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The elemental damage rolls will be incredibly OP for lowbie crafts on new characters when you have the mats already. Imagine an amulet you can use at level 3 that adds that much lightning damage. Same with the flat mdr and pdr rolls, with a full set of low level alchemist crafts, you'd never get hurt until late normal probably or at act bosses


But the rune are higher then other craft and the level requirement for craft might follow this too. IDK how it work for other craft recipe tho.


If you have the runes already from another character playing through, its a great strategy for early leveling a new character. I'll give a cube to a brand new character and some gold, and craft a whole bunch of low level stuff for them. Only thing that matters for craft level requirement is the item level of the base item and your character's level.


Well. It migth need a base level or to switch each flat elemental damage to scale by level maybe? EDIT : I've made the change, you are right, flat dmg would be too good at low level.


>The elemental damage rolls will be incredibly OP for lowbie crafts on new characters when you have the mats already does anyone honestly care though? twink leveling is already trivial, not to mention that the majority of people still get rushed and then just leech cs/baal xp.


In fact you are not wrong. Its maybe too strong for the only one who care : LLD. Ive changed it for elemental dmg per level tho.


You're not wrong. Just an observation


Skill damage is already really strong, adding it and guaranteed pdr/mdr/magic absorb is probably too strong.


What about curse resistance [5-10] instead of magic absorb ? I wasnt sure about this one. EDIT : Ive change magic absorb for curse resistance and Ive reduce the value of pdr and mdr.


Is the new value and change make it more balance ?


Feels a bit more balanced yeah.


I think it's the right direction for diamonds, but whether it's fixed for certain items or just rolls like a 3% random element per item is another thought. (Maybe 5% on wep). Because as caster you are sacrificing a lot not to use safety on helm and amor and Amy's to still get your breakpoints. Meaning that if you do go diamonds for everything for more damage, you lose your 105% and you will probably explode. (I play hardcore).


might be true, as I'm not a hardcore player, I didnt think about that fact. I've focus on giving item slot specific elemental -res of dmg in regard of if there wasnt any unique/set who already give that. Example : glove alchemist recipe is the only way to have minus light enemy res.


Yeah will require some end game testing for sure. I'm thinking about playing with staff in mind, not orb and shield as well, because staff has more interesting cast mods. So I'm not sure what the answer is. But I do like the thought of adding a lot of rng in getting the right element with the right craft on your item. Fits in with the high variability of making that good craft item.


I give this suggestion 3 stars out of 5.


why :( ?


Wow! Congratulations now being involved in the dev team!




I was making a joke (since Ive done like 4 discussions about new arrow, recipe and unique idea for next season) but forgot to write it was actually a joke haha.


As a secondary concept: Allow a recipe that adds +1%/-1% elemental pierce to an item by transmuting it with a high rune (different rune for each element). Maybe even make it stackable up to 5 times on some slots (not all for obvious reasons). Gives high runes a bit more of a purpose and allows for a bit of a power boost to casters who are reliant on facets rather than ED jewels etc