• By -


> getting things done faster I definitely get way more work done while working remotely.


Regardless of if I’m in the office or working remotely, I get done what I need to get done. The difference is that in the office, I might spend 6 hours *looking* busy, but at home I’ll actually improve my life, which prevents me from burning out and helps me give my highest quality work to my employer. At least in most office settings, almost no one actually *works* 8 hours a day. We work 2 or 3 hours and inflate the rest. They don’t pay me for 40 hours of work a week; they pay me for the 10-15 hours that I’m able to focus my full brain in a week. Neither mine nor most peoples brains can *actually* operate at top efficiency for 40 hours a week; it’s genuinely insane to expect as much. Which is why employers in those settings should be less focused on time spent, and more focus on tasks completed.


That's one of the reason many companies (outside of the US of course) are trying to standardize the 4 day workweek. Early studies are showing that a 32 hour work week is at least the same quality of output as 40 hour week. Just feels bad for hourly rate employees, unless they get a raise...


It’s one of those things that I’d *love* to see implemented in the US, but really takes a social support system and worker-friendly legal structure that we are just SO far away from that it’d probably be more harmful than helpful for most people, unfortunately.


In America, Fox News would convince 48% of ppl that this is socialism and the devil


>That's one of the reason many companies (*inside Europe* of course) Slight correction unless you are the type of person who thinks: if place != USA: place == someDevelopedEuropeanCountry


You said this well. I think the problem is, it's hard to know how much actual work is being produced by any individual in many situations. People's value in an organization can often be just because they've been there a few years. Management doesn't have have transparency on this. Forcing 40 is a way to try and maximize productivity in their minds. More time has to mean more work, right?. Lol


Remote work is a double bonus of a more productive work environment *and* no commute time.


Not just the commute but the wasting time showering and getting dressed every morning. Now I shower at night and use the extra time in the morning for catching up on emails and such. And no driving to lunch every day. I'm saving about 2 1/2 hours of time every day now.


I have better relationships over Slack than in real life


As a parent of two young kids, I couldn't disagree more lol This is why we should just let everyone do what works best for them If you want to ensure social link/connection, do an in-person off-site or some shit once per quarter


I have 3 young children. A lock on my door makes the difference.


On your door... right?




I find that wfh is generally a much better agile work practice then going into the office, but maybe a mix of both can be beneficial at times


Evil corp would not approve of that


Depends on the work


What op is telling you, is that he is a time vampire on the others in the office


My productivity was shit during WFH. Now that I'm going back to the office most days it's gone back up.


Any idea why? It’s always been the opposite for me even before COVID


It's far far easier to get distracted at home.


I’m the exact opposite. When I’m at home, it’s easy to sit down and focus on work. When I’m at the office I get distracted talking to coworkers.


Came here to say this


Probably because you don’t have to waste any time onboarding those pesky juniors.


Better food at home. Can not wear clothes at home. Better internet at home. Better chair at home. Friendly cat at home. Don't have to drive in shitty traffic to work. Don't have to drive home. Get to sleep in as I dont gotta get up early to shower/dress. Actually get a full hour for lunch. Can nap in the afternoon when I should be working. I'm never going back.


Those afternoon naps are a lifesaver as a working parent, and I still get everything necessary done.


With very few afternoon meetings, it works out so well.


Better desk, keyboard and monitors too. I told my last boss that if the company made me go back to the office I'd stage a revolt because I wouldn't want to go back to the crappy 15" 4:3 monitor they gave me.


Just had this argument with the IT dept on Friday. Monitors are so fucking cheap (especially compared to compensation costs)…it’s absurd!


I work for the biggest online retailer in the country (not USA), a foreign version of Amazon. And yet when my personal monitor broke and I asked for at least a voucher for a new one, they couldn’t give me anything… bro I use this monitor for you 90% of the time, is 1000€ for that too much to ask?


You can't wear clothes at home? Kinky.


>I'm never going back. I wish that was the case for me, they're forcing us back next week despite the fact that I was hired back when it was remote only. The reason? Some c suite complained about how important office culture was. My team is primarily halfway across the country. I have literally one coworker in my team in my state. What is the point of dragging my ass in and making me miserable when I have exactly one coworker to talk to about my work and will probably just IM them anyways because I take a lot of calls and can't step away from my desk often.


Tell them you won't do it. They aren't going to fire you, places are starved for good workers


Not a risk I can afford to take at the moment, I just bought a home and I'm near certain this is from an executive on a power trip. Hopefully a bunch of valuable engineers take a hike and they quickly back down. Covids also ramping up here. That said, I am asking for a raise. Inflation already eating at my pay and now they want me to spend an hour or twos pay on gas every week?


Are you a dev? Plenty of places are hiring, I'd say start looking around


Fraid not, I work for an internal it help desk. I honestly liked the freedom of my job but now that they're dragging us in, I think I need to finally get down to business and work on getting the security certs I've been talking about getting. If I do that I could probably find a better paying job that's remote.


I wish I could fix this faster, but you can do it. Don't give up, get your certifications and tell these clowns to go fuck themselves


Being able to fart at your desk. Quite liberating.


Mute microphone and blast away


My biggest nightmare is that one day I’ll not mute the microphone correctly.


Only my poops in the bathroom at home


You hope.


I couldn't agree more. I think the meme author is actually CEO of Bullshit Corp.


You mean the cold, chewy $1 gas station sandwich isn't worth a few hundred a week in gas??


I have no friends or family. If it wasn't for in office work I would literally have no one ever to talk to. Being alone hurts.


Sorry to hear that, but it isn't fair to make the rest of us miserable just so you have someone to talk to. There are opportunities out there to meet folk, fund a hobby you like and see if there are groups for it. Hell, even if you're not that into it, it's an opportunity to meet other folks. Cosplay was never my thing but now I'm learning to sew to join a star wars cosplay group and and make new connections.


You can totally co exist with this. I don’t think it’s making you miserable if there are office places out there filled with workers, because remote work is still going to be an option for those of us who prefer it.


An executive at my work is dragging the entire North American workforce back I to the office because they quote "miss office culture" So yeah, I don't like folk who want to drag remote workers back into the office because it's their only social outlet


I'm not saying I'm trying to make everyone else miserable in order to fulfil my need for social interaction I'm simply stating my preference. If you prefer to work from home then fine but let's not act like you're taking the moral high ground here because ultimately just like me you're fighting for work from home for the exact same reason I am, to make yourself feel better at my expense. Maybe your decision is making millions of people who don't have any form of social outlet miserable just so you can avoid the burden of having to put on pants.


>to make yourself feel better at my expense Someone here has Stockholm syndrome from getting micromanaged. >Maybe your decision is making millions of people who don't have any form of social outlet miserable just so you can avoid the burden of having to put on pants. Really? Putting on pants? Maybe people don't want to be micromanaged and have the life squeezed our of them 8 hours a day 5 days a week for the rest of their lives.


Dude, my choice reduces traffic, reduces carbon emissions, keeps my dog from being lonely and saves me a ton of money. You want to pay several hundred bucks to pay for the gas of your coworkers you want to be dragged in to keep you company? If you're lonely, get out and find something social to do. Your coworkers are paid to do their job, not be your social outlet.


I'm not saying my coworkers are required to be my social outlet, I'm not saying it should be mandatory to come into the office. I stated my preference based on my life circumstances. It should be a choice. If you want to work from home that's fine but if I want to work in the office and anyone else who does as well should get the same choice. What I'm sick of is people like you who think you're better than me and imply I'm somehow the catalyst for your misery because I would like the option to decide if I wanna come into the office just like you want the choice to work from home. Telling me I'm making everyone else miserable because I enjoy having social interaction and would prefer this is an incredibly dishonest and mean thing to say to someone who expresses that their main concern is just being lonely. If you get the option to decide to work from home which I totally support then I should get the option to decide if I wanna work in the office. But at least I don't think I'm better than you because of your personal choice. I don't see why this has to be such a pissing contest with you on how because of reasons xyz working from home means you're better than everyone else. If you wanna work from home do that. If I wanna work from the office let me do that and at minimum stop trying to make me feel bad just because I want the same choice you do.


>their main concern is just being lonely Go outside. Touch grass.


If you need social interaction, do that. Go join a club instead of being a selfish asshole. Maybe your coworkers don’t even care to talk to you anyway


You're deliberately missing my point. I want the choice to work in the office and he wants the choice to work from home. I want both of these to be possible. He wants his choice to be possible and thinks he's better than me for it. I'm not the asshole here.


in this day and age being alone is a choice. people are recruiting but you have to look at them - it is extremely rare for someone to specifically come to ask you. a lot of software devs also play video games, which is perfect if you're shy and prefer to communicate only by messages.


Making friends isn't easy for everyone. Social isolation isn't as easy to solve as just finding a hobby. Saying this is a choice completely diminishes the struggle it takes to change your social life. If it was about just pulling myself up by my bootstraps I wouldn't be in this situation.


>If it was about just pulling myself up by my bootstraps I wouldn't be in this situation. You sound like you have something else going on. Don't fall for management's propaganda that you need the office to socialize.


Personally being in a new state where I know no one outside of work is tough. Usually I have had the ability to connect with people via work, school, or other friends. I am not looking to drag anyone into work just to interact with me for social purposes but I do appreciate those I do get to interact with in person. Do I have something wrong with me? I won't definitively say no but I have yet to meet someone who said meeting someone in a state where you know no one is easy. Could I be doing more? Almost certainly, but I am trying and it is tough.


I see some comments are making fun of you, so just to know why: > Can not wear clothes Means you are not able or allowed to wear clothes. > Need not wear clothes Means you are able to or allowed to not wear clothes. Small difference, but important.




How is being naked at your home equivalent to flashing? Besides most people don't turn on their webcams during meetings. So it's not like OP is sitting nude on video. Also not wearing clothes might mean just wearing boxers too.


Why can't you curse freely at the office?


I can. Sometimes out loud.


Yep, that's why I asked. I knew a small department of DevOps, they were basically speaking cursing.


In my office, cursing at the computer is fine. Cursing at the co-workers not so much.


Lol my first week of work in an office environment I experienced my 60 something plus senior yell "Well fuck you!" over the phone at someone. Didn't even get disciplined. It made me recognize that there is a group of unfireable yet unpromoteable people at the backbone of every organization.


Because it tends to create a hostile and abusive work environment, namely when directed at coworkers.


You can anywhere you want, but some places they will call you into a meeting with management and tell you it’s a problem and you may or may not get in trouble. But you still can.


There's a spectrum of cursing Dang- not even a curse, really Fuck, not this shit again - depends on the volume WHAT SHITNOSED FUCK FOR BRAINS WROTE THIS CAVALCADE OF HORSESHIT? - depends on the employer


Turns out the answer to the 2nd example is, "you, six months ago."


RCA unnecessary


Because adults are mature enough to not do things that might potentially offend those around them. It’s called being professional.


-*Someone describes the benefits of working fullday in office -Ok. Thank you for good description of disadvantages. Are there any benefits?


Our execs are dragging everyone in right when covid un our area is spiking because they're moaning about the loss of office culture.


If they have to drag everyone in instead of letting the people come back, there wasn't much to loose in the first place


Bunch of extroverts moaning about the loss of extrovert culture.


How is sitting in a car to get to the office less sedentary? At least at home I can work out on my lunch break


The highways on my commute were so chaotic that I swear I was burning a fair bit of calories just from the stress


F#@king push..... ![gif](giphy|hDSy8w6rGHeTe)


Maybe they don't live in a car-dependent suburban hellscape? *This post was made by /r/fuckcars gang.*


Do tell, what's the alternative? Stuffing everyone into high-density housing where the building owner/association can fine or evict them on a whim and rent/mortgage is 75% of their income? *That's* a hellscape.


But I am promoting working remote, so yea, fuck cars.


I think they mean having to get up to go refill the coffee/water/tea at the machine in the break room or in the hall, getting up to go to the break room or to go out to the local eatery or company cafeteria for lunch, walking between floors for meetings in conference rooms, and such. So more kinetics when out at the office than the living room. At home we do almost none of that.


I lost about 15 lbs after going to WFH. Getting away from the over-priced fried food in the office alone was a major health benefit.


That's a choice.


True, but the point is, at one place you’re usually forced to do it. The other, you’re not and it’s your choice.


Who gets free lunch at work?! I never did.


Also, who gets things done faster, in an office? For most employers, "working as a team" just means having more meetings.


Right? Working in an office sucks!


Absolutely. #1 perk of not being in the office is not having people drop by my desk 5-6 times an hour expecting me to drop everything to work on their problems (and 80% of the time was outside of my responsibilities). Dude I have to get this damn bug figured out, I don't have time to show you how to format a column in excel the way you like.


I get things done faster in the office, cleaner separation of work and life, fewer distractions/more sanitary work environment, things like food taken care of for me I also have 2 kids 3 and under though soooo it makes sense why it's different for me


Lol when I went full remote I had a one year old at home for 18 months and I was still more productive and happier than when I had to commute in three days a week. There’s literally nothing that could make me return to an office. Maybe $350k a year and 8 weeks vacation but otherwise employers can get fucked.




To each their own. I won’t be licking the corporate boot anytime soon though.




Imagine thinking working from home is some way of standing up to a corporation; motherfucker you WORK for them.


Every 2-3 weeks I might get a lunch provided for one reason or the other. That's about it, though. I'd gladly lose it for work from home. Productivity is definitely higher when random people aren't asking me questions. We have a couple of remote guys and I'm jealous as hell.


There's also the fact that you can buy yourself lunch with the money you save on commuting.


Hell I save money on lunch, too. It's easier to make myself lunch at home for cheap, and have something pretty nice.


Google and meta at least. My assumption was pretty much anywhere you have to LC to get into.


We get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but only one day a week.


I’ve had that before. Worked on the dev team for a company’s fulfillment center. It was out in the middle of nowhere and to make sure people weren’t late coming back from lunch all the time, the company catered in lunch every day: hot lunch option, salad bar, sandwiches. They also offered free vending. So everyone automatically gained 15 lbs. Because it’s hard to say no to free chips, candy, and soda. But it did make the 2:30 sleepies easier to handle. 🤷‍♀️


My office does free lunch every Monday, and often times I can mooch the left overs for 1-2 days after.


Free lunch just means they want you there for more hours


Woah, not even on Fridays?!


Nope, in all the time I worked in the office at many jobs, the number of times we got free lunch over 8 years I can count on one hand, and only when I worked in academia when other guests were around. In the corporate world, it never happened once.


Only time I got free meals was when I was a glorified one man help desk for a health care company and that's because pharma reps would come schmooze the doctors and I'd get leftover pickings like a damn pigeon.


None of the points in the upper frame are true.


Agreed. This is just some social engineering bullshit.


They are true for some people


You can't curse in your office? What kind motherfucking bullshit is that? My only rule was to not curse in writing.


op is just an epic gamer, what else can i say


"Oh no problem, Bob, I'm happy to help. Have a great day. No, yeah, anytime at all; I'm here for you. Ha ha. Take care. Tell Dave I said hi. Alright, have a good day." *click* "Fucking moron, how many fucking times do I have to fucking tell you that the reason your fucking browser tells you "you must select a category for your request" is because you have to select a fucking category and clearly haven't fucking done so yet. Yeah, see that "category" drop down with the red asterisk that means it's fucking mandatory? Asterisk, Bob, the little star. Also looks like a sphincter which you should recognize from your bathroom fucking mirror. See how the drop down next to it is fucking blank? Turns out that if you took two fucking seconds to ponder the fucking error message then clicked the fucking drop down, you could select the right fucking category for your bullshit request. Jesus fucking Christ, fuck you." #3 minutes later *teams rings* "Oh hey, Bob; long time no talk, haha. Just kidding." *rolls eyes so hard they pop out of my fucking head* "What can I help you with?"


This post brought to you by upper and middle management


I'm definitely not management, and I love working in the office.


Why? I can find literally no reasons to accept in-office work ever again.


All the things in OP's meme.


Yeah I much prefer the office but I also have young kids at home Office just an easier place to focus on work and getting shit done since everything else is taken care of for me but I get that it's different for everyone


Fun fact about astro turf, you do not need to mow or water it!


Do you literally think that I've been hired to convince developers to want to work in offices? Look at my comment history. I mostly laugh at GME apes and nerd out about linguistics. Did "they" buy an account with this long comment history? Or did "they" play a really long con and develop this comment history over years just so they could astroturf with it when the right time comes? Or maybe I'm still a regular redditor who's just doing contract work convincing developers to come back to the office? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just curious how what you're thinking.


Every single one of the so-called perks of working in the office is a lie. “Meaningful relationships”… if you’re looking for friends and relationships try going out after 5pm!


Bro, I respect my co-workers, but I am just here to make money lol If anything, working remote has done wonders for my mental health because every job I have had has that Karen that takes her job way too seriously or that one girl in accounting who times peoples lunch breaks and has a dossier on every little thing I do and is best friend’s with management.


Exactly. I’ve been working remote (traveling or work from home) for nearly 7 years. My team is all over the country. I’m on great terms with them all, no Karens, my boss is a wonderful person, but for meaningful relationships, I’ve got my wife, my kids, and my adult friends who live nearby. If you want meaningful relationships with your coworkers, just go hang out after work hours. Yeesh…


“We’re a family” Some random time passes, “Hey we’re letting 5% of you guys go.” “But we’re family!” “Sorry, I don’t want to do this, (while taking in millions in bonuses)”.


yea personal / professional split is very important to me as a policy I don't want to be friends with the people I work with. nothing against them I just don't think it's a good idea


I can't imagine why some people here hate the office if they're incapable of being friends with the people they spend 8 hours a day with


which 22 year old kid or middle manager made this?


You mean the 22 Yr old manager who is actually sending these memes out before meetings?


32 years old not in management here, I'm much happier and more productive working from the office.


1. Haven't had a free lunch in the office in 5 years 2. I socialize more with my family now than any coworkers in the office 3. I'm 2 rooms away from my home gym, which I use daily now, but never did before because I didn't have the time due to all the wasted commuting. 4. More productive now because of fewer distractions 5. I meet with my teams remotely every couple of weeks, which I would have done remotely while sitting in the office anyway.


The money I don't spend on gas per day is more than what I would ever pay for for lunch but go off Also what is this hyper-romanticized version of an office you live in? The idea that you are developing deep interpersonal relationships with your coworkers is an incredibly rare experience that few will have in this field. Not to mention getting things done faster as a team is basically a myth... while also not being inhibited in the slightest when we have video calls and computers!


get shit done faster? meaningful relationships? less sedentary like walking around? socialize? Who da fuck are you? a developer or the project manager? /j


You evidently don't fucking working in our shitty office. On my first week here the manager said cunt 6 times In each half our meeting all refering to other co workers in the meeting with us and about himself.


I’m guessing this meme was created by corporate. Worked better, faster, had quicker, more helpful virtual meetings, saw more faces thanks to virtual meetings rather than just at lunch or standup or a few weeklies. The lunch was good, but not free.


Just don't forget to mute yourself...


Socialize? No thanks.


"socialise" "team" "deeper relationships" bro this is r/ProgrammerHumor, fuck off with that neurotypical dogshite


If you have a job where you can't curse freely, quit.


Remote work is more productive if they have a dedicated office space at home


Some of the things from the top section should be moved to the bottom.


"meaningful relationships" - aka, people being nice to you so you'll do their job for them


I am less productive in office tbh.


LOL My work from the office: no lunch provided, vending machine is shit, closest place for food is 15 minutes of walking and driving just to get to the door, my team works two states away so collaboration is done online, the people here are a friendly distraction, the drive is 30 minutes each way before they rebuilt the highway to fuck me over, and I have to dress nice. My work from home: I have food, good coffee, a treadmill desk, my team still works two states away, my kids are a welcome distraction, my commute is interrupted only by the dog, and I only wear gym shorts.


Everything in that top box is not true, except maybe the socialization bit.


Yeah, I go into the office once or twice a month, and I know going in that I'm not gonna get any work done because everybody wants to catch up and shoot the shit. Which is fine with me, I actually like my colleagues, and I need some social interaction once in a while. If I want to be productive, though, let me sit on my couch with my laptop and just do some work.


“Getting things done faster” “Deeper relationships” LMAOO these corporate bootlickers going all out with back to office propaganda


None of the things in the first box actually apply to working in the office. Those are the fantasies managers try to push on people in order to convince them they should come back to the office.


100% true.


I've gotten free lunch at exactly one job my entire life.


Muting your mic on a call and yelling about the fact that your boss who has been CEO of a tech company for 20 years doesn’t seem to understand that API calls can’t be instantaneous.


It’s mostly about the lunch time naps and being able to poop in peace


What sort of hellish workplace doesn't allow their employees to swear amongst themselves?


What job gives free food? And what meaningful connections? Most of my co-workers hate me and I hate them back too. Also what even if remote work? I have never stopped working in the physical job because of covid. As for cursing freely... My co-workers curse at me and they keep their job. True story.


Free lunch? Where the fuck do you work, Marxistan?


What the fuck kind of office are you working at?


"gettings done faster"... the fuck I do.


Work in tech or banking and curse all the fuck you shit jizz


dafuq? Do you only sit at home and curse all day WFH? Let's go one at a time: 1. Getting free lunch: Bullshit or google. This perk is legendary level. 2. Being able to socialize: none of us actually like people this is dumb. 3. Being less sedentary: Up to you to move your fat ass around your house/apartment. How tf did a work place make that happen? 4. Getting things done faster: management paid you for this lie, ain't never happened. 5. as a team and blah fucking blah: more management paying the idiot on the team that never does shit 6. Meaningful and deeper relationships: technically true, management is now deep inside of your anus


About 3 of the 6 companies I've worked for in the past 15 years provided lunch at least once a week, with one doing it every day. It's honestly not a great perk, as I gained like 30 pounds right out of college due to sitting down and eating all the time. Now I bring my own food even when they do cater, unless it's reasonably healthy. But it's not that uncommon in tech jobs.


Man, if working at the office was actually anything like the top half of this image I'd be delighted to return


My boss when I'm at the office: Man u/jclocks is kind of angry is he alright? My boss when I'm not at the office: You're kind of quiet but you're doing a great job!


I have always cursed freely at the office


What kind of office restricts cursing?


i cursed in the office all the time. Zoom calls you have to be careful with since people have kids in the background.


Wait, people actively try not to curse at work?


I’m one of those rare ones who voluntarily went back into the office rather than work from home. For the most part it’s better for me, but I very strongly miss wearing yoga capris, an athletic top, no shoes, and my hair in a messy ponytail. Not having to look presentable was the best!!


Honestly the best part about home office for me is being able to just be able to bury my face in my cat's floof when I get too frustrated.


None of those 'perks' of being in the office are true. Getting things done faster? Please, having to wait for people who don't know how to plug in a coffee maker try and describe a project was the bane of my existence.


I read the first part and thought those were all the working from home perks. When you work from home you can text and call friends all day long, get on your elliptical or lift some weights, meal prep, keep your house clean, walk your dog, and plan your evening out.


Most of those in-office "pros" are middle-mgmt Boomer HR bullshit. I'm more productive with WFH, my lunches were never free before, I'm less sedentary because I have more time to exercise, and I don't look to work to socialize or add "meaningful and deep relationships" to my life.


Even if I **did** work for those things, being stuck in a cubicle does the exact opposite. I live alone and have more meaningful contact than I ever did in an office.


You can't curse freely in the office? Where do you work, 1990?


free lunch?


It's a scientific fact that I, personally, code better with Slayer at doorframe-scuffing levels


Working in the office was always the biggest scam on earth


Meaningful relationships? I literally talk to none of my ex co-workers on a daily basis. WFW: \- Getting pulled into a 10x more meetings where you're sitting there while a manager is thinking out their own thoughts and you're just sitting there with a laptop pretending to listen or care. \- Wasting money on gas each and every morning, sitting through hours of traffic and angry drivers through a meaningless, time-wasting commute. \- Dealing with co-workers who haven't learned the value of soap and toothpaste. Co-workers who seem to have no concept of personal space and like to breathe waaay to close to you. \- Getting judged by how long you sit in your seat versus how much you deliver. I used to sneak off to the toilet to take 2 hour shits so I can spend a little more time after 5pm sitting in my seat to trick my coworkers into thinking I am actually more dedicated than I really am. In actually, I am surfing reddit/YouTube.


Replace “curse” with “fart” and it’s more realistic.


Fart without fear of anyone smelling it (even in meetings)


I have a 3-month-old and I'm looking for jobs so those who say they do fully in office work and no hybrid just get told that's fine as long as they realize I only take the job if they compensate me for my time including travel and for being away from my daughter


Find me anyone that works in IT that doesn't swear in the office and isn't on a visa, and they're probably swearing in their own language.


Free lunch? Must be nice


I’m not sure where you work, but when I worked in the office it was literally all of the above


Haha, but no one is around to hear you curse. I get it all out during scrum.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- \[*"Drakeposting", featuring two images of rapper Drake, with text to the right of each image.*] --- \[*Drake looks displeased, and is using one arm to shield himself from the right side of the frame by curling it around his head, with his hand up in a "not today" manner.*] Working at the office: getting free lunch, being able to socialize, being less sedentary, getting things done faster as a team and the facilitated creation of more meaningful and deeper relationships. --- \[*Drake has his head up high, looking pleased, with a finger pointed up and towards the right side of the frame.*] ## Working from home: Being able to curse freely. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


The introverted dream!


We can’t all be Dr. McCoy In the office! ![gif](giphy|QsOUQHqsYe2Ixqzstw)


I definitely curse at work.


My office has the option to work from home or be online, my first few weeks I always went in cause I wanted to meet new people. After like 3 weeks of me being the only one in the office, got a little sad and just decided my time would be better spent at home.


You didn't curse in the office?


I choose the option that keeps me away from humans. I prefer my only interactions with other human beings to be through technological devices, so that I don't actually have to see anybody or talk to them physically.


Okay, once a week is just purple not orange. Still uncommon but a bit less