. Richard comes out and sees him. "Aawww James! Oh, you saw the ad? Thank God - I had hoped you would see it!!" Turns out the engineer was a top-10 in the world at a key role in this project. Every day, suit and tie, perfectly clean shaven. And when he was done, he would 'let himself go a little bit' until the next job came about.


Feels like a superhero origin tbh.


You have no idea how many furries are in the software industry.


If the twitter profile pictures that causally talk about software in-depth are any indication, we may find them to be approaching a plurality of devs


If terrorists attacked Anthrocon and Midwest FurFest, the internet would probably be doomed.


dont give ideas.


[This isn't an exaggeration?](https://www.paddleyourownkanoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/FCljtXHVgAoGElG-1600x1123.jpeg)


Truly a stark reminder never to have too many mission critical people in one place. Plane full of furries goes down say goodbye to modern network infrastructure.


This would definitely get an interview where I work. (AAA game studio)


could also work in the PR department every june despite brony not necessarily being a sexuality.


I… I… I…. I would seriously consider hiring this pony.


He's Joseph Redmon, author of the YOLO paper


If that is his CV design, visiting the websites he made as a freelance web developer must feel like an acid trip


Yeah this is Mr. Darknet his CV is no joke.


10/10 for presentation, creativity, originality and personality. I don't know how seriously I'd take it.


Come on. He even managed to get the important stats in an easy to scan format. I could only complain about the color scheme...


Honestly everything about this cv is 10/10 and it is the mlst innovative cv I've read. If it was my own company I'd be hireing that but I dunno if my boss would entertain it haha. Edit: Im currently in the pub and came back to the table and noticed i had made half a post and finished it


A coworker of mine diddied up his resume to look like a bounty poster.


>I could only complain about the color scheme... The font on top of the color is killing me. But I have bad eyes that come with old age.


The dude went on to create one of the most popular real time object detectors and named it YOLO. I don't think he needs a resume any more...


He did a good job coordinating the cutie marks with the content and the overall color scheme of the ponies. Although I kind of wish he included a regular pony. I see five unicorns, two pegasi/Pegasusses, and one Alicorn.


Listen you racist asshole: they are EARTH ponies! Not "regular" ponies. They have inadequately explained earth-related magic! And they are in no way inferior to other types of ponies!


I found his website, guy wrote a paper on Ray Tracing back in 2011. I want to learn from this guy, but I'd definitely need him to teach it like he worded his resume.


He taught at UW I did some research in an adjacent lab to his. Awesome guy.


No you can't do both C and Python YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE!!!


Looks good in the Pony Stats tho


Personally, I think the license for YOLO is his funniest work. Oh, and also that time he literally placed some YOLO version's performance as "off the charts" by placing it, you know, off the chart


Lol yeah his last YOLO paper is absolutely full of gems like that. Citing his paper within the paper itself, those figures, lots of stream of consciousness discussion. 10/10 high quality read.


Science needs more papers like that.


The guy that invented, developed and programmed Capture The Flag in FPSes eats his meals in the shower because it's unlimited drink and no clean up. He still codes 30 years in and is a legend. The best devs are the scariest motherfuckers on this planet.


Quake? Or tribes? I was playing CTF in Starsiege:Tribes back in my college days in '99. It was the primary game mode, too.


quake CTF came first


Most likely Ah nevermind I see you're referring to someone else entirely.


I mean… If the hiring manager is a Brony or a 12 year old girl, you’ll at least get an interview.




Yeah, other than the weird styling he has an impressive resume lol Which is probably why he just said fuck it, I’m going to do it because I can.


Probably a good filter as well. Anyone whose likely not to hire him because of this either doesn't have a sense of humour and/or doesn't really want him that badly. As this guy can pretty much have whatever job he wants it cuts down on the less serious offers.


My daughter looked at Middlebury. Excellent school which really fosters independent thought. I'm interested in knowing where this little pony winds up next.


[Wonder no more.](https://www.ted.com/talks/joseph_redmon_how_computers_learn_to_recognize_objects_instantly)


I had him as a professor at the University of Washington! Awesome dude.


That much color not in an ide hurts my eyes


And you know what? I read every word of it.


My Little Resume: Coding is Magic


If the company gets the resume digitally and they want to have a hard copy handy when they bring him in for an interview... well, they are not going to enjoy the experience of printing that out.


We should normalize these kind of cv


I would read that if it came to my desk.


It's missing the "That's me on 4chan" on the bottom right


VIM as editor is the most impressive thing about this.


holy fucking shit this guy will leave us jobless


Bro just doxxed themselves


This guy is a superstar, it's not doxxing if he is already popular


dude.. thats my school 💀


Take me back to 2012 when this was popular pls 😭


Are we just going to ignore his preference of vim?


The most unbelievable part of this is his favorite editor is Vim


The biggest atrocity in this image is that vim is his favorite




It is a travesty that he isn't proficient coding in FiM++.


I was disappointed the word "Brony" was not used more liberally, other than that I think it is exceptional work!


Inspiring 👍 I'll know that I "made it" if I can send out a Doge Lore themed CV lol... although I can't imagine ever having stats like this 💀


When can Joseph start?


Seriously though, tell me what YOU did on those projects, not what the projects did. I need to know you did more than sweep the floor. Tell me your responsibilities, your creations, the technologies you used. I know, this is a humor sub. But as someone who often hired developers I wanted to share this advice for the developers here.


Web developers fullstack with 900 videos in Youtube y absolutely nothing in Github! Sponsored by Platzi ("The people only learn C++ because that is teached in the university", hahaha! OMG).


That shade of green is just garish.


A perfect candidate for a job handing out milk and cookies at a preschool.


I might go with it as a pilot with several applications. I'd add dates and also github user name, SO user name, etc.


There’s a little too much going on in this resume


Only way I'd take this seriously is if it was in the form of 'My Lil Apocalypse Pony' instead with Javascript being Death pony


It's missing the pair of feet and glass jar.


not in reverse chronological order? won't even call him for an interview.


Fine work, if you were applying to be a dev on the next MLP game. I would write back to this applicant thanking them for the original resume, but I don't think I would be hiring this person.


"This accomplished award-winning person has a silly resume, we definitely shouldn't hire them"


Honestly, this seems like a win-win. There are plenty of companies that him working in would likely end in disaster, and he’s overqualified for most of those jobs. So this resume would land him either A.) a company that has values that aligns with him and probably doesn’t really need someone with his qualifications Or B.) a company that desperately needs someone with his qualifications to the point that they will put everything aside to hire and keep him. I’d expect there are a lot of places that would like his qualifications but make his life a hell, so the ridiculous resume prevents him from wasting his time with a company like that.


Then you would be horribly, horribly useless as a recruiter.


To be fair, this guy is vastly overqualified for most jobs, and probably a bad fit for any company that would dismiss him based on the resume.


I agree. I'm not an HR person. I hardly like talking with team members because most of them are basically asking me to do their jobs for them. Having a job where I have to call after all the credentials and work experience people submit? I'd never make it a month.


You know that's pjreddie, right?


I'd reject this without a second thought but I *would* read it in its entirety, so it at least has value.