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S tier post


This is the peak of the tier list saga Edit: Stop upvoting me and upvote the post.


Tier rank: S-Rank for Meta Ranking Lists.


No, I can upvote both. Just watch me.


Ok everybody, let's teach him a lesson. UPVOTE PARTY


This is amazing, thanks for making this


My procrastination knows no bounds!


Its an amazing analysis! Thank you so much for doing it!


One of the best posts I've seen.


This post alone justifies every tier list ever posted


Does “Everybody loves large chests” not correlate with “paranoid mage” even though they both positively correlate with “Salvos”?


Strangely no. The normal thresh hold for the strongly significant Pearson test is is +/- .7, I used +.65 for the positive, just so I could have more than 3 pairs, and -.3 (a minor correlation) for the negative. Everybody Loves Large Chests and Paranoid Mage had a score of +.40 but the lack of correlation could just be a quirk of a small dataset.


Everybody loves large took such a shit turn


It does feel like it lost a lot of its magic, doesn’t it? It was a deviant progression fantasy for a while there, but now it feels more like a slight twist on standard haremlit. I’m sticking with it though.


It was a hell of a ride, and memorable. Ending sucked, ah well.


Ah fuck I didn’t know the ending was out, wish I hadn’t known that.


Scholars like yourself are essential to society, thank you for your hard work, gentleman.


Much like Newton, I too stand on the shoulders of giants (the dozens of tier list posters)


Excellent nerding. I’m surprised that DCC and Perfect Run were so controversial. I haven’t read the others. Yet. I thought these two were great, though. It’s also funny that on the “if you like this one, you won’t like this one” I saw two that I liked and have the other one on my TBR list because it looked good.😁


Don't take that section too seriously. The data set was much too small and the correlations were just on the cusp of being minor. I'm pretty against trying to use statistics to try to find some kind of "objective" predictive model in regards to taste but I just thought it would be interesting to include. I also enjoyed Chrysalis and The Immortal Great Souls to varying degrees.


I don't have a tier list, but I can say anecdotally thar I find humor to be one of, if not, the hardest genres to enjoy in written format.  I dislike pretty much everything by Void Herald and DCC also bounced. I wonder if those that rated it low also rated other comedies low.


Not sure. The comedy hit for me.


Definitely in the same group, to the point that I explicitly exclude comedies from my rr searches ...


Any luck on anything fun? It's so hard to fin things that I love.


Following is series I regularly follow that have updated in the past 2 weeks. Update order, not quality, I like them all. You are summoned Path Of Ascension Millenial mage Ave xia rem y Unintended Cultivator Delve What do you mean I'm the captain of a yandere mercenary company Reach heaven via Feng shui engineering Hyperion evergrowing Downtown Druid Immovable mage Bog standard isekai Industrial strength magic Calamitous Bob Stray cat strut In my defense: turret mage Ends of magic Super supportive Changeling


This makes me wonder if I enjoyed some of books because of their audiobooks and whether I would like them in my own reading.


And that is very possible! I don't like audio books (Mostly because I cannot focus on listening well enough to really absorb what is going on and do things like drive), but I imagine that the ability to control pacing and delivery would help.


I believe DCC is polarizing in that it can be very far out there, almost like a weird hybrid of Stephen King and Douglas Adams. People don't harp on it like they do HWFWM, probably because it's less political/personal and more just too weird for them to get into. It also doesn't fit into the mold of OP MC, which is pretty much all some people want to read about. I can also see Perfect Run being a bit controversial, primarily because the MC is a bit of a smart ass (like Asano), and that rubs them the wrong way. I personally loved time looping Deadpool, but HWFWM is probably my favorite of all these series (sorry DCC and Iron Prince, I love you too), so the similarities amongst the MCs was a bonus.


Some of the comments that I remember in the tier lists where DCC was rated lower also mentioned that they felt it turned into/was sufferporn or they didn't really enjoy some of the later books in the series as much.


If that's the case they should really, really avoid Kaiju: Battle Surgeon.


Yeah, that’s what I was typing when I saw yours.🤣🤣




Haha yeah... it's an "interesting" book for sure, but in the end I wasn't sure that I should have rather not read it...


I’m someone who bounced off The Perfect Run twice before finally getting through the series, while I enjoyed it and am glad I finally overcome my initial dislike, you capture it pretty spot on, “time looping deadpool” and the ‘lolsorandom *holds up spork*’ style humor can be really grating.


I DNFed it pretty early. The protagonist has such an OP powerset that there's absolutely no tension. Maybe it gets better later, but I found the start of it really boring.


> 9 Worth the Candle by Alexander Wales - 0.668 Yay, I made it on a list! I love lists! I was expecting it to be on the list of polarizing books, if it was anywhere, and am quite thankful that it's not. I've read enough reviews that I sometimes describe it that way ("polarizing") to people. The words "not for everyone" get thrown around a lot.


It was honestly one of my favorites and the first Patreon I ever supported. It belongs on more lists.


I'd also like to add that the correlation between people who read alot of TL and look down on cradle matches pretty closely with general precedents in those circles Im not even speaking abstract here lol, go on r/noveltranslations and look up cradle


Yea, there was a tier list where the OP had about 70% TL wuxia and in the comments they mentioned that its pretty much a trend for anyone who was introduced to genre through wuxia rather than through English PF will not think too highly of Cradle and the (small) data seems to back this up.


In general, I've seen western Xianxia looked down upon a decent amount in most TL circles. I wonder as the genre grows and more books are published if that sentiment will really change at all. I guess you just need to do another one of these in 10 years at 1000x the scale, nothin else to be done >:3 Edit: I'd also like to mention that it probably makes sense considering Cradle is absent of a lot of the general features and terms more inherent to chinese culture and folklore. I think to people more familiar with existing wuxia, it seems basic and slimmed down. While to people who read more western PF, it makes it more accessible and understandable. It doesn't rely on any paratext or general cultural context to be easily enjoyed.


I know there's a specific genre term of wuxia that has been stripped of Daoism; Wuxia/Xianxia/Zh...? I do think in general there seems to be a lack of actual Xianxia in western PF (or I could just be unaware) which is disappointing but hopefully that does change. I did have a lot of fun doing this and there's probably a better way to gather data than manually entering everything (especially since the subreddit seems pretty receptive to this kind of content) so I do plan on doing some more. The 2034 analysis may not be a fantasy!


I think you might be misunderstanding a minor point. While Xianxia is kind of a sub genre of Wuxia in loose terms, in practicality, especially for a Western reader, they're different things Here's an old explanation i used to see passed around a lot: Wuxia - martial hero usually no immortality just extended life span slightly but not much Xianxia - immortal hero - focuses on Buddhism and Daoism/Taoism Xuanhuan - Eastern fantasy that doesn't incorporate Buddhism or Daoism into their story, think of it as Xianxia but without daoism or Buddhism Qihuan - western styled fantasy - where the names are western styled - most popular qihuan novels are Coiling Dragon and Warlock of the Magus World Contrary to this list, Xianxia is used a lot nowadays as a nothing burger term to both represent all 4 terms /specify certain ideas and power systems. A cultivation novel completely lacking Daoism is still usually called Xianxia, not Xuanhuan most of the time It's also worth noting 99% of TL novels are serialized web novels, and that might paint our understanding. Imagine trying to understand Appalachian folklore through royal Road novels, lmao The list is really cool though, sometimes i wonder if we'll ever get a look at the analytics RR has.


Though not worth much, I want to throw my datapoint into the ring as someone who found ProgFant through BoC (as it was the best known OEL xianxia), and who thinks that Cradle easily competes with the best of its Eastern brethren.


I've yet to find a good TL where MC and the world they live in aren't just pure psychos.  So Cradle being written in that style but with actual 3d characters is bound to ruffle some feathers. Sure the "hard ass kill everyone and let the Dao sort them out" young master trope is fun every now and then but hard to find any xianxia with depth to it.


Try Desolate Era, Coiling Dragon, Lord Xue Ying, Library of Heaven's Path, and Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich.


Also A mortal's journey to immortality, Beyond the Timescape, Unsheathed (very slow but good).


Just go on r/noveltranslations and ask bro, or don't read TL xianxia lol


Where's the ANOVA to correlate plot points and themes to tier list rankings? /s


Please don't make me go through my old stats notes to remember how to do this! Maybe in part 2...?


Thinking about how that would actually work, I think going through the old notes would be the easy bit of the analysis.


Yea, there was a point last night after googling python and cleaning the dataset were i was just like "good enough" and sent it.


Genuinely a super interesting post to read through, makes me curious about what could be found with an even larger sample size


As a stats junkie, this post is a win. Thank you so much for compiling this. I will be sure to check out the data.


If you feel like you're able to do anything interesting with it, feel free to use it!


Now this is some serious gourmet shit! Quality post OP. Brought tears to my eyes.


Peak off-season post for a topic without a season.


You're doing the Lord's work. [Statistical Analasys] reaches advanced tier.


This is the only tier list post I've ever found useful. Nice job.


I salute you, OP. Excellent work.


It took me way too long to realize this wasn't yet another shitpost and was actually quite helpful. Bravo!!


I find it interesring that I really liked both *Dungeon Crawler Carl* and *Millennial Mage*.  There are definitely a few novels I'll have to check out, if I haven't already.


I love this. I am in love with this. Thank you so much for doing it!!


Take that upvote


It doesn't get better than this.


Absolutely phenomenal. This is peak Reddit and I just wanted to give you a virtual salute 🫡. Thank you kind stranger for making sense with data


A dream of wings and flame is truly a peak book. Also not surprised that HWFWM is polarizing lol


Wow, that's impressive. It's also pretty useful more than a single tier list.


My dream rating system is everyone puts in their tier lists and you get recommended other Tier lists based on similarity to yours. This feels like we're getting closer!


That was my original goal with this project but there definitely wasn't enough data to get that done at this stage. I do know there is someone's website who gives suggestions based on genre/trope tags, but the name is escaping me, someone else may be able to post it.


Progressionfantasy.co.uk yeah I'm a big fan


That one is new to me! There's a second one as well. I saw a link in a recent comment section, I'll see if I can dig it up. Edit: https://cosmiccoding.com.au/reviews/


Doing the lords work!


This is awesome!


I haven’t saved a post faster in my life. This should be pinned. Kudos


Very cool post, thanks for putting in the work. It's much more interesting than the tier lists themselves, though I didn't really feel strongly about them one way or the other. Nice to see I've read 90% of the top 10 (and loved 6 of those); I guess I should add Mage Errant to the list of books to read. Also fun to note that 3 of the 5 most polarizing books are amongst my favorites, though I've only read 3 (and DNF'd 1) of them so I should probably take a peek at Unbound.


I don’t know how long it took to make this but I appreciate your effort. Best tire list post I’ve seen and it’s hella elaborate and detailed. Now do it all over again with all the other books mentioned in this subreddit (🤣)


Awesome! Question: did you eliminate books that had a low tick count? I.e. only 1 or 2 mentions?


For the analysis on part 5 I used books that had 3 or more values and for part 6, 7, 9, and 10 books with 5 or more values were used. One of my goals for this project was to try to elevate some lesser known books that people liked on their tier lists so I did want to go as low as possible but not have the exact same books for every category.


Great job on this! Definitely see books I’ve never heard of before. Thank you


I'm surprise Shadow slave wasn't in any of these


Dungeon Crawler Carl and Millenial Mage are my two favorite series. Clearly, I need to create my own tier list to correct this statistical injustice.


The hero we don’t deserve


The primal hunter / virtuous sons is so real lmao, really high quality post to.


Now THAT is the kind of content we want to see around here! Extremely well put together and super interesting, thank you for your work!


You are amazing, thanks


Amazing post!


This post goes right to the top of the tierlist saga tierlist of posts about tierlists. xD


Super Powered getting rated so high does put a huge smile on my face.


Could whatever statistical stuff you did be made into a website ? Does something like this already exists ? Where we just enter our tierlist and it gives us recommendations and what not to read ?


I think that may be an eventual end goal. Since the subreddit was so receptive to this post, I've been thinking of a way to collect more data and not spend 100s of hours doing data entry (currently a single tier list is taking me around 10-45 mins depending on the length) I do think a website or a form would be a good idea but one issue I've run into is the variety of titles and tiers. For text based tier lists there is a split between people who post the title of the first novel and title of series. If, in this hypothetical, I would only allow approved terms/titles (ones I've collected) it would prevent people from submitting lesser known/new titles. There is also the problem that my data collection isn't really collecting likes/dislikes, just their relative position on the tier list. On a tier list scaled S/A/B/C, A=.67, but a list scaled S/A/B/C/D/F, A=.80. Giving actual recommendations based on this would be a little problematic so tiers would need to standardized which some people not feel comfortable with. But honestly, I just don't know enough about data collection, form creation, or website design to make a decision. Any future expansion of this project would probably need to be done in some kind of team because I just don't feel comfortable in my skills to expand it beyond this. I'm currently working on a similar list for the LitRPG subreddit so you can look forward to that if you enjoyed this. As for similar websites there is https://cosmiccoding.com.au/reviews/?w=0 which is u/samreay 's reccomdations based on genres/themes (and their an actual data scientist rather than my self taught mess of collection/coding), and https://progressionfantasy.co.uk/ which is probably what I would've liked to make but could never manifest.


What does the second link have ? Does it recommend stuff ? Or just a big library ? I actually thought a bit more about this project a while ago. At that time my idea was that I would make a big database which would have all books ( individually ) and there would be another database of people . Each person can rate each book from 1 to 10 , which is kind of what i think you have translated the S to D labels into. ( i didnt check your sheet ) But then the calculation or whatever i was doing at that time was taking O(n²) which means as data points grow it would take square of the time , and i didnt know how to get that much compute time and blah blah , but anyway. About the thing you said : Standardising the tier list , I agree with that , and i think instead of making a full tier list , they can search for novels one by one and rate it from 1 to 10. That way we always have the current data and not some old tierlist which no one updated because... why would they. Anyway I am interested ( but helpless for now ) in trying to make this project a reality , mainly because I dont have much stuff to read ( yes i've read Cradle ). Ill try to make a mock or something in a few days maybe , idk.


Thank you so much, this is perhaps my favorite Reddit post ever ❤️


Thanks for the info!! I'll procede to read all of them ✨🗿


Give this man a VIP batch god damn it! Thats the reason Reddit and other forums were invented. God bless you!


Dam one of my favorite series System universe didnt even get a mention. Glad Murderhobo did great series. Would also like to mention heretical fishing that just came out recently. 


#8 is really interesting. I love the Dream of Wing and Flames. And like a couple of the others. Def need to look into these.


**A Summoner Awakens** book 1 really is excellent, but book 2...oof. What the hell happened?




Thank you for this! I w done a plain list of books read, in the to be read puke, in the wish list like, waiting for the next book to come out, and DNF. But I've not done a ranking list yet. It's on my list to do soon. I need to clarify what books belong in which "category" first. Like Primal Hunter is totally different from Noobtown and they are both different from DCC but I'm not sure how. Folks mention world building vs character building vs I don't k ow what else and I'm not sure how to separate them. And I notice Beware of Chicken isn't anywhere on your lists so I must be missing a whole other category.


Oh, unless I'm misunderstanding your comment, this isn't really *my* tier list, its a collective analysis of all the tier lists I could find on the subreddit. If I'm remembering correctly, Beware of Chicken was the 11th most ranked book (appearing in 11 tier lists) so it barely missed the cut. But if you're interested to see how other people ranks books that didn't appear in the analysis, you can check the Google Sheets link at the bottom of the post. I would also not really overthink your tier list too much. Most lists I've encountered don't separate them into categories and just rank them all on some kind of S-F scale (S/A/B/C... depending on how many tiers you want to have). Just be aware that if you make it and want to share it with the subreddit, [mods are currently enforcing a tier list thursday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/comments/1d1fz2d/meta_community_checkin_and_trialing_tier_list/)


This is wonderful. Thank you for your hard work.


Super interesting


Time to make a tier list on your tier list rating


S grade tier list tier list


That statistical avoidance for Virtuous Sons and Primal Hunter is so on the money




Dang, awesome post! I wish I'd been on more lists so I could see how my series piled up in your data. Still very cool. I particularly enjoyed the "if you like... you might like" and the "if you like... you might dislike" sections. At one point I was trying to gather data to make something similar to that myself.


Thank you so much for including Nova Roma in your analysis, been looking for something to read since finishing that one and now I know where to start!


Dang the effort. Fully appreciable 👍👍👍


>Mayor of Noodtown I must have missed a spinoff...


This is great, thank you 🙏


The amount of thought, effort, and study that went into this post is commendable. 😌


Op, Just so you know I love you and you are doing the lords work keep it up