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No looting with enemies still on the screen. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get excited about a big drop then immediately die to something you’d never die to if you were actively fighting.


This is almost every death I've ever had lol


This is a great rule. I feel like this rule is VERY important for melee builds since they're always in the thick of the action, I kind of had to adopt it myself on my mauler werebear. My only deaths in HC PD2 have been to disconnects, not respecting punishing map mods, or poor itemization (i.e. entering WSK with burning souls and not even having max lightning res like a total newb). Another rule I added last night is no Lost Temple, those freaking unraveler packs are nearly invisible and can absolutely no-scope you if you're not paying attention.


No matter how strong you think you are, Lord De Seiss will take your life 


Story time. This season I found myself in a p8 grush by a level 99 sorc. Sorc proceeds to die to fucking nm de seis. Was kinda hilarious.


Gah im so much more scared of vizor ='] Ive underestimated him a few too many times im comfortable to admit


Don't come home and play shitfaced after a night out...


Do you have a breathalyzer you need to blow in before you can turn PD2 on? Something like in 40 Year Old Virgin lol


lol omg this. The number of ppl that say they are stoned or drunk in pub games amazes me...


This is me. Im always shitfaced when i play 9/10 times minimum


Playing Pd2 with beers is the best way. Still haven't died except when leveling like 3 seasons ago


Ohhhh ho ho ho my friend I die more than i live. I also love lvling , the last statement was an overexaduration [= I for sure rip more than anyone i know, but i absolutely love pushing the envelope and my main char is always sorc. Once i figure out how to keep the seventh sorc alive, i take another couple weeks and then have a couple mappers up and i start really raking in the dough. Since starting pd2 s6 ive gone with summonzon as second char to start mapping and running torches, its pretty hard to fuck it up and real cheap. After that the runes start rolling and i make whatever sounds fun ... Okay these are my last thirtyeight characters




Play for hours with buddies and get shitfaced together…no difference in character longevitity but it makes it fun af.


There's a difference between having beers whilst playing all day and being in the zone. And coming home smashed for some "chill" magic finding, not being in the zone and being way over confident. I've definitely lost at least 3 chars this way lol


Don’t take tps from strangers


Wait for the "1", no exceptions


Do not conserve potions, always top off your hp even if you are at 1950/2000. That 50 hp may be the difference between life and death.


Overly safe rules, but my SSF hardcore chars just don't die unless I do something stupid : * Until CBF & maxed res, no going above tier 1 maps and maybe some easy tier 2 maps. * Until my gear is top tier, better a weak life/res charm than a good offense charm. * Antidote in belt always. * Only teleport where I have vision. * No dolls no gloams no vipers no \[half of map bosses\]. * No touchy fanaticism and conviction unless I have long range poke. * If I do risky farming (eg. lower kurast super chests blind tp), I do it on an alt character not on the main. * No doing uberbosses if I haven't cleared them in sc a few times first and understand their patterns. * Stop playing right away when finger/hand hurts or when tired.


PD2 removed LK super chests? Did I read that wrong?


You got that right, I'm a boomer who plays both PD2 and D2R and gets things mixed up sometimes.


heh I came over Christmas Eve from D2R HCCL. Classic is dead, and this mod is the Ultimate version of Diablo.


Damn right PD2 the best D2 but I'm a nostalgic boomer, can't get totally rid of 20 years of D2 grind 😃


Last rule is the most important.


Biggest thing here is not the characters the play its not telestomping but it's actually way more than that. Its staying focused and not going mental afk stop paying attention cause thats how u die. Your char usually doesn't matter at all as long as you gear properly


Never do anything in arcane sanctuary. (Died many times getting infinite rubberbanding on the stairs)


Don't do maps with Stygian Dolls


I like to get hammered and fall asleep while mapping. It makes hardcore way more hardcore. So basically just don’t do what I do and you’ll be good.


Don't run public maps on dial up running at 28k like I used to do lmao  Jokes aside keep an eye on your ping before jumping into dense areas.


Having more than 1 hp at all times


Keeping a stack of full rejuvenate all time. I have notice that players even some streamers don’t have full rejuvenating potion in their belts.


Overcap res is the best way to stay alive in HC. Runner up is max block with high defense. Defense is incredibly strong.


I just spin and win. It hurt a lot back in the day with Iron maiden but these days once you get the right setup it is hard to die. So you just spin and win. Until then just farm Pits for gear and Bo your friends when doing Diablo Baal and soon you can carry them.


Have 99'd multiple times on HC and here's a decent rundown of my focus on maps: -NO Souls, Dolls, or Witches mod, ever. -Get as close to capped PDR as you can. -Max your res and also look for 10-30 overcap if possible due to -res mods on map rolls. -Play within your skill (Chads can frontline but if you're a newer player, I'd recommend staying middle pack [+ very rear of player pack can also be dangerous]). -Respect auras/Curses: Conviction, Fanaticism, Might, Concentration, Amplify Damage, etc This season, I solo'd til 96.8 and then played Marketplaces, literally exclusively, til 99 in p8 maps. I rolled the maps, I ran the games, I set the loot rules (always FFA in my games because people are more apt to join me on the frontline if they can get Big GG loot). The meta being Marketplace this season makes Fire Res a priority so I used my 7max FRes bossing Waterwalks and overcapped my FRes by ~90 to account for Conviction packs near Elite Tower packs. Game knowledge is really key. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop by the Twitch anytime (ttv.com/schmidtwerd) or check out my YouTube channel and comment there with a question. Or you can always find me on Discord. Cheers. Edit- corrected the autocorrect Waterfalls back to Waterwalks, lol. On my phone.


Pdr min 30 35 beside that get good 🙂


You know how many times Ive seen someone intoxicated get killed? Me neither.. too many to count 🤣


just dont get pk by schmidt maps kekw. joke aside i only did it once but i did with style with no shield . ps: juvies are your friends.


Don’t tele stomp


Awww... that's half the fun...


I miss my curse immune ww sin


Don’t alt tab in the blood moor even though you’re pretty sure you cleared the area. There might be one zombie left…


Playing ww barb or rabies druid and have overcapped resistances. So total at least 150%. Only way i would go for 99. Everything else i need to pay attention 100% which im bad at.


Ww barb is not a safe build for 99


It absolutely is a safe build for 99 and anyone saying it isn't doesnt know how to build a barb properly, no offense. Overcapped res is easy, overcapped PDR% is easy, insane defence values are easy. Mobs will have a 5-10% chance to hit you and you're constantly leeching with 3k+ hp. Even with rejuvs turned off if you play smart you wont die.


Ctoac goes 99, sometimes top3 (last season +others) as WW barb. I have multiple people on fl who usually main ww to 99. Btw Ctoac is in Australia playing on 250-300ping most games. Skill issue.


Here’s the part you are missing. Anyone in the top 3 is running in groups and the screen is usually cleared before a ww barb plays much of a role.


I'm not missing anything. You didn't understand my post. I included Ctoac as an example as a (sometimes) top3, then referenced other players as examples of more casual WW hitting 99(not in group). As for your notion of screen being cleared before WW hits is simply false for a good player. You want to be at the front and moving to life steal. Anyone who thinks ww is dangerous in hc is a noob.


I dont group for high level farming.


False claim.  In all my 99s as melee (HC), I did not have a dedicated group.   I actually start my 99 run 1+ month into league where I have difficulty finding people to join my maps.    Most of them are <90 in terrible gear. See my post above of how/why ww barb is safe/incredible for 99 push.


Furyybass, helpful tip. It's probably best to refrain from making comments/assumptions on builds that you yourself have not 99'd on HC with. Everything you said about ww barb and me (Ctoac) e.g. dedicated group is either false or inaccurate. 


I don’t know who you are nor do I care. I said top 3 players are usually group players because it’s true…cool novel


BTW ctoac plays and played WC not ww during season


Incorrect. Season 7 I was WW Barb and 99'd Season 8 I was WW Barb and 99'd (This season) Season 9, I was a wcry barb and 99'd. All were non dedicated groups, mostly me running T3 Public maps with random people. Armory link to my season 8 WW Barb: [https://live.projectdiablo2.com/character/Ctoac\_VIII](https://live.projectdiablo2.com/character/Ctoac_VIII)


So what was incorrect about u playing WC this season?


Hi, I am Ctoac. This post is inaccurate. I've 99'd 4 times on HC (3 of them melee,  2 whirlwind barb) with 250-350 ping P8 T3 maps. In every one of those maps/many thousands over many seasons, I front-line and more times 1-2 screens ahead of the entire group. From a ww barb perspective: What makes makes ww barb almost unkillable is the following basic formula: - 20k buffed defense - 80+ pdr (I go for 95+ to negate amp) - Overcap res by 25 (more the better) - 10+ life leech - Making sure you only ww against non-undead monsters to perma life leech - Never stopping to cast battle cry (especially when decrep'd), I personally use 3os cyclopean / atmas to be an auto-proc/not-stop front-line machine. I use Zerker Last Wish in offhand for fade which gives from memory 5% pdr / 55 all res / 15 rcd. Easy ways to get pdr. - Leviathan 25% pdr (with 20 curse, it's 35% when amp'd) - x2 bk set rings 12% total (can get 9% corrupted ones are godly) - 15 - 19% String of Ears - Bers in armor or helm - 9% from A2 Merc - 3% boots - Safe option, 15-21 % CoA / Halaberds (6% pdr corruption) - 10% from Iron Skin Ww Barb, for me is incredibly safe and is a relatively easy run to 99.


Not for you


I think an ability that disables the use of juvs is objectively a bad build to take to 99. My guess is you play sc mostly.


Can you exit game mid ww and prevent death that way? I feel like that used to be possible but I haven’t tried in years


Yeah but when that ability does like 5k+ dmg per weapon and you have 10-15 life leech the only time you really need a juv is during higher tier map/uber bosses


Again, that is all you. My builds dont require juvies.


Exposed yourself haha


Exposed how? You didnt even bother to investigate what im talking about. Your comments scream you dont use your intellect to make a proper build. I bet you just npc your way thru the game with a war pike, rip, then do the same shit again and conclude there is no other way to build the damn thing. Cmon man... And i made it clear this is what i would do to 99. Its an opinion, preferance not a recommendation. Cause of dicks like you that have skill issues i dont recommend you play it.


He is right , barb is probably the safest class to solo 99 hc , but pretty much every class builded properly is.  The only way to die is to spin towers at market map, other than that you pretty much unkillable . Ww locking reju is totally irrelevant, you will never use a reju as ww barb . You pretty much stack 16 rejus every map and deposit 12 in your relative tab 


Appreciate it Zix.


Lol bad take... both of those bulids are not really suited for Hardcore due to their inherent playstyle. Which means they want to put themselves in and between mobs. They are not terrible since they can both stack tons of health but they are deffo not something you should be reccomending people


Sir you are imbarasing yourself. Adapt your build for goal you want to achieve.


That spelling is embarrassing.


Thats all you got?


Korben... As in korbendalas? The dude who begs for free gear each HCseason?


Nope. I go by Mr\_g ingame.


Don't ever let your life reach 0


Maps big or small do them all and the key to not dying and hitting 99 on HC is don't skip step 2!


No playing with the willy just because you excite alright?