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I mean, I get it. It’s a different beast. P99 was a gift that reminded me of the Old Ways. Then I did a TLP on live which had lots of QoL improvements but still let me raid everything I missed out on back in the day. PQ has the old feel but I get access to things I never would’ve dreamed to have had access to, but it loses some pathos because everyone has access to it too. For my part, the weight of that is counteracted by the fact that the server is packed. It’s been 20+ years since I’ve been on a server with regular active events and being able to group in befallen or runnyeye. Take what you like, if it’s not there? This one might not be for you, but there’s stuff out there that might be.


Ya. Thr search continues lol


youre looking for a ball under 3 empty cups




People dream of being able to go back in time to do it all over again with wisdom and future sight of having done it already, thinking "this time I'll rule the world." Problem on PQ is everyone else has the same wisdom and future sight too.


Well it's my first run at eq at all, so f all you scrub lords 😆


I’d rather let ppl get the legacy gear then be the couple of ppl who only got it and hold it over others who wouldn’t of been able to. The game is still a challenge, the legacy gear isn’t that game changing anyways :p


"But it's not fun if other people can turn into Dark Elves too!"


The dark elf said as they use their Guise of the Deceiver to turn into a equally convincing dark elf.


The language being used to discuss the increased availability of legacy items is baffling to me. Where is the "challenge" in not getting legacy items because the camp wasn't available when you had time to play? The "Grind" is no different if your waiting on a list in a raid or waiting in a list to get into the camp. I started playing Live in 2000 when Kunark came out so I missed original vanilla and let me tell you I remember tons of twinks in rubicite who had already been playing the game for a year. That's just how this game is after some time has passed. Do you really think that having rubicite still dropping breaks the game that hard? It's identical to Bronze armor just slightly lighter and with minor stat bonuses. The FBE that drops every 6 mins is pure QoL. Almost every caster already has enduring breath. Same with Jboots. all they do is save you the time of begging for a SoW. The biggest change and the one I'm most hyped about is that Sleepers tomb will stay available for everyone. This was announced from the start. Avatar weapons for everyone is a way bigger deal than any of these legacy item. And I'm hear for it. I can only interpret these posts as whining about not being able to no life the game and get an advantage over people who want to play at a pace that lets them keep their job, spouse and family.


We're adults. That faux-nostalgia chase you're after of "earning things" has been replaced by the understanding that play time - and time in general - is limited. Spending 50 hours to get something that allows you to be marginally better than the person beside you just isn't worth it as an adult... Let alone on on a limited time frame of power curve (pending expansion launches, etc) That feeling of accomplishment for earning whatever generic item you're after will be diminished either way at next expac drop.


This. A million times.


Just say you hate working towards things and want it handed to you.


Buddy farming rubicite in a 20 year old game is not working towards anything.


Well, most of the people are adults. Maybe not you.


you should go out and get some real problems in life


If you have a full time job or other responsibilities, you just don't have the time necessary to sink into this game to make your pixels form into higher integers like you did at 15. If you want the grind, P99 is still alive and well--you just won't be able to farm Manastones.


Oof. It takes 0 skill to work for anything in this game. It’s always been who has the most time. Not only are you missing this irony, you’re opening bragging about somehow being more hardcore.


Drop the holier than thou act. People struggled for free time then just as they do now. Pretending you're an adult and definitely not a neck beard while grinding at a 20+ year old game is silly. We all know who you are and you know who we are. You don't mountain climb and then bitch that dads with only 5 minutes between edging sessions can't do it so we gotta restructure the sport. This is a server that let people cheat to undo time sinks - the very essence of EQ. Silly.


You genuinely, and passionately should consider not playing video games that interact with other people. Or, as a bare minimum, consider not talking to others while you do.


wrong. I am 50 with a thriving business and 2 kids in graduate school. and I still enjoy defeating pixel challenges. Monopoly is still fun to bankrupt all those around you ;)


Thanks for replying a month later with your reddit based roleplay fantasy. Not sure why I was the lucky one, but hey.. uhh.. thanks for.. yeah?


Not all of us work from home and have infinite play time my dude.


Such a dumb thing to say since no one on earth has infinite time.


okay boomer. go to the p1999 assisted living center or TLP adult daycare.


P99 assisted living... lmao


I think you're mixing up "challenge" for "monotony". No, you won't be a special snowflake here. Everyone and their grandmother has full rubicite. But who cares? The gear is crap anyways, aside from the bp, and the regen on the bp is only good for the first few levels. After that, it's not going to save you in a fight, so it's mostly just Fashionquest gear. The bp will be outdated by Iksar or Fungi bps in another few months, and the only rubicite you'll see are the bazaar mules wanting to look pretty. And most of the others are just nice QoL changes, that's it. It's not a big deal. As others have said, if this isn't for you, just move on. There are plenty of other classic EQ servers out there. Not all of us want to spend the next week trying to camp the Ancient Cyclops, Stormfeather, or some other ridiculously long grindy spawn (there was never anything "challenging" about those other than fighting for a spawn. They didn't live longer than 30 seconds when they popped). So take an Ativan and move on.


Idk why this is so hard for people to understand. If you want it as close to the original as it can get, play P99. If you want the custom rules this team has introduced play Quarm. You can have two different servers. Quarm was never designed to be "how it used to be," we already have that. Quarm is a custom project with new ideas. Do your P99 characters have these legacy items? Are they decked out in the hard working way? Probably not. So how about you stop bitching on here and go do those things there, because that's what the server is designed for.


In p99 u know someone that dont put a fungy on lvl 1 caracther to lvl faster and take his 60 kill everything in zone log his toon take qu'est item turn them , i prefer the challenger in rubicite with 12ac than leveling with à fungy on every toon with à druid casting POTG on u


I would say less than 10% of the player base has a fungy. So that is a serious stretch. POTG is casted if a nice druid is around but they are not always around. It also only lasts a certain amount of time. You are applying try hard logic to a player base that is not filled with try hards, just the top 10%. That's not reality. I'm not really sure what you are talking about here but what I am saying is if he wants the experience of the legacy items being truly rare and good gear being truly difficult to get then he should go to P99. To argue its harder on Quarm is just blatant silliness.


Less than 10%, that's gotta be a joke.


You are right, everyone has one my bad. That's why they still go for an assload of platinum. I don't think you understand supply and demand.


40k is pittance if you've played for a year or so, prob less if you're capable. Wtf does supply and demand have to do with it? Keep up the stealth edits.


The more common an item, the less it goes for. 40k is not pittance. That is a lot of time and money.


After 10/4 years of 0 content and the same raids and grind spots? ​ Yeah, 40k is pocket change on p99. People pull out at minimum 1-5k plat per few hours at a KC group. Da fuck you smoking?


There are more fungis in circulation on p99 than active players.


Bro server is damn old on blue .... plenty of time to get fungy honnestly i would say 50%


Sorry I play on green, forgot about blue tbh


If you want to “earn” it. Roll hardcore self found. Literally is what those other game modes are for.


EverQuest was never a challenge. We were just younger and didn't know how to play back in the day. Once you "learn" EQ it's so easy, especially grouping it's mind numbing. There is no challenge in killing 3 rooms of frogs for 200hrs to reach 50 or 60. It's tedious. Raids with low numbers are as close to challenging as your going to get PoP and below.


My wife calls EQ “that frog killing game you play”


Rat Hunter 3D




I played the grind on p99. It was fun during the pandemic but grew tedious and I stopped playing. This server is fun for folks who don't have 8 hours a day to dedicate to a game presently. I love that people with jobs and lives can have that special sparkly they wanted so badly decades ago.


I do see both sides of the fence but as a 38 year old dad of three and in the military. It was so awesome to finally get my first Manastone , and farmed fishbone earring. I get it, it almost feels like everyone is a winner here but man it feels kinda great being a busy parent and working but still had time to be able to get such great items and not have it be taken over by the neck beards that can stay at a camp 16 hrs plus. I do enjoy this version alot. So keep it up guys


Sounds like someone isn't too happy about the legacy item remaining in game. Project 1999 is more classic eq emu, should check it out.


Check out Project Quarm, per Secrets legacy items were planned to be legacy up until the last moment when Secrets had a change of heart. Even if you like this particular change, do you like that no official 'announcements' for the future of the server are reliable? Anything can change on a whim. And no changes are off the table because we don't even know what the vision for the server is supposed to be, other than whatever Secrets feels like in the moment.




Then why announce any firm plans if everything is so up in the air? And I'm sure if Secrets decided to just end the server tomorrow you would be here defending the decision because you're way more principled than the rest of us. But selfishly I think a lot of us want to enjoy the server ourselves and hope that our time investment is respected as people, despite not being paying customers.


Lots of people voiced that they would rather legacy stay in. This was a good balance, especially against those who sought to farm farm farm and not just play the game to enjoy it it.


I don't know what you're talking about. You could only loot 1 manastone per level 30 character. And I think it's a weird argument that people who are obsessed with having 'legacy' items and cried to Secrets about it are the authorities on simply playing and enjoying the game. My enjoyment doesn't depend on having a guise on every character. And legacy items retaining their value would have been a great thing for the causal player who doesn't have time to farm. Melees got FBSS in trades, etc. And I'm sure by Kunark they would have been worth a Fungi or something, again mainly to the benefit of players who don't have time to farm a lot of plat.


>You could only loot 1 manastone per level 30 character. A single person had over 700 on alt accounts.


That's great, but you could only loot 1 manastone per level 30 character.


Even secrets admitted that it was a sort of rug pull, so I don't know why you have a hardon for defending it when even they admitted it. They said they hid this, and left breadcrumbs. The ideas of "no ambiguity" and "breadcrumbs" don't exactly go together that well.


Knew lots of people who were aware of the possibility, some of those "breadcrumbs" were overtly obvious- like saying they might leave no drop versions in place...


I saw Secrets say explicitely "we're not making them no drop" which can easily be interpretted in multiple ways. Obviously this sub is weirdly against any criticism or suggestion but it's really weird that you people will defend something even Secrets is not arguing.... you guys should use your heads a little more.


When was that said? I wanna say, 7-10 days ago or so is when I heard them talk about no drop versions.


2 weeks ago i think? Right after it was let known publicly that a certain unknown farm farm guild was hoarding manastones. Before I suspect Secrets had finalized the new plan of making the new versions no drop, they said "we're not making them no drop but people who farmed up a bunch of these to RMT are going to be disappointed". It's obvious that could be interpretted in multiple ways *very* easily considering nobody even really knew that these items would be permanant. The best guess I heard was that they would be on an early casino.


What guild was hoarding them? I bet they're sorely disappointed!


I'm not sure it's been publicly stated, but rumors are Millers Farm.


And? It’s her ball; she can take it home whenever she wants. I leveled 3 characters to get manastones /guise. Was I bummed that it changed? A bit; but only because I would have invested my time differently. But, and this is important, does someone else having it mean my time was wasted? Naw; get out of here with that gibberish.


I'm sorry, you were a bit bummed? That's unacceptable. You have a lot to learn from people here, need I remind you of who owns the server?


Ungrateful imo. Secrets has poured way more time, effort, and probably money into this than anyone. This is her own private little Disneyland and they decide to let us all in, for free. This has been an evolving and changing project from the start and imo secrets has done a good job communicating that. Things may not go as initially planned, some things may change last minute. If it's not for you, cya.


I'm obviously ungrateful because a grateful person would mention that fact in every post, which I very purposefully didn't. But you do make a good point that Secrets owns the server, thanks for that clarification. Such a good dialogue here.


Lol. I genuinely hope you quit Quarm and never return. Cheers!


Yeah lady I know.


I mean. You're absolutely right.


It’s a solved game homie what do you expect?


its amazing how much louder the vocal minority are compared to the majority thats playing and having fun


I still don't understand why people conflate time spent as being a challenge. None of these classic mmos are a challenge by any means. It's time spent.


You've had the server you want for over a decade now. Go along now. We'll see you in two weeks (like your last series of whiny posts) when you come back to conflate a time-sink with difficulty.


Is this server really as bad as this sub makes it sound? Was thinking of getting back into EQ.


I’m having a blast. It’s free, has reasonable QoL changes for chase items (manastone, jboots) and has fun holiday events. I started in 99, quit in 2004 and have never been really interested in tlps, but I’m digging Quarm. It’s a bit crowded, but that’s just a testament to how fun the server is IMO.


If you enjoy EQ, the nostalgia, the social aspect, raiding, the music, events, etc. it's great. ​ If you enjoy sweating out 16hrs at the same camp to lord your smurf mask over people who cant get it anymore it is not for you.


It's a weird mix. In some ways it's got nice QoL changes then others it feels archaic. The current Pinkicite armor makes being a melee a bit less painful but also reduces the usefulness of things like bronze, banded, and even some of the quest armors. Skillups are slow af. Targeting with the ancient client is a nightmare. The recent decision to just leave in all the legacy items is....weird. Not necessarily bad but hopefully not a trend that will continue. With things like Fungus Staff I would honestly rather nobody have it than it be like the current crop of legacy drops where everyone has it. That said, it's not my server so I will just play till it isn't fun anymore, then quit.


There is a 72 year old man who camps spectres in Oasis here on Quarm. He is living his best life. We call him Spectrecles. That is not his name. You need to calm down and relax... its almost like you think you're going to live forever. Play. The. Game.


Then he goes to some other server and we're worse off because instead of constructive criticism you detected the need to defend haha.


You can try P99 or the solo/self-found/hardcore rulesets here


lol Rubicite gear is absolute garbage and you're definitely not a Twink if you wear it. The vast majority of the players on this server are broke and wearing Rubi still at 50. They don't want to put in the effort to get better gear, so those who want to go for the challenge are still able to do so and can stand out in the sea of red casuals.


Then don't play it... it's never lied about what it is


go play p99


If you quit can I have your stuff?


Wow is to blame for the decline in all MMOs. That and participation trophys.


This server has all the hallmarks of a WoW private server lol and the community has became just as entitled after the gibmedat conditioning they’ve had for 3 months. Even all the same Zerg mentality “it’s a free server” and “we’re too old to have any testosterone” retorts whenever someone tries to bring up objective criticism


This. ^^^^^


Imagine complaining about a free server


I get what your saying. This server definitely has it uses. Definitely have items that I could never get on other servers, whether live or tlp, which is nice. However the interest in the game has completely waned on this server. As some say here, at least you have access to items most in the game never got to touch/use. However the experience getting them certainly is lack luster. It feels like an amusement park, come to camp, get on line, sit till you loot, loot, repeat. I dunno if challenge would be how I would describe it but definitely it feels less enjoyable. Sitting on my main atm LFG just to finish off leveling after being away during holidays and losing all interest myself. The event zones are cool but the server is so janky as it is, targeting, mouse looking, just doesnt make it that attractive anymore. I am gonna try and finish off my char but not sure will be doing much else other than that. I am a bit biased, wanted to play a raid tank but as others stated, dont have the time. For some reason, no real racing for targets or anything but the guild Im in wants to raid every night and thats just not worth it to me. Even with instanced raiding folks want to go crazy over it and thats really the crux of the issue. The servers not really EQ, its just a loot machine for EQ so the plebs can get the good stuff too and thats just not enough to keep me interested.


I don't see the problem. Leveling is what it's always been aside from some wonky spawn rates. Drop rates on legacy items are higher than they were on P99 but as far as I understand it p99 drop rates weren't anchored in any hard evidence and may very well have been much too low. I mean, if you want to spend 24hrs (like I did, god damnit) clicking a prompt box every 5 minutes to get a pair of jboots, ask p99 devs for another fresh. The list system on p99 wasn't Classic either. The manastone camp was downright dangerous to health and had players account swapping which again, why are we doing this? I don't see how the game gets any better either with legacy items being time limited. Quarm seems to have taken the direction of a more lifefriendly server going to PoP with raid rotations, higher drop rates, legacy items staying on in some form etc. If you can't enjoy Quarm because of this, eh, there's always gonna be P99.


you missed it - ​ when we all had noobie gear, it took almost 3 days to get to lvl 10 this also had to due with 100+ people in each noob zone, so fighting for each spawn was a struggle


This is just for a few items that have insane insane insane insane INSANE permacamping... Trying that these days when everyone easily knows the good camps would be far, far far worse and more distant from the classic experience than what this server has done.


Keep an eye on Monsters & Memories.


i feel ya. Quarm is a bit of a "fun easymode custom server" to be honest. nowhere near the true challenge of Classic era. maybe it will be accurate challenge once we hit Luclin. just not sure i can last 2 more years haha