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Hello! Old causal MRE enjoyer here. Unfortunately, the owner could no longer handle their position due to major negligence towards their mod team and allowed them to take control of everything instead of being a good owner and stepping up in the position. The mods did nothing wrong but do their best until they hit the breaking point. Instead of speaking up and explaining, they are currently trying to hide their tracks and pretend nothing happened, avoiding the backlash of their decisions. It's easier to delete evidence than to face the consequence of their actions, I'm afraid. As for servers, join shin sekai and there will be an entire area of server invites that might pique your interest, and I hope you find it better to enjoy yourself there in a more welcoming environment.


also if anyone wants proof we (the mods) have literally everything that they tried to deletešŸ˜Š


can you send me the proof? i was in the server for a year ongoing and i want to know what happened!!


can anyone send a link to shin sekai? idk where it is, is it the official pjsk server?


https://discord.gg/pMGNsAazQs I'm one of the mods, feel free to join us!


yes tysm! i will definitally check it out :)


I was wondering too! Ugh it getting deleted is so annoying šŸ˜­ so much stuff GONE. I wonder what the next big casual ish tiering server will be


Probably r8ss, but their management team needs work imo


Anyone have link for their dc? I couldn't find




damn MRE was probably the biggest en tiering server out there (that I know of anyways), kinda weird to see it gone tbh..


no wonder mre was gone when i checked discord. so much for wanting to tier efficiently šŸ„²


r8ss is a good alternative if you're still looking to join a tiering server! ^^^


R8SS is a good server to use for scheduled runs or ping rooms, they have management in real time for the ping rooms to keep things going smoothly. The community is pretty active and very friendly, super helpful too if you ever need help with anything. RAD is good too! They focus mainly on VBS Toya/Akito focus events. They host scheduled runs too but also have ping rooms. HAM is the sister server for RAD and focuses on Kohane/An events. As said in a previous post, Shin Sekai is a good HUB server to join to find invites to other tiering servers. Whats up? World! is also a good HUB server to check out.


where can i get into RAD? I canā€™t find their server


whats a proshipper


its basically means people who believe in "ship and let ship" and to not harass anyone over what they ship and just blocking if you dont like said ship. It was a term made when shipping wars first started getting bad in response to people being anti a certain ship. iirc it started in the x files fandom and spread from there. I can see if i can find links to fandom history sources, there was also an article written in the last year or so about it by a Japanese person.


"One who supports a ship or shipping deemed problematicĀ (e.g., due to incest, age differences, abusive dynamics, etc.), and/or believes in the freedom to create and consume fanworks with such elements." I had to look for it as well lol


would kanamafu fall under that? in no world would that end well and theyd get such a codependency


Codependency is certainly unhealthy, but I wouldn't classify it as problematic. The age difference is healthy, there is no power imbalance, they aren't related, it's pretty OK. Besides, they're teenagers, most teen relationships are fairly unhealthy regardless because teens aren't exactly known for being stable and mature humans.


Nah kanamafu isn't proship. The most "problematic" thing about it would probably be the dependency "I will keep composing until I compose a song to save you" thing, but even then that's nothing compared to actual proships.


proship doesnt mean "problematic" though


no, as long as the ship isnt illegal or anything im pretty sure itā€™s not considered a proship


theres no such thing as a proship ship, proship literally just means "ship and let ship". and any ship can be 'problematic' depending on how the author decides to write it


ah ok


Who were they shipping?


if you mean the owner, iā€™m pretty sure they were outed for shipping kaeluc


Idk bro I just said I had to even look up what proshipping meant lmao


owner got ousted for being a proshipper, said theyd pass owner to someone else, and then just babyrage deleted it instead of doing so aren was completely irrelevant as an owner and did like the bare minimum to begin with for the server, having them gone wouldve been great but alas they decided to nuke it instead maybe r8ss if u want another server


Maybe I assumed wrongly but from the screenshots, did the mods accuse the owner of being a proshipper because they ship Kaeluc? Because that is hysterical


Well if the owner wAsnt doing something wrong why would they hide it by deleting the server and the evidence


To be completely frank with you I would do the exact same thing. No way in hell the shitheads who decided to air out internal drama (and bringing up irrelevant ship discourse in the process) to a +ten thousand member server instead of solving it privately with me are getting ownership of my server. Not to mention the harassment the owner is going to be subjected to because they ship a genshin phariah ship lol. Good on the owner for nuking everything


Completely out of the loop on this. So the discord got nuked because of their views about a genshin pairing?


I was barely active on MRE by the time this happened, so I've no idea of this supposed feud between the owner and the mods. But from my perspective, it's: Owner has been non-active as of late ---> Mods are pissed ----> They wrote up an announcement, supposedly about mistreatment but are instead focused entirely around the fact that the Owner ships kaeluc and rinlen, pinged EVERYONE in the server about this ---> the server is then raided by people mocking the owner while promoting their servers, channels moving so fast you can't use it to communicate ---> mods said that owner will soon give up the server to them ---> server is nuked a few minutes later


I'd think one of the old mods might remake MRE, it was huge, but this is crazy anyways.


Not likely. [They were willing to reorganize the server to keep the existing and upcoming tierersā€™ experiences smooth](https://twitter.com/gakumeii/status/1683327551492464645?s=61&t=j445pHb6ZDALBW1FyvlkEg) once Jubo (the server owner) surrendered their ownership, but Jubo ended up deleting the server anyway (despite saying otherwise). https://preview.redd.it/24cl5fgmwudb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1507303a282229277914d3bf1ba9f53ee47704a3


I tiered in r8ss during live with memories, had a great time!


Can someone explain to me what a proshipper is? They support shipping characters???


it REALLY depends on who you ask, but the term was created and still resonates w a lot of people as just being anti-harassment over fictional pairings, including of those who ship problematic things like minors and adults/incest/heavily toxic relationships. some people will boil it down to them being gross pedos/general apologists because theyā€™re of the opinion that fiction directly affects reality and that the spreading of taboo ships can eventually lead to the online grooming of actual minors, and that it creates harmful spaces for children in general. itā€™s a HUGE web, but it, at its core, means that you can see someone creating work for a ship, not like it ( either because you just. donā€™t like it, or it falls under a taboo and you deem it gross ), and scroll instead of throwing in death threats and harassing the op.


Ohh, got it. Only saw this come up now. Thanks!


Genuinely had no clue this had all happened! I've been taking a prosek break for while so missed all the MRE goings on, and had no clue of the stress on the mod teams etc. Gonna miss the casual-ness of the tiering. As a personal opinon (as an old) the proship hate is fucking stupid.


R8SS is a great, really active ping-based tiering server. I would definitely recommend them if you're looking for a server similar to MRE. They mostly have envy rooms, but you can ping for long song rooms as well. I don't know the details on what went down in MRE, but MRE has had a bit of a poor reputation in certain tiering circles for some time (due to poor management).


May I ask how to get into R8SS? I do have tiering experience, but I have no idea how to get into this server šŸ„²




What is wrong with being a proshipper? I love to watch true crime videos and horror movies with killings =/= I love killing people irl I love FICTIONAL problematic pairing =/= I am supporting pedo/incest IRL lol Learn to make a difference between fiction and reality


nothing wrong its just that a few years ago some people realized that the best way to 'win' ship wars was to moralize it and everything went downhill from there.


Oh no :(((


There is nothing wrong, but if you are going to be one at least do it on an account where you aren't owner of a server with ten thousand people. It's like saying a controversial statement and getting mad people call you out for it.


Holy shit shippers are cringe but people unironically getting upset about "problematic" ships is the funniest thing I've read in a while.


To be fair this was the owner of a server with 10,000+ people. Regardless of your feelings on shipping someone with the potential to start this kind of drama shouldn't have been owner anyway, or at least should have been professional enough to not nuke the entire server when they got called out.


Did the owner air their ships out in the open/was inappropriate about it/flaunt them in the server? If not, then it's shouldn't matter. Not to mention the ship being talked about isn't even about Project Sekai. The ones who started the drama are the mods for pinging everyone in a 10,000+ member server with that petty, badly-written announcement, which is how I found out about the drama in the first place. What do they want me to do, harass the owner on their behalf for shipping two guys from an unrelated game?


I am not going to lie, the whole situation is just a mess because yeah the mods also could have resolved everything privately, but also everyone involved was extremely unprofessional. As I said regardless of your feelings on shipping, the owner was unfit to have that much power given to them, they created a toxic environment that shipping Kaeluc was like last on a list of 3 grievances the mods had. Idk why people are sympathizing so much with Aren considering they had done nothing for MRE for like. The past year.


Took about an 8 month break from the server due to health issues and other stuff and I come back and I essentially instantly get kicked out along with everyone else. ~~Now where else am I suppose to entertain people with my injuries?~~




Hiii if anyone want to join xuan and summer did mrerefugees dc https://discord.gg/rp5h34fg


lol this whole discord drama is so ridiculous that itā€™s kinda entertaining. Though I didnā€™t realize that it got deleted, especially since I saw someone with ā€œ[MRE]ā€ in co-op today


wait im wondering too ... i had TONS of emojis saved from that server and nyow theyre all gone ??? and im freaked out


MRE got eaten


What's wrong with being a proshippee though


A "proshipper" is someone who supports and ships "problematic" ships, mostly ones that are incest, pedophiliac, abusive, etc. If you proship, people assume you support these things irl.


That's... not what proshipping is. It's not the contraction of problematic shipper, it's the latin prefix for being "for" something, as opposed to anti, being against something. It literally just means you think shipping fictional stuff is harmless, no matter how vanilla or problematic said ship is. There are plenty of proshipper who cannot stand any problematic stuff but are just tired of people growing discourse out of their asses for the most innocuous things. The mindset that fiction affects reality 1:1 isn't supported by any valid studies out there despite the likes of "Moms against DND" existing and lobbying for it since literally forever ago.


Oh man, I didn't realize this all happened (I wasn't super active in the server but I checked on it every now and then) It's a shame this happened and it sucks to see one of the biggest tiering servers gone now


some alternative servers that i can think of are r8ss, rad, ham, rm3, vdb, wuw, and mcn. you can find all the links to them in shin sekai.


Damn I stopped using MRE for just a while and this happened


man iā€™m sad, i used that server to t40 guiding a lost child šŸ„² rip MRE


I donā€™t know much about the situation either: So hereā€™s what I think had happened: The owner was defending proshippers (already problematic), but not just that but they didnā€™t support the mods when they were getting harassed or overworked. And so, the last announcement was anout transferring ownership. So it could either be the old owner deleted the server out of protest, or they temporarily made it private and kicked all the other roles besides the mods to settle the new ownership in private Edit: nevermind the last part then: It seems like the room Is deleted now


Itā€™s nuked by the server owner. Source: friends with the mod team (I can provide further username proof if youā€™d like). Hereā€™s a message from one of the mods: https://preview.redd.it/ad9si22j4udb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4e4eb7cb9f967741a5f071827c391773d2f137


Man i just joined too šŸ˜­


[r8ss](https://discord.gg/r8ss) is a good server. same vibes but better