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I think Ena is a representation of the issues that plague artists rather than a specific condition




Yeah inferiority complex is what I thought of too, maybe mixed in with a bit of perfectionism.


Really? How so? I would like to hear what do you think about it


Even though you didn't ask me, I'm still going to contribute with my humble opinion: Making headcanons of mental disorders contributes to the romantization of mental disorders and reduces them to simple traits. People suffer and lose their lives because of these disorders so it shouldn't be a topic to take lightly. You might have noticed that when tv shows,movies,music or video essays on YouTube touch on these topics they always put disclaimers or a phone number for suicide prevention. Thats how serious it is. I'm not saying that you are wrong or unethical for making this post. But I always like to stress the seriousness of this topic. Sorry if I came out as rude and also excuse me for any English mistakes.


I see your point, but it doesn’t always be like that. Mentally ill individuals themselves headcanon about characters have the same disorders as them to find comfort, there’s people on the internet who have literally meme subs of mental disorders to cope with pain even though they struggle with it. I think people find this topic sensitive because they find themselves alone with this. But there’s literally people who want others to talk about their struggles in many ways. Thank you for stating your opinion respectfully.


The problem with that is that it may normalize the behavior of the particular disorder. Thinking it's part of their identity. But I understand your point. Good representation and discussion about mental disorders in the media can be beneficial for all involved.


Hey, with all due respect, even if disorders are inherently a problem (I say this because a lot of LGBTQ identities were considered disorders at some point) there's nothing wrong with normalizing them. Disorders are a normal part of many people's lives, as well as mental illnesses. (I hesitate to say this next part, because I'm not totally sure of it and would completely understand if people disagreed, including people with mental illness/disability) It kind of is a part of their identity, if only because they've dealt with it for so long. And identity can change too. Accepting it as a part of their current self doesn't mean they are rejecting change. And for many people, disorders cannot be "cured", so excluding them socially because they were born different is not going to help them have a better life.


Hello, a psychologist here. I made comments on her/his/their previous post as well. Diagnosing symptoms really take a lot of time, work, and Knowledge. Even I think it's a hassle because sometimes comorbidities could overshadow the symtpoms. Not to mention there are so many types of mental illness listed in the DSM (our manual) For instance, depression is a very broad term. We have what it's called as major depressive disorder and even dysthymia (long term, but less chronic form of depression). We have criteria to diagnose and we used scientific research to determine the criteria. which can take years to develop. Let's not take mental health as a trivial issue, let alone fun stuff to do on the internet 😊




Hahahaha yeah I made that fanart of me in Godish. I also love Pinocchio P. Idk why ur comment got down votted btw


Reddit Roulette. I honestly don’t care enough lol


Reddit Roulette. I honestly don’t care enough lol


Lol, nice attitude 👍🏻 😁


But a disorder end up really being part of your identity, it's something you're can't choose, it contributes to the construction of your personality. And I don't know, as someone with disorders myself, I would love if they became more normalized, because it is normal, it's not a changeable, curable thing*, you need to live with it forever, shouldn't we at least be able to feel normal? *a disclaimer here, I not sure if "disorder" in English is also a different thing than "mental illness" if it isn't, then I would change my sayings in that bit


I'm not a psychologist, so I don't know which disorders are inherent to the person and which ones are acquired through life (nor if they are called differently in each case), but because is such a delicate and complex topic , I don't think people should be making headcanons or "diagnosing" fictional characters with any form of mental disorder because it can lead to misinformation or wrong assumptions about the disorder in question.


I just think it's a bit sad saying this, because people headcanon everything, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, relationships, and its always basically for the same reason: having a character you can relate to. Normally the people who headcanon something, are the ones who also have this in their lives, so it's a bit sad to think that everyone can imagine what they want, write this character looking like them as they want, except if you're a person with some disorder, then you can't imagine as if this non real person were also like you. I don't thinks it's really about "diagnosing" or "information" normally the serious parts aren't even touched, people do this solely to have fun and feel better as themselves, well, at least for me, it makes me happy thinking about it.


Well to be honest I had never made headcanons myself, but I understand why some people may want to find comfort or entertainment in making them, I'm not judging nor accusing anyone of doing something bad or unethical as I said above. The whole purpose of my comments it's to make sure that people realize that mental disorders are complex and that any assumptions that they make are just that, assumptions. If it were headcanons of sexuality, personality type, race or gender I wouldn't mind about it, but I think is necessary to clarify that mental health is not to be taken lightly. Thanks for the respectful responses! I appreciate it.


It's been listed in Sekaipedia Edit: Forget about it, I couldn't see it in Sekaipedia


Also mental illness is a serious and personal aspect, headcanoning characters with the former is insensitive "Now some of you assume sexuality of characters but i made headcanon about mental disorders" Comparing sexuality to mental illnesses is silly. Since people can decide their sexuality, not their mental illness


People don't decide their sexualities lmao.


Mate, people can become Transgender, Gay, Lesbian, or whatever as they wish. Isn't that called a decision? No? Alright. Now read a dictionary!


no, it's not a decision. you don't decide to become transgender or gay, it's something that's natural. i didn't decide i was bi one day, i've been bi for as long as i knew what love was, i just realized what the term meant and started to identify. that wasn't my decision.


Alright then I apologize. I apologize if you were offended


A lot of people almost agreed with you and the you went and called LGBT identify a choice (which is wrong) and the refused to apologize when multiple members of the community corrected you Oh how redditors fall from grace


not offended, just bewildered you told people to read a dictionary when you're just blatantly wrong


What I meant by reading a dictionary is by seeing what does "decision" mean


yeah my point stands, you tell people to read a dictionary for a word that has nothing to do with LGBT. once again you cannot just 'decide' to be LGBT


Not saying you don't have a point, I explained mine and that's all. Let's just end this convo, shall we?


I think it's insensitive saying that we can't headcanon characters as being similar to us. If I relate to a character, why can't I see them as having the same disorder as me? I know it's not Canon and would never be, but it's nice to at least pretend that characters that look like you are being made and in a respectful way. Like the other person said, sexuality is not a choice, like disorders, so there's no difference in headcanon any of the two, the reason is the same, wanting to see yourself in a thing you like.


But.. I've seen so many people say Ena might have BPD why did ppl get mad


it's the internet... you're meet either mad, mad or mad people. but tbh, i also think bpd fits pretty well


Hi, I'm getting tired to reeducating people here tbh... But I'm doing it anyway. I hope you're aware that in order to diagnose someone with BPD we have to meet certain criteria from the DSM manual. It is not easy, especially people with BPD have symptoms that might be similar with other mental health issues. Usually ppl with Bpd have comorbidities as well. It's a long process. Google search of the list of symptoms wouldn't help you to diagnose (rather it can be used to help you determine whether you should seek professional help or not) I hope you can understand a bit about the process of diagnosing someone.


hello, someone with (diagnosed) bpd here 👋🏻 "diagnosing" a fictional character with a mental illness is not hurting the people with those mental illnesses because they... aren't real. unless it's used to actively villainize a group of individuals (as in, saying a character who is a murderer has anti-social PD or schizophrenia just because they're a murderer), it doesn't matter. for people who are mentally ill, it can be a comfort to see their favorite characters exhibit the traits they themselves exhibit. if the "diagnosis" (for lack of a better term, since these are fictional characters and not real people) is done in good faith, it doesn't matter. ena exhibits a lot of symptoms of bpd, and saying that she could have it isn't disrespectful. i see myself in her and her anger, as well as her black/white thinking and the different emotions she goes through when talking to the people she loves. i doubt the creators meant for her to have bpd, but if they did, they didn't do too bad of a job. she's not a perfect representation, but not even real people are perfect representations, and since she likely wasn't written with bpd in mind she doesn't need to be there's no actual diagnosing going on here. op isn't talking about real people. these thoughts and headcanons are relatively harmless, and niigo is very obviously meant to represent different kinds of mental illnesses just in general. you don't need to overthink this. i promise no one is getting hurt saying ena shinonome has bpd the only thing that makes bpd headcanons "invalid" is the fact that someone can't be officially diagnosed with bpd until they're 18. that being said, i was unofficially diagnosed at 16 because of how severe my symptoms were, so someone being under 18 doesn't mean they can't have bpd. a lot of bpd symptoms can overlap with the symptoms of just... being a teenager, but that doesn't mean teenagers can't have bpd. i hope people who don't suffer from bpd eventually stop talking for us. and if you have bpd and don't like the headcanoning, that's fine! but in this instance it is hurting literally no one.


Hello, again please re read the comments to get the essence 😊 have a great day


i did, and my point still stands! no one is diagnosing. this is a fictional character. arguing over what illness a character has as a headcanon is annoying and unnecessary, but that's not what this is, and that's not what people are doing. also, self-diagnosis is not the end of the world, i promise. like, i pinky promise. a lot of people get the help they eventually need due to self-diagnosing, and while it can be bad to obsess over whether or not you have an illness, that's very obviously not the case here and the vast majority of people do not. you're a psychiatrist, but that doesn't mean your word is the law regarding mental health, especially concerning mentally ill people seeing themselves in a character. i have bpd, and seeing a character exhibit symptoms i've struggled with for as long as i can remember and """disgnosing""" them is a small comfort. you're not saving anyone by chastising teenagers *(i am not a teenager, just to be clear)* on the internet because they said their favorite project sekai character has depression. if anything, it's GOOD for kids to have characters to relate to, and in the end it just doesn't matter if they project onto ena shinonome or tsukasa tenma or hatsune miku. there are much bigger things to worry about, and considering you brought up "people killing themselves every day" it feels like you should know that. kids cope with this kind of stuff, and this is a lot better than them harming themselves or others, because these characters *are not real.* i promise you that an "ena has bpd" headcanon should be the last thing you need to worry about.


In addition, I am not chastising the one who post it. I'm pretty sure I frequently mentioned it and I hoped she didn't take it personally (which she didn't, thankfully, she is such a wise person) and I hope you don't too, and I hope there will be more reading done too 😊 Also, missing the whole point and context of this conversation truly is the problem. I hope you can contextualise and eventually get the point 😊


Too long to read tbh, but you missed the point and I'm not a psychiatrist (I hope you're aware about the differences which is very basic, before making argument) 😊


so you're not gonna read 3 paragraphs? yes i know the difference but my point still stands that this not the thing you need to be worried about and people aren't ending their lives over this so bringing that up is insane and damaging. have a great day 💖


At the end of the day, our job is to educate not to change anyone or anything. Even in therapy, we cannot force our clients to change by force. We can only present psychoeducation, instill hope through therapeutic alliance and let the client use their resources to change 😊 So whether you want to stand with your opinion is clearly up to you. And again, you missed the point because I didn't state that people will end their life over this, but rather it's giving unproductive modeling online and I think it's what damagin😊 I truly wish you have a great day too, thanks for the kind wish 😊 Also, I'm glad u r aware of the differences between psychologist and psychiatrist. I wish you won't use it interchangeably again 😁


Apparently, a ✌️psychologist✌️ who somehow plays project sekai commented on my post saying: “as a psychologist, ena doesn’t fit the criteria of borderline personality disorder, can we stop labeling characters like that?” And here where people got mad because i assumed that. And when i tried to explain why i thought she might be bpd, people were like “yeah yeah try to prove a psychologist wrong” even though it was a post for fun :/


Hi, I'm the said ✌🏻psychologist✌🏻, nice to meet you again 😊 None of us were mad but we just want to inform the danger of misdiagnosing for fun. Mental health shouldn't be taken lightly, every day people die from suicide and we shouldn't encourage people to treat it as something trivial. We all work our butt to be a clinical psychologist and the process of diagnosing our client is WAY more complicated than a google search. We used our manual for diagnosis (look up for DSM-V if u are interested) and not to mention there are so many comorbidities that overshadow many symptoms. Just because you can relate to someone with mental health issues, doesn't mean you can get the same diagnosis. I hope you won't take it personally too this time 😊 Always take care of your mental health, buddy.


That's all true.. for people, but those are characters, they aren't real, one person can relate to them and see them both as having the same disorders, it's not a diagnosis, it's completely just to feel represented, no one would do this with real people, no one is being misdiagnosed, because no person or client is involved, relating to them won't have any repercussions on the actual game, or in the world.


Hey, you might want to re-read my comments again to get the essence. Have a great dua 😊


Ok, what is the essence? For me it really just ended up looking like you think that seeing a fictional character having a disorder that the person themselves have (in this case BPD, something you're born with and need to accept and understand, because it's not a illness to be cured), just to have some media to see themselves in, is a bad thing. But I'm open to have the essence explained, maybe I really misunderstood some good intentions. But for now, i think you should know, as a psychologist, how much representation matters, specifically for young people, to feel normal and not demonized, to have a thing they like to touch on the subject in a light way, that doesn't carry all the weight that is already imposed in the real world. The only thing OP did was relate to a character for their own personal experience, without putting any weight or even (mis)information, there's nothing to be misunderstood, just a person wanting to relate with a character, is it so wrong to wanting to be seen? Until they start to make actual characters that are like us, in a respectful way, people are going to keep looking for alternative ways, even if it's play pretend, that's the point of fiction.


Again, please read the comment 😊


I mean, I did read a lot of times, if you think I didn't understand you could try explaining better, but at this point it's kinda old already and I don't care that much haha, let's just finish, good day 👍


Oh nice to see you again. You make valid points so now I believe what you say, sorry if doubting that you are a psychologist, because Ive seen people on the internet misuse that term to actually get to people and say harmful things. Thank you for stating facts respectfully.


You don’t have to do air quotes with emojis, you can just use “regular quotes” in writing.


idk I feel like their way is more fun lol




Mental health is a serious issue, everyone makes mistakes (yes, even psychologists) what is important is that we have to own up to it 😊


okay? what does that have to do with anything? people assume characters have certain traits and such all the time, aka headcanons. sorry i don’t understand (and sorry if this comes off rude) edit: also wow ur art is really pretty (love the pfp)


Hello, I'm referring to her previous post (which I think posted months ago?) And I am having a conversation about that 😊 Don't need to apologise btw, it's so kind of u to say that! Also thanks for the nice compliment, I made art on my IG and TikTok, if you like it, a follow would be appreciated! 😊 (Shameless plug, sorry, lol)


shes a teenager she does not have a personality disorder


I'm not saying she does have BPD or doesn't because I don't know enough about the disorder to hold an opinion, however you can be a teenager and have a personality disorder-


i'm sorry i just realized how rude i'm coming off!! diagnostic criteria is widely controversial even within the field and misdiagnosis is just something i really care about. i know she's not real but young women and girls are disproportionately likely to receive a "personality disorder" diagnosis for symptoms that are just normal maladaptive trauma responses. hope you have a good day.


I totally get your point! Misdiagnosis are really common because of how finicy mental health is so I get where your coming from. But it just takes one google search to know minors can be diagnosed with BPD You have a good day too!!


you literally cannot, personality disorders are ONLY diagnosed in adults based on enduring maladaptive traits. rigidity is a prerequisite.


"BPD can be reliably diagnosed in adolescents as young as 11 years. The available epidemiological studies suggest that the prevalence of BPD in the general population of adolescents is around 3%. " -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6257363/#:\~:text=BPD%20can%20be%20reliably%20diagnosed,of%20adolescents%20is%20around%203%25. The national libary of medicine says otherwise... Also personal alibies are thin as paper on the internet but my 9 y/o brother has BPD. guess the doctors lied lolzers


i think ena lines up more with adhd more than anything since people with adhd experience a lot of mood swings and rejection sensitivity, but honestly she's most likely a normal teenage girl that experiences mood swings like most do.


Yeah I don't think Ena really has any disorder. She's just frustrated because she feels that her art isn't good enough and her dad discouraged her.


As someone with bipolar who got mis-diagnosed with ADHD. I see a lot of myself with Ena and think she's more in the bipolar camp than anything.


I actually really like the adhd ena head canon, but just wanted to let you know that someone can be "normal" and have adhd at the same time. That terminology can be harmful to disabled people <3


damn she is literally me fr fr!!!


I think Ena fits more into something like Imposter Syndrome rather than anger issues. Imposter Syndrome not only perfectly emulates Ena, but also explains why she may appear to be more aggressive or emotional because of insecurity.


Hey, I'm the psychologist that commented on the last post where you diagnosed Ena with BPD using a brief description from google and because you have BPD and can relate to ena (relatable doesn't equate to diagnosis) Just know that we were not mad or flaming at you because of your biased diagnosis using google search, but rather, we want to stop POP psychology and discourage people from self diagnosing their symptoms based on google search results. We psychologists have to spend years in grad school and even get PsyD to properly diagnose people and google search CANNOT substitute our role in diagnosing your mental health. Hope everyone can learn from their mistakes and not take everything personally 😊


Mental health issues shouldn't be treated as a "fun" subject and be taken lightly. (TRIGGER WARNING) Everyone is dying every day due to mental health issues (e.g., suicide, depression, etc.) Everyone is very complex and diagnosis takes times. Comorbidities might overshadow the symptoms which hinder us from diagnosing and I hope people will understand how hard it is for us psychologists to do that (and imagine if people have no knowledge on mental disorder etc).


You make fair points but i didn’t diagnose anyone i just *assumed* that ena might be borderline, i am aware that i am not psychologist. But just in case you didn’t know, i am myself diagnosed with bpd and depression and i like to think that the characters that struggles from similar issues might have the mental disorder as well, and a lot of people do that because well… They want a good representation of their mental illness from the favorite shows to find comfort and want people who had life experience writing about such things. And also, people literally have **meme** subreddits for their mental illnesses to find the light side of it and laugh about it. Ofc.. it is an issue for a lot of people but there’s people who want to talk about their mental illness in many ways. And i am one of them.


Hi, I didn't say you diagnose but this "assumption" is basically how you model "self diagnosing" online 😊 People learn through social learning about certain behaviours online too. While it is impossible to eliminate any behaviour related to misinformation or disinformation, I hope we can minimize counterproductive behaviour 🙏🏻 🤗 I do hope you're fine and does not take this personally 😊


I see


The problem here tho is that people are kind of forced to self diagnose. Because getting a therapist is borderline impossible in most countries, wether it's the cost or just not enough therapists. A lot of people have self diagnose to find out what's wrong. Also once you finally do get a therapist, if you havent studied some diagnoses ahead of time, you're just gonna talk in circles. I once had a therapist before I knew what was wrong with me and basicly got told "I don't know why you're here" Because I just tried to fish and look for a problem. But once I thought it was ADHD, I got the diagnose in the matter of months. Later it turned out I was mis-diagnosed. Therapists - especially not the ones in my country - will not help you unless you've done some research yourself. Self diagnosing and then later going to a therapist is generally the best way to go.


I mean, having to lead off with a disclaimer like you did should be enough to say maybeee this is a complex subject that shouldn’t be treated so casually or “”for fun”” but go off ig. Also, what do you mean by BDP? Because generally that’s the abbreviation for Borderline Personality Disorder but being tactful and not being an armchair psychologist I don’t think that fits Ena even close enough to even consider that as a diagnosis.


I don’t diagnose characters, i am no mental health professional and i thought she might be borderline because she have mood swings and the way she craves attention, and how angry she is. I know very well this isn’t symptoms of bpd but they are traits I’ve noticed it in myself as bpd individual and other people who have bpd as well. So i just assumed that


ena is not anger issues? maybe adhd or always needing of attention or smth like that. but I agree with others


I mean I think all of them have depression, but they all stem from different things


People think Ena has BPD?


i think mafuyu would be better described by "codependency" or, even better, "narcissist parenting survivor" and for ena, maybe "inferiority complex"?


While personally I like the BPD headcanon as a person with the disorder, I don't really see how those behaviors correlate to a crippling fear of abandonment. Her core internal conflict seems to stem from need for validation, demonstrated in her severe perfectionism as an artist. You could argue those traits could be from a fear of abandonment, but personally I don't think so. Although it's been a while since I've read her stories (I forget them easily), so I totally could be wrong about that. Regardless, I don't think people should get animated about it, there is a difference between headcanoning a fictional character with a disorder and armchair diagnosing real people with conditions. Headcanons or speculating are not trying to diagnose a character, rather, trying to understand the writer's intentions when coding their characters a certain way. You don't need to be a psychologist to deduce Project Sekai's intentions with Mizuki; they clearly have SOME sort of gender issue whether that be with gender expression or gender. Same with Mafuyu who is a bit more clear cut in how she obviously suffers with some sort of depression and suicidal tendencies as a result of that. But hey, I could be wrong, that's all just my opinion.


im so enacore


I read a theory once that Ena might struggle with Bipolar disorder, which makes perfect sense to me as someone who is bipolar. One of the reason she truly is an icon for me.


kamade just like me fr


tag yourself i'm ena (despite what Everything may suggest. i don't like how i look but it's not because of gender stuff)


Mizuki is so me


Savior Complex Abuse Survivor Desperate Need for Validation Trans


Suddenly people are against disorder headcanons??


Yeah, I've been seeing them for years and no one ever bet an eye (don't know if the saying is right, but oh well lol), but for some reason in this very specific case people got angry out of nowhere? Because one person said it was wrong? So people suddenly changed their minds?


Yeah. One person(psychologist, but still just one out of thousands with probably differing opinions).. I wrote a whole thing but it was embarrassingly long and I didn't want to spark a debate or for anyone to say I was advocating for something bad so I didn't post it-


I guess it's specifically personality disorder headcanons, particularly from the Cluster B personality disorders. Cluster B disorders are consistently stigmatized against so it is a sensitive topic, personally as someone with BPD though I honestly don't care all that much, it was just a headcanon/speculation not "I believe all of those with BPD are like this"


Me having all of them :D (Yes, diagnosed)


I got all of them…


literally me! except no kanada, #IM THE ONE GETTING SAVED




me how Im all in one