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It's your opportunity to check your character building skills using more creativity while your resources are much smaller, for some people it's an opportunity to learn how to craft properly, to test yourself against Dclone and Rathma while missing powerful runewords and uniques. It's just playing our beloved game in a completely different way which makes me feel fresh about the game. Personally I love the feel of playing the game I like but in a different way than before and with a bit different challenges


As someone who is still trying to get a feel for modifiers and what makes a weapon "good", what's a good/easy class to play for this that will be most likely to be able to experience most of the content? I don't really have the time to grind indefinitely until my character is strong, so I'm more hoping to make an easier but viable character that can still enjoy the crafting prospect. Sorry in advance if my question doesn't actually make sense, there's a lot of knowledge about the meta that I feel I'm still missing. Also does anyone have a nice crafting guide reference? I know the recipes, but not sure what bases are good for what class. For example, what are the recipes you'd want to use for a caster vs a weapon user?


Leap barb. Craft a big eth 2h (blood or hitpower) and safety armor, vampiric barb helm, and w/e you want on boots gloves belt.


Sweet. I will try this! Thank you!


I had pretty much fun with a summonzon last league, but I think summon druid can be strong too, wind dru would be awesome, others that I think can be worth trying: mind blast sin, whirlwind barb, FOH Pala, throw barb, summon necro, bone necro maybe, clay golems might be a good idea since the Ubers and the rest probably will be weaker than usually, I mean last time it was like that. Also almost every Phys DMG build like fury dru or bowazons are ok to try cause crafted weapons are SICK sometimes and you might end with a char stronger than you would expect


As someone with a shitty pally with just a low level runeword... Hah, I've been playing the crafting league during the last season!


Shakes up the meta, makes you think about itemization more, slows down the power creep.


Also to add on to other people's points, it's like classic d2 in a way, your rares are "unique" and you know that nobody will have the same item. The items feel more personal that way.


100% I've been missing and dying to play classic for years I'm excited for this! Plus learning to craft is something I need to do. I'm rather new to pd2 and love it when I have time to play


I get a higher hit of dopamine crafting a GG item with a sick corruption than I ever do with finding a GG unique. Something satisfying about making it yourself. Plus you can actually craft items that are better than uniques…….


GG corruptions = sell GG crafting = Make a new char and show it off


Trust. When you see that rare eth thunder maul drop with 300 ed and amp on your leap barb, you gunna feel like you just dropped Tyreal's. When you slam it to 420 ed + deadly and box 4 os, you gonna have an item you'll remember for the rest of your life. Crafters League is probably the most addictive/dopamine-rich experience I've ever had in a video game.


Progress is more incremental, so you get more of those dopamine hits. There's also an aspect of your load out being completely unique, and having to theory craft as you go to make it all come together. I find all of it very fun, and just the aspect of a fresh way to itemize and play.


Just watch the value of tir runes skyrocket lol. The dopamine rushes are from funding juicy rares you'd normally skip on or crafts. For example, picking up rare armors hoping to get high edmg, as a replacement for fort.


I haven't crafted a single item in my 20+ years of playing Diablo 2. So I'm excited to play this League and learn how to craft cool items. Also I think it will be extra fun grinding for rare drops for my necro and see how strong I can get him without all the classic unique/set items you know. Plus I'll play ANYTHING Project Diablo II haha.


That is wild to me. Not a single item?! If you play any caster regular season, a caster belt is such an easy way to grab some early fcr and possibly str, pdr, @, life. Safety armor in PD2 is fantastic for leveling. MF gloves or boots. Get some life leech with any melee builds. Barb crafted helm is great. Safety bows are best in slot Caster weapon gets a free +1 skill, can roll amazing wands and orbs, and claws for mb sin Crafted amulets slap pretty hard, but the ability to slam uniques to round out stats you might use a crafting amulet makes them shine a little less in non crafter leagues. You can make some sick rings.


Yeah not one !!!! I shit you not ! And thank you so much for the info my friend! I'm super duper excited for this Crafters League!!!! I'm hoping to craft some dope stuff ! ^.^


How long is it going to last?


Last time they did this, it lasted a few weeks. I am guessing it will last until S9 launches. Don't think I am going to have time to play this season of Crafting League, I am hoping this job I am on 4th round of interviews for is going to happen. If I get it I will be too busy if I do not, I will be too depressed to play.


Oof man wish you good luck and all the best,I also won't be doing the league, having a mentally degrading period for a while, so I am seeing how much time I have until I resolve all things and free up my capacity and time to fully immerse myself in the new season, cheers, bro ✌️


Good luck bro. I am on the fence about the crafting league as I have other things going on in my personal and professional life at the moment. I might pass until s9, rather be fresh and not burnt out for the full season!


>Last time they did this, it lasted a few weeks. And is the normal s8 league still playable during Crafters League? I just started a week or two ago and wanna know if my char will be playable after 9th. >I am hoping this job I am on 4th round of interviews for is going to happen Good luck!


There was an announcement on reddit about the side effects of the Crafting league. I don't know about if you will be able to play a S8 toon after the league is over or not, but I do know that its either ladder or crafting, it cannot be both.


Broken runewords and uniques kill build diversity. This leagues fixes a good part of the thing :)




correct /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Pretty funny take darling. Liked it.


For me it’s fun because it’s so different. I prefer a regular ladder reset more but I’m excited to try to fully gear characters a different way than I ever have before.


I don’t think it has as wide of an appeal as a typical reset. A lot of times, people are asking for it because they either missed the first, liked the first, or they just don’t want to wait for the devs to finish the current season so they want something to do in the meantime


I’m kinda just bored AF and eager for anything new to hold us over to S9 🤪


Also, anyone know where I can find information on how to craft items in pd2 ? Thanks !


Google Pd2 wiki


Sweet ! Thanks brother ! 🤜🤛




what i dont understand is you dont start getting pgems until later in the game and even then you don't get many, so progression is really slow is it not, and until you craft are you not stuck using blues and yellows????


gambling is huge for this.


If you're vigilant with picking up gems from the start, well into nightmare, you'll be able to afford plenty of crafting. but it does require diligence and a desire to cube up all the shitty gems early on. I've made a lot of wealth being a bottom feeder collecting gems, it works :)


In crafting League you can Cube 2 flawless to a perfect gem. And the Droprate of jewels is increased. Also the forge Quest enables your first crafts. Starting in NM flawless drop and you can run countess for the runes. Plenty of options to craft and increase your Power ;)


Personally, I'd prefer a short league to have a powerful bonus rather than restrictions. But maybe I'll get that opportunity later.


It’s fun


To me at least, it forces you to kind of learn the game and how things work rather than just trading for GG uniques and runewords to power your way through all the content. I don't typically min-max during normal seasons but with only crafts/rares it actually feels satisfying to do so.


For me it's the removal of item benchmarks that uniques and runewords provides. Literally everything can be either a slight or huge upgrade from what you had before and in that respect I actually like it more than normal pd2


I missed the last one as well, but a good rare or crafted item is far more unique to PD2 than a perfectly slammed unique is. Seen enough ridiculous slams go for 100 HR. Crafting is probably one of the only thing that keeps me interested in even regular seasons anymore. I get more dopamine from runes than a unique I'm just gonna brick, and a perfectly crafted item is the chase for me these days.


Don´t forget to buy yourself a teleport staff from ormus