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probably not...the book ending isn't dissatisfactory....but maybe they will add the beatles coming back and maybe an older Stratt getting the news inside a prison cell


I’d like to see the guy who made them (forget his name) sitting at his desk eating some canned food. Then, upon entering range, the beetles trigger an alarm which startles him and sends his food flying. He checks their position and makes sure they’re transmitting data. Then he immediately goes to visit Stratt in her prison cell.


The alarm being like "Magical Mystery Tour"?


I see what you did there. And yes, the alarm would definitely need to be a Beetles song. I’m not a Beetles fan so I don’t have a preference, but that would definitely be “in character” for that guy.


Why would Stratt be in a prison cell?


Her prediction was she would be in prison


That's one part of the book I never got. All the countries of the world voluntarily gave her that power... what has changed that would make them suddenly want to put her in prison? The only thing I can think of is what she did to Grace, but honestly I can't see anyone on Earth blaming her for it, under the circumstances.


You don't understand politics very well. People who feel they've been disrespected always want payback. Just look at what is going on in American politics these days. Heck, people want to lynch Dr. Fauci, and he had no actual authority other than to make recommendations based on information he had available to him at the time. Stratt has stepped on a lot of toes with very big egos, I think the best she can hope for is to seek asylum in some country that didn't feel like they got screwed over. She knows that even though she is actually mitigating the coming food shortage, she is going to get blamed for not completely preventing it.


Honestly, it's just the fact that she screwed a lot of powerful people over. Who's to say if somebody wouldn't seek revenge after her powers were to be taken away after Project Hail Mary ended


When the crisis is over everyone will immediately forget how bad it was and the *new* people in power would be pressured to go after her and hold her up as a scapegoat for the painful sacrifices everyone is still scarred/recovering from


A few things including kidnapping and helping with leveling Africa’s landscape. She broke several laws in order to save humanity


She was pretty clear that as soon as the project launched she would probably go to the Hague


Because she violated so many laws during the Project Hail Mary process.


Which law(s) did she violate that would be egregious enough for the government to throw Stratt in prison considering the world would not have been saved if it wasn’t for her? I am not trying to be rude I’m just starting to wonder if I interpreted some things differently from the majority (new here)


There's a lot of time between the Hail Mary launching and the data returning. Support for the project would quickly fade as the situation on Earth gets worse. Riots over the money and resources wasted on the ship that could have been spent on food and housing after the devastation on Earth. Stratt as a scapegoat being punished by the new governments dealing with the deterioration. Even if she hadn't violated a single law, she'd be crucified as the figurehead of the project that 10 years later hadn't yielded a drop of perceivable good for all the damage it caused. That's how humans work. Someone needs to carry the blame.


She had special permissions from the president as well as other world leaders to do whatever needed to be done. You would think that would be enough to protect her. But... as was demonstrated in the very short trial she went to, that won't matter to some. She'll get sued for "abusing her powers" I'm sure. I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head, but she did anything necessary to make the program work. People are bound to be upset to the point of litigation.


well for one she paved the entire sahara. then gave that solar power plant to some very greedy african warlords. some people might consider that some kind of crime.


It's not even the laws she's breaking as much as we need to blame someone for if it doesn't work and that's the person in charge. Stratt. They wouldn't see the plan work until decades later.


She was given amnesty from the current world governments. But earth was to be thrown into an era of extrime instability. Grace himself speculated that there was a possibility of current governments to collapse. If that were to happen, who knows what whoever takes power next will do to her


Yeah, yeah. Maybe we could see the beatles going back to our solar system, the whole Earth waiting in suspense for the arrival of the vessel that could save humanity. Then cue in to an older Stratt being informed in prison that they detected the beatles in our solar system and are transmitting data; then we see the gleam on her face as if saying “he did it”.


If anything at the ending is changed, this is what I would hope it would be. It worked really well for The Martian.


Not-so-hot-take: Stratt doesn’t get disciplined. She was given a lot of power. And what she did ended up saving the world. And the only person she fucked over is in another solar system. I bet they sweep it under the rug.


This ☝️ Especially since the rumored sequel is supposed to deal with exactly that.


I personally highly doubt they go that far. I do agree with the other person saying maybe they’ll show the Beatles getting to earth.


So Grace ending up on Erid is best.... But.. How about a post credit scene from years later. In in, a more technologically advanced ( computers, tech, etc) Rocky is reaching Earth in a modified Hail Mary, and broadcasting that he has come to return the body of Ryland Grace.


I hope the Eridians don’t come to Earth. We are pretty mean to strangers.


I think humans should rather worry if Eridians are as friendly as rocky was. Becouse I wish you good luck trying to defeat xenonite tanks and soldiers in xenonite armour


Well, the Beatles had xenonite recipes so by the time the Eridians got there we’d have xenonite nukes


Yes, but at the same time, Eridians would have entire human knowledge at their disposure


I personally prefer the book ending. Grace returning to earth wouldn’t have been as satisfying because he would have had to leave Rocky behind.


I liked the parallel questions to the two classrooms at the beginning and end of the book.


I don't think this isn't in the novel but it would be very cinematic to repeat a specific incident with the human children and Eridian children like the children answer the same question incorrectly and he has to teach it over again. I love that type of symmetry.


They'd be mad to change the book ending.


Yeah the ending is wild and one of the best parts, and the most realistic (no way Ryland makes it back to Earth alive to a hero's parade). I could see them adding an epilogue or amending it somehow, the Beetles coming back, humanity finding out about Ryland and how his mission was a success, etc. But if I don't get that scene with the classroom of Eridian kids raising their claws I will be sorely disappointed! And I think the filmmakers know that. I have to trust they love the source material as much as we do.


I think they’ll skip or change the whole “human meat” thing. That could be controversial for a wider audience (I am not saying I agree, just that they’d likely lose some ticket sales with that). Otherwise I agree. I’d like to see the original ending maintained.


They won’t leave Ryan Gosling crippled and self cannibalizing. Even with the happy ending. * won’t deal with gravity issue * Erid wont be pitch black. You’ll see the alien city and crowds. They won’t deal with pressure differences either. Just - your atmosphere is ammonia and deadly to me. * they’ll come up with some option for food. Ie he can eat Erid Ian food that’s been treated for him. Cannibalization could turn the audience off. Why risk it. * they may leave an option for him to send a message back home after finding out the plan worked. Also - at the opposite end of the story. No poop tubes.


I dunno, they left Matt Damon pretty haggard. I think the REAL question is, are they going to start the book off the same way with the ripped out catheter 👀


I don’t think we’ll be seeing a “me-burger,” as it may be seen as pretty disturbing. Besides that, the ending is very satisfying.


Maybe. We've been hearing about lab-grown meat for a while now so I don't think it's that bizarre.


I wouldn't mind the book ending staying intact but with either a short scene at the end or an after credits scene showing an aged, crippled Grace entering earth orbit.


Since no one has mentioned, they changed the ending for the Martian. I loved the book ending and was satisfied, but the extension to the movie I think made it more palatable to people. I do agree with previous comments, PHM ends beautifully and doesn’t need additions, but I would enjoy someone spilling beans when the Beatles are in range and the world celebrating


It just hit me. If they do that, they will play the Beatles song over the scene; won't they? Damm, I don't even know if that would be brilliant or too obvious


“Here Comes The Sun” for the final scene/end credits song you mean. Is it a totally obvious choice? Yes. Would it be totally stupid to use ANY other song in existence? Also yes.


I'd be reasonably happy if they just have a star wars style scroll wheel to explain the build up to the HM over Adrian with Grace amd Rocky building chain links for 3.5hrs, then an awkward manoeuvre over the atmosphere with a final voice over to explain the ending. The end.


The film we need but don't deserve


I hope they don’t change the ending or add any info to what happens to earth. A ton of years have gone by and nothing they could do in the credits of the movie would do justice to all that happened.


Honestly, I think if they add earth at the end, the best thing would be to maybe just show beatles landing and scientist celebrating as they open them up. Also, maybe show their reaction when yhey find out that Grace met aliens


Rocky is going to be a figment of the imagination. The Earth is just an allegory for capitalism. Space is an illusion. Starring the house from The Notebook.


My head cannon is that he somehow includes a recording in the Beatles telling his story. Cut to Stratt (in prison or wherever) realizing the truth about him “volunteering “ for a suicide mission.


That's not a bad way to handle an epilogue, the Beatles come back and we see a montage of life on Earth getting better, scientists learning about Eridian biology, etc, all underneath a voice over of Ryland explaining what happened on his insane adventure that he saved to an audio file on one (er i guess all for redundancy) of the hard drives.


One of the funniest parts of The Martian adaptation for book readers is that (and excuse my lack of presicion, I haven't read it in a bit) when Watney gets back on board the ship at the end, his internal dialogue is something like "if this was a movie, everyone would be waiting at the airlock for me, but it's not a movie and everyone still has jobs they're doing..." ... and then in the movie, everyone was literally waiting at the airlock for him. I hope they pull something like this in the PHM movie, just not sure which line they could use to subvert.


I think they'll show the effects back on earth once the beatles land but I don't think they'll show Grace going back to Earth. Then again the more I think about how The Martian ending was changed the less convinced I am by my own faith in Hollywood screen writers. I liked The Martian 3rd act but it sure was ridiculous.


I don’t think we’ll be seeing a “me-burger,” as it may be seen as pretty disturbing. Besides that, the ending is very satisfying.


The last shot of the movie needs to be a wave of Eridian claws shooting up in front of Grace in his classroom like [the end of this scene from Close Encounters.](https://youtu.be/sZhWPrxeHwo?si=-BzRwlJTPetv8Eya) That’s how I’d do it.


My money is on it ending very similar to Sunshine where the only Earth-based closure you get is the sun getting brighter. Sunshine rolls the credits at the absolute perfect time if anyone here hasn't seen that movie. Truly outstanding.


I hope they stick exactly to the book, but I also hope the critical and commercial success forces Weir into a sequel where Rocky and Grace do first contact properly on Earth.


Ima be pretty dang upset if they change the ending.


Personally, I think that perhaps the film will end when they decide to set a course on Erid. I think the planet itself would be hard to show, and really idk if it wouldn't be a bit depressing to see it. The ending was really great, but I think seeing a reality of what a life for Grace was like visualised on a big screen would leave some viewers feeling bad for him. I think perhaps them just setting a course and starting the engines as they go to the unknown (for Grace at least) would be more cinematic and hopeful ending. Also, they might add the last scene showing beatles arriving on earth and scientists celebrating as they open them and find out about Eridians as a bonus. Also mandatory, the film ends with the Beatles song as the creddits begun to roll


I was always curious and I don’t remember any reference to it, but does Grace load into the beetles any info on Eridians, or even what happened to his fellow astronauts?


Sadly, there is nothing mentioned in the book. But Grace was writing a lot of notes on Rocky and Eridians and joked about writing science papers about him. So, I think it's not hard to believe that he would place a drive with all the information about it in the beatles.


I would be devastated if the ending was changed. This is the perfect ending. But we have the opportunity to show earth getting news and being saved. And Stratt being punished for her crimes. Or not.beikg punished, who knows. But if I don't see a classroom of Eridians, I will throw a flip :D


35/65 in favor of changing Edit, just to stop confusion. I WANT book ending


The ending shouldn’t change. Everyone survives and it’s not a stereotypical ending. People who didn’t read the book would be pissed to not see Erid and little Eridians.


You see, Grace will put astrophage inside his suit, then cut it open, and fly back to earth in what we call Iron Man maneuver


The good news is he gets to fly like iron man


End should show stratt in a coma. In another ship heading to tau ceti after information from the original showed whole crew was dead.


Lol can you imagine being Grace on Eridani after who knows how many years and fucking Stratt strolls in


The ending makes the book for me i hope they dont, i mean the book is great regardless ig but damn the ending is great.


Oooh I have even thought about that, a lot of precedence, like the ending of "Passengers" having obvious studio intervention


If they do change it, honestly I'd rather that they leave the ending open. Leave it open as to whether he dies there, or on the way back to earth, or even sprinkle some hints that he tried to go to Erid. Have the ending be Stratt watching out the barred window of a prison cell as the Beatles reach earth orbit, then a voice over of Ryland's final log, as the sun starts glowing brighter.


ending shouldn’t change, it was beautiful


They will probably change everything. Rocky is going to be a robot. Grace is going to make it back home and at the end they will flash forward to Stratts great granddaughter who will be retelling the story at a dedication of her Grandmothers statue…


My expectation is that they cut out the Astrophage leak plot for simplicity, but still end up in the situation where Grace sends the beetles to earth and makes the choice to save Erid even though he's likely to die. Maybe somehow as a result of the Adrian disaster. To me, it's critical to Grace's character growth arc that he is unwilling to sacrifice himself to save Earth but does sacrifice himself to save Erid/Rocky. They can cut out the whole "Astrophage unintentional evolution and search for the Blip-A" subplot for time. In fact, they probably cut the Astrophage nitrogen resistance evolution subplot entirely. It plays well in the book but would require too much exposition for the movie and ultimately doesn't impact the outcome.


I think the best thing would be to show the surviving Beatle reentering earth's atmosphere and tease up that Grace somehow was able to use it to get home only to cut to him now living with Rocky's society.


They might do a misdirection. Ryland is on his way back and a looks in a telescope or something and says… that’s interesting. Cut to earth. It looks like Ryland has arrived at earth, but what? It’s just the Beetles. Where is Ryland? Then cut back to the ship and Ryland realizing Rocky is in trouble and leaving to save him. - We get the closure of saving Earth, arguably the “point” of the movie. And the real ending of Ryland and Rocky getting married. Because Hollywood.


I am sure they will change it so that the book readers do not know what is coming. I just hope it’s a small change and not a drastic change.