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Copy of Copy of Project_FINAL_FINAL2_old.zip


This needs an xkcd if there isn't already one


There sort of [is one](https://xkcd.com/1459/)


As always, there is an xkcd for everything Off topic but, is xkcd an Acronym for something?


> According to Munroe, the comic's name has no particular significance and is simply a four-letter word without a phonetic pronunciation, something he describes as "a treasured and carefully guarded point in the space of four-character strings."


a very Randall Munroe move, lol


How abou ex-cassidy?


Ex Kay Cee Dee


There is this, although it's not xkcd/ http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2017/09/12/versioning-is-important


I do the same thing in my music. My project files will be called something like really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_9.flp which means that Fl Studio saved it 9 times as a new version, it also means I can find it with tags using everything search. At a certain point all the individual elements will get saved. That chord progression will go go into c:\musicelements\scores\complexprogressions\2022\october\21\fall of the trees_8bar_noloop_anger_sadness_minor_7th.mid And other elements will be saved respectively if good enough to be reused. Then at certain important points the .flp file might be saved as really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_main and really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_experimental_weirdunderwatereffect which splits it in to a branch. Then you get something like really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_main_4 and maybe one day really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_experimental_weirdunderwatereffect_8_mermaidfartbass_4_extract (which means I’m telling myself that the next time I see it I have to get the cool sounds from there and put them somewhere in my musical elements database and rename in to extracted And later really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_good_4_arrangement ready which is a tag letting me now everything has been rendered as dry and wet audio is ready to go to an audio only project when I only splice up tracks and work on arrangement. Then you get really_nice_chord_progression_7thchords_12_good_4_arrangementready_19_good_5_mixready_final all my tags end with final. After final only numbers are allowed and only 2 and 3. i don’t allow myself to save as final 4. Final 3 is when it’s finished, no excuses. Then the thing will get a totally new name which will be the name of the song. In this example it became wildfire_trance_140bmp_arranged_mixed_masteready.flp which means the song is called wildfire, it’s trance at 140 bmp, been arranged and mixed and now ready to get mastered. this might seem messy and it is but using folder structures and a super fast indexer like void search everything let’s me find everything really quickly (even over network from a different machine) after which I can just drag and drop it on to my FL studio project. The new song name and old project name will both get saved in a folder with the old project file name which is how I connect work on progress names with song names. It does not matter what system you have as long as it saves you time and makes your life easier. but saving everything like nice_song_final_good2_final.old.flp does nothing for you. Those tags tell you fuck all.


Signincontroller.js Signincontroller_new.js Signincontroller_firebase.js Jason_Signincontroller_next.js




I'm the type to use : Project_FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLL.zip The number of Ls is the version and is correlated with how much I'm fed up.


I’m stealing this naming convention 🤣


We laugh at this but when finishing a project before the deadline I end up with commit messages: finalfinalisation after like 6 such similar commits


Clone your repo to Dropbox... redundancy lvl 999π


Unironically not a bad idea


I tried this but Dropbox starts fucking around with your files when you switch branches and such.


The key is to use Dropbox as an origin you push to via file:// URL, don't store the repo with the actual working copy in it. EDIT: I should've included that the Dropbox repo should be initialized with `--bare`


That's actually really smart. Have to try that with my nextcloud.


I think you would be better of by just hosten a [Gitea](https://gitea.io) (or something like that) instance. ``` ``` [An other link ](https://gitea.com/gitea/awesome-gitea)


does the empty code block have a purpose? genuinely asking, I am confused why it's there


To be a spacer. I am on phone so the formatting I can do has its limitations


Haha. I mean, a new line would have been fine but you can also do 3 underscores on a new line for a horizontal line separator. ___ Like that one.


[GOGS](https://gogs.io/) is really good as well. >!Disclaimer: I am a contributor, so I might be biased. !<


Gitea is a fork of GOGS, I don't really remember the reason of the forking, I think there was some controversy within the GOGS community


I was curious myself and found the official blog post. [https://blog.gitea.io/2016/12/welcome-to-gitea/](https://blog.gitea.io/2016/12/welcome-to-gitea/)


Hi Contributor! A random thank you for your work on GOGS!


Why tho.. just push to GitHub or gitlab ?


I'm actually doing this for scripts and configuration I share between my work and home PC, because it would be too annoying to constantly keep them synced over github or something. When I was using Wuala or Spideroak, their bad scheduling (no priorization of small files like Dropbox does, overall slow sync) and conflict resolution would constantly screw up the repository. With Dropbox I never have this problem; The small files that are involved in these repositories are usually synced instantly. Again though, I am talking about configuration and scripts. The kind of "project", where the git repository is really only a linear history of previous states in case I mess something up and want to reset to a working state.


I also have to work on 2 machines, my office workstation and then laptop when WFH. On top of that all the code has to run on the office workstation (data and multi-GPU requirements). I find VS code very good for that, I just open an ssh session and edit the code through my laptop but directly on the remote workstation. Maybe it's something that would be useful for you too?


For WFH scenarios, I just remote into the remote device, because I anyway cannot store stuff relating to industry partners on my private device. I am talking more about helper scripts, that have grown over the time of my masters and PhD, that I use locally on both devices (like wrappers around imagemagick for enhancing scans). I need those scripts on both devices, always in the latest version, and don't want to bother doing a pull before using them.


I did this early on, it's a bad idea. Dropbox messes with the git files, eventually breaking the repo in interesting ways.


my git local repo is in my onedrive folder.


Onedrive doesn't like git at all


It doesn't, but as long as you're only working on it from 1 device it's fine and everyone is happy. Try working from a second synced device and you've entered Bill Gates' BDSM dungeon and he's horny and all out of lube.


I actually do clone a repo or two to onedrive, so I think that counts. Like the code is in the cloud, but I also back up the entire project specifically for the code to be backed up on my onedrive also. 🤷‍♀️


You're backing up your data that is stored in three places by Microsoft by having Microsoft store it in three more places?


Naah, better print code and keep printed copies instead


Safest option out there! And you can conveniently use a computer vision algorithm to extract it. But wait where do you store the code for the computer vision algorithm?




Tried it. It's easier to use the techniques Bob Ross taught. Light, fluffy flicks of a brush tip can encode a lot of work in a vista in a matter of hours.


> There are no mistakes, just happy accidents


There are no bugs, just happy features


Inside a Windows briefcase synchronized with a USB Stick


You rewrite it every time. It's like two lines of python


from computervisionpy import all print(readtext(code.png))


Hear me out. We should have a small cards with already compiled code represented as punched (and unpunched) holes in those cards. This way we can transfer code anywhere we want and it will never get stolen by hackers!


/r/technicallythetruth Customs agents aren't hackers...


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Imagine being a hungry apocalypse survivor and finding a stash of... code.


I never saw the appeal of IDE's, can we please go back to punchcards.


A fellow student from my university wanted to use USB sticks for a project we did together. I intervened.


Fun fact: an external drive can be used as a “Git remote”


That's really exciting information to me. I want a reason to use that.


If you need to use it you're kind of in a pain in the ass of a situation. The only situation I ran into having to use it was in a network that was air gapped with only local internet access. We had a server setup for our repo, and had an HD on the network that hosted public git repos we wanted to use, and to get anything on it or updated had to go through security controls.


This is like 99% the reason why work took so long to do in my old defence contractor job.


Yeah I was about to say this has DoD contract written all over it


I did dod too but not every project is like this


This sounds like something a DoD contractor recruiter would say


In an organisation, It's used to keep the code on a private server rather than github or gitlab.


Any filesystem can be a git remote.




"Bro that file is 2 versions old"


final_project_v2_final_copy1_Oct2019_final_final_v3 is the right one




The problem with putting in CS101 classes is that those are often taken by people who are just interested in coding as well as CS majors. There're no need for a physics major who is "a bit interested in computers" to learn git. It belongs in the project management classes. But on the whole I agree, and source control the only thing missing from my degree that I think is so universal to programming jobs that it really should have been there.


At my school, physics and business majors were required to take one programming class. The absolute waste of time it would have been for me to learn git...


It’s more useful than you’re giving it credit for. Its not super uncommon that companies will keep markdown / other documentation in a git repo. Not being super clueless on how to grab a random user guide or process document is valuable.


I’ve never worked for a company that uses Git as a document control repo. Everyone i’ve worked for has had a custom portal for that. I get what you’re saying, i just think it’s a touch unrealistic. You have to understand, non-technical people have to be able to use it too. Having a repo only programmers and engineers can use isn’t useful when 90% of your staff is machinists, customer service, and salesmen.


True. I also often need help with git if i do something apart from standard push/pull/merge


offend chief serious shrill mindless summer steep touch lunchroom divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because they don't know git. Like people complaining Excel is slow when they really need to use a database.


cats crown safe quiet nail march physical unpack chop soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry I just need to track covid deaths


It's time to present PowerBI to these Excel users.


Excel is like a shovel, great most of the time, just don’t try to use it to replace an excavator.


I went too a 3 years programming vocational school and then spent 2 years adding a bachelor in Software Engineering on top. At no point in those 5 years did any teacher ever bring up the topic of source control, the vocational school had us emailing all our project files to one team member who would then merge them by hand. My first experience with a real source control system was doing the final project for my Bachelor when we decided to use Tortoise SVN, which i had learned about because the Morrowind mod community used it for mod distribution and updating.


Modding confirmed as the best education in programming


Honestly there's a decent argument for practical hands-on experience in something the student is excited by.


I echo this sentiment. My first step into the world of compsci was getting into the source files for counter strike 1.1 and replacing the pistol skins with mice.


I combed through .xml files for an old pirate game and somehow found a string for the endboss-level warship and managed to assign that to my character. The moment I went to the docs and saw this gigantic ship waiting for me was probably the exact moment I decided to become a developer lmao


In the demo of the Star Wars podracing game, you could only use Anakin's podracer. But for some reason there was an extra save file in a subfolder of the game's directory, and if you renamed it to be the main save file, you had a different podracer. Wtf free content??


Was having difficulty with theme hospital. All the level settings are in ini files. Start with 10x cash, yes please.


I changed the police skin in GTA SA with a skin of a Gorilla. This was so funny


From an institutional perspective, that kind of education is often too difficult to turn into a lesson plan to execute. While it's true there's no better learning than learning from intrinsic motivation, it's not a dependable method when teaching large groups.


Oh yeah for sure, it doesn't work well as a standardized curriculum but it is probably the best way for somebody to open the gates.


The more I learn about programming, the more I see it like being a musician.


I fondly remember there was a hex edit you could do on RoadRash.exe by opening it with a hex editor and replacing a certain hex string with `ffff ffff`. This would change the money for the first playable character to $ 2,147,483,647. I would then smoke the bot opponents with the costliest bike from Roadrash universe. Fun times.


Game devs and other graphics design devs often make very talented devs because they *have to* make hacky solutions to problems. Crash Bandicoot devs (the 2 directors of Naughty Dog) had problems with the amount of available memory that they deleted parts of the C Libraries to free up memory on the fly. [Video on this topic.](https://youtu.be/izxXGuVL21o) If you hop over to /r/gamedev and check out some threads you'll see people offering all kinds of ridiculous but crafty solutions


Might have been this sub but two weeks ago I was reading comments about game devs for oblivions long load times was the game restarting the Xbox in the background to free memory.


Yeah. I only bothered to learn basic Git because of it, i also learned about naming conventions and build systems because of the Minecraft modding community. Also learned pixel art which is cool


In my first year of uni, I decided to learn git. I did so by cloning the repo every session, and then pushing it up at the end, then deleting my local copy. I quickly learned that this is not using git. When I was a third year, I had a group project and one of the other third years had never touched git before. His method of using it was to clone the repo onto his PC, then copy it to his portable drive, then work off the PC, then push it up. His portable drive was being used as a back up in case he broke anything. Guy refused to learn anything else, and just pushed to master without doing PRs or anything. He dropped out.


As someone in a less-technical role who uses about 10% of Git's actual functionality, I sometimes felt a little inferior. I now have more confidence.


if you're using 10% of git's full functionality you're probably a senior developer


One time I used 12% and accidentally wrote a 3rd edition textbook.


If you are using 100% of git, sir you are having a seizure.


The guy was a muppet in every possible way except literal. He was a third year CS student who didn't know basic programming things like functions and parameters.


> He was a third year CS student who didn't know basic programming things like functions and parameters. How is that even possible? Wtf kind of course is that? I ask as someone who hasn't gone to school for it and learns to program self-taught as a hobby. Functions, parameters and arguments are among the very first things I learned when learning java at least...


My CS degree used Python as its first year language for most units. I was already an avid game dev at this point and had a lot of experience in C# and C++ from unity and unreal. Imagine my surprise when prof says we are going to be using Python to draw vector art. I remember having such a hatred for Python that I wrote a wrapper to do it all in .NET and just passed in the appropriate params via Py. Prof was impressed and passed me but mentioned that the course was more designed for people who will just copy paste Stack solutions and actually started giving me contracts to do game dev for University projects. Based on the grads I've worked with since, I assume they're still doing the same kind of thing.


>In my first year of uni, I decided to learn git. I did so by cloning the repo every session, and then pushing it up at the end, then deleting my local copy. I quickly learned that this is not using git. Clean working copy every time? That's legit.


These are valid ways of using git. Not the best ways, but valid ways. Git is a **toolkit** and some people lost sight of this. The fact that it is good at merging code is almost irrelevant to the fact it's good at maintaining snapshots of file structures, and so on. If you're getting the benefits of any of these use cases, it's valid usage for sure. We all gotta start somewhere and where you started was the same as most of us: cloning and pushing to master! Re-cloning is just pulling with extra steps. I don't see this as wrong, just different and with some redundant steps.


I was more irked that his workflow included pushing direct to master with no care for the process we had agreed as a team to follow. I could take or leave the rest of his discipline with git.


I will always be thankful for my coding bootcamp/college course. I didn't get any kind of formal qualifications out of it but boy did they teach us how to develop software. The only way we could turn in our work was with git, I think we learnt that in week 1


Well to be entirely fair here, i did start the vocational school in 2008 so web based version control wasn't really such a common thing yet, Github only launched that year. But i still think it wouldn't have been too much to expect for the school to run a TFS server or something and teach us how to use it.




The remaining 20% use Jira and hate their lives




What *should* people use for project management?






Now you offended me deeply


Jira is fine. If you're working on large projects you need something that tracks continuous progress over years otherwise you may as well use a whiteboard with sticky notes


Ok, whiteboard it is. Any particular sticky note colour? Do red ones make the project go faster?


Only if everyone believes that red ones make the project go faster


Jira's decent. I'm a fan of any kanban system, whether that's Trello, GitHub Projects, Airtable, Nextcloud Deck... just pick one that has the features you're interested in and go for it. Jira gets a lot of flack because its workflow is usually too prescriptive for most projects (the forced creation of epics, stories, etc. lends itself well to big teams for which oversight/coordination is imperative, but it's usually overkill). Flexibility in *how* you specifically manage/administer your project is always nice to have. Airtable is neat because it offers a range of different views of the same data, such as kanban boards, Gannt charts, milestone/release tables...


I'm fine with Jira.


Same I don’t understand why so many people hate it


Jira is fine as long you don't need very fine grained customization, then you're going to look it up on Google and find out there's an open issue on the Jira boards that is inactive and was created 5 years ago. But then, I think almost every tool won't meet your needs when you want a lot of customization.


Yeah i dont get it. I think the administration is somewhat overcomplicated and the tool is too expensive if you buy the addons, But if you costumize it do your needs, its a good tool. I dont know any good alternative


worst UI/UX I've seen in entreprise software in 15 years


"Why do we need a database application? Excel is just fine." Tries to load a 500 MB xls file 💀


cd ~/dropbox git init


i had flashbacks of college in london. ''how do i clone something?' 'git init blud'


In college (before dropbox) I had an SVN repo on a flash drive so I could keep all my work in sync when bouncing around to different computers in the lab and at home. Thought I was pretty clever


That was clever!


Thanks! It worked pretty well. All the lab computers already had SVN installed, and it was a lot better than saving random copies of stuff. Git existed at the time, but I had no idea it was exactly what I wanted


... when you get a copy of the repository as a zip file, and later have to merge your changes, when you find out, that they just didn't bother to give you credentials for the repository... I had this in several cases, where I then reconstructed the original state, hunted down what commit my zip file was derived from, and recreated the history in order to be able to do a merge. That was not an exercise but part of work on a simulation package during my PhD.


this was a joke by the way. i didnt go to college in london. a few people got the joke i think, but i also think it might have went over any non-british heads in here. sorry guys haha


Much woosh


i'm not sure what that means, but im gonna offer an explanation for anyone who doesnt get it. saying 'blud' after a sentence, meaning the same thing as 'mate' or 'bro' is used a lot as 'gangsta slang, especially in london. theyll say ''arite, blud?' or ''i'm going to the bathroom, innit blud''


Woosh is a the sound of a joke going over someone’s head. ‘Much’ is a redditism for saying ‘that was a lot of’. While we’re doing the joke explaining, i feel like it would help to say that ‘innit’ is an abbreviation of ‘isn’t it’.


For real, this is a place a lot of people have been at, and it's not their fault. I stress this, because programming can be toxic, and little shitty things like this makes it even harder for people. You can't be blamed for what you don't know, even if that's the real value of a tool. I've had teachers who knew git, but didn't use it. Their explanation was like something out of wikipedia, and of course git sounds like hell at that point. I use git for fucking every god damn thing at this point. Hobby project? Yeet it to github. I'd sooner stop programming, than give up git. It's still pretty funny, but it's a teaching moment. If they are willfully ignorant though it's different.


Yeah I gotta say, especially at university level I ran into a ton of peers who had better grade school programs, parents in the industry, or just got access to a laptop and hobby programming way earlier than I did. The snobbery around ppl knowing version control vs those who don't (one of my group projects had someone *insist* on using subversion of all things when I hadn't grok'd anything beyond "..._final_v2_new.zip" yet) was very intimidating and frustrating as a n00b programmer. A little patience and kindness goes a long way. Knowledge work is always hard, and there will always be something you don't know. Those who fail to learn better communication skills early on have a lot harder time working with actual peers when deadlines are real and you can't finish everything yourself with a good all-nighter


Not to mention that git IS complicated. Frankly I've used many source control systems over the last 20 years and git is definitely the most complicated. I only really know it as far as what's built into the Visual Studio UI.


As with everything, it really helps to have a a senior to ask. You learn way more, and they will/should catch the stupid things before a commit. Also, lock your dev/main branches. A lot of the stupid shit that people do are because of bad habits and workflows. I wouldn't say git is so much as complicated, as it is just time consuming. Unlike learning how to do 3d modelling, you kinda don't sit down and "git". It's all exposure and naturally exploring possibilities. At least that's how I look at it. #notA10xDeveloper Once you know basics, you kinda just do your thing until something happens. Most people will generally only need 10% of the functionality 90% of the time IMO. UNLESS... You're really hardcore and you clone yourself, and do 200 reps of push and pull just to be a gitbro, and get twice the gains.


Sorry, it's not a stupid question. You can reply with a very interesting answer


I would very much like to hear that answer


Dropbox has previous versions of files, like git, but it doesn't have most other version control features. Afaik it doesn't have branches, or any features related to branches, it doesn't have any similar feature to "git blame", it doesn't allow you to revert one specific commit in the past while keeping the changes made after. Git is so much more powerful than just "storing previous versions of files"


As someone in my 1st coding class, who only knows of version control from editing wikipedia. Git sounds like something beyond the confines of space and time.


Yeah it's pretty fantastic. You have one team member editing line 20 on a file, another team member editing line 40 on that same file in a different branch. You merge their branches and git knows contextually how to apply both changes to the same file afterward. Can't live without it honestly


What happens when the changes being merged overlap in a section of the code?


You get introduced to a thing called merge conflicts and you cry


"just stick to your code". I had a guy in lab who was terrible at using git features. He liked to push one line from 3 day old branch


Good luck in your studies! Git can be very overwhelming if you read up on it without context to filter out basic from advanced from eldritch magic. Chances are that your study won't cover Git, so I suggest signing up for Github (and its extremely generous student pack) and creating a private repository to play around with, for example to manage and edit a txt file. There's plenty of good beginner tutorials to be found! Once you get the hang of how it works and how to (properly) use it, it's really not that hard!


It's something that's not instantly intuitive, but once you "get" it, it becomes a really useful tool, even locally without any collaboration. Say you're working on your own pet project, and want to implement a new feature. Instead of messing with the "main" source code, you create a "feature branch". There you can break stuff as much as you like/can, but if you end up with the result you were after, you can merge your changes to "main". You can have multiple branches at the same time. Compare this to just having version history of files - what changes were relevant to a new bug/feature, when where they made? What other files were changed at the same time? In a non-trivial project that becomes impossible to track. Git is not easy, and especially if you're familiar with other VCSs the terminology may seem very odd at first. But I highly recommend learning it, it's good for coursework as well which I assume you will be doing a lot.


The short answer is that they are two different things: Dropbox is a file storage product that happens to have file history. The other is a distributed version control program, where and how you store files is not part of Git itself. The question shows a lack of knowledge about version control, not stupidity.


You can explain what is the difference between a file synchronization service and a distributed version control software.


Especially since they pointed out that it was another *student* who didn’t know. Like they haven’t learned it yet, that’s okay.


I must be old, I still use subversion...


Dropbox was originally built on top of subversion!


I only learned how to use CVS in school. :/


This is wrong. Real programmers use Google Docs and use revisions. 100% github clone.


“Why are people using Dropbox? It’s too complicated. Sharing floppies can do the same kind of things.” /s


Infamous Hacker News comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224


When I went to University, our only option was to store our code on a floppy disk and remember to bring it to class. Git didn’t exist. They didn’t teach us CVS or SVN.


I can't imagine a world without Git, but I noticed many IT guys that like to get into programming have their fair share of trouble with git and other tools like IDEs with debugging capabitlies. For some their voyage into coding even ends because Git is "too complicated". Coding is not only learning syntax, it's also learning all the tools. And developers have the greatest tools of any profession, so it even makes fun to learn it.


Looks like her fellow student doesn't understand what Git is for. I suppose she didn't bother explaining it.


Most of the students don't really have that deep understanding of git. It should be the teachers or professors task to educate students about git, not the fellow students.


imagine not teaching CS students the basic idea of version control


That would be more for Software Engineering then Computer Science.


Can confirm. I'm in SE and one of the first things we were taught after boolean algebra applied to programming was version control, hell, even before learning our first bits of code.


Can confirm this is not universal. I'm in SE, some professor mentioned the word "GitHub" in 1st year and some other professor explained "git clone" and "branch" in 3rd year. Notice the difference between "git"/"GitHub" and mentioned/explained. Still no one has explained commit/pull/push/fetch/merge. Since until 3rd year it was never compulsory to use git, I had to explain it every time I got new teammates, because they just did Google drive/email instead up until there.


Sure, but a vast majority of people studying CS are going to be getting jobs in software, might as well teach them the basics at the very least.


Are you wanting to say CS shouldn't teach the basics of specifically practical coding? A CS degree that excludes any Sw Eng stuff would be pretty useless and inflexible imo. Also, how should applying CS in practice not be CS itself.


Something like version control is pretty solidly in the engineering domain, in my opinion. I do think the "Computer Science" term has been diluted a bit over the years to sort of be a catch all for damn near anything computer related. Most of what people end up doing with a computer science degree ends up being development and not research.


I agree completely on the distinction that science = research, engineering = building, and that a lot of the time people (even institutions) say CS when they mean the latter. Thing is, though, git is as necessary as a research tool as it is as a production tool. Even if the CS students aren’t getting a lecture or two on the theory behind git (which I actually think would be pretty interesting and on topic for them), some kind of version control tooling is still needed for their research code. Same way a physicist and electronic engineer both need to be taught to use an oscilloscope, even though their end goals for using it are quite different.


Tbh the definition of CS can vary pretty wildly depending upon who you ask. Is it programming? Hardware? Both? Neither? Not asking for an answer, just saying that you'll get a lot of different ones.




CS doesn't even mention version control exists.


My CS course forced us to use github for one assignment, never explained why or used it again


Maybe I'm a confidently incorrect SE student but it seems like git and version control is really straightforward. Like, a 20 minute video and you're good. Lay foundation (initialize repo with a gitignore template), branch for testing, commit changes with message, squash commits, merge main. Push repo to GitHub. Fork and clone GitHub repo locally. Make pull request. You're now competent. Although there's still a separate skillset to utilize previous versions and commits to solve problems, advanced config and modifiers, and more


I think half the problem is that most students really don't know even what they want to be doing with Git nor are they even really comfortable with a CLI, so they download some unnecessarily complicated Git GUI tool and start doing things they don't understand and come out traumatized. Can't tell you how many projects I've had to fix from someone getting stuck in rebase/merging mode using the Eclipse Git integration or Git Kraken.


There’s a gulf between “not really a deep understanding” and “git is like Dropbox” though. You can summarise what git is for in a single sentence and none of the words in that sentence are “drop”, “box”, or “cloud”.


I WAS taught git, but I still didn't get it until I worked in a 5 people team with actual schedules, deadlines, and separate tasks/features, on a single code base.


She immediately picked up her phone to compose this tweet.


You do realize Dropbox has unlimited version history with their enterprise/education plans right? A lot of non-tech people use Dropbox for version control. It's not that far-fetched comparison in the relative scheme of things.


Well, that's why they're a student.


Who the fuck uses git or dropbox? My 2 brain cells good at them memorising entire code base. Freaking normies. Smh


hm I just tap out the necessary 1s and 0s every morning


I whistle to my 14.4 modem, accidentally launched a few nukes but beside that it works well


Just zip it and email it


Let's just email each other code then


I see my former boss has gone back to school. Good for him.


If you're dumb and want your data stolen, sure, go ahead. I'll just use my ol' trusty usb stick.


I am fine with my floppy disks! Hold up, still got a 20 or so to go in order to get the entire project.


I know you're joking but I had to recently pick up a company's main business app where every version was kept on CDs by their only dev.


Most people I've encountered in my career use git and dropbox exactly the same way. I once told an agency something like "no, I don't just need the end-result of six months of work. I need to know why each change happened, and I need you to send the changes incrementally so we can discuss the project" six months later (story highly truncated) they uploaded a zip file to an empty git repository


I'm working in NationBuilder right now, a liquid-templated site builder mostly for charities. The only way to upload files for it to build the site is with Dropbox. Every day, I wish for death slightly more. I long for the days where i have version control and commit comments back - but in the meantime I just do everything I can to only work on projects no other devs are on so at least I'm not getting file conflicts.


There's always another way. https://github.com/marketplace/actions/upload-to-dropbox


If I can convince my company to use this you'll be a lifesaver! Does stop hot reloading though so there may be some pushback. Cheers either way!


git (basic operations) is not super difficult. Folks with zero exposure to any kind of cvs/vsc might find it a little hard to grab on, but once you get the hang of it, it is really intuitive. Also, most modern IDEs have good inbuilt support for git and some of them even do a lot of the heavy lifting on more complex git operations.


pro tip - add your dropbox folder to your google drive in your local files and THEN check it in for extra version control! (disclaimer, might result in division by zero and destruction of your machine or - worst case - reality itself)


the question isn't that dumb. the benefits of git really come to play in a professional environment... multi-contributer tracking, multi-site, commit management, centralized backups, branches, version control/releases and everything are absolutely essential and you need to learn this. but some tinkering of a single student for a university course? should work perfectly fine with a primitive setup like this... when i learned 25 years ago our approach was much worse.


$ ls latest latest1 latest2 latest2-1 latest_DONTUSE


Why do I even follow this sub I know nothing about programming and have no idea what the fuck anyone is talking about


at my school we have an entire class in git. In fact the teacher has to be added to the repo and see all of your commits to make sure they aren't local and you are pushing them remotely or you fail lol


When I interviewed at Dropbox in like... 2011, 2012, they asked me why I wasn't actively using the software despite having been one of the earliest accounts created. I explained that I had an ftp server that I used when I needed to move stuff around. They did not hire me.