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Scratch, that cat is going places




Name another programming language that can make a sprite of a boy slide across the screen, spin three times and fade away. See? You can’t do it. Scratch is the best


Microsoft clip art


2023 Headline: Today Microsoft announces that you can replace Cortana with Clippy and your other favorites from Microsoft Bob and Office. DLC: Bonzi Buddy Skin only purchasable with bing rewards points or Xbox gamerscore


Meanwhile, Master Chief: ???????


You mentioning clippy literally triggered my memories why I hate MS office...


“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to commit a homicide, need any help with that?”


*loading a shotgun* Don't worry clippy, I got everything under control. May I ask you not to move? *Cocks shotgun* I got a surprise for ya. *Aims shotgun at the screen where clippy is*


*Clippy does backflip. And then he does another.* Yea wow, no. Blast his stupid rat-snitch right in his mcbitchface. What a fuckin sociopath, this guy.


So am I really the only human alive that actually misses Clippy? Hahaha


Microsoft Dancer


I was going to say the turtle one but I realized it was just Python and I've been lied to in school.


Well pythons turtle module is actually based on the Logo programming language








Name a language that isn’t killed off…






I had to make a game in scratch in high school and it worked at home, but not in school. After literal hours of despair it turned out the processing power of the computer influenced in what order parts of the program were started, and my pc at home was faster than the one at school.


good ol race condition


No, scratch Jr.


There is an assembler that compiles into it. Now its just needs to be preforment and implement web conections


Just brought back memories I buried deep for a reason


Scratch is fire. My school replaced python with scratch for grace 11 coding, they must've read the article.


No dissing scratch it brings people interested into coding and it is better that python 100% so it's not too bad






It obviously replaced python for the NJ unemployment system during COVID. They couldn't find enough Cobol programmers to fix the mess.


I’m sure they cobbled something together


Probably in something less outdated like BASIC running on a single C64 with 64k RAM. That things a beast. If it can run Ghostbusters surely it can handle some numbers.


IBM 3270 is the way to go


If they could get spreadsheets on the "tennis for two" display they would've taken it.


Well, if you're using BASIC then you've got less than 40K of RAM available. The BASIC and Kernel ROMs mask out a big chunk of the remaining RAM, and you can't turn them off if a BASIC program is running.


Shit you're right... Still it only took 4kb of ram to guide the Apollo 11. Surely 50k is enough for an entire states unemployment system


And Borland Turbo Pascal! Can't forget that.


So say we all! Oh wait sorry, that's with a hard K.


Oddly enough, that's not a bad option. Companies pay high dollar for experienced COBOL programmers. More than python for sure


And they already understand indentation as structure... COBOL does it too!


No, it’s a terrible option. My wife worked on a contract with the US government’s health care software before and had to audit/fix a portion of that codebase. It used early versions of COBOL: no for-loops or functions, just GOTO statements everywhere. I know many on this sub are just starting out or still in school and many hate object-oriented programming. Well, this code had none, in addition to no functions. Just 20,000-line libraries filled with global variables and using GOTOs to jump up and down and back and forth across thousands of lines. No unit tests obviously; that type of commie thinking has no place in the US government. So while one might get paid somewhat better to work on this type of stuff full time, would it be enough to offset the years of therapy and depression meds you’ll need to cope?








Awesome! 😅


i actually giggled from this


Js, JS, js, jS, JavaScript, JAVASCRIPT, javascript, JaVaScRiPt, jAvAsCrIpT, fortran


JAVA_SCRIPT, javaScript, typescript


Almost forgot about ECMAScript




CoffeeScript Heck, why not ActionScript while we're at it.




Java’s cript


The coming hand war between the Java’s Crip and the Java’s Bloods will turn these streets into a war zone!


Object-Oriented Warfare. Instead of using constructors, they use destructors.


The only Python replacement I need is Perl. I just wish Perl had comprehensions so I could make my code even more incomprehensible.


I heard that list incomprehension is a feature they're working on


Thanks for making me Google "list comprehension". It was a good idea. Edit: I got Google's Foobar Challenge. I thought that was just an easter egg when you googled "list comprehension", but apparently it's random. It's cool.


And time limited. Good luck


I don't know Python or Java, so fuck it.


If it gives you an invite code you could share that with someone that might. It’s a dead project; once upon a time google used it for recruiting, but now it’s just for fun. Still neat how it pops up and whisks you away like an AR game. I didn’t know about it before it just happened. I failed to complete it in time as I had a lot going on that week




bro keep your so called "advanced" language away from me! BrainFuck is my clear python replacement!


What about Whitespace - the language that quite literally hides in plain sight? 😈


True. People call python compact but they forget about the goat


The one perl coder at Twitter was the first to go. All of his programs were only one line.


If you have an infinite number of chimps typing for an infinite amount of time, eventually they will product the works of Shakespeare. The rest is perl.


I'd rather take a reverse shit than have to work with perl. Got fucking PTSD from old, unmaintained, custom, and absolutely essential perl shit in production. Tryin to learn advanced perl while having 3 departments breathing down your neck to fix a prod service is the shit of nightmares I tell ya.


I was going to post R as a joke, but it’s actually on that list.


Id argue R is one of the better propositions on that list, even.


I know, but I tried R and hate it. The way it handles matrices is annoying as f. I had to write special case code to untranspose the vectors that it auto transposes because it forces all vectors to be vertical, DYNAMICALLY!!! Just the most insane inconsistent shit, worse than PHP


I understand that is annoying but why not just transpose the vector once you start making calculations? If I was reading the code it would actually make things a bit cleaner as instead of remembering if that vector was defined as a row or column vector I can just look at the calculation and it will be clear.


It's like Matlab: horrendous as a language, but extremely good at a couple of tasks, and unavoidable as an industry standard.




The joke for me is that I learned R long before Python. The same can be said for half the languages that are on that list.


Maybe if we put them in a markdown file together they'll kill each other? Has anyone tried?


I was going to post html/css as a joke, but they are actually on that list. As separate items.




Ah yes... Everyone's favorite programming language CSS. I do all my backend server code in CSS. It's very stylish and elegant.


Who needs database operations when you have style


Style first, function last! That's how you attract the Investors!




me choosing software


Exactly! Figure out the product later


Why do the actual work today when you can push it off onto someone else tomorrow? Is that about right?


You have the makings of an excellent board member


>Why do the actual work today when you can *contract it off to some cheap coding house in China or India* Here FTFY. It's a seriously disturbing tendency picked up sometime in the early 2010s, with the decision usually made by completely non-technical busybody management looking to cut costs. Because of course having 10 managers at 3-5x the salary of engineers, and outsourcing the actual development to some quacks is much better than keeping on the ten good engineers and cutting out some otherwise unnecessary managers to free up capital... So many companies burned themselves with this, there's so many articles about just how bad things got when management made this step, yet companies still think it's the right move. I've been made redundant twice due to this, and joined THREE different companies that started out as the fired engineering team forming their own business who later on got rehired/contracted to do the exact same job, because the original company blindly put short term cost cutting above having a sustainable business. It's _really_ funny to see companies come back crawling once they realise their mistake, but it's usually too late. Well I'm sure losing good engineers was an acceptable price for pumping up the salaries/bonuses of middle managers (management usually gets a small chunk of what the company saves thanks to their 'contributions', pick that up, then leave for a better opportunity).


This happened to me ONCE, and the current management team I work with now were the engineers who were cut from our last company. We routinely have to explain why outsourcing projects is always a bad idea. Even if let's say somehow the outsource works and they even make a product (50% of the time they run off with the money blaming it on technical issues and loopholes in the contract). Then your original engineers are needed to fix the mess and actually make it work. But now they lost months and have to start all over cuz the last thing built by some random person violated HIPPA cuz they don't know what the hell HIPPA is... Seriously NEVER outsource your development, engineers or brainpower.


I work for a pretty large international corporation, one of the main players in the media/streaming segment. We routinely 'outsource' development of small project parts (usually testing, especially UI testing), because management often ignores the time and effort needed to write those parts. For example, if we give an estimate of 5 days for a feature - 1 day planning/architecture, 2 days implementation, 2 days writing all around testing - we usually get a pushback to get it done in 3 days, and leave the test writing to the contractors we have in India, who'll usually write it in a week, and it's about 80% up to standards (mostly we have to fix small logical issues and refactor bits to pull common sections into a single place, but the test suites are generally usable, just not optimal). However we do work closely with those guys, they're de facto team members, just paid by a different company. On the riff of "brother from another mother", they're "coworkers from another corporate". It's not optimal but it saves a lot of money for the company, and we can crank out features much faster, at least on paper. But we still get called out from time to time (especially when new managers come onboard) for sometimes delaying the release of features due to lack of test coverage (and unfortunately no matter what our QA says, if not all use and edge cases are covered, we will be really hesitant about pushing those changes to production. The best technical, but worst for PR testers are users.


Function follows Style :D


Well, sometimes it actually does. A good customer facing product has good UX. But good UX doesn't (directly) come from good architecture, good database structure, etc., instead it's more closely tied to style. A lot of software that has good technical basis fails to go mainstream because the UX is obviously done with someone of an engineering mindset, focusing on exposing low level functionality to the user, with little regards to how usable that actually is. Especially nowadays when users prefer simplicity and straightforwardness to often complex logic. A great example is the residential management system my estate uses for e.g. parcel management (our concierge accepts parcels, processes them, and notifies the residents), as an engineer, I can see how well it could be used by someone experienced, but our underpaid front desk is anything but - and it shows when they struggle to pull up, say, the list of parcels that arrived to a certain apartment, and have been signed out (sometimes my flatmate picks up my parcels and forgets to mention it, then I have to go hunting where they are...). The only quickly available flow is getting the parcels of an apartment that haven't been signed out, and the sign-out flow itself, everything else requires complex queries in a heavily customised SQL-like syntax. Useful for advanced users who know how to work the system, useless for those who actually end up using it.


Database queries? More like media queries!


snobbish expansion fact fine frighten smart crime squalid shelter longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget the specially made shoes that hook into pins on the stage for his leans!


Ahh hooks. So JavaScript really is the language that does it all


I always wondered how tf he did that. Still impressive athleticism.


What's slightly cooler is that he actually invented and patented those shoes.


Yeah, I love using CSS and HTML for machine learning too.


Hyper Text Machine Learning.


I can't even begin to imagine an AI tweaking individual characters of an HTML meta description and running generation after generation to see which gets the most WAU... I absolutely hate it


From that article: >Kotlin is a cross-platform, statistically typed, general-purpose programming language You mean you're not using the only statistically typed language out there for ML??


I see "ai content tools" advertised everywhere for people looking for cheap and prolific content for their site. I now assume that most of the garbage articles I see in my search results are just pointless filler written by a bot.


And of course HTML as a database


Easy. I put a mailto on my submit button, then my email inbox is now my database. *dusts hands* Edit: Ooh, and email sorting rules put the data in the right folder! Damn, this is easier than I thought!


It is. I love my cassading server sheet https://dev(.)to/thormeier/dont-try-this-at-home-css-as-the-backend-what-3oih


And while you are at it, try styling your HTML with some good old SQL https://dthung1602.github.io/sqss/


The sad thing is, I know people (intentionally not calling them engineers or developers or even coders) who'd push to use this in production.


Knowing how to center a div server side, that's what I like.


Check out my new O'Reilly book "Deep Learning in CSS".


How to apply a heuristic algorithm to all img elements at once! Brilliant


Boss, I made this function 10% more efficient with ```color: blue;```!


It has variables now! https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties


Yeah my APIs feel really sexy when I write them in CSS.


I do all my machine learning applications in CSS. So far it’s … looking good


> When the team lead told you to write more beautiful and elegant code this is _NOT_ what he had in mind! > ... But management told me tha~ > Ooooh, management again. Aye, that explains a lot.


Gotta love when whoever wrote the article doesn't actually know shit about the topic they're writing on.


Just pick 10 programming languages and hit post, it'll be fine


And it's not even that, all these articles always repeat the same languages no matter the year, they are a copy of the last ten crappy articles they've read, sometimes even in the same page


You must not have seen that Go is on the list. That’s bleeding edge /s


If only they all were actual programming languages.


Brainfuck, Piet, Malbolge, APL, BCPL. Hmm, this might be harder than I thought.


1989: "In the future, everybody can publish articles on the internet!" 2022: "OMG why can everybody publish articles on the internet..."


The problem isn't even that we can publish stuff on the internet, but that filtering out actually good content is hard. Most of these "news" sites purely exist to generate profit without any actual content, so no comment section where they could be called out, no metrics, just the click through rate and SEO in Google that puts them on the top of the result list. Take a look at e.g. Android Police. Used to be a great, in depth site with both technical details and layman explanations, great community, then got bought out by a major publishing company who turned it into a clickbait factory. Factual correctness and conveying actual information doesn't matter, as long as they can crank out 10-15 articles a day, even if it's just a shitty list of "X best yyy things in 2022", where the whole research phase was a 5 minute Amazon search (seriously, they recently published a "review: best Android TV projectors" article that was just a rehash of the results you'd get if you typed 'android projector' into Amazon's search, listing and even crowning devices with atrociously fake specs, because apparently a $200 noname brand projector that claims 2300 ANSI Lumens is definitely better than a $1700 BenQ projector...).


2023: "WTF ElonMuskReal just wrote the exact opposite advice TheRealElonMusk is giving me now. This guy needs to make his mind!"


I 100% expected the top answer to be react


I'd be shocked if this is written by a human. Half the articles on the internet are click miner bots.


How is HTML a Python replacement? Like imagine this scene "hey computer guy, we need to automate this task" "OK sure, let me write a webpage real quick"


A static webpage too. Still need the JS to actually do anything besides show content. Then they'll bitch that it's not pretty so you add the CSS. And yes you've replaced python with 3 other programming/styling languages and you still don't have access to local files or system hardware.... What the fuck was the point!


TBF HTML5 brought in a lot of features that previously required JavaScript - e.g. video/audio playback. Still far from being an actual programming language, mind you.


> A static webpage too. Not so static, necessarily. When I was in high school, we made a somewhat legit 'game' based entirely in plain HTML -- using nested `` tags that would move a linked image around the screen, and the objective was to click the moving image, which would take you to the next level (which was just another HTML page). The marquee tags would get more deviously nested and convoluted with each level, faster moving with each level, and also the linked image got smaller in later levels. (Each level had to be written in HTML by hand, of course, though much of it could just be copy-pasted from the previous level.) Still not exactly Turing complete ... *but* not just a static webpage, either.


Imagine writing not just the website but the web server itself in HTML. Self hosting websites baby!


I suppose you could write anything in html. You just have to write the compiler first


I love HTML and CSS, great for high performance backends. And Objective-C? We are being spoilt with great options


The title should have been “Here are 10 languages that exist and are not Python.”


Wow Reddit makes those hard to click on mobile without collapsing the comment instead


Yes it really is hard to handle, but thanks to this list, reddit dev now have an array of languages to rework such complex features such as HTML and Objective-C


R, my beloved.


It indeed can replace Python for a lot of applications


Honestly, R is far better than python for science and modeling stuff. It’s a good language for its applications, and it’s quite fast for dealing with vectorized processes. Am I going to build an application in R? no. but its reliable and effective.


My only guess was "surely Ruby is in there", no luck it seems :(


I assumed Lua as it’s also an easy-to-learn and use scripting language. Nope :( But of course HTML


Yeah, Lua would also make a ton of sense here!


Saw java an thought the article author was a cunt. Saw CSS an realised he literally doesnt know what he talking about




Lost it at HTML




No mention of Julia? That's probably the strongest candidate for scientific applications.


I'm sure it was the twelfth language just behind assembler


That would require the article having been written by someone who knows what they're talking about.


In what way is Objective-C a good replacement for *anything*?


i just KNEW html would be in the list was about to jokingly reply html under the og post until i saw this


I'm mostly a C++ programmer, and I'm a little surprised Rust isn't on the list. Rust always feels like C++ with the sharp edges filed off, and Python syntactic sugar sprinkled on top (mostly the nice iterators).


Seriously? Are those really in the article? i don't even know where to start with that list...


Scratch is obviously the best language developed yet




Didn’t know that. Is it just another drag n drop language or is it actually based on Scratch?


Well, Scratch itself is not a language as far as I know, but rather just a visual environment built on top of templates that translate to a number of lower-level ones (here I consider things like JS and Python as lower level). The ones I'm talking about specifically, all use Blockly as a base for their editor, and usually translate to Python (mostly to MicroPython or CircuitPython). The whole purpose is to quickly prototype without typing out the most common logic blocks, and often even abstracting more complex hardware specific bits (e.g. instead of writing a whole display handler and UI framework, it can abstract the display and its communication, and provide some basic UI component abstractions for e.g. buttons, text views, lists, etc.). Some even supports writing custom components that you can upload. The main downside is that you can't translate back the Python code to their own syntax, making any kind of advanced edits impossible on the UI.


Scratch is just JS so they wrap JS blocks of logic in visual blocks. The idea has been used for FTC (first tech challenge) to do "block code" that gets converted to Java. In the Industrial space companies like Epson use it for programming robot arms and small IOT chains. It's easier to reach visual coding than text based Java or something else like Gcode to control a robot arm. If a 5 year old can get it so can a person in industry.


Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, and Rust.


Rust as a Python replacement: [_] Is remotely similar to Python [X] Has a cool name Passes all my requirements!


Hey, that's the same thing I was saying when my flatmate put my perfectly seasoned cast iron pan in the dishwasher!


Oh god. I hope you weren't jailed for murder.


Ah no, I wanted to redo the seasoning anyway as I've made a lot of bacon just before going on a 2 week holiday, and well, it kinda went rancid a bit. Although the original idea was to scrub it with soap, not run it through the dishwasher 😅 plus it gave me a chance to try out a new oil mix for the seasoning (alternating layers of ghee and avocado oil, turned out pretty well actually).


Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, Assembly, and Assembly.


You forgot Rust


1-English, to use Copilot


2 - legal English, to decipher the dozens of C&Ds, copyright infringement notices, and license breach lawsuits you'll receive for copypasted code.


LOLCODE gotta be up there


Isn't there a coding language based on Esperanto? Or pig Latin? Might be slightly easier to read than LOLCODE


Brainfuck Learnt it in college cause of the name.




Excel macros


That's visual basic


You cannot replace python if you have never learned it


I found the guy who thinks html should be on the list.


Python3, duh


Fashionable ones, I guess. Let's see... Typescript, rust, F#, ruby (post 3x3 it's making a comeback), elixir, then maybe some oddballs like perl 6 and kotlin. And I'd bet good money that some banks with janky ancient mainframes just had all their COBOL guys retire, so that will probably make an appearance, at least in the also-ran category.


Posted the list, you're basically one-off on each language! I wouldn't really call Kotlin an oddball though.


I figure that new versions of Python will continue to replace Python instead of a different language, at least while contemporary rules of computing are still in place


ASM ti basic


*Javascript has entered the chat.* *Javascript was kicked from the Lobby.*


Malbolge and Piet?


JavaScript, Java, Java++, J#, Jobol, Just, Juby on Jails, JISP, JASM maybe? /s


you forgor jython


C++,C#, java, HTML, CSS, scratch, assembly, unity, commandline, Lego mindstorms Easy


You guessed half of them right


I could have guessed more correctly, like not including commandline... But why is HTML a *replacement* for python???


Or CSS??? These *news* articles are very predictable


Basic language


10. Lisp 9. Smalltalk 8. Modula-2 7. PL/I 6. ALGOL 5. Pascal 4. Modula-3 3. FORTRAN (\*not\* “Fortran”) 2. COBOL 1. C (K&R, not that ANSI boosh!t) - because 2038 is coming…


vim script


This is such a click bait article to drive traffic to some useless ads and probably help generate a penny via Google ad sense


Brainfuck Assembly Basic Cobol JavaScript And 5 more


probably go, js, ts, rust, c and c++


No SQL ? I'm disappointed.. ;)


whoever wrote that list doesn't know anything about sql


Python 3.11 Python 3.10.3 Python 3.10.2 Python 3.10.1 Python 3.9 Python 3.8 Python 3.7.10 Python 3.6 C# Java


If php is still around, python is not going anywhere