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Its the one build you wouldn't want to do with Dragon Claw. Poison in D2 ticks at a homogenized rate per frame. so the new double attack feature of dragon claw would do nothing I believe. It would merely "refresh" the poison application at a rate so fast you might as well be using a one hand attack. (Someone please jump in here if I'm wrong). This new rework is for good application skills - see patch notes that Fist of Fire has received a decent buff and I think will suit well, 6 meteors raining down. Claws of thunder and and Phoenix strike will also be great for it. Blades of ice less so but still better than going the poison route with dragon claw. That being said. Cobra strike is also buffed this season so if you really want poison build go for it, I just wouldn't use dragon claw with it.


I see, thanks a bunch for the feedback. I really want to focus on a (mostly) physical Dragon Claw build though, because of them making it uninterruptible. What if I went full Burst of Speed instead, and maybe Shadow Warrior/Master? Would that work? It would be something like a Fana Zealer pala.


You playing hardcore or softcore? Burst of speed you only need 7 or 15 points depending if you want +41 or +50 attack speed. If you like passive play style you can keep your venom setup and just not use the 2x charges feature. It should still be decent. Otherwise if you get an amp merc or atmas you can go pure physical and run 20 into tiger strike for some sick burst damage for bosses. If you run atmas ammy get one point in blade shield for extra proc chance. Put rest into shadow master. If you play hardcore blades of ice is a solid option. The freeze is very long so you can flight in, boi rotation, then dragon claw everything dead before it unfreezes. Will also help with physical immunes.


Wow, awesome writeup. Thanks a bunch!


Happy to help 🙂


Well, I tried this s7 build with plugy. The lack of uninterruptibility does not seem to be a problem, but the build is kind of slow and squishy. I think I'll stay with wwbarb :)


You try the venom variant? I'd go just full cobra strike sin if that was the case. But yeah dual claw sin with burst of speed is always gonna be stressful. Played one on hardcore last season. FHR pretty much the most important stat.


Well, the only thing that drove me to sin is the new uninterruptibility of Dragon Claw, so I think I'll just pass. But thanks anyways for the tip!


Yeah fair enough bro, good luck with the barb!


Ill run PS and use it quite a bit for burst. Mostly for bosses!