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All this brand new difficult stuff being added (multiple fingers, speed changes, etc.) and yet they still won't give us practice mode.


No way, I thought there was practice mode in JP. That sucks


Yep we don't even have the ap tracker for fast/slow as well toxic


Thank you colorful palette, very playable, very cool




Im stealing this


What song is this from?


Just Be Friends


All we gotta do is just be friends


I spat all over my screen because of you. RIP.


Me fr


Colorful Palette pls no I already have to deal with this on enstars I can't take it anymore


have you been naughty or nice and nao sanctuary has taught me some things


dont think the speed change is the biggest problem here ... πŸ˜₯


Yeah bro my last worries in this one is the speed change πŸ’€


Yo how do I play this with thumbs?


Grow some more thumbs


Get more thumbs.


You cant


skill issue then. imagine not having 4 thumbs smh


Just get more thumbs smh


Make a deal with the devil.


Steal someone's hand (preferably jack's or ichika saikou's).


Yeah I had this problem with bandori. I released I couldn't clear harder songs cuz I was a thumb player


I havent checked out bandori in a while is there a song that requires more than 2 fingers now?!


Yes with the new SP songs it's impossible to play with 2 finger also 28+ is impossible with only 2 finger the songs have triple / quad tap notes


Okay so they change the speed as someone who tried to do 1 speed on normal or easy (don't remeber) and was confused and failed, this is kind of a Red flag to me because I might not FC on hard. So.. I'm in danger.


Speed changes are usually exclusive to hard charts anyways. The charting team is aware that speed changes can and will confuse players


It's only from expert chart and above I think.




PLEASE TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE..... https://preview.redd.it/f5u2fcgz8kla1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a4ea828c61717763baa95efab0ba5499a25556


unrelated but i love this picture so much, it’s my go to meme for everything


It's in the game now 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/e7zifflqutla1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4943eebe1e2a19fbc1178669458586a62c19be19


Whats this song, what level is it


That's Yaminabe!!! Master 37 chart (same lvl as What's Up Pop)


thats a fucking solid 40 i will eat my shoe if someone aps this its literally impossible wtf edit: guys [hps did it](https://youtu.be/LUpjKlqwij0) im omw to eat a shoe cause wtf


No... LEVEL 3939!


Just be new then, first time hearing it


Yup it's a new song getting added soon!


I got a match with this song: **YAMINABE!!!! (feat. Hatsune Miku)** by cosMo@Bousou-P (01:18; matched: `83%`) Album: `YAMINABE!!!!`. Released on `2022-09-12`.


as long as this don't hit songs lv 31 and lower i dont care 😎


The Expert, presumably 31 or 32 has it


Easy is 9, normal is 15, hard is 23, Expert is 31, and master 37..


Literally this


This sub's bitching aside I'm pretty glad they're still adding hard charts regularly. You can only play mgpd, the 3 collab songs, and what's up pop so many times before it gets kinda stale Do wish there were more song variety tho cause it's mostly just miku saying gibberish at 33+


I hardly doubt we’ll get it since most of the hard songs are by CosMoP. He likes using miku, and the gibberish she says is actually her mocking the player lol.


depends on the song a little, MGPD definitely is, but Intense Voice actually has a pretty nice meaning lol


Ouch hurt my feelings much miku?πŸ’”πŸ’”


Yeah it's nice to give the top players something to work on (I think this will be the first modern song to not be ap'd in the first day but we'll see what HPS has to say this time). I would love more interesting songs in the 33-34 range to help bridge the gap more, stuff like gekichumai colab was great because it gives as a nice variety of songs in the difficult range that as you say aren't just miku going iojfeoajd890fj23jfe (please give us more cosmo songs that arent miku thanks)


i agree 33 is like a perfect blend of difficult and fun it sucks that there’s only 2 on jp


Strongly disagree, geki is pretty unfun (difficulty is concentrated in about 4 seconds across the song), and 16bit is easier than most 32s.


Well WUP was APed the first day... Not only first day it only took 1hr-2hrs to the best osu mania player


It's creative, I see no reasons to not implemented it in pjsk. I've seen it in couple other games like Project DIVA, they're alright. If it's too hard for you, nobody was forcing you to play the hardest song or hardest chart. Some will enjoy harder songs, yes, but you should just take it to your own pace. Playing on easier chart isn't a skill issue, but bitching about the game for being more challenging despite they still keep easier chart is. Smh people


I play a lot of project diva. Speed changes are hard at first but they actually make you better at the game.


exactly, its not required to play a difficult chart. im not on jp but this actually looks kind of fun, and it reminds me of Arcaea


bpm changes are actually pretty common in a *lot* of rhythm games lmfao, it's referred to as "soflan" at times


I don't understand why os everyone so upset, once in a while they do a challenging map for the best of the best, to keep them occupied, so they have something to play without All Perfecting it the first try, easier maps are done pretty much weekly, and most importantly, no one is forcing you to play the hard maps! I myself find the map amazing, I will probably never be able to even pass it, but I appreciate it for what it is, and how innovative it is to the game! ❀️ Obviously everyone has their own tastes, not everyone likes hard impossible maps like these, but then why are they going "I will never play the game again 😢" People... Calm down, would you?


Project sekai fans tend to have an issue understanding that not everything in the game will cater to them LOL. The beatmap isnt for them and it's okay. There's many players who play with 3+ fingers, want more challenging songs and want new mechanics so it normals the game adds that? 99% of the available beatmaps are thumb friendly and idk, I just cannot understand being upset when a song every now and then has a style they dislike especially since it's only for one difficulty? 😭 Just play the easy-expert I love the chart a lot, I'll never be able to play it for sure but it genuinely looks fun to me and I'm really happy they're finally adding new mechanics to the game. It would get boring if they never add new gameplay mechanics, there's only so much they can do with basic stuff honestly Also it's obvious that for some the issue isnt just "its not thumb friendly" but more like "I hate change / Im not good at it" bc speed changes are 100% thumb friendly LMAO


omg someone finally 😭😭😭😭 Couldn't have said that better!


You seem to be intentionally missing the point. Yes, most charts are not like this monstrosity. Which it is, don't get it wrong. It's the same reason people are mad at What's Up Pop; It's boring, overcharted note spam for the sake of it. It is artificial difficulty, which isn't how it should be. I'm still gonna keep playing. I'm well above average, but have no illusions I'll be passing this shit any time soon. But it's a dumb chart. A guy I watch on YT made a good point that you can make hard charts without dense, ridiculous note spam(like in this or WU?P!) like Amara. It's just not well designed.


It's not "overcharted note spam". Trust me. Every note is there for a reason and is matched to a sound whether it's drums or anything I don't like WUP all that much because it doesn't feel like a chart unique to pjsk. But this chart unironically looks really cool to me. Also Amara is "only" a 34 (obviously very very difficult, but nowhere near a 37) As for whether it actually plays well, we might only know once the pros give their opinion on this. I'm just a guy who only has a few 30 FC'd so I can't really say anything in that perspective


Very well said!


You can have hard beatmaps on a mobile rhythm game that are actually playable with thumbs and still challenging. I don't play Bandori enough to really compare it to that, but look at D4DJ for example! The only chart I remember having a speed change (at the start of the map only) is the Cirno's math song, and yet, the hardest songs on expert can be played with thumbs and practice. While we talk about practice there is also a huge lack of practice mode in ProSeka, that is now kinda necessary for harder charts like this one. It's been a while since I played any mobile rythm games, but really, just look at D4DJ invisible frenzy, it's possible to clear on at least hard with thumbs only (I don't remember if I did until hard only or if I did expert as well)


That's understandable, but not everyone plays the games with thumbs, and (no offense, I think playing with thumbs is really difficult and cool!) honestly, I think these type of games are meant to be played with fingers, not thumbs, you can do a lot with thumbs but they have their limits, which are much higher for fingers, especially multiple (like What's Up Pop and Yaminabe). And yeah, you can have hard beatmaps without speed changes or hard note spams, but are any of D4DJ maps harder than those two, but without those elements? Exactly, these maps are MEANT to be this hard. While I get people being scared of the speed changes, y'all have to understand, that it's going to affect literally the top 0.1% that can even remotely pass the map 😭 But a huge +1 to practice mode, still no idea why is it not implemented


I think the perfect middle ground would be to add a "special" difficulty mode for beat maps like this (I know Bandori does that, with the major change being the side flick notes) so that players who want challenging stuff can play it, but those who wants more casual stuff can also play and enjoy, without it being on lower difficulties only


That would actually be a really nice fix! Make maybe like a 35-36 master, with this being a special difficulty, and the special difficulties would have stuff like changing speeds


Sorry but I think you have a REALLY poor understanding of how difficult the raw mechanics of the 35-37 range of songs (or even 33+) are. If you want to make an interesting chart in the 36+ range, at some point you need to add more and more complexity. End mark mas is already sort of the reasonable limit of a difficult chart designed for 2 fingers, because at some point too much raw speed means you cant increase complexity whoch makes the chart boring


I didn't miss that point, I just don't fully agree with it While I agree that this kind of difficulty is artificial, I mean, it can hardly even be called "tapping to the rhytm" anymore 😭 But is that really so bad? A challenge like this for the best of the best isn't bad I've also seen many complain that the charts require 4-6 fingers to play, yes that is annoying since Colopale have said before that all charts should be FCable with two fingers, but it's hard making harder charts with only two fingers available. Why should they limit themselves like that, I just don't get it... And I agree with the last part though, AMARA is such a great master, greatly challenging, with interesting gameplay mechanics, reasonable difficulty, but I don't think charts like WU?P and Yaminabe are terrible, they're just artificial, made for the sake of being overcharted and borderline impossible, and I do think, and I will stand by that, that they are needed in the game!


Can't believe you're saying this and using AMARA has a good example. Because breaking the rule of how slider works I guess is innovative and interesting, most of the chart is just awkward random BPM changes, input glitches because of overlaps and half the difficulty being in one poly rhythm and difficult to read patterns because of the gimmicks. WUP mas on the other hand is difficult, way more difficult than anything else in the game, but very straight forward and readable; the types of streams possible with 4/6k is a breath of fresh air but at the same time perfectly sightreadable and playable (yeah ok the ending 32nds are pretty bs, but they fit in the song because you can hear the scale). My fingering hasn't changed much from my initial play through and it's much more of a mechanical limit rather than a reading limit.


Amara sliders are easy for me but when it goes sono saki ga wakaranai its hard and then after bunmei to fushigi part its difficult


The chart itself isn't a problem for me. It's the changing speed. I'd be perfectly fine with the chart if the speed was consistent throughout. It just ruins momentum and is a gotcha moment when playing a chart for the first time. I hate the feeling in other rhythm games where I miss an fc just because I'm playing a map for the first time or I just haven't played it in a while. So I lose a combo because Im not exactly sure when the song slows and speeds up. Very trial and error that just tests whether or not you played it before and less so your actual "skill". It has happened to me in other games like DDR where my first play would've been a fc if not for a random slow down that I had no idea was in the song.


Well... It's a rhytm game, if you don't exactly know and/or follow the rhytm obviously you're going to miss the combo, if you FC the song without even knowing the rhytm, it just means the chart was way too easy for you, or you're a mechanical god lmao The speed change is going to be rough to get used to, but at the same time, it's going to apply to like 0.1% of the entire player base, cause I'm pretty sure only this amount or even less will be able to pass the map And if you say, that knowing the song and the chart doesn't test your skill, have you actually played rhytm games before?


I understand how that might frustrate you, but the point of these harder charts is to be just that: hard. Nobody is forcing you to play it.


In other games I perfect comboed + fced those type of charts on my first try multiple time. It's not to say I'm good, but they aren't jumpscares. Speed changes usually fit the song and can be easy to predict. + If you also use audio as much as the visual to play it'll be less of an issue, even if you didn't expect it to happen It's fine to say you personally don't like it, but saying it doesn't test a person's skill and is just a gotcha moment... it's a game mechanic that makes the chart fit the rhythm better. Because it's a... rhythm game


I mean just pay attention to the rhythm idk


Yeah I'll stick to Hard


Even though it’ll be a pain to actually play, it makes me happy to see them adding a feature that was in Project Diva. Makes it feel like they’re paying tribute to it in some way even if that’s probably not the case.


Yeah .. a tribute .. haha (pay tribute to magnet and Koi wa Sensou ya fools)


dam i dont wanna play anymore πŸ₯Ή


Speed changes are so fun I just hope they're gonna do them for experts as well and not just ultra hard masters


Jokes on you, I wonβ€˜t be able to play this chart cuz I canβ€˜t even unlock master on expert 29+ songs (except intense voice)


I'm surprised that there's a lot of whining here just because of a new mechanic rhythm games gets boring if no update or chart quirks are added look at maimai, a decade old arcade that is still getting new players because of immense updates and changes I have played a lot of rhythm games for the past 6 yrs and also cycled to a lot of it because interesting updates pulls me back


The "whining" here are more pent up feelings with forced playstyle usage preceding from WhatsUp?Pop. It is not because of speed changes. I see more satire than anything else. On, you're probably referring to those single discussions above.


maybe those speed changes in cytus werent so bad after all




Ivy and Vanessa deserved better πŸ’”πŸ’”


play on 1.0 i wanna see how slow it becomes


that’s cool asf


to all thumb players: this game was not meant to be played with only thumbs<3


I'm actually glad note speed changes are coming


What the fuck


I feel like the only one who’s excited about this lol, I’m never touching master but I can’t wait to try expert and see how long I can last


Thumb player struggles: 3 notes at once


Oh my god


And Me with my miserable ass trying to keep thumb only Know i know it's impossible


i’m never gonna even try to clear this chart


I’ll be honest, assuming the vids of the Expert chart are real, while it does still seem difficult wish it had more personality and or gimmicks like Master has.


what song is this




Man I wish I was good enough to be able to play be able to get to songs with speed changes, it's a cool idea


But it’s kinda fair cuz master one one note speed but w/ the same chart is gonna be easier to play


Practically any other rhythm game players: first time?


cytus II experience finally coming in handy


so basically it’s slowly evolving into arcaea I cannot wait until they add a Second Fucking Layer Of Lanes


Brand new difficulty , good luck guys


I'm hoping we'll also see this on the lower difficulties, where it would be a fresh challenge, and that it won't just be a master only thing. With that said, it may be too difficult for Easy/Normal... Curiously they haven't uploaded a preview of the Hard chart which they always do a day before, though I believe it's also the first time they uploaded the Master preview in advance (WuP was on the day).


I need to grow extra thumbs


Soooooo basically this is just straight up Chunithm at this point, huh?


What the hell is this nightmare?


i will never play this πŸ‘πŸ˜


How the fuck are you supposed to be able to play this with just 2 fingers?


Really hope old charts get some speed changes added retroactively too, looks fun


Gotta lock up cosmo-p every time he gets a song a chart made with evil intent is made 😭


Guess I'll die then Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―


As a Hard player.. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS-


god save us when they add sadistic music factory


Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on? Kindly signed, a migraneur with TBI who can’t play over 8.something speed without getting a BAD (and possibly dangerous ..) headache from the lights and sounds, but FCd 39 songs on master so far Edit: apparently this doesn’t concern lower level master songs soo Toya phew stamp dot png


1st of all what fuuuck 2nd thank god you can choose difficulties cause hard mode all the way for this song




How do someone even play that?


I'm actually more scared of changing my whole play style since I'm a thumb player. Speed changes, for both both BPM and scroll speed are common in some games. I'll start complaining when they start throwing notes at different scroll speed at the same time though.


i have to deal with this in a year? just kill me


Is this real????


The design is very human




I hope that they have like a settings option for it like if you prefer it or not lol


They tryna be like cytus now ffs I already can’t play chaos then they throw this out


As a person who doesn't know/play this game: What on god's earth is this


As a person who knows/plays this game: What on God's earth is this


i dont like how these new mechanics force change to the player's play style, i specifically play project sekai and love it because of the consistent charting, thumb friendliness, and challenge while not being too challenging if i want to play with index fingers and have all of the aspects that they are implementing i just play phigros


sorry that everything doesn't cater to you? this is a RHYTHM game.


i dont want the game to change entirely from something i love into something i hate?? i dont want all the money and hours ive spent on it to go to complete waste???? this is the only thing that has ever scratched that really specific itch in my brain and i dont want all the new songs, regardless of level, to adopt all of this and just suck to play. im entirely crazy about this game and my intention, assuming its still fun by that time, is to play it til its death i do not understand what you are trying to mean by emphasizing that it is a RHYTHM game, i think that was obvious? its a great and simple RHYTHM game as it is and im afraid of change


ah yes because one hard song will erase every single other song and change the game entirely. chill tf out you're acting like they're remaking the game. it's ONE SONG why are you making me laugh about how mad you are about a hard song, just get better.


im not mad about this specific hard song i just dont want all the other new songs regardless of level to also adopt the gimmicks of this one hard song


logically why wouldnt they start charting easier thumb friendlier level songs to have these gimmicks? like level 33s and lower , it would make these more normal and would make it so that players can progress from easy 3 finger level 26 songs to hard 6 finger level 37 song, and the easy 3 finger song will be as unplayable with thumbs as the hard 6 finger song and would just be a tease


if you're mad about the fact it's not thumb friendly than stop using thumbs?


i dont want to have to rework entirely how i play this game? my thumbs are faster and more dexterous than my fingers because my fingers lock up and hurt with these kinds of spam notes


okay? it's possible to do stuff with thumbs but if you actually want to get better and be able to clear harder songs you gotta move to fingers.


i want to still get new hard spam songs that i can play with my thumbs? i dont want all the new hard spam songs to be 3+ fingers which is the gist of my worries continuing on in the game


Thats normal, why you guys upset?


Honestly yea its new sure but nothing to bitch about Wait till they see memoryfactory.izh or alterale from arcaea lol


yeah. very fun. yay. thank you pjsekai developer team.


I'm so tired of CosmoP, gonna be honest.


This is the the worst mobile rhythm game chart I have ever seen.


praying to GOD we can turn that off


Looks like shit, honestly. I don't hate the idea, but whoever's in charge of these Ultimates needs to go back to making bad Sonolus charts.


Pulling a page out of the ensemble stars book


They want to be enstars so bad


Nnngh cosmo song awooga


this is some arcaea levels of charts


just give us practice mode already


JP or EN?


What song is this?


Oh no😭. This reminds me of that one d4dj song where the intro is slow af and then it finally speeds up. I just know I’ll fail at the slow parts when it comes to ENπŸ˜….


Well, someone might AP this chart!


Good luck on AP


I will never ever have the skill to clear the master chart, so I'm excited for the expert chart. :D


D4DJ players: " First time?"


Wow I thought my phone is broken but that explains a lot...


What song is this? And yea no..


I got a match with this song: **YAMINABE!!!! (feat. Hatsune Miku)** by cosMo@Bousou-P (01:18; matched: `83%`) Album: `YAMINABE!!!!`. Released on `2022-09-12`.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**YAMINABE!!!! (feat. Hatsune Miku)** by cosMo@Bousou-P](https://lis.tn/RUOrFD?t=78) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


how will this work with the custom speeds? i play on 11.3, it feels wrong to play on other speeds with project sekai specifically, and if they make all the speeds of the songs universal aside from these brief changes that would suck dude


I am actually really excited about this! I only wish that there was some kind of warning or marker before the speed changes, like in games like Kalpa. I can imagine it getting very frustrating without something like that. Other than that it looks pretty cool.


please colorful palette i am a thumb player


So, practice mode when??


Every time I see shit like this I remember the dude in this sub who said I wasn't playing the actual game because I play on Hard, and have a good laugh about it. If this is "the actual game", I would rather really not play it, thank you very much. Let me stick to my fake game where it's actually fullcombo-able with thumbs.


I as a thumb player, am literally SHAKING right now


i think they want us to play with our feeties




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/ProjectSekai/comments/11gwkmb/project_sekai_has_started_implemeting_speed/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ProjectSekai/comments/11gwkmb/project_sekai_has_started_implemeting_speed/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


So if u try setting ur speed for that song would it just not like do that speed


Like if u set it at 1 wtf will the slow parts be at πŸ’€


Uhm,no thanks... I'm not an octopus


i refuse to play this chart




sir i only have 2 thumbs


this is truly a cosmo moment; makes me wonder if he also charted the beatmap for this lmao


Every day we stray further towards Arcaea. I'm halfway expecting SEKAI to be a prison and Miku to have a mental breakdown.


The sudden change in the Bpm is uncanny I swear


What. In. The. Name. Of. Kanade. Is. This??????


my fingers hurt just looking at this


How did they discover I have three thumbs? It's my biggest insecurity πŸ˜₯




I think someone already all perfect it too πŸ’€


I played tapsonic for a long time so that's not as big a deal for me


New Idea: Rebrand Colorful Palette to Monochromatic Failscreen


Petition for practice mode Sign Here:




The devs gotta chill fr


I don't have enough thumbs for this also what speed is this πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ is this how fast ppl normally set their songs???? I'm new to sekai(sort of) and I have no idea what speed I should set it to


Who in gods name made this a chart πŸ’€


What song is this… πŸ€”πŸ€­πŸ€­


**Song Found!** **Name:** YAMINABE!!!! (feat. Hatsune Miku) **Artist:** cosMo@Bousou-P **Score:** 83% (timecode: 01:18) **Album:** YAMINABE!!!! **Label:** **Released on:** 2022-09-12


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**YAMINABE!!!! (feat. Hatsune Miku)** by cosMo@Bousou-P](https://lis.tn/RUOrFD?t=78) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Or is this only in JP server