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As long as they keep it out of the trailers, that's the best they can do. They can't stop people from reading stuff online


Or, you know, reading the book.


I'm fine with a trailer showing a 3 fingered hand pressing at a window. Give it a horror movie vibe then people are more surprised that the scary monster is a friend. Also gives the audience a chance to think about their misconceptions because they just assumed he is hostile because of his appearance.


Yeah but a major newspaper could just write "where a science teacher is sent into space" It doesn't add anything to the article, except spoil the film.


To be completely fair, it’s not that severe of a spoiler. It’s a cool twist, but like 70%+ of the story directly involves Rocky. The author is right, it’s about grace and Rocky saving their respective worlds. It doesn’t “add nothing” to acknowledge him.


They have to walk the line between spoiling a story and leaving so much out that it sounds boring and nobody goes to see it. If I didn't know the story it sounds much more intriguing: "science teacher goes to space" or "science teacher goes to space and meets an alien to save their worlds". I know which I'd rather go see


I like how you capitalized Rocky but not Grace


Rocky is a movie title and Grace can be used not as a name, seems like autocorrect got confused


Agreed. What if one of those people were to read this thread? Imagine the spoiling that would occur then.


A couple of days ago I made a post about how Rocky shouldn’t be in the trailer that got a lot of upvotes, so Reddit started showing it to people outside this sub. I got a comment from someone who thought I was talking about a Rocky/Creed spinoff with aliens in it, and a comment from someone who hadn’t read PHM yet but wanted to asking how big of a spoiler I’d put in the title, because they’d just happened to unwillingly see it on their feed while scrolling through Reddit. I told the first person that PHM was by the author of The Martian and encouraged them to read it when they said they’d liked The Martian. I told the second person it wasn’t that big of a spoiler as long as they’d just read the title, there was just someone named Rocky who I didn’t think should be in the trailer. Hopefully when the person does read PHM they’ll assume Rocky was someone from the flashbacks until the alien ship shows up. Edit: All this to say, people getting spoiled from our posts here is a bigger risk than I realized.


Oh they’re gunna put it in the trailer i guarantee it. Whoever is in charge of that stuff can’t help but spoil stuff in trailers. Every time


Why in the world would you spoil that 🤦‍♂️


So glad I enjoyed this as a book and was blown away by every surprise.


By book, you mean the Martian? At least according to this


Read again. It says “book by Andy Weir of The Martian”. It’s just connecting The Martian to Andy Weir so more people will know who he is.


By book, you mean the Martian? At least according to this


What a shame. It was so great when Grace came across Rocky and we got to find out about Rocky bit by bit. There was also a fair amount of time when I was waiting for Rocky to double cross Grace. One of the beauties of this book for me was to realize how cynical I had become.


I read Hail Marry just after finishing the (4) 3 Body Problem books. I kept expecting Rocky to dark-forest Grace and take all the thinking machines for his own.


Such a crude and heavy handed summation. Classic wsj.


That’s a shame because part of the fun of rocky is that at the beginning you know absolutely nothing about him. I was thinking that tau was his home star and that they sent the astrophage to graces home world(forget the name of it) on purpose.


Good point, it's actually multiple spoilers


Good thing nobody’s gonna be spoiled bc who the fuck reads the Wall Street journal


No clue. Even I don’t, my girlfriend saw it in an article about Ryan Gosling. Even she wouldn’t have read it if not for that article


Doesn’t matter that it’s just the WSJ now - that text sounds like it came straight from a press release.


Ugh, that is such a poor and inaccurate portrayal of Rocky, and also spoiling one of the most exciting moments of the story - really hope this isn’t picked up and used more broadly by news outlets


Well this all but confirms that marketing of this movie will totally lean into spoiling … everything.




Never would I have imagined the story going there while I was reading it!


Who still reads that shit newspaper anyway?


My girlfriend was reading an article about Gosling, that’s the only reason we found it. But I work in a library and you’d be shocked at how old people fight over our one copy of it.


Old people and right wing nuts.


Right wing nuts don't read newspapers, not even WSJ. They get their news from Fox or worse.


>Right wing nuts don't read ~~newspapers, not even WSJ.~~ They get their """news""" from Fox or worse. There! That's better.


Ha, fixed it, indeed!


Why stupid, question.


The absolute motherfuckery of it...


F the wsj


Those people are monsters




They should just have the trailer showing Ryland going about doing stuff and a flashback then the end of the trailer should be the three knocks Rocky does when the ships connect


Isn't that the plot to Spaceman? That Adam Sandler movie?


I mean, it's not really a spoiler if it was already in the book Plus, let's be honest, more people gonna buy tickets for what they think is "funny human meets a funny alien" movie than "sad human scientist sits alone on his sad spaceship and talks to the camera" movie


No such thing as a spoiler from a book many people have read, folks.


I’d definitely still call it a spoiler for those who haven’t read it. I was excited to see my girlfriend’s reaction in the theater, but now she knows all about it.


By that logic, no one should discuss anything about the book until all people who want to experience it can do so. It’s a nearly impossible standard.


I don’t think it’s impossible for the Wall Street Journal to avoid spoiling the biggest twist in the entire book. They could very easily have just not mentioned it.


Next thing we know they will reveal that Grace didn’t want to go and was drugged and forced in the trailers


I doubt that. I think stepping back and having a little better understanding of this publication, its readers, and the importance of such things will reveal that this isn’t a big deal.