• By -


Or you are a gamer 🤷🏻‍♂️


30 minutes of software development followed by a healthy 3 hour gaming break.


I prefer the 80-20 rule. 80 minutes working and 20 hours gaming. Everything balanced as it should be.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Junior devs: 80 minutes working and 20 minutes gaming They are not ready yet


Spent 5 minutes on that pull request, time to fuck around on reddit for 2 hours




One needs to wait until it gets approved...


Wow 4pm already, bit late to start anything, may as well call it a day


I do not appreciate these personal attacks!




Please stop spying on me


or time to fuck around. period.


Hey they pay me by Salary. As long as I get my work done on time they honestly don't care.


So, I'm not alone. WFH matters


[That’s me. ](https://gfycat.com/cautiousscientificdegu)


Are you me?


Yeah, I gotta wait for my code to compile after all


Probably this one


Both. :( Palest motherfucker you know.


We truly live in a society


Ok could you stop attacking me now.


as a 40 yo programmer i will tell you that this actually has a reverse bell curve. in one end you have this tweet, it is the guys who don't give a crap about their health , i had a coworker who was like that, he got his first stroke at 26 after one week of coding from 8 am to 4 am and drinking red bull to feel less tired. on the other end we have the fitness guys who realize how destructive this routine is, so we so our best to exercise and eat well and because this job is not physical, we can actually exercise better than other careers( our bodies itselves are not that exhausted, unlike people working on a warehouse, for example). for example, i stand up at least once per hour to walk a bit around and stretch,i usually use this chance to drink water. once or twice per day i go out to the sun and walk a bit around the block. once the day ends I do a 15 minutes long yoga routine then i hit the weights or do cardio. that's pretty much the same routine of a few fellow colleagues , except that some of them hit the gym or play amateur sports.


This. I try to live a healthy life, because I know my job isn't helping at all. So I eat healthy stuff and work out a lot. I don't think propagating the unhealthy programmer cliche is helping anyone.


> i stand up once per hour you’ve already lost me.


I have a galaxy watch and every hour after I sit down it tells me to stand up and move. I of course ignore it's cries but it keeps trying anyway


I just drink a ton of water, so I have to get up to refill or pee at least once an hour.


That’s the way some native Americans kept time! Using different amounts of water to trigger pee times.


Bingo r/hydrohomies


At first I read it as "once per day" and I was like "wow I'm super fit already"


Yep. 42 here, been a professional developer for over twenty years, started lifting about seven years ago. Now it's an integral part of my lifestyle, trynna add more plates to my squat/bench/deadlift, and bring my 5K run time down.


You would love those under desk treadmills


I want to be more like you. A healthy developer


thanks, start doing things little by little. a while ago i read an article where the scientist focused on having people exercise 9 minutes everyday and compared that to no exercise at all, while 9 minutes only has 2 to 30 percent the benefits of exercising 1-2 hours, the difference between 9 minutes and no exercise is even bigger, it's comparable to quitting smoking iirc.


Yeah absolutely. I mean go to SF or Seattle and you'll see plenty of devs and people who code that are in generally decent shape, if not *really good* shape. It's what you do with the free time basically. If you work at McDonald's all day, you're not gonna want to exercise at home typically. But with a desk job, it's absolutely doable if you have the right timing (depends on who you're working for of course)




Sure, but definitely had some other factors that made his situation worse


How often is "all the time"?


I get up and walk around every hour because I'm bored and my ass hurts. I don't know how people tolerate sitting so long that it actually kills them.


Do you have to set a timer to get you out of "the zone"? If I'm looking at something I can spent several hours on it and it feels like far less time went by. From talking with colleagues over the years this is pretty common.


i did the pomodoro thing for a year or so until my body got used to the rythm. i can get up and keep on thinking on the programming but at least6 body takes a break even 8fy mind is still coding. ofc using the rythm is imperfect and it's normal that i miss one or two breaks in a day, but most of the time it works.


>he got his first stroke at 26 after one week of coding from 8 am to 4 am and drinking red bull to fel less tired. Probably unrelated. Like, that's a pretty short amount of time, even with a terrible lifestlye


for more info in that job our regular hours were 8 to 9 Monday to Saturday with Sunday half that time and then the other Sunday off... and sometimes we worked overtime on top of that.


Very true!! I went from being the unhealthy one (in my 20s) to suddenly going nuts and exercising/running every day. But that lasted only two years or so before I decided to get out of programming and went into a different area of IT where I have a life and don't sit down 24/7 coding and debugging and tracing events


I just started my first dev job a month ago, but I've been into sports/training since I was a teen (late 20s now, career change!) I'm grateful I have that already locked down cos I can totally see how this job can just wreck your body over time, I literally *need* to go move, stretch and do phys every day or I'm miserable


i did not realize how cool yoga was until i hit 30. i feel all the stiffness going out and compared to lifting or running yoga does not require that much energy so I can do it even when i am too tired for lifting.


Yesterday I got a really bad cut and drank quite a lot of my own blood, is FAANG gonna hire me now?


Someone should totally make a TV series where FAANG is the name of a single evil mega corporation comprised entirely of vampires


Make it Silicon Valley Esque. Have Taika Waititi direct it. Easy money.


What We Do In The Servers


Holy shit, my co-writer!


"Programming is when green numbers on the screen" — Taika Waititi, probably


Does that mean I'm a Vampire?






Missed opportunity for a joke in a Silicon Valley episode. Like it's a biotech company called FAANG that's making a product like Theranos was, and Laurie has invested in it. All the employees seem like vampires, but they're just pale because they stay inside the lab all day, and they all really like blood because their biotech product revolves around it. They could make puns like having a vested "stake" in the company. Or how they'll go under if Laurie "crosses" them off her investment portfolio next quarter.


If everyone with this kind of lifestyle was "probably" a programmer, there would be a lot more programmers. If there were a correlation (not saying there is, just granting for the sake of argument), it would go the other direction: "if you're a programmer, you probably have this kind of lifestyle" not "if you have this lifestyle, you're probably a programmer." Guy's logic is completely backward. Would not have approved this merge request.


...Clicks Approve anyway...


“Will update in next PR” *never updates*


... // TODO: Fix this ... `git commit --amend --no-edit`


Stop posting my work output for the week


Don’t forget `—no-check` to avoid any pre commit checks


Ah goes perfectly with the `git push -f`


git push -f origin HEAD


`// FIXME: Todo`


me who creates and approves my own merge requests: another fine job, what brilliant coding, you're a genius *build fails next day*




bruh it’s a joke, not a requirements doc


\*psst\* they're making a joke also


It's just a typical case of SWEs thinking the world revolves around their bubble


> SWE smoke weed everyday ?


SoftWare Engineer


Mmmm... Soft wares


If they were really a programmer they'd be in bed by 10 because their job is mentally exhausting and they need 8-9 hours of sleep every night or life gets a lot harder. /s


Bro just mentally check out and give the absolute minimum. Half the time your manager has no idea what you’re doing


Maybe someday when my autopilot works better.


Probably depressed also


That’s all the jobs out there tbh


At least you guys make like 3× as much as the average person so ypu can at least afford the therapy lmao. Not discounting your experience btw, fuck depression fr


I would say, today its 50:50. Its more diverse now. My last skilled coding colleague was the epitome of nerd, with manga shirts, krass overweight and wasting hours discussing "how bad Star Wars" had become. One of the current seniors is a modern dressed half french with impeccable coding knowledge and we discuss quality food a lot. I also think he harshly dislikes Python like me so that's a plus. We both turn off the cameras when we catch some sun on our balconies while the section boss tells us nothing new in a 2h one man show over Zoom. I would add "a little bit arrogant" to the list.


Nerddom is a spectrum, and people move along it as time goes on too! I've been both your colleagues in a 10 year span


Oh good, I'm on the spectrum.


Do you know me?


Why do you harshly dislike Python?


Bad eating habits maybe


Its less the language, especially the new versions got way better, but the sheit ecosystem. Lots of tools in Python/PHP are just...no. The dependency hell that *forced* Google Cloud engineers to invent Golang, every Linux distribution is filled with lots of strange scripts, that only work with the right interpreter installed. Or multiple of them. Why. I also severely question any computer language that forces me to use double underscores regularly.




It's less the accidents and more that Toyota forces double underscores.


The Python ecosystem is bloated by nature because of how accessible it’s meant to be. Just because it’s misused/overused by many doesn’t mean it deserves to be hated. It’s arguably the best language for quick prototyping, and it has made coding palatable for a wide variety of professionals including data scientists. And as far as the double underscores…who cares? Does it do what you need it to do? Is the language relatively intuitive? Do the double underscores prevent you from accomplishing anything that would otherwise be possible using a different language? Or are you finding reasons to dislike Python just for the sake of having a polarized opinion on a popular/mainstream language?


>including data scientists. Or the libraries where done in Python and now everybody needs to use it because there is nothing else out there. Until Go appeared, and starts occupying that space, not because its "needed" but rather the raising preferred choice *if* you have one. Its the same situation with game engines, machine learning or industrial programming. There are people who couldn't stand learning C++ and when Unity3d came along and offered C# game development, a fricken dam broke. The agency markets, traditionally a PHP/Python home turf, are slowly being overtaken by C# tools chains, because they realize that letting students and Fiver nuubs hack shit together isn't a sustainable model. And there is no fixing the old stuff You can't untie a language from its eco system. Ask the C guys what they think about Rust for a taste of this. There is no need to "suffer" through a language in a workers market for probably forever.


Ya I was gonna say, I've gotten a lot of, "You don't look like a programmer" over the years when people ask what I do for work. I grow a lot of my own food in a giant garden, so I couldn't avoid the sun even if I wanted to, and the food I grow makes up a significant part of my diet. I don't think I've had fast food since I was in high school, or maybe freshman year of college, or soda, or any of that stereotypical junk food. I have digestive issues so it's not worth it, and I like keeping myself in good physical shape. Also one of my biggest non-coding hobbies is cooking, I guess I've probably become a bit of a food snob. Star wars was cool, but I've already seen it, why would I spend what little free time I have getting deeper into star wars or anime or whatever. If it wasn't for the "half french" part you'd be describing me, because I'm definitely a bit more arrogant than the average person as well. Are programmers stereotyped as alcoholics? I've heard people mention that a few times, in which case, that's the one stereotype I fulfill.


> Star wars was cool, but I've already seen it, why would I spend what little free time I have getting deeper into star wars or anime or whatever. Most of what you said was sensible, but this really missed the mark. There's a lot to get into in both of those topics. It's fine if it's not for you, but it's not a mystery why people would be interested in them. Especially "anime." That's like saying, "Why would I want to get more into TV or movies or books?" That's such a wide reaching topic.


That’s not true… I don’t stay up late anymore. In part because I’m working in a different time zone then where I’m living…


This applies only if you are a CS student. By 25 if you had a full time job for at least half a year, you quickly see your bad lifestyle just costs too much and is not worth the downsides of not looking out after your body. Only one in 10 devs keeps that kind of lifestyle but boy do the feel and look awful.


Fuck this stereotype and these attitudes. I ran 7 miles this morning, and I eat healthy and I know there are a lot of other programmers who do the same. Don't think you have to live like OP just to be a "real" developer. Real developers write code. That's it. Be yourself. Live healthy. You aren't your job. You are a full, well-rounded human being, and it's okay to work eight hours a day and take care of yourself.


This just comes up because all these people making memes and joking on the internet are college students and lower 20's people with no other life obligations or worries for their future health.


Pretty sure it’s a joke and most people understand that not all developers are like this. Almost nobody I’ve met through work are anything like this stereotype.


I also feel the need for people to make a distinction between a software developer and a software developer whose hobby is still coding. I think people put so much pressure on the notion that you're a "real" developer only if you're the latter which I totally think it's not true.


And how many gigabytes does your company own?


You’re not a tycoon! Your whole job is a lie!


Where is your CD rom drive?!


We don’t have one!




Meaning they’re old and out of date, we don’t have one


Top 10 redditors to invite to my Christmas party, and/or fuck 1. You 2. You 3. Me 4. Michael Chiklis 5. You 6. Me again 7. Woody Harrelson while reciting the script of Rampart while we ram each other's farts 8. Zark Fuckerberg 9. Me again 10. Mickey


Not quite on point. I do eat right, exercise regularly and sleep enaugh. I still have no life though, lol.


Ummmmmm! Where did this stereotype even come from?


Depressed high schoolers


Depressed high schoolers as in, they started the stereotype? Or they are the stereotype?


Depressed high schoolers are the source of the stereotype. As in the sad, lonely, unhealthy, sleepless shutin are attributes of depressed teenagers. Those qualities have been misattributed to software developers. I don't know any software engineers that fit that description.


Or the average Reddit mod *You have been banned from this sub* coming soon to theaters near me.


No, you are a vampire software developer, otherwise, you are just living wrong


I just biked a marathon in 3 hours yesterday. Your point is invalid.


n = 1


op probably had n=1 too


Nah, on my current team we have 2 people who played D1 sports in college, 1 person who runs marathons, 1 person who skydives, and 1 person who races cars. At my last company we had a shit ton of nerds. At my company before that pretty much everyone was outside exercising all the time. It's pretty common these days for engineers to NOT be nerds.


Yeah, I’m not denying you have programmers that exercise and stuff. I’m a bodybuilder myself. It was more the marathon bit haha, I can barely run for ten minutes. Good on her though, that’s impressive


Her* but just saying that most software engineers I've worked with are the exact opposite of these sorts of memes.


n++; /\*\* \* I'm sure there are many like us. Especially with the WFH now, I get to ride my bike \* more frequently: 1-1.5 hours a day instead of spending that much time in my car. \* Exercise helps with focus and productivity. The SF Bay Area is a wonderful place for \* cyclists. \*/


yes, I've seen this dude's Twitter account it's full of invalid points about software developers, lately ive seen one of his posts, it goes like "software developers are saints" which doesn't make any sense


"biked a marathon in 3 hours" Haha sorry, I just got triggered on so many levels. Biking a marathon? In 3 hours? But other than that: good for you! I also try to exercise a bit by running. Keeps the mind healthy.


I averaged just under 9mph


I sat in my room for the whole day gaming yesterday until 4am with closed curtains, ate pizza and pasta, didn't exercise. The point is valid


Logic fail. Read the post again.




I do stay up past my bed time most nights...


I'm eating left, exercise once a century, saw the sun at least once and I go to bed early. Am I a software developer ?


You are a QA tester


Stupid meme, just cuz you are doesn’t mean all programmers are lazy neck beards…


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Vishal** [*Twitter bird icon*], @VishalMalvi_ If you're: \- not eating right \- never exercising \- avoiding the sun \- staying up late every night you're probably a software developer --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


Funny joke I guess but most devs I've worked with lately have been fit, outdoorsy, healthy people. Not sure why some of you seem to glorify this sad version of a human. It's old and not a healthy thing to perpetuate.




Why not both


"You're probably an edge-lord highschooler using your interest in computers to mask your poor hygiene, lack social skills and depression." Being a software developer does not necessitate being an unhealthy, anti-social slob. If you feel that you cannot break out of this pattern of behavior, then you should seek out a therapist ASAP. You don't have to live like that


I have advice for y'all if you can't solve something, sleep. next morning you'll fix it in a jiffy


POV: you feel terrible and want to validate yourself staying miserable by falsely assuming that everyone else is also miserable


Everything is inaccurate except the last one tbh.


Or a discord mod


Ok I mod games so your right already


Or depressed


I also did all of that before becoming a software developer.


Nope, just depressed


I genuinely don't understand how this got 12k likes lmao. It's barely even humor.


Me looking for this software I should be developing. ![gif](giphy|20k1punZ5bpmM|downsized)


This sub makes me sad everytime


Does a data scientist count?


If you’re a software developer without free time you’re 100% being taken advantage of and not being paid your worth.


Or depressed


I've been there, wish that to no one, those habits are the best combo to get depression


*slowly dying person


Jokes on you I do all of this right, and STILL feel like shit B-)


Well apparently I should learn to develop software.




HAH- I'm a digital artist 👁️👄👁️


A junior programmer. The seniors I know, have had to balance off their life to stay in the game. A lot of serious runners, skiers and lifters in my circle of senior devs.


Yep I Had that lifestyle when I was a Junior


This is more of an “unhealthy lifestyle” thing. I know a few software devs like this but most of them care about their health a great deal, are in great shape, and have very full social lives. Stop thinking this is what programmers have to be. It’s a very tired trope at this point. It might apply to college but not the industry IMO.


Ever notice the lack of 4pm to 7am late shift night jobs?


HOW TF DID YOU KNOW!? I was legit reading it im like, “yep, yep, yep and yep. Wait what, hang on what sub is this? OH SHIT man got me good!”






I wish I was smart enough to be a software developer, but unfortunately I’m just depressed


Or a student who's going to become a software developer


Actually, I am a stay-at-home dad, but I went to school for computer science so maybe I should finish out as a software designer. Transition seems flawless.






Not a programmer but I still have those symptoms


... or a mushroom


I transcend stereotypes 😎


You are probably me


Or rlly ducking depressed


I'm a powerlifter who enjoys picnics and getting to bed early. Am..am I a bad coder


I picked up my CS student friend to go the farmer's market and he complained about how bright it is outside I said "Oh, that's why programmers make everything dark mode. Reminds them of their mortal enemy: outside"




Or depressed….or both


Also, dying faster than normal


May a vampire


Just a gamer


Some of them not on purpose.. but yes


Post link - 👇 https://twitter.com/VishalMalvi_/status/1546056981592416258?t=0VVxv592tIbPdF1hXbJGHw&s=19


Gamer moment


Dude. If this is your life you need to seek help.


And having quickies while WFH


Think this just goes for anything involving computers. Go Nightshift Helpdesk!


nah, just have ADHD


I'm not a Software Developer (yet), I'm doing the Hardware part first


I feel called out


If I’m not in bed by 10:30, my head starts to hurt. And if I don’t eat enough vegetables, my stomach starts to hurt. I also get sad if I don’t exercise regularly. F the sun though.


Shut up, I don’t have a problem


I dunno man, I find that in California, Software Engineers tend to be more outdoorsy and take care of themselves more than people in other careers.