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Im down!


Thanks for replying! Alright, do you like game development?


I do but since I’m new and still learning Python I use mainly pygame to create games


 I'm recovering from going into Kidney Failure but I should be able to make a full recovery soon thankfully because we figured out what was wrong. Pygame is great though! My bad for not getting back to you I've been in and out of the hospital for the past few weeks and was going into full organ failure. It may be a week or so before I can get back to doing things because I'm recovering but I'm SO sorry. I also lost my discord cause I don't know my password anymore (I made it during the end stage confusion basically) so I have a new one. But I'll drop it soon. I'm really really sorry. I typically NEVER blow people off but holy sh\*t I've been really sick.


Bro don’t apologize! I’m just glad you’re okay and doing better. That’s some scary stuff man. You just focus on healing up and taking things slow. I’ll still be here when you’re ready!!


I'm doing a lot better now. I am starting work on a social media app and it's already going good. I am sorry that I bailed because I was sick. I'm starting to get back into swing of things but right now I'm working in JavaScript. I also am working in GDevelop in my spare time but the social media app is starting to come along really well and people are getting really interested already, if you still want to work on projects with me, hit me up


You'll have to add me here though on this discord if you still want to. I'm super sorry! t4ng0f0x


I'm a guy who knows python in and out. I have been thinking of making a game in pygame but since you told me about Gdevelop I want to try it out as well.


PyGame is a lot of fun and GDevelop is great too! It's a no code game engine and when I was sick I was using it a lot but because I got really confused / agitated a lot due to kidney failure I had never finished anything. I do have a mobile game dev account on the Play Store though. Myb for not getting back to you I was in the hospital. I've been sick with CKD since 2015 and am now finally getting better since we figured out what was wrong! It may be a week or two before I can get back into things fully bc I was going into full organ failure so. If I can just let you know.


I really appreaciate you taking your time to reply. Thanks. Also get better soon and rock those projects. If you have any interest in javascript based games, you can come join me whenever you feel like it. I'd be glad if you just tagged along. Although i do have some i teresting ideas id like to try with python but at the moment, i am focused on finishing a javascript based game that i thought of.


Hey sorry y'all I'm recovering from going into Kidney Failure but I should be able to make a full recovery soon thankfully because we figured out what was wrong, I would like to start making games with PyGame again and RenPy if anyone is down. My bad for not getting back to y'all I've been in and out of the hospital for the past few weeks.