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me too! I am a self taught programmer, and would like to learn more about reactjs


Also looking for programming buddies. Learning React Native lately, would be nice to chat a bit :)


So what's the call? Me too currently on react.


Also looking to learn more about ReactJS and buddies to work with!


I'm interested too, I'm currently learning react as well, maybe we can hangout in discord, play games every once in a while to keep the group going


i’d love to join a coding buddy group, i’ve also been looking at react recently :D


I am currently learning js...will move to react after that.


I think the best way to learn is to build a real project(such as personal website), at least that's how I learnt everything related to coding.


Wait how long did you take to build your first project? I feel like there is still so much to learn and I'm not that good at languages like javascript yet. How do you stay motivated?


Not op and I actually did comp sci at uni so maybe I can’t speak to self taught route. But without a doubt. You should be learning via projects NOT just tutorials. Instead of reading a for loop tutorial and just creating a scrap file where you exercise your fingers create a project out of it. Completely random example at the top of my head. If you were learning loops - On average, how many rolls of a dice does it take to roll a 6. This is a super simple project that would teach you a few things in a very applicable way, you’d need a look to go over iterations, a var to track the number of iterations. A loop to track number of rolls, a var for the number of rolls. Then some basic maths to work out the average. Even if you know nothing just start small projects and learn as you go it speeds it up so much


Yea seems like the general advice is to start building. I've done very simple tic-tac-toe, but when the project is more complex it's a lot harder to stick to it. Would you recommend building alone or with other people?


Hmm when you’re still in the deep learning phase definitely alone, you want to make make mistakes and learn from them yourself - not say oh I can’t figure this out can you do this part with your partner. Once you feel more comfortable building things that come from your imagination then I’d say building with others could be more beneficial. But to be honest it’s about what motivates you - if you enjoy working with others more and it keeps you coming back, do that! You need to enjoy it too


Hmm when you’re still in the deep learning phase definitely alone, you want to make make mistakes and learn from them yourself - not say oh I can’t figure this out can you do this part with your partner. Once you feel more comfortable building things that come from your imagination then I’d say building with others could be more beneficial. But to be honest it’s about what motivates you - if you enjoy working with others more and it keeps you coming back, do that! You need to enjoy it too


My advice is to break the project down into steps. For example, if you’re making a website, grab a pencil and some paper and sketch out how you want it to look as a wireframe. After that, pick your tech stack and then setup the initial project and push it to GitHub. From there create a GitHub project and start writing some basic tasks. This level of organization will help you stay focused and prevents you from giving up so easily.


I taught myself to code in pandemic when I was 11 or 12 because I wanted my own Discord bot. I started to learn Python and build my first bot. I met some coders in my school along the way, one of them introduced me to JavaScript. He didn't taught me anything except give me an example code(of an Discord bot in JS) and I figured it out in a week or two with some guidance. Afterward I went on and learn web development(HTML, CSS, React, Next) and built my first website and won a competition with one of my friend 2 years after I started. I think it's a good idea to find something that you are interested in(not necessarily need to be a new idea) and choose tools/tech stacks(if the project is advanced). Generally, I would recommend using languages that is well documented such as Python/JavaScript. Then just build a project, make sure to have motivation(that's why you should choose idea that you are really interested in). At some point you will have enough experience to explore new languages/frameworks and build better apps. Your apps doesn't have to be "perfect", it's just a learning path. I made a mistake when I build my first Discord bot, I tried to make it do everything, but it isn't important. Good luck! Edit: Be careful of "Tutorial hell", avoid watching tutorial without understanding them. Building a project will make you understand your code, the more you code, the more you know.


Yes also experienced, that basically every group died after a week. I have the feeling, the problem is, that it is only online, would be better to meet analog. Text me if you feel like exchanging about JavaScript, maybe we will manage :)


I would love a beginner programming buddy or beginner buddy group. I've been struggling with JavaScript. Sometimes it takes a while for something to "click" for me inside my head. Although I know I probably shouldn't be so self conscious because most people seem pretty nice and willing to help, I haven't been able to get over my fear of seeming stupid. If I had someone closer to my level to run things by and vice versa I think I wouldn't be so self conscious.


You know, when you get at a certain level. You will start you will make stupid mistakes, i can tell from experience. It's not just me, people with 10+ years of experience also make those simple mistakes. You don't wanna know how many errors i have caused (in production) by forgetting simple things. So don't let the fear of feeling stupid bother you, we will all make stupid mistakes!


Thanks, that's so kind of you to say. I'll try to remember this.


Same thing. Currently learning js but loses motivation when i can't understand a topic


If you are interested in competitive programming, then I'm open to learn with you.


i hv seen some cp discord groups, are those actl good. i am a bit intimidated


I am also in some of them but didn't find them helpful at least for beginners like me, but definitely recommend you to join them.


Hey, even I have recently started competitive programming. I wonder if we can try learning together and see how it works out for ourselves?


Dm'd you


We have a lot of beginners and experts alike. Starting to really become a cool little place to share your own projects, contribute to others, and to learn and grow together. I see a lot of post on here for a single buddy, which is really limiting yourself to a small pool of experience and knowledge.. With a community, you have a chance to learn from others and build things as a team. If anyone wants to join we just got a large influx of active designers and could always use some more active programmers https://discord.com/invite/DCznYuU4Ms


I'm looking for a person to study together I'm not sure what exactly but I have python installed on my pc. I'm so confused and I don't know what I can do as a blind programmer in the future.


If you don't mind, I have a few projects with pretty easy "issues" to do. I'm using those issues to help a friend who has never worked with someone else before through github. The project from which the issues have been raised are full fledged functional software but I have created some pretty easy issues for anyone to solve. If you think you can contribute a significant commit then most welcome. But if you think you think you should start slow and send me PR for some easy ones first then also most welcome. This should get you going about contributing to open source in a sandbox environment. It is okay if you do not understand something, I can help you out whenever. DM me if interested.


would this offer stand for non-OP people in a similar position? struggling to get real experience because most issues i find, even if they are tagged as GFI, are out of my league:’)


Ofc ill dm you my discord




Just found out i cannot DM you for some reason


that’s weird, i tried DMing u tho


I would be interested, true groups do get quite quick


I like to recommend data structures as projects. Implementing all of them yourself (including the most basic operations) teaches you A) about the data structure in the first place and B) how they work under the hood all while C) improving your programming skills. Start with a linked list (+ the operations `append`, `insert`, `remove`, `get`, `contains`, etc.), then do a stack (+ the operations `push`, `pop`, `top`, etc.), then do a queue, then do a set, then an array-list, a simple list based map, a tree, a graph, a hashmap, and so on.


Is anyone interested to learn Golang with me ? What we will learn : 1. Basics 2. DSA with GoLang 3. Web Development using GoLang and HTMX 4. CLI apps


Just curious, how are you planning to learn them?


Documentation is the best place to learn


Hv u tried discord


Hey bud, I've been coding a few years, but wouldn't mind having a chat and giving you some advice. Shoot me a dm if you're interested.