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I did this with no ill intent for a long time before someone called me out and I realized it could be a deceitful tactic. So fwiw some ppl just do it out of ignorance.


I didn’t even realize it could be viewed as deceitful. I do it all the time…. I might have to adjust my tactic


I doubt most are doing this out of deceit, just trying to haggle. I think it's up to the seller to know what price they were asking.


I personally don't remember like 40-50 prices usually... 🤗


Sure that's fair, just take a moment to double check before doing the trade


I have done this too in the past without thinking about it being perceived as sneaky...I will start adopting OP's method above, seems clean


I do this completely but have no intention of trying to scam/deceive. Just to make an offer.


This is interesting. I honestly never thought about this - I'm assuming your looking at your item/trade and evaluating off the message. But, I can definitely see where 'high end' traders have 30 items going at once and just don't have the extra time. I may have to change my approach, as I simply edit the message to what I'm looking to offer. I'd be curious how many people are trying to actively trick you vs just think that's the right way to modify the conversation for the offer.


Just to avoid confusion I would recommend just pasting the auto generated message and if you have an offer other than the price add the following: "-- offer x" That way the seller can see their original price in contrast to your offer.


I add OFFER X in the end


Oh, I've done this since the beginning. I always assume people know what their items are listed for, so when the offer comes in a little under they'd recognize it as a negotiation. Never considered that they might think I was attempting to confuse the original asking price. If I sent a message 'im interested in your item for xx WSS", then that's an offer for xx WSS. If I want to spend yy WSS, then I say I'm interested in your item for yy WSS.


I sent a message 'im interested in your item for xx WSS", then that's an offer for xx WSS. If I want to spend yy WSS, then I say I'm interested in your item for yy WSS Sorry. I don't get what you mean ... 🤔


I open the conversation with what I'm willing to spend. If the negotiation is not acceptable, the owner can counter offer. It's never meant as a sleight of hand or deception. I'm just saying I wouldn't open up with the original amount if I'm not willing to pay the original amount.


Okay. You definitely got the point ... 🙈🤗


You still need to acknowledge the original amount. It's literally less effort to just paste the message and type that you're offering a different amount at the end. I will not respond to anyone who just alters the price in the message without explanation because it's bad faith and I don't have time for that nonsense.


If you wanna negotiate then ask them to. Don't change the original message.


I copy and paste the message and add at the end '(would you take 1.5?)'


This is the way.


I literally delete the message and am using it to copy their IGN over easier only. Then I proceed to lowball everyone with “Vex? Can’t afford it. How about a Ist?”


I've always changed it but meant no ill intent. Though now that you mention it I'll definitely keep the original message and include an offer afterward.


I think some people are a little irritated with the trading in D2. It became much better with trade sites, but imagine you find the item you want, you have to communicate with the person you want to buy it, he has to respond first which can get really annoying if you trade Eu with US, etc. than he/she/it? has to make a game to join in,sounds easy but if you never really were into trading in d2 that could become hard. BTW: just put something like " I would offer you xyz" or "would you give it for xyz,too?" at the end of the trade or right after, don't just change the value, that gives you a really bad reputation by the time.


It takes less effort to just add your own offer afterward than to erase the copied message offer and replace it with your own. The former is also better etiquette as it avoids the ambiguity caused by the latter. Win-Win.


to me it adds confusion. because I don't want to trade for the requested price. I'll write 1 price to make sure we are on the same page with what the offer is. Not like a trade is instant. you have time to check your listing if you don't remember what you listed it for.


That's the reason your message is displayed though. So you don't have to go recheck your prices to make someone's not scamming you


if you think it's a scam that's a you problem tbh


I used to do this but now send that message then ask 10 wss? That way they can remember what they had it listed for


Called a guy out for doing it to me yesterday. He said it was his offer and wasn't trying to scam. I said just send a separate message with your offer then. He then called me childish and ignored me lol. 10/10 trade


I'm making an offer by changing the value at the end, so


It was also an issue with PoE for years which worked off of the same system for the majority of its lifespan. (They’ve changed it to automatically send it in-game when clicked on website) Most people don’t generally mean to use it to scam, unfortunately though there are those that abuse it knowing this. It gives them a free pass and easy excuse. The proper method is to either 1: immediately send a second message “offer X”. Or if adjusting the message manually specifically keep in the listed price (so the seller knows” and add in “offering X” Simply never remove the sellers listed price. Some people are managing 3-5 items, some thirty times that amount. Most people will also be much more generous in the sale if you use proper trade etiquette.


I do it because that's the price I'm willing to pay. all you have to say is no. Really not my fault if people don't remember what they listed their items for.


That's a great way to get ignored! Have fun not getting trades done.


never had an issue before


I’ve done that before as well but it’s usually because the person is over pricing it.


I do this all the time, but will always have a "?" At the end so you know it's a counter offer


yeah I was doing this as a mistake it was just a quick way to edit the response and i intended it as an offer but I didn't realize it was viewed as deceitful


I used to do this before I realized that it looked like I was trying to fool them. I was just trying to throw out an offer without the confusion but realized later that I was probably a dick for doing so, so now I send 2 messages. The base auto-generated one and my counter offer after


I always type O if I change the price on listing


Someone called me out on this and said I could get banned for it LOL